Menfi - Menfi

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Menfi is a city in the Agrigento Province on Sicily.


with modern architecture become the outlines of the Torre Federiciana replicated
of the Chiesa Madre The truncated pillars of the entrance portal still stood

Menfi is a quiet yet typical small town on the south coast of Sicily between Sciacca and Castelvetrano, the city lives from agriculture (viticulture under the name "DOC Menfi" and olives, the "gold of Sicily"), a little industry and thanks to the beaches (Lido Fiori and Porto Palo) with good water quality from tourism. It is suitable for the motorized guest as a starting point for the discovery of the southwest of Sicily.

According to the legend, the town becomes history with the Sican town Inyco brought into context, at least it belonged to the sphere of influence of the nearby during the time of the Greek colonization of Sicily Selinuntewhich is proven by small archaeological finds. Recently, during renovation work under the Palazzo Pignatelli, remains of graves from early Christian resp. Byzantine times found. The place was settled under the rule of the Arabs, from the time of Friedrich II. Von Hohenstaufen in the first half of the 13th century. mentions that a castle "Burgimillus" or "Burgio Millusio"was built in the area of ​​a Saracen fortress in the area of ​​Menfi.
Remnants of this "Friedrichsturm" (Torre Federiciana) were included in the construction of the Palazzo Pignatelli after Diego Tagliavia Aragona was reestablished in 1638, and Conte Ettore Pignatelli inherited the land. Numerous churches and the town plan date from the middle of the seventeenth century.

The earthquake from 1968 With its epicenter in the Belice Valley, Menfi, the Chiesa Madre from the 17th century, was also badly affected. was largely destroyed and the Palazzo Pignatelli was also badly damaged. Modern buildings reproduce the outlines of the two buildings on Piazza Vittorio Emanuele III.

getting there

As in most places on the south coast of Sicily, getting around in your own car is the most comfortable, the traffic is much quieter than in the big cities and the signs are now quite reliable. Bus lines connect most of the small towns, course pairs usually only run a few times a day, so that a visit to a town 30 km away takes a whole day, resp. it becomes impossible to stop there for dinner, the last bus has long since left.

By plane

From the airports Palermo or Trapani - Birgi the onward journey must be made by rental car or public transport.

By train

Arrival with the railroad: Line Ferrovia dello StatoPalermo - Castelvetrano - Mazara del Vallo to Castelvetrano and then by bus or taxi on the SS115 SS115 to Menfi, 18 km away.

By bus

  • Autolinee Salvatore Lumia, Via Pindaro 3, 92100 Agrigento. Tel.: 0922 20414, Fax: 0922 401494.

maintains bus connections in the region from Agrigento to Castelvetrano, Marsala and Trapani (including the airport) as well as in the hinterland to Montevago and Caltabellotta, some of the buses stop at 1 Topaia roundabout, on the northern edge of Menfi.

In the street

With the automobile can Menfi from Palermo from over the well-developed in parts SS624 SS624 to the intersection with the SS188 SS188 Santa Maria del Belice - Sciacca (just cross them) and then continue on the SP41 SP41 can be reached in a good one and a half hours, the route via the motorway A29 A29 Palermo - Mazara del Vallo to exit Castelvetrano and then continue on the SS115 SS115 is a bit more relaxed to drive. Menfi is on the southern coastal road SS115 SS115, which runs along the entire south coast of Sicily from Trapani to Syracuse pulls along.

By boat

Only Porto Palo has a navigable (yacht) port, no scheduled boat connections.


Map of Menfi
anecdote Large-scale deployment of the police when introducing the one-way rule
The day the one-way traffic was introduced in Menfi at the beginning of May 2012 was a great spectacle: Hundreds of one-way street signs were revealed overnight and a large contingent of police officers tried, under the critical eyes of the local residents, to keep traffic in the right direction with whistles and barriers conduct. On the streets there are now beautiful new signs, at one intersection you are only allowed to turn right, at the next only to the left - the whole thing worked perfectly after a few days.
  • Autoservizi Adranone, Corso Umberto I, 92017 Sambuca di Sicilia. Tel.: 0925 942770, Fax: 0925943415. maintains the bus service within Menfi (with feeder to the suburbs of Lido Fiori and Porto Palo).

In Menfi it is easy to get around on foot, the suburbs of Lido Fiori and Porto Palo (with the beaches) must then be reached by bus (Navette) or taxi.

The city traffic in the chessboard-like city of Menfi with very narrow, half-parked streets was converted to the Sicilian type of one-way regulation in 2012 (one street N -> S, the next parallel street S -> N, a cross street E -> W, the next W - > O.

In order to reach the outer communities with the beaches, it is advisable to reach the city center on the Tangential Ovest (at the first roundabout after the exit from the SS115 to drive around, south of the city you can reach the SP79 SP79, on which it goes south / south-west to Porto Palo and west, south along the town and then on the next larger intersection on the SP6 SP / SC 6 goes south.
You cross them halfway SP50which south of Menfi rather near the coast in the directions Sciacca - Castelvetrano leads.

Tourist Attractions

Menfi: Corso
Menfi: Chiesa del Collegio
Menfi: Chiesa San Giuseppe

Streets and squares

  • The 1 Corso Via della Vittoria is the main shopping street and can only be driven through in an east-west direction. Here you will find some shops, bars and pubs of the discussion circles in which the Menfitani comment on world events in the evening. One block further south, Via Giuseppe Garibaldi leads in the opposite direction, it ends at the main square, the 2 Piazza Vittorio Emanuele III . The square with the Chiesa Madre and the Torre Federiciana (Torre Svevo) was considered to be one of the most beautiful on Sicily's south coast before it was destroyed by the 1968 earthquake. Similar to the main square in Sciacca, you can enjoy a magnificent view of the foreland, the coast and the sea.


  • The 3 Chiesa Madre Sant'Antonio di Padua was destroyed by the earthquake and replaced by an angular new building by the architect Vittorio Gregotti, only the lowest parts of the entrance portal remained from the facade. Inside there is a statue of St Antonio from the 17th century. and a silver-plated crucifix.
  • the 4 Chiesa di San Giuseppe, on Via Giuseppe Garibaldi: a single-nave church with a unique triangular tower from 1710 with a portable wooden statue Statue of San Giuseppe and Santa Lucia.
  • Chiesa del Purgatorio. With an altarpiece showing the souls in purgatory.
  • the 5 Chiesa dell Addolorata from 1813 with a picture by Mariano Rossi
  • the 6 Chiesa del Collegio di Maria SS. Annunziata on the corso with the distinctive clock tower on the Corso was recently restored, you can see a tapestry from the 18th century. based on a painting by Mariano Rossi.
  • the 7 Chiesa Madonna della Consolazione with the attached turret with three bells on Via Conte di Cavour

Castles, chateaux and palaces

  • Torre Federiciana (Torre Svevo). Largely destroyed by the earthquake of 1968, a modern building on Piazza Vittorio Emanuele III depicts its dimensions.
  • Palazzo Baronale Pignatelli. The palazzo, the construction of which was initiated by Diego Aragona Tagliavia after the city was founded in 1639, is in the northeast corner of Piazza Vittorio Emanuele. During its renovation, the remains of an early Christian building with tombs were found underneath.
  • the 8 Torre di Porto Palo was built in 1538 to protect against pirate incursions.

Harbor / beaches

  • the 1 Port of Porto Palo is the marina of Menfi.
  • the 2 Porto Palo Beach lies in the east of the harbor, it is gently sloping
  • the 3 Cipollazzo beach is located a little to the east in the district of Cipollazzo, it is bounded by the sewer (?)
  • the 4 Lido Fiori beach is also gently sloping, partly delimited from the Lido Fiori district by a flat dune.
  • other smaller ones 5 Stretches of beach lie to the south and south-west of the hotel / holiday complex Menfi Beach Resort


  • Swimming on the beaches mentioned, Menfi is proud of the "Bandiera Blu", an award for excellent water quality. The beaches are gently sloping and suitable for children, but there is largely a lack of infrastructure.
  • A rarity in Sicily is an expanded one 6 cycle path to Porto Palo with shelters.


  • at 1 Mondo Frutta there is a rich selection of tropical fruits and vegetables as well as excellent cheese, olives and antipasti (always worth a detour for self-cookers).
  • 2 Mercato Medal supermarket on Via Stromboli and 3 Supermercato Conad at the SP79 in the East.
  • at the 4 Oleificio Botta at the SP6 the best olive oil can be purchased directly "on tap", during our visit we were given a factory tour. The olive harvest begins in October, then the "Oro della Sicilia" can be purchased from the daily production.


  • 1  le 4 stagioni, Via Margherite 15, Menfi (Lido Fiori). Tel.: 0925 78447, Email: . Restaurant / pizzeria and hotel with beach access, even in the off-season.
  • 2 Bar Ni Lu Zu Petru is at a parking lot right on the beach, where campers are often parked.
  • the restaurant of Camping la Palma is probably only in operation in the summer season
  • 3 Ristorante Pizzeria at Via Piemonte 9 with the beach is also open all year round.




The security situation in this rural place on the south coast of Sicily is unproblematic. As always, valuables should not obviously be left in the car.


  • 1  Guardia Medica - Servizio di Continuita 'Assistenziale, Via Raffaello 166. Tel.: 0925 72354.

Practical advice

  • 2  Comune di Menfi, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele III. Tel.: 0925 70280 (Ufficio turistico).
  • 3 Poste Italiane the Post office is located on Via Volta Alessandro, 4


  • Behind the disused railway line there is a nature reserve with a beautiful reed and dune landscape around the mouth of the Fiume Belice: 7 Riserva Naturale Foce del Fiume Belice
  • in the north the town Sambuca di Sicilia with the Lago Arancio and the Riserva Naturale Orientata Monte Genuardo.
  • a few kilometers to the west are the temples of Selinunte, the distance according to Agrigento with its numerous Greek temples in the Valle dei Templi is just under an hour's drive.
  • the port city a few kilometers to the east Sciacca is a focus of the Sicilian Ceramicspainting


Web links - Official website of Menfi, with tourism information, only in Italian.

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