Pachino - Pachino

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Pachino is a city in the Syracuse Province in the southeast of Sicily.


The urban area of ​​Pachino includes, apart from a strip in the extreme south, the municipality Portopalo di Capo Passero the south (east) tip of the triangular island of Sicily, the municipality extends to the Mediterranean Sea in the south and to the Ionian Sea in the east (in the area of Marzamemi) and has 8 km of beach line.

Traces of settlement go back to the Paleolithic, the finds from the Grotta Coruggi and other caves are in the Archaeological Museum dated Syracuse to visit. The region was also settled in the time of the Greeks and Romans, evidence of which are the remains of a temple in the Contrada Cugni.

The present city was founded in 1760 by the feudal lords Starrabba of Piazza Armerina with the consent of the Burbon king Ferdinand I. The chessboard-like structure with the central piazza and the Chiesa Madre shows that the city was planned on the drawing board.

Ports and tuna fishing grounds had already existed beforehand, including in Marzamemi, a fishing village on the Ionian Sea, whose name comes from the Arabic.

getting there

By plane / by train

The nearest airport is that of Catania, from there you can Syracuse can be reached by train. The railway line Ferrovia del Vino of Noto the southernmost station in Europe in Pachino was shut down in 1986.

By bus

The bus connections Noto - Ispica - Pachino and Scigli - Pozallo - Pachino are from the AST with regional headquarters in Syracuse secured.

In the street

From the autobahn A18Catania - Siracusa - Rosolini becomes Pachino best from the current end of the motorway Rosolini about the SP26 reached. Alternatively, use ab Noto resp. the SS115 the SP19 or coming from the west Ispica the SP49 / SP22, which leads from the access road to the city center.
The Via Aldo Moro resp. Viale Toronto leads to the fishing village Marzamemi on the Ionian Sea with its marina.

By boat

Marzamemi in the east on the coast of the Ionian Sea has a marina, a fishing port can be found in the neighboring municipality Portopalo di Capo Passero in the very south.


Map of Pachino

Within Pachino one moves on foot resp. with your own motor vehicle.

Tourist Attractions

Pachino: Chiesa Madre SS. Crocifisso
Pachino Palazzo Tasca
Pachino: Torre Scibini


  • the 1 Chiesa Madre SS. Crocifisso at the central square Piazza Vittorio Emanuele was built under the Marchese Vincenzo Starraba, his remains are buried in the church.
  • the classicistic 2 Chiesa Madonna del Rosario de Pompei from 19./20. Century is located on the Via Buonarroti

Castles, palazzi and other buildings

  • the 3 Palazzo Tasca from the 18th century is located on the Via Cavour.
  • the ruins of the 1439 built to protect against the raids of Saracens and pirates 4 Torre Scibini is close to the SP8 in the southwest of the city.
  • the former factory building of the 5 Case Maucini attract photographers as witnesses to industrial archeology.

Archaeological and ancient sites

  • the 6 Grotta Calafarina was made by Paolo Orsi researched, the finds from the Bronze Age can be found today in the archaeological museum in Syracuse. Nearby are the Grotta del Fico and the Grotta Corruggi.
  • in the 7 Contrada Cugni (at the SP97Pachino - Morghella There are various sites of archaeological interest: in addition to a Bronze Age necropolis with shaft graves, round foundations of Neolithic dwellings, there is the foundation of a Greek temple and the remains of a settlement from Roman times. Efforts are being made to find one locally Area archeologica to erect, to protect the finds and at the same time to make them accessible.



After the decline of the Wineproduction, today there is an attempt to rebuild local wines as quality wines, agriculture in recent years has focused on the production of early vegetables and especially cherrytomatoes, the Ciliegine di Pachino relocated.


  • Panineria XXL, Via Cavour, 117, 96018 Pachino. Tel.: 39 327 798 6733. Open: Tue - Sun 6 p.m. - 2 a.m., closed on Mondays.
  • Drago Giovanni, Via Anita, 14, 96018 Pachino. Tel.: 39 0931 593223. Pizzeria.Open: Tue - Sun 9 a.m. - 2.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. - 11.30 p.m., closed on Mondays.
  • Ristorante Ciciri Russi, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 62, 96018 Pachino. Tel.: 39 0931 181 0758. Open: Tue - Sun 7pm - midnight, closed on Mondays.



  • Casa Adriana B&B, Via Giuseppe Giardina, 9, 96018 Pachino. Tel.: 39 347 842 5266.


  • Commissariato di Pachino, Via S. Tafuri, 54, 96018 Pachino. Tel.: 39 0931 804211. Police department.


  • Guardia Medica, Via Arimondi, 12, 96018 Marzamemi. Tel.: 39 0931 841245.

Practical advice

  • the 1 Post office with an ATM is at the Via Giovanni Pascoli.



Marzamemi Piazzetta
Marzamemi: Chiesa
Marzamemi: Tonnara

The former fishing village Marzamemi is a district of Pachino and is located on the coast of the Ionian Sea. On the one hand, fishing boats are anchored in the harbor, on the other hand, a large marina offers space for guest boats.

It is worth seeing 8 Tonnara in the fishing port, which dates from the 17th century. originates, and the Piazetta with the 9 Chiesa.


Web links

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