Catania - Catania

Catania dall'alto
Coat of arms and flag
Catania - Stemma
Catania - Bandiera
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Mappa dell'Italia
Tourism site
Institutional website

Catania is the capital of the metropolitan city of the same name Sicily. The city is the second most populous city in Sicily, after Palermo, and also an illustrious place in the history of Italian literature and music.

To know

Geographical notes

The city rises on a plain on the shores of the Ionian Sea, and on the southern slopes of the volcano Etna, in the northern part of the Gulf of Catania, on the eastern coast of Sicily, north of the mouth of the Simeto and the Plain of Catania. The Municipality of Catania is part ofGeographical area Vallo di Noto, of the Agricultural Region n. 8 - Plain of Catania and the administrative region Metropolitan city of Catania.

The Simeto, Gornalunga and San Leonardo rivers flow into the Gulf of Catania; and various streams, such as the Acquicella, the Buttaceto, the Forcile gully and the Benante canal. The buried river also flows into the port of Catania Amenano which waters also feed the Amenano Fountain (Sicilian: Aqua ô linzolu) in Piazza del Duomo.

When to go

Maximum (° C)171720232832353531272217
Minimum (° C)671012151921221915117
Precipitation (mm)515046351963423495659
Light (h / day)09:5310:4511:5413:0714:1014:4114:2713:3412:2211:0910:0709:37
Water temp. (° C)161516182123262726232118

Source: Air Force Meteorological Service

Thermometer R (20 x 20 px).png The hottest month (August) has an average temperature of 28.5 ° C.

Thermometer B (20 x 20 px).png The coldest month (January) is very mild, with an average temperature of 11.5 ° C.

WaterdropOS Logo.png The annual average relative humidity is 69.9% and the monthly average relative humidity ranges from 64% in July to 76% in December.


The frequentation of the area where Catania now stands is (in the light of the archaeological excavations) dating back to the Copper Age.

The city of Katane it was one of the first Greek colonies of the Sicily, founded according to Thucydides, between 728 and 729 BC. by the Chalcidian Greeks led by Tucle and set sail from Naxos, on a site already occupied by indigenous peoples.

Thanks to the victory achieved in the Punic Wars in the III-II century a. C., the Ancient Romans gained islands such as Sicily and the city of Catania was rewarded for its loyalty.

The barbarian invasions saw the Vandals arrive in Sicily fromAfrica and loot all the cities of the island a little.

In 535 d. C. Sicily was conquered by Byzantines, which left evident traces in the religious architecture of the churches; the legend of Heliodorus, a magician openly fought by the Church, enemy of Bishop San Leone and who ended up burned at the stake: from his name derives "U liotru", a term that in dialect indicates the elephant, a symbol of the city since prehistoric times.

The Islamic conquest of Sicily began in 827 AD. C. and in 875 Catania became part of the Arab Caliphate of Sicily: the city at that time was known by the name of Bilad-el-fil is Medinat-el-fil, that is "city of the elephant". It was at that time that the agricultural landscape of Catania began to take shape with the importation of new crops from the East, including lemon and bitter orange (the sweet orange was brought to the Mediterranean five centuries later by the Portuguese), and new irrigation techniques.

In 1071, i Normans conquering Sicily, they took possession of Catania, destroying the minarets with the papal consent and converting mosques into churches, also interrupting the traffic with theAfrica and impoverishing the city. Even the splendid Arab palaces disappeared, being modified and making it impossible to distinguish their original function. In 1078, the Normans started the construction of the Cathedral in Arab-Norman style and inserted in the fortifications, around which the city center was built. Great beneficiary of feudalism was the church, and in particular in Catania the Benedictine order, whose abbot also became bishop and lord of the city.

In 1169, a lava eruption from the southern flank of theEtna it produced a flow that reached the sea near the current district of Ognina. At the same time, a disastrous earthquake shook and razed the city and over 15,000 citizens died.

In 1232, following the participation of the Catanesi in the anti-Swabian uprising, Frederick II deported the inhabitants and ordered the destruction of the then city allowing only the construction of wooden and mud houses. However, just seven years later, Catania became the city of the royal state property: a condition that allowed it to escape the feudal oppression of the bishop. The city, declared loyal to the crown, obtained various privileges including liberalization from the bishop's yoke and the restoration of the ancient symbol, the elephant, as the city's banner. In the southern area of ​​the inhabited area, the Ursino Castle was also built, seat of imperial offices and residence of the same sovereign.

In 1282 the city was among those who rebelled against the Angevins during the Sicilian Vespers, thus managing to request the Aragonese dominion of Peter III, as he was married to the only heir of the Swabian Frederick II. The legend of Gammazita dates back to this period, a girl who threw herself into a well in order not to succumb to the blackmail of a French soldier.

In 1294 the seat of the Sicilian Parliament stopped in Catania, where in 1347, at the Ursino Castle, the peace of Catania was signed to put an end to the war between the Angevins and the Aragonese and the related territorial claims of the kingdom of Sicily and Naples, also if the hoped-for results were not obtained, as hostilities resumed and there was also a naval battle off the port of Ulisse in 1356 (Ognina's check).

In 1381 there was another eruption that threatened the city, but which, according to the most recent studies, it is difficult to reconstruct the route.

In 1434 the seat of parliament moved again, this time to Palermo, and Catania was rewarded by King Alfonso V of Aragon (known as the magnanimous) with the construction of a University, which was approved by the Pope in 1445.

View of Catania (1575)

In 1479 began the process of unification of the kingdoms of Castile and León and of Aragon in the realm of Spain, whose period was not so prosperous for the city. In the sixteenth century the emperor Charles V had the surrounding walls built.

In 1669, on the southern flank of Etna there was an eruption (lasting 112 days) whose lava filled the lake of Nicito, and flowing unstoppable to the sea along the south side of the city unguarded the ramparts, also filling the moat of the castle .

In 1693, a strong earthquake devastated the city, and almost all of south-eastern Sicily. The destructions destroyed the traces of the ancient city resulting in a reconstruction in Sicilian Baroque style. During the operations to clear the rubble, two wide streets were opened: the Uzeda road (today Etnea) and the Reale or del Corso road (today Vittorio Emanuele II).

In 1713, with the war of the Spanish succession, the Italian possessions passed to the Savoy who ceded Sicily in 1720 to the Habsburgs of Austria. Following the advance of the Bourbons in 1734, the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily finally passed to the latter. The change in the architectural style of the city is due to this last historical event: Sicily, no longer viceroyalty, regained its autonomy, emphasized by the buildings: the sober facade of the Cathedral (designed before 1734) was counterbalanced by the pompous Porta Ferdinanda (now Garibaldi), erected in honor of the marriage between Ferdinand I and Maria Carolina of Austria.

Following the Napoleonic advance in Europe, Sicily was the seat of the English protectorate in the 1810s. On that occasion the first Italian constitution was promulgated in the island in 1812, inspired by the model of Magna Carta. During this period his first Anglican church was built in Catania and on theEtna the first refuge was inaugurated (on a pre-existing now dilapidated hut) called precisely home of the British.

With the Congress of Vienna Sicily was assigned to the government of Naples to form the Kingdom of the two Sicilies. Struck by two earthquakes (in 1818 and 1848) and by cholera, it participated in the first European uprisings against the Bourbon monarchy. In this phase most of the leading Catania literati are formed, some of whom are considered fathers of Italian literature.

In 1860, Giuseppe Garibaldi landed in Marsala freeing the island from Bourbon rule; Catania, as evidenced also by the novel The Viceroys, was particularly active in the Garibaldi front and shortly thereafter the Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed, of which Catania with the whole island followed the fate.

At the end of the nineteenth century Catania was noted for the sulfur refinery, which had its headquarters in the chimneys. In 1913 the sulfur market went lower and lower due to competition from the Texan one: for this reason the refinery was closed.

In 1924 the Catania-Fontanarossa Airport was opened, but otherwise there were no relevant results for the economy of the city. The bombings suffered during the Second World War were evident. After the Second World War there was a demographic and building increase in the city, which led to the name Catania la Southern Milan.

In 2002, together with the seven municipalities of the "Val di Noto", the historic center of Catania was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO for the splendor of its baroque style buildings.


If you ask a Catania citizen what is special about his city, he will probably describe Catania as a beautiful city, but Catania is much more than that, because Catania, even if full of problems, is at the same time lively, lively and welcoming. As the song by Giuseppe Castiglia says "Catania, figghiozza d'o patri eternu", Catania blesses lovers, puts on make-up and combs her hair for foreigners, Catania dances because she is happy. For its citizens this is normal and perhaps only those who are used to traveling and seeing other cities can really understand how special Catania is, which is the most lively city in Sicily, with a nightlife (nightlife) particularly sparkling. This is also due to the fact that for the most part the people of Catania know how to be and often show themselves to be sociable and know how to break the ice; and so not infrequently they talk to everyone, even with those they don't know. Of course, unpleasant and lonely people can also be found here, as in the rest of the world, but in general Catania is an open and smiling city; a "Barcelona of eastern Sicily" with a Sicilian style all of its own.

How to orient yourself

37 ° 29′33 ″ N 15 ° 5′14 ″ E
Catania center

At the central point of eighteenth-century symmetries and perspectives, on the 1 Piazza del Duomo where they cross the 2 via Vittorio Emanuele with the 3 via Etnea, is the fountain placed by the architect Vaccarini as an urban emblem, with the Roman elephant made of lava stone, for the Catanese the Liotru, or the Byzantine necromancer Heliodorus.

There via Etnea, The representative road of the rich city bourgeoisie, is a long straight road axis built after the great earthquake of 1693. Originally called via Uzeda, crosses Catania from south to north, and then arrives at Tondo Gioeni with a perspective on the mountain of the volcano Etna.

A little further south of Piazza del Duomo (or Piazza Duomo) are there 4 via Pardo and the Piazza Alonzo di Benedetto where the ancient fish market is held (Piscarìa in Sicilian), which has become a primary tourist attraction in Catania. Also south of Piazza del Duomo is there 5 Federico di Svevia square at the center of which stands the Ursino castle which houses the municipal museum.

Another interesting street in the center is 6 via Crociferi running parallel to via Etnea. Built in the same period, it is one of the most monumental streets; with eighteenth-century palaces and baroque churches that flank it. At its inception, theArch of San Benedetto which unites the two buildings of the Great Abbey.

Catania Centrale train station is further east at the bottom of 7 Course Sicily.

The longest straight road axis of the city, up to the sea, is composed of the two segments of 8 Viale XX Settembre, which stretches up to the vast 9 Giovanni Verga square, with the Fontana dei Malavoglia, from where the larger and more tree-lined, 10 Corso Italy.


      Historic center of Catania - It is the oldest district of Catania; it was the district of Princes and Fishermen, and the center of the medina at the time of the Arab caliphate.
      Borgo-Sanzio - Modern neighborhood just north of the historic center and landlocked.
      Northern suburbs - Includes all the districts north of the city, the San Giovanni Li Cuti promenade and the Ognina.
      Southeast suburbs - Includes the suburbs to the east and south of the city. The airport is also located here.

How to get

By plane

Fontanarossa Airport "Vincenzo Bellini" withEtna on background

The city of Catania is easily accessible from various Italian, European and non-European cities thanks to the presence of"Vincenzo Bellini" International Airport in Fontanarossa which manages national flights for all Italian cities, for the main European destinations and various international locations.

On the train

Trenitalia stations

  • Italian traffic signs - icona stazione fs.svg11 Catania Acquicella station, Piazza Acquicella Station, 10. Simple icon time.svgTimetable. Station of the category silver, managed by RFI (FS). Station without assistance service for People with Reduced Mobility. Stazione di Catania Acquicella su Wikipedia stazione di Catania Acquicella (Q3969336) su Wikidata
Catania Central Station
  • Italian traffic signs - icona stazione fs.svg12 Catania Central Station (Catania Cle.), Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII. Simple icon time.svgTimetable. Station of the category gold, managed by Centostazioni (FS). Station with assistance service for Persons with Reduced Mobility (upon telephone notice). Stazione di Catania Centrale su Wikipedia stazione di Catania Centrale (Q1093710) su Wikidata
  • Italian traffic signs - icona stazione fs.svg13 Bicocca station, Passo Cavaliere municipal road. Simple icon time.svgTimetable. Station of the category silver, managed by RFI (FS). Station without assistance service for People with Reduced Mobility. Stazione di Bicocca su Wikipedia stazione di Bicocca (Q3969037) su Wikidata
  • Italian traffic signs - icona stazione fs.svg14 Catania Ognina station, Via Feudo Grande, Ognina. Simple icon time.svgTimetable. Station of the category bronze, managed by RFI (FS). Station without assistance service for People with Reduced Mobility. Stazione di Catania Ognina su Wikipedia stazione di Ognina (Q28966224) su Wikidata
  • Italian traffic signs - icona stazione fs.svg15 Catania Europe station. Stazione di Catania Europa su Wikipedia stazione di Europa (Q28966211) su Wikidata

Circumetnea stations

  • 16 Catania Borgo station. Stazione di Catania Borgo su Wikipedia stazione di Catania Borgo (Q3969337) su Wikidata
  • 17 Cibali station. Stazione di Cibali su Wikipedia stazione di Cibali (Q3969339) su Wikidata
  • 18 Nesima station. Stazione di Nesima su Wikipedia stazione di Nesima (Q3969341) su Wikidata

By bus

Road distances
PKW aus Zusatzzeichen 1052-36.svg

The bus lines stop in Catania in the parking lot of the Catania central bus station.

  • Italian traffic signs - icona autostazione.svg19 Catania bus station, via della Libertà, 1-21 (corner via Archimede). Central bus stop for buses and some extra-urban buses.

Italian traffic signs - icona autobus urbano.svg Extra-urban and national bus lines with stops in the municipal area of ​​Catania managed in collaboration by the companies Flixbus, SAIS is Segesta, for Eurolinee / Eurolines.

By car

Catania is easily accessible via motorway links:

  • from the north from the highway A18Messina-Catania and the SS114.
  • from the south from the freeway Syracuse-Catania.
  • from the west from the highway A19Palermo-Catania.

On boat

Port of Catania seen from the plane
  • 20 Port of Catania, Port of Catania, 39 095 531 667 (port authorities). Ecb copyright.svgrates per length. Simple icon time.svgcontinuous access. The Port consisting of an artificial basin protected to the east by the eastern pier and to the south by the south pier is divided into three areas: Porto Vecchio - Porto Nuovo - Porto Peschereccio. Seabed: muddy on the quay from 3 to 8 m. Radio: VHF channel 16 - 11 Catania Harbor Master's Office Radio, continuous service. Prohibition of anchoring / mooring at commercial docks.
The port of Catania can be reached with direct connections from Naples and semi-direct from Valetta on the island of Malta;
  • Italian traffic signs - icona traghetto.svgValletta - with the shipping company Virtu Traghetti.
Boarding tickets for Virtu Traghetti can be bought from Virtu Ferries, Central Pier, Port of Catania, 39 095535711, fax: 39 095535621, @. Open 2 hours before boarding the bus for the port of Pozzallo, from where the catamaran leaves for Valletta.
Boarding tickets for the TTT Lines can be bought from Navigerum Travel, Molo Crispi, quay 8, Port of Catania (Former Doganella building), 39 095348586, 800 627 414, fax: 39 095341809, @. Local agent in Catania of the shipping company TTT Lines for the purchase of passenger boarding tickets.
The ferries to and from Salerno land at the central jutting pier in port of Catania
Furthermore Catania is the destination of numerous cruise ships, of the Costa Cruises and of the MSC. Porto di Catania su Wikipedia porto di Catania (Q3909225) su Wikidata
  • 21 Port of Caito (Rossi touristic port), Picanello-Ognina, 39 095374966, 39 095383992, fax: 39 095382995. Ecb copyright.svgrates per length. Simple icon time.svgcontinuous access. Seabed: rocky on the quay from 1 to 3 m. Maximum boat length: 25 meters. Radio: VHF channel 16 - 11 Catania Harbor Master's Office Radio, continuous service. Boaters can moor at the docks and piers for 250 m. Porto Rossi su Wikipedia Porto Rossi (Q3909216) su Wikidata
  • 22 Port of Ognina (Porto Ulisse), Picanello-Ognina (three miles NE from downtown. It is advisable to enter by passing about 30 meters from the red lantern heading north.), 39 095494152. Ecb copyright.svgrates per length. Simple icon time.svgcontinuous access. Rocky and muddy seabed on the quay from 1.5 to 3 m. Radio: VHF channel 16 - 11 Catania Harbor Master's Office Radio, continuous service. Porto Ulisse su Wikipedia Porto Ulisse (Q3909184) su Wikidata
  • 23 Port of San Giovanni li Cuti. Fishing port. Porto di San Giovanni li Cuti su Wikipedia porto di San Giovanni li Cuti (Q3909280) su Wikidata

How to get around

By public transport

Underground and Circumetnea railway

rightThe route of the circumetnea and its stations
  • 24 Circumetnea Railway Administration (Circumetnea), via Caronda, 352 a, 39 095541111, fax: 39 095431022, @. It departs downtown, from the port, as a subway. After as an extension of the subway it exits to the surface and goes from the center to the west and then north (about 111 km) surrounding the territory of the Monte Etna and reaching up to Riposto. Bicycles can also be transported there.

Surface public transport

In the city of Catania, especially in the areas of the city center, you can move with the bus lines from the Catania Metropolitan Transport Company (AMT).

  • The 1 € ordinary AMT ticket allows unlimited use of urban public transport for 90 minutes.
  • The € 4 AMT alibus ticket also allows unlimited use of urban public transport for 90 minutes, including the fast Alibus line (Airport - Center) and the Metro line of the Circumetnea Railway.
  • The ticket Catania Pass allows unlimited use of urban public transport vehicles for twenty-four hours (daily), thirty-six hours (three-day) or for five consecutive days and further allows free access or concessions to museums and discounts for hospitality, affiliated shops and restaurants and more .. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 08: 00-14: 00.

By car

Catania with theEtna on background

Circulation is made difficult by traffic in the late afternoon. On the other hand, one of the main arteries of the city (Via Etnea) is closed for cars (without the permit for inhabitants) during the day.

Car rental

All the large companies of car rentalThe telephone number that citizens can call to report the presence of holes in city streets is 39 095 456 078 or send a fax to 39 095 206 555 or send a courier-e to [email protected] The toll-free number 800 594 444 previously communicated by the municipality is not active.

Parking lots

The problem of parking is dramatic in the city, especially at peak times it can become a real challenge. The blue stripes don't help either. Therefore the only suggestion is to leave the car in one of the guarded paid parking lots and go on foot or by public transport.

The custom has it that, in Catania, thousands of citizens pay the protection money unauthorized parking attendants that divide every corner of the city, and in return, ensure the safekeeping of the car. It is not an obligation, but those who park their car along an avenue and do not pay the protection money risk finding it damaged.

With guided tours

What see

Property listings can be found in individual articles urban districts.

Piazza Duomo

The architectural heritage of Catania is undoubtedly remarkable, and for this reason the city has been awarded the UNESCO recognition. The hundreds of churches and palaces, often built in Baroque style because they were after the earthquake of 1693, are characterized by the use of lava stone that contrasts with the white stone of the finishes. Outside the main roads, however, we also notice the deterioration often caused by shabby buildings, in bad taste or defaced by roofs (the so-called green underpants; the fences that are used to not show the falling rubble). Most of the buildings, built after the violent earthquake of 1693, for reasons of commercial utility, have almost always used the ground floor as a shop.

Bellini Garden

Although they are not prominent monuments, the city also preserves the remains of Roman buildings such as the amphitheater, the odeon and various baths. Do not miss the medieval Castello Ursino and the admirable gates that once connected to the sixteenth-century walls of the city.

A very important place for the city is the Bellini Garden (also known as Villa Bellini), a very large and beautiful villa dedicated to the well-known composer from Catania Vincenzo Bellini.

The city has a historic center, overlooked by piazza duomo with its basilica, the town hall (Palazzo degli Elefanti) and in the center in the square we find a fountain with the statue of an elephant (called in Catania u Liotru), which is the symbol of the city.

Behind the statue of the elephant on the left we find the Amenano fountain, in which the Amenano river flows, behind this fountain, we find the famous fish market of Catania, which is very populated.

Events and parties

The events in the city can be consulted on the website PeriPeriCatania.

Fercolo of Sant'Agata
  • Feast of Sant'Agata. Simple icon time.svg3 to 5 Feb. On February 5th the procession of thousands of faithful, with the "candelore" (tall buildings in carved and gilded wood in the shape of bell towers or pyramids. Wearing the traditional white dress, the faithful carry the effigy of the patron saint in procession through the streets of the historic center. Festa di sant'Agata su Wikipedia Festa di Sant'Agata (Q3743957) su Wikidata
  • Catania Filmfest (Gold Elephant World - International Film & Musical Festival), "Le Ciminiere" exhibition center, 39 3280246936 (mobile), @. Simple icon time.svgfirst week of June. Catania International Film and Musical Festival, and since 2016 in synergy between "Gold Elephant World" and "Etna Comics”(Comic) alongside the European competition for independent feature films, the European short film competition and the competition for animated, fantasy, science fiction, thriller, horror and genre films. Already in 1914 Catania was baptized the Capital of European Cinema; with its four film houses (Jonio Film, Katana Film, Morgana Film and Sicula Film) which produced hundreds of films.
  • 25 Etnacomics, "Le Ciminiere" exhibition center. Simple icon time.svgfirst half of June. International festival of comics, games and pop culture. Etna Comics su Wikipedia Etna Comics (Q19899721) su Wikidata

Parties around the city:

  • Feast of the Madonna del Carmelo.
  • 26 Feast of Sant'Anastasia, Santa Anastasia (Coming from Palermo and Enna: Via the A19, exit Motta Santa Anastasia and continue on the SP13 towards Motta S.A. From Messina is Syracuse, through the Catania ring road, exit Catania ring road - Misterbianco, continue on the SS121 towards Paternò and exit at the Misterbianco - Motta Santa Anastasia junction, or Valcorrente - Motta Santa Anastasia.). Ecb copyright.svgFree event. Simple icon time.svg22-25 August every 4 years and 24-25 August every year.
  • Feast of Santa Rita (S. Rita of Cascia), San Giovanni La Punta (CT). Simple icon time.svgmay 22.
  • Summer in the city (Catanese Summer Festival). A program, created by the Municipality of Catania, in collaboration with some organizations operating in the area; which will accompany the whole summer, with events rich in culture, music, theater, opera, dance, circus, cinema, literature, art and even solidarity shows.

What to do

Property listings can be found in individual articles urban districts.

  • 1 Etnaland (on the A18 exit Misterbianco take the SS121 towards "Etnapolis", exit Valcorrente, follow signs on the SP15.), 39 0957913333. Ecb copyright.svgTheme park € 25 adults and € 20 children over 140cm, water park ditto beds between € 3.5 and € 4.5 (depending on the location). On the site there are various combinations of admissions and promotions. (2015). Simple icon time.svg9: 30-18: 30; summer months until 00:30. Ticket office: closes 3 hours before closing. An amusement park located in Belpasso, in the Catania hinterland, much appreciated by the citizens of Catania and tourists. It includes a water park with slides, pools and water features and a theme park. Restaurants, refreshment areas and shops.
  • 2 Etna Sicily Touring, via Giuseppe Verdi, 155, 39 3925090298, @. Leading hiking association for the organization of guided excursions at high altitude on the volcano and in the surroundings ofEtna.
  • EtnaWay (Etna Excursions), 39 3281977919, @. Guided excursions onEtna, with transport from Catania, Giarre or Taormina by Jeep and 4x4. Visit of the Summit Craters and the most interesting places on the Volcano.

Study opportunities

Archives and libraries

Historic center (1st)

  • Historical Archive City of Catania, via S. Agata, 2 (former Church of Santa Caterina del Rosario), 39 0957422771, fax: 39 0957422761, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Wed 09: 00-13: 00, Thu 15: 30-18: 00, Fri 09: 00-13: 00. Guided tours, by telephone appointment, for student and school groups. The archive holds the documents produced and paid by the Administration Offices, relating to business that has been exhausted for over forty years and destined for permanent conservation for historical purposes. Responsible: Dr. Silvano Marino.
  • Joined Libraries Civica and Antonino Ursino Recupero, Via Biblioteca 13, historic center (Bus stop Piazza Dante f / co Benedettini. Or bus stop Via Plebiscito 660), 39 095316883, fax: 39 095316883, @. Simple icon time.svg(not open in July and September) Mon-Mar 09: 00-13: 30, Wed 09: 00-13: 30 and 14: 30-18: 00, Thu-Fri 09: 00-13: 30, Sat 09: 00-12: 00). Large library in the former Benedictine Monastery of S. Nicolò l'Arena, equipped with about 210,000 volumes of books, volumes and printed brochures from the 18th-20th centuries, more than 4,000 periodicals, mostly extinct, 1696 parchments (12th-20th centuries) XIX), a thousand prints and flying sheets, about 2,000 manuscripts, over 4,000 letters, about 2,000 drawings, 132 incunabula, about 4,000 five-centines, some 18th century herbaria and about 600 photographs.
  • Concordia Library, Via Playa, 43, 39 0957232969. Municipal library.

Picanello - Ognina - Barrier - Canalicchio (2nd)

  • Rosario Livatino Cultural Center Library, Via Leucatia, 68 (on the ground floor of the "Castello Leucatia"), @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Wed 08: 30-13: 30, Thu 15: 15-17.45, Fri 08: 30-13: 30, Sat-Sun and holidays closed. Municipal library, headed to Rosario Livatino, barbarously murdered by the mafia in September 1990, is the only one in Sicily to offer a service for the visually impaired (visually impaired, blind and elderly with vision problems) with particularly sophisticated equipment.
  • Picanello Library, Via Villa Glori, 8, Picanello, 39 095495476. Municipal library.

Borgo Sanzio (3rd)

San Giovanni Galermo Center - Trappeto - Cibali (4th)

  • Montana Library, Via Galemo, 254, 39 0957141511. Municipal library.

Monte Po - Nesima - San Leone - Rapisardi (5th)

  • Leonardo Grassi Library.
  • Monte Po Library, Via Leonardo Vigo, 43, Monte Po, 39 095482709. Municipal library.
  • Nesima Library, Via Riccardo Felici, 1, Nesima, 39 0957572402. Municipal library.

San Giorgio - Librino - San Giuseppe La Rena - Aunt Lisa - Sant'Agata Village (6th)

University studies

Historic center (1st)

  • 27 University of Catania (Siciliae Studium Generale, Siculorum Gymnasium, Studij Publici or Almo Studio), University Square, 2, 800 644 590, 800 894 327, @. The University of Catania (UniCT) is a university founded in 1434 by Alfonso of Aragon. among the largest in Italy in terms of number of subscribers. It is the oldest university in Sicily, the thirteenth in Italy and the twenty-ninth in the world.

Studies of art and craft

Sicilian cooking courses

Language studies

Arabic for Italians

  • Arci Catania, Piazza Carlo Alberto, 47, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 10: 00-13: 00 and 16: 00-20: 00. Arabic course for Italians every Monday and Friday from 19:00 to 20:30.
  • ST&T coop., Via Villafranca, 20 (Bus stop Vivaldi Sud I: line № 726 (circular)), 39 0952162466, @. Ecb copyright.svgbasic course 400 €. Simple icon time.svgoffice 09: 00-13: 00. Basic course is 120 hours to be held twice a week for 12 days. The school follows the traditional frontal method, supported by audio and video.

Italian for foreigners

  • Frederick II, Via Crociferi, 22, 39 351 170 9478, @. Ecb copyright.svgprices will be agreed from time to time based on the hours actually requested. The teaching material is provided by the school. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 09: 30-11: 30 conversation and listening, 11: 30-12: 00 coffee break, 12: 00-12: 45 reading and comprehension of texts, 12: 45-13: 30 writing skills and rules of grammar. The school follows a communicative approach method full immersion making live a real "Italian experience" in close contact with the local reality.
  • Dante Alighieri Society, Piazza Dante Alighieri, 32 (Former Benedictine Monastery, 2nd floor, room 269), 39 0957102819, 39 0957102201, 39 3887873986 (mobile phone), @. The school follows a method that favors the communicative approach.

Arabic for Italians and Italian for foreigners

  • 28 Athena (Athena Educational Center), Via Spadaccini, 16, 39 0952166627 (15:00-19:30), 39 3887450732 (mobile phone). The school follows a method of language teaching techniques with interactive language learning, in a didactic path rich in cultural references.

Italian for students

  • Italstra (Department of Humanities at the University of Catania), Piazza Dante Alighieri, 24, 39 0957102272, @. The Department of Humanities activates two Italian language courses every year (one in each semester) for students Erasmus entering the University of Catania University.


Property listings can be found in individual articles urban districts.

Fish market

È possibile fare acquisti in buona parte della città.La maggior parte dei negozi si concentra nelle vie centrali di Catania, in particolare in Via Etnea, dove vi sono alcuni tra i migliori negozi della città siciliana.Catania inoltre presenta un elevato numero di centri commerciali, generalmente situati all'esterno della città in sé, nei vari paesi della provincia. Per ovviare alla distanza fisica dal centro della città alcuni di essi hanno dei servizi navetta grazie ai quali i turisti possono raggiungere i centri commerciali con facilità.

Catania ha un acqua potabile di ottima qualità e una buona mineralizzazione dovuta ai sedimenti lavici. Anche i produttori di bevande ne traggono profitto.

I mercatini rionali sono distribuiti nell'arco della settimana a rotazione, ma ci sono anche quelli giornalieri come quello del pesce che attraggono i turisti per il folkore e la genuinità.

How to have fun

Property listings can be found in individual articles urban districts.

Interno del Teatro Massimo Bellini

La città offre una vivace vita notturna con i suoi pub del Old Town e i numerosi concerti dal vivo.


Gli spettacoli sono parte importante della vita culturale e sociale della città di Catania. Oltre a tanti cinematografi, sono presenti anche circa 25 teatri, ognuno di questi specializzato in tipo particolare di spettacolo: il balletto, l'opera lirica, l'opera dei pupi e il teatro sperimentale.

Molto attive sono anche gli eventi sportivi principalmente quelli calcistici presso lo Stadio Massimino e il Rugby.

Where to eat

Property listings can be found in individual articles urban districts.


Un tipico Chiosco catanese in Via San Gaetano alla Grotta

La più tipica e storica bevanda da gustare al chiosco o al bar è una mistura di seltz, limone e sale particolarmente dissetante e naturale. Seguono e sono molto apprezzate il mandarino al limone, la cedrata, il tamarindo, l'amarena, l'orzata, la menta, lo sciampagnino e altre varianti alla frutta o una semplice ma buonissima acqua i zammù (italiano: acqua e anice) più conosciuta nel palermitano.

Molto famosi sono i chioschi di Catania che non sono semplicemente luoghi dove fermarsi a dissetarsi ma parte integrante della catanesità. Gli sciroppi che i vari chioschi utilizzano per preparare queste bevande sono in genere prodotti artigianalmente e ogni bibitaro conserva gelosamente la propria ricetta.

Wines e uve della campagna catanese sono

  • L'Etna DOC, nei tipi bianco, rosato o rosso da vigneti sulle pendici del vicino vulcano. Il bianco superiore viene solo prodotto nel comune di Milo.
  • Le uve di Grecanico Dorato, un'antica varietà di vitigno locale sull'Etna.
  • Le uve di Nerello Mascalese, di Nerello Cappuccio and of Nocera usate per il vino 'Etna DOC rosso.

Alcuni coltivano anche uve, non nostrane dell'Etna, di Frappato is nero d'Avola che vengono usate assieme per produrre il vino rosso Cerasuolo di Vittoria (presente anche in altri territori).

È inoltre in crescita un nuovo antico vino degli antichi romani, come progetto sperimentale del CNR e dell'Universita di Catania].


Piatti catanesi sono:

  • Le alici e le sarde a beccafico, in cui le sarde vengono bagnate con aceto e poi coperte di aglio, formaggio gratuggiato e prezzemolo. Per poi essere passate nell'uovo e fritte.
  • The arancini, sono dei piccoli timballi di riso farciti con vari ripieni.
  • THE cannelloni alla catanese.
  • There pasta alla Norma, così battezzata in onore dell'opera belliniana, prelibatezza succulenta catanese a base di spaghetti coperti con fette di melanzana fritta in olio e irrorati con salsa di pomodoro e ricotta salata.
  • The polpette al limone.
  • The rippidu nivicatu, che è un risotto con il nero di seppia, servito in forma di Etna; sulla sommità una spolverata di ricotta salata a sembrare la neve in vetta e la salsa di pomodoro a sembrare la lava.
  • There scacciata, di due sfoglie di pasta sovrapposte (come nelle lasagne) racchiudendo acciughe, formaggio, pomodori e cipolla.
  • The sfinci, che sono frittelle alla ricotta o all'acciuga.
  • The zuzo, gelatina di maiale al limone.
Cassatelle di Sant'Agata

Dolci catanesi sono:

  • The mammelle di Santa Agata.
  • The ossi di morto.
  • The N'zuddi (in italiano “Vincenzi“), biscotti secchi profumati con scorza di arancia e decorati con una mandorla sopra. Chiamati così perché erano prodotti dalle suore Vincenziane.
  • There pasta reale.
  • The torrone di Santa Agata.
  • Camion dei panini (paninari). Sono tra i tanti altri posti interessanti che si trovano in molti punti della città. Si vendono principalmente panini con carne e contorno. Una specialità tipicamente catanese è il panino con la carne di cavallo.

Where stay

via Etnea

Property listings can be found in individual articles urban districts.

La città offre molteplici possibilità di alloggio, dal modesto alberghetto fino alle strutture di alto livello. La zona più gettonata è ovviamente il Old Town dove si concentrano la maggior parte delle strutture ricettive, ma anche la zona moderna e la periferia offrono valide alternative. Il fatto di aver o meno l'auto può far optare per un alloggio decentrato anche per minimizzare i problemi di traffico e parcheggio.

Bisogna prestare una certa attenzione nella scelta degli alloggi del centro storico perché alcune strutture sono poste in quartieri a poca distanza da piazza duomo ma spesso in un contesto degradato o poco sicuro. Affidatevi alle recensioni e prendete informazioni riguardo al quartiere.


Numeri di emergenza
  • Croce Rossa (pronto soccorso): 095497777
  • Polizia comunale: 0957424208
  • Soccorso alpino Etna Nord 095643300
  • Soccorso alpino Etna Sud 095914141
  • Per i numeri nazionali di emergenza, vedi Italy

Catania è una città abbastanza sicura ma sono presenti diverse criticità. Se gli scippi in pieno centro possono avvenire, spesso in occasione di eventi come la Festa di Sant'Agata, in altri quartieri il rischio aumenta. I quartieri del centro ad esempio presentano delle parti degradate dove è sempre meglio evitare di girare da soli di notte: il quartiere San Cristoforo, San Berillo e le zone vicine alla via Plebiscito fino al porto non sono aree molto sicure. Uscendo dal centro i quartieri della periferia sud come Librino, Santa Maria Goretti a ridosso dell'aeroporto sono zone da evitare non per episodi violenti ma per il rischio di incappare in persone poco raccomandabili.

Un altro fattore da tenere in considerazione è l'auto. La città è piena di unauthorized parking attendants che chiedono un obolo per controllare l'auto, spesso sono persone poco raccomandabili e fare resistenze potrebbe far rischiare un piccolo danno all'auto. Se non volete contribuire a questo ricatto meglio parcheggiare altrove oppure in un parcheggio a pagamento. Non lasciate mai oggetti in auto o valigie a vista, le auto sono spesso oggetto di furto, se non proprio viene rubata l'intera auto. Per questa ragione si consiglia di utilizzare un bloccasterzo e di rimuovere l'autoradio qualora sia amovibile.


  • 29 Garibaldi (Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale e di Alta Specializzazione Garibaldi), Piazza Santa Maria di Gesù, 5, Centro storico (accessibile tramite la strada sulla Via Fabio Filzi), 39 0957224044. Ospedale con stazione di emergenza e Pronto Soccorso generale e Pronto soccorso pedriatico a Nesima. A questo ospedale sono aggregati i seguenti altri ospedali e presidi ospedalieri:
  • Centro storico (1ª)
  • 30 Garibaldi-Centro, ospedale - Piazza Santa Maria di Gesù, 5
  • 31 Santa Marta, presidio ospedaliero - negli "Ospedali Riuniti S. Marta e Villermosa", Via Gesualdo Clementi, 36
  • Picanello-Ognina-Barriera-Canalicchio (2ª)
  • 32 Ascoli - Tomaselli, ospedale - Via Passo Gravina, 187
  • Borgo-Sanzio (3ª)
  • 33 S. Luigi S. Currò, ospedale - Viale Alexander Fleming, 24
  • San Gregorio di Catania
  • 34 Garibaldi-Nesima, ospedale - Via Palermo, 636
  • 35 Vittorio Emanuele, policlinico (Azienda Ospedaliero - Universitaria "Policlinico Vittorio Emanuele"), Via Plebiscito, 628, Centro storico, 39 0957431111 (centralino), 39 0957436310, 39 0957436311 (CUP-Centro Unificato Prenotazioni), 39 800 284 284, fax: 39 095317844. Simple icon time.svgCUP: Lun-Ven 08:30-12:30 , Sab 08:00-11:30. Ospedale con un Pronto Soccorso Generale e Pronto Soccorso pediatrico. A questo policlinico sono aggregati i seguenti altri ospedali e presidi ospedalieri:
  • Centro storico (1ª)
  • 36 Ferrarotto Alessi, presidio ospedaliero - Via Salvatore Citelli, 21-31
  • 37 Santa Marta, presidio ospedaliero - negli "Ospedali Riuniti S. Marta e Villermosa", Via Gesualdo Clementi, 36
  • 38 Santo Bambino, presidio ospedaliero - Via Tindaro, 2 (Entrata da Via Santo Bambino, 56)
  • 39 Vittorio Emanuele, presidio ospedaliero - Via Plebiscito, 628
  • Centro San Giovanni Galermo-Trappeto-Cibali (4ª)
  • 40 Gaspare Rodolico, presidio ospedaliero - Via Santa Sofia, 78

How to keep in touch

Post office

In città sono presenti tantissimi uffici postali e di poste private.


Il segnale telefonico è ottimo e i negozi di telefonia innumerevoli.


Sono presenti diversi punti con wifi pubblico gratuito, in ogni caso diversi locali hanno il wifi.

Keep informed





Comuni confinanti
Belpasso, San Pietro ClarenzaGravina di Catania, San Gregorio di Catania, Mascalucia, Tremestieri Etneo, Sant'Agata Li BattiatiAci Castello
Misterbianco, Motta Sant'AnastasiaRoseVents.svg
Lentini (SR), Carlentini (SR)

La città di Catania è il centro culturale della sua omonima Città metropolitana. Esistono, comunque, nelle immediate vicinanze altri centri storici e borghi medievali di eccezionale bellezza risalenti a periodi vari dall'età romana a quella moderna, passando da quella medievale e barocca. Tra le più importanti cittadine bisogna indicare le barocche Acireale, Caltagirone is Militello in Val di Catania, dichiarati patrimoni dell'umanità (UNESCO) nel 2002, del Vallo di Noto (o Val di Noto). Per i borghi medievali e i castelli difensivi costruiti in epoca normanna si possono ricordare Adrano, Paternò, Aci Castello is Motta Sant'Anastasia. In particolare, in quest'ultimo paese, Motta, tra il 23, 24 e 25 agosto si può ammirare la strepitosa Festa di Sant'Anastasia (riconosciuta tra le feste italiane più importanti), nella quale ci si imbatte in esibizioni di sbandieratori, musici e majorette dei tre rispettivi rioni di Motta.Risalendo le pendici dell'Etna incontriamo Belpasso, Nicolosi, Ragalna, Randazzo, Bronte, quest'ultimo famoso per la produzione del Pistacchio di Bronte, importante nell'economia locale.

Essendo in Sicily, non possiamo certo dimenticarci delle meravigliose spiagge ioniche di diversa natura. A sud di Catania esse appaiono basse e sabbiose, a nord invece (a causa delle eruzioni etnee) alte e rocciose, con la presenza di ciottoli e ghiaia. Comunque occorre fare attenzione alla balneabilità, dato che tante spiagge nel catanese hanno "bollini rossi". Nella norma le acque campionate a Catania, alla spiaggia sabbiosa in località Lidi Playa“ con libero accesso. Altra spiaggia sabbiosa si trova a Vaccarizzo a sud di Catania, mentre a nord abbiamo le spiagge rocciose di San Giovanni li Cuti, Ognina (con i suggestivi faraglioni). Sfortunatamente l'acqua a Aci Castello (Lungomare Galatea, nei pressi dello sbocco scarico fognario ad Aci Trezza) e a Calatabiano (alla foce del fiume Alcantara, in località San Marco) è fortemente inquinata, Acireale, Mascali, Riposto, Fiumefreddo di Sicilia ecc. Per gli amanti dell'abbronzatura integrale vi è una zona non ufficiale per nudisti al Caito sul versante marino roccioso della stazione ferroviaria di Catania Cle.

Escursioni di tipo naturalistico possono essere senza dubbio;

  • The fiume Alcantàra, le cui gole sono rinomate nel mondo per l'unicità della loro struttura (nel quale si ci può anche rilassare con un bel bagno nelle sue acque gelide).
  • There piana di Catania, la più vasta piana della Sicilia, è un basso alluvionale formato dal fiume Simeto e dai suoi affluenti. Una meravigliosa oasi, fittamente coltivata; con agrumeti lungo il littorale e nelle zone a nord e sud, vigneti sulle pendici dell'Etna, pascoli e seminativi nella parte centrale. Nei suoi centri agricoli nelle quali si possono degustare i piatti tipici locali.
  • L'Etna conosciuto pure con il nome siciliano di Mungibeddu (Montebello), è il più alto vulcano d'Europe, la sua riserva ed i suoi impianti sciistici (aperti nella stagione invernale).

Ad ogni modo la provincia di Catania offre al visitatore molti ambienti, dall'alta montagna al mare ionio celestiale, dai centri ricchi di storia, cultura e tradizione, alla rilassante campagna siciliana.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Catania
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Catania
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Catania
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Catania
3-4 star.svgGuide : the article respects the characteristics of a usable article but in addition it contains a lot of information and allows a visit to the city without problems. The article contains an adequate number of images, a fair number of listings. There are no style errors.