Syracuse - Syrakus

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Syracuse is the capital of the eponymous province on Sicily. The old town is on the island Ortygia (Italian: Ortigia)


Map of Syracuse

The town Syracuse (Italian: Siracusa) was in the area of ​​the mouths of the two rivers Anapo and Ciane founded in the southern area of ​​the east coast of Sicily. The old town center is located on the 40 hectare island Ortygia (Italian: Ortigia), over the narrow passage to the mainland three bridges were built, in the north of which the Postage piccolo and in the south of the Postage grande with landing stages for ferry traffic and merchant shipping.
The city changed shortly after the founding of the Ortygia island spread to the surrounding mainland and quickly became the most important city under Greek rule in Sicily; the importance of the city remained over the centuries and it is today the fourth largest city in Sicily and an important trading and tourist center.


On the soil of a Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement of the Sicans and the Siculians, according to legend, it came about in 734/33 BC. establishing the city of Syracuse through out Corinth native Greek settlers among Archias on the island Ortygia near the mouth of the Anapo.
The city quickly grew in size and importance, and temples were built in honor of Apollo and Zeus. With the establishment of colonies from Syracuse in Akrai, Kasmene and Camerina the Greek colonization was promoted.
Syracuse developed under various tyrants (Greek form of sole rulership) and was able to expand its supremacy over almost all of Sicily. Under the tyrant Gelon I, the Carthaginians, which were also spreading over Sicily, were defeated near Himera. Under various subsequent tyrants the fight against the Carthaginians flared up again and again, Dionysius I strengthened the fortress walls around the city. During this time it also held up Plato several times in Syracuse and campaigned for the transition to a democratic government.

After a period of siege of the city, supported among others by the Archimedes developed war machines, Syracuse had to move in 212 BC. give defeat to the Romans. The city became the Roman capital in Sicily, Scipio l'Africano prepared here the campaign of the second Punic war against Carthage.

After already in the 3rd / 4th Century early Christian houses of worship were built Syracuse after the fall of West Rome and an invasion of the Vandals in 535 by General Belisario of Byzantium conquered. After a long siege by the Arabs Syracuse fell in 878 and became the administrative capital of the district Val di Noto under Arab rule. After reconquest by the Byzantines under General Maniakes and another defeat against the Arabs, it came in 1061 Postage grande to a sea battle between the Arabs and the Normans under Roger I.

Lost under the Normans and the Hohenstaufen Syracuse across from Palermo as the new capital of importance, it followed the rule of the house Anjou, which after the fighting of the Sicilian Vespers to the house Aragon passed over. In 1693, Syracuse became like the other cities of the Val di Noto from a serious one earthquake largely destroyed and was subsequently in the style of the Sicilian baroque rebuilt. In the aftermath of a severe cholera epidemic in 1837, during which the city was largely depopulated and the honor of provincial capital was transferred to the shame of Syracuse to Noto, there were uprisings against the Burbon rule in 1848, which were suppressed. In 1860 supporters of Garibaldi marched in and the city came with Sicily to the Kingdom of Italy, the walls were torn down and the island in urban planning Ortigia connected to the mainland by bridges.
After the years of fascist rule it became Syracuse again to the scene of history when the Allies on July 10, 1943 as part of the Operation Ladbroke at Siracusa landed around the harbor and the bridges to the island Ortigia to secure.

getting there

By plane

The closest airport is the Catania airportCatania airport in the Wikivoyage travel guide in another languageCatania Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCatania Airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCatania Airport (Q540273) in the Wikidata database(IATA: CTA), Due to the volcanic activity of the Etna, it had to shut down its operations several times. The airport is with Syracuse Connected by train or direct bus lines.

By train

Railway connections exist via the electrified line Catania - Siracusa the Trenitalia, on which several intercity trains from Rome and Naples above Messina to the south. The line Siracusa - Ragusa - Gela - Canicatti connects the baroque cities in the Val di Noto. A westward narrow-gauge railway line Siracusa - Bivio Giarratana and further to Ragusa and Vizzini was shut down in 1956.

The 1 Stazione F.S. located about a 10-minute walk from the Old town away.

By bus

With a bus network including the AST with regional headquarters in Siracusa is the city with Catania, Noto, Modica, Ragusa, Gela and smaller towns in the province.

In the street

The provincial capital is easy on the motorway A18Messina - Catania - Syracuse The journey to the south ends on this at Rosolini, it is to be continued as far as Gela. The south coast of Sicily is on the contiguous SS115Sud Occidentale Sicula reachable, which are already in Syracuse starts and over Noto leads and over Modica - Ragusa - Comiso - Vittoria away from the coast and then down Gela as a southern coastal road over Agrigento to lead west.
The S124 SS124 leads to the west Palazzolo Acreide, Pachino the very south will be starting Noto about the SP19 reached.
The SS194 runs north of Augusta from the autobahn A18 above Lentini - Francofonte - Vizzini to the west inland and then turns south in the direction Ragusa.

By boat

The Postage piccolo north of the island Ortigia can only accommodate private yachts and fishing boats that Postage grande serves as a trading port and also as a leisure port.


  • AST, S.P. 14 Siracusa - Canicattini Bagni, 8. Tel.: 0931 462711, Fax: 0931 61170, Email: . Public transport within Syracuse is ensured by AST buses, bus line 26 runs from City center to the Neopolis archaeological site.

Tourist Attractions

Syracuse: Teatro Greco
Syracuse: Teatro Greco
Siracusa: Ear of Dionysius / Orecchio di Dionisio
Altar of Hieron II
The Roman amphitheater
Ruins of the Chiesa di San Giovanni
Castello Eurialo
Ciane - source with papyrus

Numerous sights are located in the Old town area on the island Ortygia (Italian: Ortigia).

Streets and squares

The 1 Corso Gelone leads as an extension of the access road from the north, the 2 Viale Teracati, past the 3 Parco Archeologico in a southerly direction to the Fallen Memorial Church San Tommaso al Pantheon. The moves south of it 4 Corso Umberto I. from 5 Piazzale Marconi near the train station over the bridge 6 Ponte Umbertino to old town on the island Ortigia. Parallel to this also runs from Piazzale Marconi the 7 Via Malta and achieved Ortigia on the 8 Ponte Santa Lucia .

Parco Archeologico della Neapolis

  • 9  Parco Archeologico della Neapolis. Tel.: 0931 66206. Open: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (ticket office - 4 p.m.).Price: 10.00 / 5.00 €, combined with Museo arch. 13.50 / 7.00 €, free for EU citizens up to 18 years and over 65 years
  • 10 Greco Theater : the Greek theater was founded by Hieron II in the years 238-215 BC. built on the remains of an older theater and, with its diameter of 138 m, almost completely carved out of the rock, in front of almost 15,000 spectators, the tragedies of Aeschylus and comedies by Epicharmos for the performance. Behind the semicircular orchestra there are only a few remains of the stage building, which is used to obtain building material for the fortification of Ortigia was largely canceled after 1526. Near the theater you can find one in the north Nymphaion and a burial road leading to the northwest (Via dei Sepolcri) with graves and votive niches.
  • in the quarries Latomia del Paradiso is the 65 m long and 23 m high cave created by the eruption of building material 11 Ear of Dionysiuswhich is said to have very impressive acoustics. According to legend, the tyrant could do this here Dionysius overhear the conversations of his slaves. The is a little north 12 Grotta dei Chordari, Favored by the humid climate, rope makers practiced their craft here for centuries. (2013: only Orecchio di Dionisio can be visited).
  • the 13 Necropoli Grotticelli with the so-called Tomba d'Archimede lies in the northeast in the area of ​​a necropolis at the eastern end of the Latomia di S. Venera.
  • the 14 Altar of Hieron II (Italian: Ara di Ierone II): a construction about one stadium long (198.4 m), which was once surrounded by a columned hall with 14 columns, the superstructure was built in the 16th century. removed for the extraction of building material.
  • the 15 roman amphitheater (Italian: Anfiteatro romano): the elliptical theater was built in the 3rd and 4th centuries. Century Carved out of the rock, the corridors for the appearance of wild animals and gladiators are still recognizable.
  • the 16 Latomia del Casale is further east.
  • on Via Politi is the 17 Latomia dei Capuccini, which is probably the oldest quarry in the city, which is sure to go back to the 8th century. should have been used.
  • As an early Christian city, Syracuse is rich in necropolises from Christian times: the catacombs of 18 San Giovanni (315-360), from 19 Vigna Cassia / S. Maria di Gesù (220-230 / 250-256) and 20 S. Lucia (220-230) can be visited by appointment
  • at the 21 Ginnasio RomanoGinnasio Romano in the Wikipedia encyclopediaGinnasio Romano in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsGinnasio Romano (Q17631557) in the Wikidata database, Via Elorina are the Ruins of a Roman sports facility (Italian: Ginnasio romano) with the remains of a small Roman theater.


  • 22  Museo Archeologico Paolo Orsi, Viale Teocrito, 66. Tel.: 0931 489511, Fax: 0931 489532. The museum, built in 1967/86, exhibits the archaeological treasures of the Syracuse region in the following departments: A. - Prehistory, Stone Age, B. - the time of the Greek colonization, C. - Period of the sub-colonies of Syracuse, Gela, Agrigento, D. - Syracuse in Hellenistic - Roman times.Open: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tue-Sat, Sun only mornings.Price: 8.00 / 4.00 €.
  • that's right next door Museo del Papiro, Viale Teocrito, 66. Tel.: 0931 22100, Fax: 0931 22100, Email: . which was built with the papyrus restoration school.


  • the little basilica 23 San Nicolò dei Cordari is at the entrance to the Parco Archeologico.
  • the 24 Chiesa di S. Giovanni Evangelista / S. Giovanni alle Catacombe: the huge church with an entrance area from Norman times was not rebuilt after the earthquake of 1693. In the area of ​​the church is found in the Cripta di San Marciano the tomb of the martyr, also in Norman style, in the area of ​​the church ruins is also the access to the catacombs of San Givanni.
  • the 25 Chiesa di Santa Lucia al SepolcroChiesa di Santa Lucia al Sepolcro in the encyclopedia WikipediaChiesa di Santa Lucia al Sepolcro in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsChiesa di Santa Lucia al Sepolcro (Q667321) in the Wikidata database was also outside the city walls, where the Qurtier S.Lucia developed. The first church was built here around 1100, but had to be largely rebuilt after the earthquake of 1693. The large painting of the funeral of S. Lucia by Caravaggio, which was located behind the main altar, hangs today in the Galleria del Palazzo Bellomo. Right next to the church is the octagonal one Capella del Sepolcro di S.Lucia.
  • the 26 Santuario della Madonna delle LacrimeSantuario della Madonna delle Lacrime in the encyclopedia WikipediaSantuario della Madonna delle Lacrime in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSantuario della Madonna delle Lacrime (Q2223786) in the Wikidata database has developed into an important place of pilgrimage. From August 29th to September 1st, 1953 tears leaked from a statue of the Madonna, the "weeping Madonna" immediately became a point of attraction for many believers. A cone-shaped church was designed by Michel Andrault in 1957 and built in 1966/94.
  • in the field of 27 Chiesa S. Maria del Gesù with the subsequent convent there is also access to the catacombs of Vigna Cassia.
  • the 28 Chiesa at Capuccini / Chiesa S. Maria della Misericordia with the subsequent Capuchin Convent is located in the northeast of the city near the coast, behind which is the ancient quarry

Castles and Palazzi

Buildings / monuments

  • the 29 PantheonPantheon in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPantheon in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPantheon (Q16540436) in the Wikidata database, War Memorial with the Chiesa San Tommaso al Pantheon was built after 1919 to commemorate the fallen soldiers of World War I.


  • the 30 Parco Papa Giovanni Paolo II


  • the 1 Autodromo di Siracusa is located on the southwestern outskirts


  • Attending the classical performances Greek plays in the Greco Theater in the summer months
  • Hiking in the 31 Riserva naturale Fiume Ciane e Saline di Siracusa , a migratory bird area, the salt pans from the 17th century. have not been cultivated since around 1980. From the bridge of the SS115 can go to the beach and from the 2 barricaded bridge along the with papyrus overgrown south bank of the Ciane to a rest area in the headwaters 3 Ciane - source can also be easily reached by car.
  • Hiking in the 32 Area marina protetta Plemmirio, 14 km of coastline of the peninsula Penisola della Maddalena and 2400 ha of sea area with ancient remains have been placed under protection. In the south lies a 33 lighthouse .
  • a visit to the 34 Riserva naturale orientata Cavagrande del Cassibile, in the to the Laghetti, formed by the Cassibile River at the bottom of the gorge Swimming lakes, can be descended.
  • a visit to the 35 Riserva naturale integral Grotta Monello with an extended cavessystem at the SP12Cassibile - Direction Floridia and then westward direction Canicattini Bagni.








  • Hotel Cavalieri, Via Malta 42. Tel.: 39 0931 483635. City center hotel, boutique, wifi.Features: ★★★★, WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS.


  • Syracuse does not have its own university, but courses in architecture (with the University of Catania) and humanities are offered.


The security situation in southern Sicily is generally unproblematic and the tourist cannot perceive the influence of organized crime, but the usual security recommendations should still not be ignored.


  • the 2 Umberto I Ospedals is in the center of Syracuse.

Practical advice

  • the 3 Main post office can be found on the island of Ortigia at the Ponte Umbertino.


  • the ruins of the 36 Temple of Zeus from the 6th century BC. are on the southern arterial road Via Elorina / SS115: From the Doric temple with the dimensions 20.5 x 60 m there are still two columns on the foundations.
  • The 37 Castello Eurialo is close to the SP46 approx. 8 km from the city center in the hamlet Belvedere: the huge fortress was built in Greek times (402-397 BC) to protect the city of Syracuse and adapted in Roman and Byzantine times. It shows features of Greek fortress architecture with several ditches and ramparts.
  • Visit to the baroque town Palazzolo Acreide with the Area Archeologica of Acrai.
  • Visit of Area Archeologica the Greek colony of Megara Hyblaea at Augusta.
  • Visit of the prehellenic settlements and Necropolis of Pantalica and Thapsos.
  • Visit to the nature reserve Cavagrande del Cassibile


Web links

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