Noto (Italy) - Noto (Italia)

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Known is a city of Sicily.

To know

Noto was once located on Mount Alveria and destroyed by the Val di Noto earthquake in 1693. It was then rebuilt in its current location in Baroque style.

Geographical notes

Noto is located in the southwestern part of the province at the foot of the Iblei mountains. Its coast, between Avola is Pachino, gives its name to the gulf of the same name. The municipal area is the largest in Sicily and the fourth in Italy.

The aspect of the Agro Netino is mainly characterized by the Mediterranean scrub, and by olive and almond groves in the hilly area, by the vast citrus groves and vineyards in the plain of San Paolo, while in the mountains, large pastures alternate with traces of Mediterranean scrub, with secular laurels, oaks, ash trees and holm oaks.

In its territory 4 rivers flow: the Tellaro (Atiddaru in Sicilian) whose source was located in the territory of Ragusa. L'Asinaro, which is born a few kilometers north of Ancient known, and flowing near both the old and the new city. The Cassibile, which was born near Baulì a Palazzolo Acreide and which, takes the name of Manghisi, to subsequently arrive in the majestic canyon of the Cavagrande del Cassibile nature reserve. The Gioi born at Monte Finocchito.

When to go

The climate, of the Mediterranean type, is characterized by mild winters and very hot summers. The temperature reaches its highest values ​​in the months of July and August (37 ° C on average, but with peaks even higher than 40 ° C) and the lowest in December and February (which very rarely drop to 5 ° C) , while the annual average is around 18.5 ° C. The rainiest months are October and November, the driest months are June and July. The phenomenon of hailstorms is very scarce, while, in winter, it is not uncommon to come across banks of fog (especially in the mountain hamlets), as well as days characterized by strong winds, which in winter come mostly from the west, while in summer and in autumn blow mostly from the northeast.


The original site of the city, Ancient known, is located 8 km further north, on Mount Alveria. Here we find the first human settlements, which date back to the Ancient Bronze Age or Castellucciana (2200-1450 BC), as evidenced by the archaeological finds found. According to an ancient legend, Neas, which would have been the name of the oldest known, would have given birth to the Sicilian leader Ducezio, who in the fifth century BC. he would have defended the city from Greek raids. He moved it from the Mendola hill to the nearby Mount Alveria, surrounded by deep valleys, in one of which flows the stream of Noto. Very soon Neas or Neaton, by now Hellenized in its customs, it became part of the Syracusan sphere of influence.

According to Polybius and Titus Livius, Neaton was a Syracusan colony during the reign of Gerone II, recognized in 263 BC. by the Romans with a peace treaty. The Gymnasium, the megalithic walls and the Hellenistic Heroa validate the hypotheses of historians.

In 214 BC about, Neaton opened its doors to the army of the Roman consul Marco Claudio Marcello, and was thus recognized as an allied city by the Romans (who called it Netum). As such, the Romans granted the Noto their own senate, so much so that even today, the words SPQN (Senatus PopulusQue Netinus) are still present in the palaces and portals. Like the other island cities, it suffered the harassment of Verre, described by Marco Tullio Cicerone.

During the late Roman period, the Villa Romana del Tellaro (4th century) was built in its area. After the occupation of Sicily (about 535-555) by the Byzantine legions of the Emperor Justinian, the territory of Noto was enriched with monuments, such as the basilica of Eloro and the Trigona of Cittadella dei Maccari, the Oratory of the Falconara and the Crypt of S. Lorenzo Vecchio, the Cenobio of S. Marco, the Village of Contrada Arco. In 864 Noto was occupied by the Arabs of Ras Khafaja ben Sufyan, who fortified it. Given the importance attributed to the city by the Arabs, Noto became, in 903, capovalle and its territory recorded the rationalization of agriculture and the promotion of trade. The silk industry was also established, taking advantage of the presence of mulberry trees in the area.

In Noto, as in many other Sicilian cities of the same period, the presence of a considerable Jewish community is recorded, also attested by some caves such as, in Noto Antica, the Grotta del Carciofo.

In 1091 Noto was occupied by the Grand Count Ruggero d'Altavilla, and was given to his son Giordano, who began the construction of the castle and the Christian churches. During the reign of Emperor Frederick II of Swabia, the Cistercian monastery of Santa Maria dell'Arco was erected in Noto, governed by Count Isinbardo Morengia.

During the Angevin period, on April 2, 1282, Noto took part in the Sicilian Vespers insurrection. In 1299, during the war for the possession of Sicily between Frederick III of Aragon and Charles II of Anjou, the castellan of Noto Ugolino Callari (or of Callaro) rebelled against the former by going to the latter's side, and handed over the city ​​to the army of Robert of Anjou, son of Charles II.

Back under the Aragonese dominion, Noto was then ruled by Guglielmo Calcerando. Under the reign of Alfonso V of Aragon was Viceroy of Sicily Niccolò Speciale, netino, who made an important contribution to the development of the city, ruled at the time by Duke Pietro d'Aragona, brother of the king. The duke had the Maestra Tower of the Castello di Noto Antica built in 1431. In 1503, thanks to the intervention of Bishop Rinaldo Montuoro Landolina, King Ferdinand II of Aragon conferred on Noto the title of "Ingenious City" for the many characters who in the fifteenth century distinguished themselves in the field of art, literature and science, such as Giovanni Aurispa, Antonio Cassarino, Antonio Corsetto, Andrea Barbazio and Matteo Carnalivari.

In 1542 the Viceroy Ferrante Gonzaga fortified the city walls.

On 11 January 1693 the city, then in its full splendor, was destroyed by the Val di Noto earthquake, in which about 1,000 people died. Immediately after the terrible event, Giuseppe Lanza, Duke of Camastra, appointed vicar general for the reconstruction of the Val di Noto, decided to rebuild the city on another site 8 km further downstream, on the slope of Mount Meti. Various personalities intervened in the construction plan of the city, indicated by documents and tradition: from the Dutch military engineer Carlos de Grunenbergh, to the mathematician Giovanni Battista Landolina, to the Jesuit fra Angelo Italia, to the military architect Giuseppe Formenti; but, beyond the urban plan, it should be borne in mind that the current city is the result of the work of numerous architects (Rosario Gagliardi, Paolo Labisi, Vincenzo Sinatra, Antonio Mazza), master builders and stonecutters, who, throughout the eighteenth century, create this exceptional urban environment.

In the nineteenth century, with the new administrative reform, Noto lost the role of capovalle, which passed to Syracuse. However, in 1837, due to the Carbonaro movement of Syracuse, Noto became the capital of the province, and in 1844 also the center of a diocese. In 1848 the Sicilian independence revolution broke out and Noto participated in it, the revolt was suppressed the following year and the netino Matteo Raeli, minister of the revolutionary government, went into exile in Malta.

In 1861 Noto, after the Expedition of the Thousand, became part of the Kingdom of Italy, initially retaining the title of provincial capital, then transferred to Syracuse in 1865 [11]. In 1870 the Municipal Theater was inaugurated; the exiled Matteo Raeli was appointed minister of Grace and Justice and of the Cults of the new nation. The railway station was built around 1880 in Noto.

After the Second World War the migratory process towards the northern regions of Italy began, the Germany, the France, the Belgium, L'Argentina, the USA and the Canada and the city of Noto knows a few decades of decline. On March 13, 1996, the dome of the Cathedral collapsed due to a construction defect and structural overload caused by the construction of a concrete floor above the central nave. The city was included in the list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in 2002. Following a long and complex restoration, the church was reopened after eleven years of work. 18 June 2007. In the early 2000s it was registered an economic recovery, due to the development of tourism, which represents the main resource of the Baroque city.

How to orient yourself

36 ° 53′31 ″ N 15 ° 4′18 ″ E
Noto (Italy)

Corso Vittorio Emanuele

The main reference of Noto is Corso Vittorio Emanuele, the main axis that runs from east to west. Along this street there are the main monuments and buildings of the city. The remaining monumental part, which is part of the Unesco map, has a checkerboard urban design. The real center is in correspondence with the Cathedral and Palazzo Ducezio.

The city develops on a slope, in the lower part in a decentralized position there is the station. The territory of Noto is very vast and has the territorial extension of the largest municipality in Italy.


  • Calabernardo
  • Castelluccio
  • Lido di Noto
  • Reitani
  • Rigolizia
  • San Corrado di Fuori
  • Saint Lawrence
  • St. Paul
  • Saint Lucia
  • Head of Water
  • Villa Vela

How to get

A visit to Noto can be considered as the day trip from Syracuse or an intermediate stop between Syracuse and Ragusa (1.5 hours).

By plane

The airports of eastern Sicily are:

  • Italian traffic signs - airport icon.svgCatania airport (Catania Fontanarossa Airport "Vincenzo Bellini". IATA: CTA), Via Fontanarossa, 20, Fontanarossa (By direct bus of the Interbus company, one every hour approximately.), 39 0957239111. Simple icon time.svg00:00-24:00. Airport for national and international flights. Catania-Fontanarossa Airport on Wikipedia Catania-Fontanarossa Airport (Q540273) on Wikidata
  • Italian traffic signs - airport icon.svgComiso Airport (Pio La Torre Airport) (Direct bus connections only from Catania), 39 0932 961467, @. Airport opened in 2007. Mainly operates seasonal and charter flights. Comiso Airport on Wikipedia Comiso Airport (Q1431127) on Wikidata

On the train

Noto station
  • 1 Noto station, Viale Principe di Piemonte. The train station is located off-center from the city center and the bus station. Being a secondary station, with no permanent staff, you may find it difficult to find tickets. To reach the center it is necessary to go on foot. Due to these inconveniences, combined with the few train rides available (there are no trains on Sundays), the use of this means of transport is not recommended. Noto station on Wikipedia Noto station (Q3970314) on Wikidata

By bus

The new bus terminal
  • 2 Bus terminal, Via Pula (next to the Villa Comunale but outside the Porta Reale.). Interbus is AST provide liaison services with Syracuse in about 1h 15min, but also Sortino is Catania. Tickets are sold at Hotel Flora near the stop or on board (but a slight surcharge will apply).

During the summer there is a shuttle bus that connects the city with twice a day Palazzolo Acreide and the Lido di Noto (Piazza Sallicano). For information ask at the tourist information point or call 39 339 8974536, 39 327 0073245.

How to get around

The best way to visit Noto is to walk.

What see

The cathedral of Noto

Noto is a world heritage site and is considered the most attractive of the baroque towns in south-eastern Sicily. It's actually a really nice little town where most of the significant buildings are lined up along a single street. Unfortunately some of these are closed and / or undergoing restoration. However, the city is undergoing a strong awakening and enhancement.

  • Main attraction1 Cathedral of Noto. The Cathedral stands on the top of a magnificent staircase consisting of three flights of stairs dating back to the 18th century but restored at the beginning of the 19th century. The façade is closed by two imposing bell towers and is surmounted by two late eighteenth-century statues. Inside, the dome under the altar was recently frescoed by the Russian artist Oleg Bondarenko. Many parts of the church will be bare due to post-earthquake damage in 1990 and the subsequent collapse of the dome which was followed by massive restorations. Cathedral of Noto on Wikipedia Noto cathedral (Q749677) on Wikidata
Church of the Most Holy Crucifix
  • 2 Church of the Most Holy Crucifix, Mazzini square. This church is located in the upper part of Noto. Designed by Rosario Gagliardi, it dates back to the early 1700s and inside there is a statue of Laurana recovered from ancient Noto. Church of the Santissimo Crocifisso (Noto) on Wikipedia Santissimo Crocifisso church (Q3668633) on Wikidata
Church of San Carlo al corso
  • 3 Church of San Carlo al Corso, Corso Vittorio Emanuele. It was built in 1730 and inside it contains a barrel vault with splendid frescoes. Apart from the free visit, there is the possibility to climb the bell tower (for a fee) to admire the life of the city from above. Church of San Carlo al Corso (Noto) on Wikipedia church of San Carlo al Corso (Q3669747) on Wikidata
Church of San Domenico
  • 4 Church of San Domenico, Piazza XVI Maggio (In front of the Municipal Theater). This church designed by Rosario Gagliardi dates back to the early 1700s. The particularity is dictated by the rounded façade with convex shapes in opposition to other churches with a concave façade of which there are various examples in the city. Church of San Domenico (Noto) on Wikipedia Church of San Domenico (Q3669884) on Wikidata
Church of Santa Chiara, interior
  • 5 Church of Santa Chiara, Corso Vittorio Emanuele (Near the Convent of the Benedictine Sisters). Although on the outside the church does not have a particularly attractive facade, inside it reveals a treasure chest of beauty. Designed by Rosario Gagliardi and built around 1730, the interior has an elliptical shape. In addition to several paintings there is a Madonna and child by Antonello Gagini. Admission is subject to a fee. Church of Santa Chiara (Noto) on Wikipedia church of Santa Chiara (Q3672965) on Wikidata
Palazzo Ducezio
  • 6 Palazzo Ducezio (city ​​Hall). Ecb copyright.svg€ 2; combined with the Vittorio Emanuele Theater, the Hall of Mirrors and the Museum € 4. Simple icon time.svg9: 30-19: 00; summer: 9: 30-20: 00. Eighteenth-century building designed by Vincenzo Sinatra with neoclassical frescoes by Antonio Mazza. It currently houses the town hall. Palazzo Ducezio on Wikipedia Palazzo Ducezio (Q18910350) on Wikidata
  • 7 Royal Gate (Porta Ferdinandea). The entrance to the city and its main street - Corso Vittorio Emanuele Porta Reale (Noto) on Wikipedia Royal Gate (Q3908768) on Wikidata
  • 8 Nicolaci Palace of Villadorata, Via Nicolaci, 39 338 7427022. Ecb copyright.svg€ 4 (Jun 2018). Simple icon time.svg0:00-13:00, 15:00-17:30. Well restored eighteenth-century building. The ground floor houses the municipal library "Principe di Villadorata" (Principe di Villadorata). The palace is still inhabited by some members of the Nicolaci family. Palazzo Nicolaci di Villadorata on Wikipedia Palazzo Nicolaci di Villadorata (Q18910352) on Wikidata
  • 9 civic Museum (former. Convent of the Benedictine Sisters), Corso Vitt. Emanuele, 149. Ecb copyright.svg€ 2; combined with the Vittorio Emanuele Theater, the Hall of Mirrors and the Museum € 4 (Jun 2018). Simple icon time.svgAug 9: 00-24: 00; Sep-Jun 09: 30-13: 30, 15: 30-19: 30. It consists of two parts: archaeological collection and Contemporary art gallery E.E. Pirrone (Contemporary art gallery). The building also has a nice roof terrace with wonderful views.
  • 10 Landolina Palace.
  • 11 Palazzo Di Lorenzo del Castelluccio.
  • 12 Palazzo Astuto.
  • 13 Trigona Palace.
  • 14 Impellizzeri Palace.

Outside the built-up area

  • Castelluccio of Noto - The homonymous culture takes its name from this prehistoric site and its findings are visible at the Paolo Orsi Museum in Syracuse. The site can be visited by archeology enthusiasts as it is not usable and devoid of indications. On the spot there are several castelluccian tombs, the remains of the ancient town and a medieval castle.
  • Vendicari Wildlife Reserve oriented nature reserve - in this reserve, in addition to the possibility of swimming in the sea, you can visit the Swabian tower and the tonnara, depending on the season you can see pink flamingos and various birds.
  • Ancient known
San Corrado outside the walls
Mosaics from the Roman Villa del Tellaro
  • 15 Hermitage of San Corrado outside the walls, Contrada Lenza Vacche, hamlet of San Corrado di Fuori, 39 0931813111. On the main altar there is a canvas depicting a Madonna with Child and San Corrado by Sebastiano Conca. It also houses the body of San Leonzio Martire. It is one of the holiest places for Noto as the patron saint San Corrado lived there.
  • 16 Villa del Tellaro (Roman Villa of Tellaro) (south of Noto, from the SP 19 towards Pachino), 39 0931 573883. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 08.30-19.45. Remains of a Roman villa from the 4th century BC with some beautiful mosaics. Villa del Tellaro on Wikipedia Villa del Tellaro (Q499234) on Wikidata
  • 17 Santa Chiara quarry (leave the car in via Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa in San Corrado di Fuori). An Ibleo canyon on which the Santa Chiara stream flows. An excellent place for a simple excursion from the hamlet of San Corrado di Fuori.
  • 18 Noto radio telescope, Contrada Monte Renna. Simple icon time.svgVisits by appointment. INAF radio telescope for radio observation of the sky. Noto radio telescope on Wikipedia Noto radio telescope (Q7063101) on Wikidata
  • 19 Pizzuta column. Pizzuta column on Wikipedia Pizzuta column (Q15639809) on Wikidata
  • 20 Painted (Favorite). Roman monument visited by Jean Houel. Painted (Q31831627) on Wikidata

Events and parties

  • Feast of San Corrado. Simple icon time.svgFebruary 19.
  • Bookshelf (Culture Festival for Kids). Simple icon time.svgMarch. Annual festival dedicated to books and teen culture.
  • Infiorata of Noto, Via Nicolaci. Simple icon time.svgthird Sunday of May. The central Via Nicolaci is covered with splendid mosaics made with flower petals. Following a topic that changes every year, the infiorators make different colored representations. The festival attracts thousands of tourists every year.
  • Known effect. Simple icon time.svgJuly. Classical music festival.
  • Summer festival of San Corrado. Simple icon time.svgLast Sunday of August.
  • Well-known music festival. Simple icon time.svgsummer. Classical music festival.

What to do

Do not miss the excursion to Ancient known, the site of the old city of Noto razed to the ground by the earthquake of 1693. The area shows several traces of a past that starts from prehistoric times up to the fateful date.


Local specialties include jams, marmalades, honey, biscuits and slushes.

How to have fun


  • 1 "Tina Di Lorenzo" Municipal Theater, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 83 (at Piazza XVI Maggio). A nice small theater with good acoustics. The theater offers an interesting theatrical season with good performances.

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Marpessa, Vico Carrozziere, 10, 39 0931 835225. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 08: 00-22: 00, Sat-Sun 08: 00-24: 00.
  • 2 Neas restaurant, Via Rocco Pirri, 30, 39 0931 573538. Nice restaurant and outdoor service in a small courtyard. Local seafood
  • 3 Dammuso restaurant, Via Rocco Pirri, 10/12, 39 0931 835786. Simple icon time.svgWed-Mon 19: 30-23: 00. Excellent Sicilian cuisine in a nice place in the city center. In summer it can be particularly crowded.
  • 4 Bedda Matri, Via Pier Capponi, 4, 39 388 153 4095. Simple icon time.svgWed-Mon 12: 00-15: 00 and 18: 30-23: 30. Sicilian specialties.

High prices

  • 5 Sicily coffee, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 125 (On the main course), 39 0931 835013. Simple icon time.svg07:00-22:00. The most awarded and cited bar in travel guides.
  • 6 Crucifix Restaurant, Via Principe Umberto, 46, 39 0931 571151. Great little restaurant of the Baglieri family.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices

High prices


How to keep in touch

Keep informed

Eloro district app a free app to get all the useful information about Noto and its surroundings.


Noto has the advantage of being located in a point from which several places of tourist and seaside interest can be reached.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Noto (Italy)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Noto (Italy)
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).