Palazzolo Acreide - Palazzolo Acreide

Palazzolo Acreide
Panorama of Palazzolo
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Palazzolo Acreide
Tourism site
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Palazzolo Acreide is a city of Sicily.

To know

The Baroque city of Palazzolo Acreide is located in the Syracusan hinterland on the Iblei mountains; on a ridge below the Greek settlement of Akrai. Palazzolo Acreide, like other cities, was severely hit by the earthquake in Val di Noto at the beginning of the 18th century. It was then rebuilt in the Baroque style.

The city is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Geographical notes

The city is located in the inner part of the province at almost 700 meters above sea level. The urban structure is dominated by a discontinuous orography that determines a series of ups and downs.

When to go

During the winter, the temperatures during the night drop quite a bit and ice formation and short snowfalls are also not uncommon. This period is certainly less suitable. While from March onwards the city is perfectly open to visitors and there are various events that make it interesting.


The area of ​​the Iblei Mountains was already inhabited in the Bronze Age by the Sicilians, in 664/663 BC Syracuse founded the Greek colony of Akrai, to establish a military outpost against the Sicilians. The city grew in importance by becoming the first ally in the Punic wars together with the tyrant Gerone II, in this period that is in the third century. B.C. is Akrai's heyday with the installation of the theater and the Bouleuterion, the sanctuaries and the Greek roads. After the fall of Syracuse 212 BC Akrai also fell under Roman rule.

In the IV-V century Akrai became a center of early Christianity maintaining this position even under the Byzantines, while during the Arab campaign against Syracuse the ancient Akrai was destroyed in 827, the memory of it, and part of the ruins were destroyed.

Under the Norman domination there was a strong construction impulse on a nearby hill, the one on the side of the canyon to the north. Later Palazzolo was mentioned several times as a fief. Due to the devastating earthquake of 1963 the city and the fortress were destroyed and so the reconstruction of numerous churches and buildings in the Baroque style was started.

In 2002 it was registered among the Unesco Heritage.

The city still keeps alive the tradition of popular festivals such as the feast of San Paolo linked to the passage of the saint in this corner of Sicily and San Sebastiano.

How to orient yourself

The main street of Palazzolo is Corso Vittorio Emanuele III which flows into the square with the town hall and the church. North of this road axis is the area of ​​the old castle. While further south, on an isolated rock there is the archaeological area of ​​Akrai. The municipal villa is located east of the town center, in a marginal position.

The town is cut by winding and not very linear alleys with slopes and stairs that make the walk through the alleys very fascinating.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are:

  • 1 Catania airport (Catania Fontanarossa Airport "Vincenzo Bellini". IATA: CTA), Via Fontanarossa, 20, Fontanarossa, 39 0957239111. Simple icon time.svg00:00-24:00. Airport for national and international flights. Catania-Fontanarossa Airport on Wikipedia Catania-Fontanarossa Airport (Q540273) on Wikidata
  • 2 Comiso Airport (Pio La Torre Airport), 39 0932 961467, @. Airport opened in 2007. Mainly operates seasonal and charter flights. Comiso Airport on Wikipedia Comiso Airport (Q1431127) on Wikidata

By car

The easiest way to reach Palazzolo Acreide is via the highway A18Messina - Catania - Syracuse taking the junction for Palazzolo e Canicattini Bagni you are placed in the SP14 to then be placed in the SS287 said maremonti. Or by crossing Floridia is Solarino through the SS124.

Coming from Caltagirone and passing through Vizzini the SS124. From the southern area ie from Known it can come from SP24

On the train

In this part of Sicily there are no railway connections.

By bus

The connections are ensured byAST with, Canicattini Bagni, Syracuse (55 min), Catania and airport, Buccheri (40 min). Transport times vary considerably according to the time slots.

During the summer there is a shuttle bus that connects the city with twice a day Known (municipal villa) and the Lido di Noto (Piazza Sallicano). For information ask at the tourist information point or call 39 339 8974536, 39 327 0073245.

How to get around

The best way to visit the city is to leave your car and walk.

By car

In the city there are blue stripes in the downtown areas with the obligation to pay by parking meter. The first useful and free parking is in 3 Largo Marina of Italy in front of the mail.

What see


Church of San Sebastiano
  • unescomain attraction1 Church of San Sebastiano, Piazza del Popolo (In the main square). Rebuilt after the earthquake of 1693 under the direction of the architect Mario Diamanti from Syracuse in 1724-1725, the first part of the facade was built, while the upper part was built in 1768, the organ is dated 1728/9. In this church every year on August 10th the spectacular feast of San Sebastiano is celebrated. Basilica of San Sebastiano (Palazzolo Acreide) on Wikipedia basilica of San Sebastiano (Q56323388) on Wikidata
Church of San Michele
  • 2 Church of San Michele, Piazza S. Michele. It was built in 1721-1722 under the direction of the architect Giuseppe Ferrara, the church has three naves and a simple baroque facade, inside a noteworthy painting by Michele Antonino Bova.
  • 3 Church of the Immaculate Conception, Vittorio Emanuele. It was rebuilt together with the minor convent after the earthquake in Baroque style, with an extraordinarily curved facade. Inside you can see the marble statue of the Madonna and Child of Francesco Laurana from 1471/72 and a painting depicting a crucifixion scene by Paolo Tanasi from 1818. The convex facade seems to recall the facades of the churches in via Crociferi in Catania.
  • 4 Convent Church, Piazza Biblioteca. This church was severely damaged by the earthquake of 1693 and rebuilt with the Capuchin convent around 1707/10. After the ban on religious orders in 1861, the church experienced changing times, was used as a cinema and furniture shop, and recently restored. Since the construction of the Capuchin convent served as a municipal library, the square in front of the church is called Piazza Biblioteca.
  • 5 Church of Sant'Antonio, Garibaldi Street. Also rebuilt at the beginning of the 18th century on the ruins of the previous church. The right bell tower was completed in 1815 while the left one was not completed.
Church of San Paolo
  • unesco6 Church of San Paolo, Piazza S. Paolo (Next to the mother church, in the same square north of the city). The church, built in 1720/30 on the site of a previous church, has a beautiful Baroque facade and many altars with colored marble inlays inside. Inside there is the statue of St. Paul who goes out in procession on June 29 with a spectacular party. The church is at the center of the devotion of the inhabitants of the district. Basilica of San Paolo (Palazzolo Acreide) on Wikipedia basilica of San Paolo (Q60839466) on Wikidata
Church of the Annunziata
  • 7 Church of the Annunziata, Via Annunziata. Rebuilt under the local architect Matteo Travisi. It has a suggestive facade with spiral columns that make the church, if not one of the most beautiful, certainly one of the most extraordinary in Palazzolo Acreide. Inside, until 1906, there was the painting of Annunciation of the master Antonello of Messina, which can be admired today after the restoration at the Bellomo Gallery in Syracuse. Behind a wooden altar is the painting Our Lady of Carmel created by Marcello Vieri in 1785 and a wooden sculpture of the Madonna from the 18th century. There is also a large painting of the Annunciation by Paolo Tanasi of 1827, in a side chapel and another painting by S. Paolo of Padua by the same artist.
  • 8 Mother Church of San Nicolò, Aldo Moro square (At the foot of the castle on the north side in the city). Built after the earthquake of 1693 on the site of a previous church. Today it has three naves with a linear Baroque facade currently under restoration.


Judica Palace
Lombardo-Cafici Palace
  • 9 Lombardo Cafici Palace, via Garibaldi 127. The beauty of this palace lies above all in the longest baroque balcony in the world with a different series of masks with funny expressions.
  • 10 Judica Palace, Corso Vittorio Emanuele. Simple icon time.svgNot open to visitors. Built at the end of the eighteenth century. from the Judica family (one of the noble families of the city) and has a splendid Baroque facade.
  • 11 Municipal building, Piazza del Popolo. This building is the seat of the Municipality and the tourist information center, located in the heart of the city, it has a clock and, although from the early twentieth century, it shows classic decorative elements.


Antonino Uccello House Museum
Entrance to the archaeological museum
  • 12 Gabriele Judica Archaeological Museum, Via Gaetano Italy, 36. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sat 09: 00-19: 00, Sun-Mon 14: 00-19: 00. Small archaeological museum that exhibits the finds of Baron Judica (1760-1835) relating to Akrai. The baron carried out the first excavations at his own expense, bringing to light finds and monuments. Gabriele Judica Archaeological Museum on Wikipedia Gabriele Judica Archaeological Museum (Q24933828) on Wikidata
  • 13 Antonino Uccello House Museum, Via Niccolò Machiavelli, 19, 39 0931 881499. Ecb copyright.svg€ 2 full, € 1 reduced. Single Ticket - Akrai House Museum and Archaeological Area: Full € 5.00, reduced € 2.50 (Jul 2018). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 9: 00-19: 00. Holidays (except first and third Sunday of the month) 14: 00-19: 30. First and third Sunday of the month 9: 00-13.30. Located in the eighteenth-century Ferla-Bonelli palace, the anthropological museum is dedicated to Antonino Uccello, an ethno-anthropologist who has collected for years a lot of material linked to Sicilian and peasant traditions. These have been brought together in this small regional museum that recalls their value and memory.
Museum of travelers in Sicily
  • 14 Museum of Travelers in Sicily, Via Maestranza, 5, 39 0931 472181. Ecb copyright.svg4€. A small museum that contains maps, books and prints of travelers who visited Sicily and told about it especially in the era of the Grand Tour. The beautiful engravings are original, there is also a rare first edition of the De rebus Siculis del Fazello. Museum of travelers in Sicily on Wikipedia Museum of Travelers in Sicily (Q56425153) on Wikidata
  • 15 Museum of Working Informatics (MusIF), Via Carnevale 17, 39 0931 184 5849, @. Simple icon time.svgWed 15: 30-18: 30. Although with great difficulty, this museum dedicated to the computer machines of the past but still functioning is self-sustaining thanks to the commitment of enthusiasts who have set it up.
  • 16 ECOmuseum acrense (Centro Studi Iblei or C.S.I.), Via Lombardo, 30, 39 3333563260, @. Seat of the Cultural Association "Centro Studi Iblei". Exhibition of objects of peasant civilization and ancient crafts.

Akrai archaeological area

The Greek Theater of Palazzolo
  • 17 Akrai archaeological area, Colle dell'Acromonte, 39 0931876602. Ecb copyright.svg€ 4 full, € 2 reduced. Combined ticket with Antonino Uccello House Museum € 5 (Jul 2018). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 08: 00-18.30. The park includes the theater, the latomie and with a different entrance (based on the times indicated at the ticket office) also the visit to the Santoni.
The bouleterion
  • main attraction18 Akrai Theater. The Greek theater is dated between the 3rd and 2nd century BC. modest in size, it is now used for shows by young people as part of the INDA Festival which is held every year. It was found in 1824 by the baron Gabriele Judica together with the bouleterion. Akrai Theater on Wikipedia Akrai Theater (Q16612559) on Wikidata
Catacombs of Palazzolo
  • 19 Bouleterion. The bouleterion was a room where the representatives of the boulé gathered to make decisions related to the management of the polis.
The Santoni
  • 20 Paleochristian hypogeum (Catacombs of Palazzolo). The area where the hypogeum stands is called latomia, that is a stone quarry like those present in Syracuse. The latomie then became a place of worship and crossed by a sacred road due to the presence of pinakes (panels carved into the rock walls).
The early Christian hypogeum has pit tombs with arcosolium separations. A style present only in the areas of Syracuse.
  • 21 The Santoni (They are located in another area of ​​the park that can be reached by car). Simple icon time.svgNot open to visitors . The santons are stone statues dated around the IV-III century BC that represent different figures connected to the cult of Cybele for which there was an important sanctuary. The cult is one of the only examples in Sicily having originated in Asia Minor. To date there are twelve sculptures carved in a poor state of conservation after a probable violent destruction. In the eighteenth century they were designed by the traveler Jean Houel who found them already in poor condition but more legible than today. I Santoni (sanctuary) on Wikipedia


Ruins of the Palazzolo Castle on top of the mountain
  • 22 Palazzolo Acreide Castle (North of Palazzolo, on the crest of a hill next to the church of San Paolo). Ecb copyright.svgfree. Destroyed by the earthquake of 1693, its ruins extend to the edge of the gorge north of the city.
A graveyard grave
  • 23 Monumental cemetery (At the entrance to the city). Very interesting is the visit to the monumental cemetery of the city with monumental tombs and chapels in art nouveau style. The cemetery was built in 1889 and many chapels were made by various artists who made the funerary architecture truly splendid. next to the entrance there is a sundial.
  • Santa Lucia water mill. Along the Palazzolo valley there is a 16th century water mill which keeps intact its parts driven by the stream. Inside there is also a Museum of the grain mill.
  • Rock tanneries.
Senabardo's cave
  • 24 Senabardo's cave, via Martiri of via Fani (the cave is located beyond a short downhill path). Catacomb referable to the period of the Byzantine domination VI - IX century. with canopied tombs, graffiti and a skylight. From the same area you can enjoy a splendid panorama of the Iblei. Senabardo's Cave (Q98004594) on Wikidata
Panorama from the Acropolis of Akrai
  • 25 Panorama on the Iblei, via Martiri of via Fani. From this road located to the west of the acropolis you can admire a splendid view of the Iblei. From here at sunset you can see the southern coast of Sicily and the surroundings of Ragusa.

Events and parties

Historical poster of the INDA Festival
  • Palazzolese Carnival. The carnival in Palazzolo has a solid tradition with parades of allegorical floats known throughout the province.
  • International Youth Classical Theater Festival (INDA Festival), Ancient theater of Palazzolo Acreide. Simple icon time.svgMay June. Collateral theatrical performances in the context of the Festival held in Syracuse at the Akrai Theater and dedicated exclusively to young people from schools from all over Europe.
The exit of San Paolo
  • Feast of St. Paul, church of San Paolo. Simple icon time.svgJune 28-29. The unveiling of the Saint takes place on June 28 in the evening, while the following day at 1 pm the traditional "sciuta" (exit) of the fercolo from the church takes place, with the spectacular launch of colored confetti and the firing of thousands of firecrackers. Then there is the presentation of the naked children on the fercolo.
Since a lot of confetti and many barrels are thrown, the surrounding buildings are wet with water to avoid fires, therefore the presence of water spray is normal. Be careful not to get the photographic lenses wet.
Feast of San Sebastiano
  • Feast of San Sebastiano (Church of San Sebastiano). Simple icon time.svgAugust 8-10. Celebrated with colorful processions. The most beautiful moment occurs at noon on day 10 when the fercolo comes out of the church and fireworks and confetti are fired, just like the feast of St. Paul.
  • Feast of SS Maria Addolorata. Simple icon time.svgthird Sunday of September.
  • Feast of San Michele. Simple icon time.svgThe first Sunday after September 29th.
  • Agrimontana. Simple icon time.svgThe last weekend of October. Festival of typical local products and crafts.

What to do

Staircase in Palazzolo

The city has a lovely historic center. It is very interesting and pleasant to get lost in the narrow streets of the center to get in the direction of the castle, between stairways and panoramic views.

Municipal Villa
  • 1 Municipal villa, Piazza Guglielmo Marconi. Take a walk to the municipal villa. This villa is included among the historical monuments of Italy and extends for 30,000 square meters. Its construction started in 1880.
On Sunday afternoons the people of Palazzolo love to entertain themselves and walk around meeting friends and acquaintances.
  • 2 Excursion to Cava Bibbinello. The departure is located near Villa Bible, between km 84 and 85 of the S.S. 124, at the end of an asphalted road near a modern farmhouse. Walk to the right and pass a large wooden gate, continuing to descend through the hairpin bends that lead to a plain where the Bibbinello stream flows. You reach a mill where you follow the course of the stream, which you wade several times, until you reach a crossroads. Turn right and go up into a grove of holm oaks near a fence and, continuing, past a source (rock church called Bibbinello) and a second mill, you come to a third water mill. From here, along the obvious path, the former Syracuse-Vizzini railway, you return from the valley to the north-west along an ancient mule track on the orographic left of the valley that leads to Villa Bible.
Excursion of 7 km and 3 hours of time.


  • 1 Supermarket, Largo Sailors of Italy.

How to have fun


Where to eat

Palazzolo is famous for being a city where the local gastronomy stands out from the rest of the Province of Syracuse. It is possible to taste excellent local meat served in the numerous restaurants and desserts with products of exceptional quality. If you don't know which one to choose, just ask one of the Palazzolesi, who will be happy to recommend a place to eat.

Moderate prices

Sweets from the Caprice pastry shop
  • 1 Florentine Gastronomy, Via IV Novembre, 18, 39 0931 882511. Great place to eat on a budget. Possibility to eat ready meals and desserts.
  • 2 Corsino, Via Nazionale, 2, 39 0931 875533. Bar with a wide choice ranging from rustic to desserts.
  • 3 Caprice, Corso V. Emanuele, 21, 39 0931 882846. Pastry shop, bar and cottages. Exceptional quality ice cream and desserts.

Average prices

Where stay

Inside the city there are not many accommodation facilities, apart from relying on holiday homes.

Moderate prices

Average prices


No particular prescription. Compared to the large cities of Sicily, the common crime rates are almost completely non-existent.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 4 Italian post, Largo Sailors Of Italy.


  • 5 Castelluccio of Noto (SP 81 going down the plateau on the right). The homonymous culture takes its name from this prehistoric site and its finds are visible at the Paolo Orsi Museum in Syracuse. The site can be visited by archeology enthusiasts as it is not usable and devoid of indications. On the spot there are several castelluccian tombs, the remains of the ancient town and a medieval castle. Castelluccio di Noto on Wikipedia Castelluccio di Noto (Q3662996) on Wikidata
  • Cavagrande del Cassibile nature reserve - Canyon 300 meters deep on which the Cassibile river flows. Location known for its naturalistic and archaeological pre-existences and for the famous "lakes"
  • Knownunesco Pearl city of Sicilian Baroque and UNESCO site.
  • Pantalicaunesco Appearing in the UNESCO World Heritage List, the necropolis of Pantalica dates back to the 13th century BC. and extends over a plateau between suggestive gorges carved by the Anapo river.
  • Syracuseunesco Capital of the province. Greek city with a long history and UNESCO heritage.
  • Buccheri - Village a few kilometers from Palazzolo. Famous for its pine forests, hiking trails and tranquility.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Palazzolo Acreide
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Palazzolo Acreide
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).