Cavagrande del Cassibile nature reserve - Riserva naturale orientata Cavagrande del Cassibile

Cavagrande del Cassibile nature reserve
Cavagrande lakes
Cavagrande del Cassibile Nature Reserve - Location
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

There Cavagrande del Cassibile nature reserve is a protected area located in Sicily.

To know

Together with Pantalica is Vendicari, the Cavagrande reserve is one of the most visited natural places in the Province of Syracuse.

Geographical notes

The half-coast path

The reserve extends along a large canyon (quarry) created by the erosive action of the Cassibile River that flows through it and flows into the Ionian Sea located south of the town of Cassibile. The reserve occupies the administrative territories of the municipalities of Avola, Known is Syracuse. It includes both the quarry whose height difference is about 300 meters up to the mouth of the river on the Ionian Sea at the beach of the Marchesa di Cassibile.

Flora and fauna

The flora of Cava Grande includes over 400 plant species including the Trachelium lanceolatum, Cymbalaria pubescens, Odontites bocconei, Ophrys lunulata, Antirrhinum siculum. But also: Chamaerops humilis, Teucrium fruticans, Suffruticosa marigold, Sarcopoterium spinosum, Salvia triloba, Phlomis fruticosa, Knotty Ferulago, Anacamptis longicornu and several species of orchids. The presence of the snowdrop is curious (Galanthus nivalis), false nettle (Lamium flexuosum) and a tropical fern la Pteris vittata.

Few species live there with the exception of birds such as: the Sicilian long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus siculus), the buzzard and the peregrine falcon. In addition, the porcupine, the marten, the terrestrial tortoise, the Sicilian marsh tortoise, the leopard snake, the discoglossus, the tree frog and numerous diurnal and nocturnal birds of prey. Among the invertebrates there is also the freshwater crab Potamon fluviatile.

When to go

The reserve is suitable for any time of the year. In winter it is excellent for following the hiking trails and exploring the various areas, while in summer it is limited to a swim in the lakes even if the temperatures are often high for the whole day.

How to get

By plane

The airports of eastern Sicily are:

  • airportCatania airport (Catania Fontanarossa Airport "Vincenzo Bellini". IATA: CTA), Via Fontanarossa, 20, Fontanarossa (By bus to Sortino or Ferla), 39 0957239111. Simple icon time.svg00:00-24:00. With national flights to all Italian cities and several European international locations. Catania-Fontanarossa Airport on Wikipedia Catania-Fontanarossa Airport (Q540273) on Wikidata
  • airportComiso Airport (Pio La Torre Airport) (Direct bus connections only from Catania), 39 0932 961467, @. Airport inaugurated in 2007. It mainly carries out seasonal and charter flights with destinations to some Italian and European cities. Comiso Airport on Wikipedia Comiso Airport (Q1431127) on Wikidata

By car

The car is the only possible way to reach the reserve. The paths depend on which access point you choose.

On the train

The closest station is that of Avola, however it will be necessary to find an autonomous means of transport to reach the reserve.

By bus

Unless you have joined a hiking group that includes travel by bus, there is no public transport to take you to the reserve.

Detail of the map with the three entrances

Permits / Rates

Entrance to the reserve is free. As for all reservations, the general rules of respect for the place and attention to nature apply.

For tourist information:

How to get around

Inside the reserve you can move on foot, unless you decide to change access points (where distances make a car necessary).


  • 2 Main entrance from Avola (Cruci scale) (From Avola take the SP4 for Avola Antica then turn right following the signs. From Palazzolo Acreide take the SS287 and take the SP4 then turn left following the signs.). The entrance has an asphalted clearing which however has a limited space of free places. However, during the summer season there is a paid parking.
The path called "Scala Cruci" descends at times with steps up to the lakes even if there are branches.

  • 3 North entrance (Mastra Ronna) (From Cassibile take the SP73 and turn left paying attention to the signs for access. From Canicattini Bagni take the SP73 and turn right at the sign.). The entrance is over a dirt path and a farm (watch out for dogs!). The start of the path is signposted, leave your car in the parking lot in front. This path is officially usable up to the "Case di Natala" forest shelter. Access to the main lakes is prohibited by a specific ordinance
Carrubella entrance
  • 4 Carrubella entrance (Prisa-Carrubella) (From Avola take the SP4 for Avola Antica then turn right following the signs. From Palazzolo Acreide take the SS287 and take the SP4 then turn left following the signs.). The access road is unpaved and in some places quite bumpy. Do not worry, it is accessible until the end where you reach an open space where you can park freely. After leaving the car, follow the path past a farm, there is also adequate signage. To go down to Cavagrande there are two ring paths: Carrubella A and Carrubella B.

What see

The southern lakes
  • 1 Southern lakes of Cavagrande (The lakes can be reached from the two entrances, the main one to the south and the one to the north. Both have a clearly marked path.). They are probably the main reason why tourists, especially in summer, decide to tackle the long descent to the valley floor. The lakes indicated are the most famous and the most visited, although upstream there are others frequented mainly by locals. The lakes have waterfalls and deep spots where you can swim.
Dieri of Cavagrande
One of the accesses to the dieri with stairs
  • 2 Dieri of Cavagrande (Ddieri of Cavagrande) (The shortest route is from the Carrubella entrance following the path along the hillside, or from the main entrance at half altitude when the path forks, locate the path that remains level. The 5 access point from the half-slope path where ropes can then be identified is in correspondence with a stream of water that crosses the path (depending on the season)). "Dieri" is the name by which the cave dwellings are called in Syracuse. Those of Cavagrande are particularly large and multi-storey. Inside there are several passages, stairs and rooms with a spectacular view and in many cases overhanging the valley. Access is quite difficult not only due to the absence of an indication to reach them, but also due to the lack of paths traced by the half-coast path. To reach them, some local associations have left ropes to facilitate the otherwise impossible ascent.
For this excursion it is advisable to be adequately equipped with ropes, torches and physical preparation. Visiting children is not recommended because it is too dangerous. Dieri by Cavagrande (Q63247191) on Wikidata
Grotto of the brigands
Carubella path lakes
  • 3 Grotto of the brigands (Access can be made from the north entrance, go down the Mastra Ronna path and then turn right. The path is not clearly marked and therefore the use of maps is recommended.). This cave is easily visible almost from the front from the widening of the main entrance of Cavagrande. The arched cave has inside the cave environments dug into the rock and used in past centuries as a dwelling, a bit like for dieri. The history of this cave has developed over the centuries some parts can be dated to the Cassibile period (1500 BC) and of probable residential function, given the presence of a natural spring. The rooms were reused in the Byzantine era and even in the Arab era. The Arabs in fact exploited the presence of water to tan the hides, transforming the cave into a tannery. There is no certainty about the origin of the name of the cave.
Access to the cave is particularly difficult due to the slopes and slippery ground. Maximum caution is recommended. Grotto of the brigands (Q63248212) on Wikidata
  • 4 Cavagrande lakes, Carrubella path (From the Carrubella entrance path B). These lakes are less famous than the southern ones but have the advantage of being more accessible as the difference in height is less. In addition, the presence of trees allows you to find a lot of shade in summer.
  • 5 Closed (Carrubella Path A, immediately after the stairs, at the river.). The locks are used to convey the water into the Cassibile pipeline. The buildings in front are abandoned and the locks are not accessible.
Necropolis of the Cassibile
Entrance to a tomb
Cassibile pipeline
  • 6 Necropolis of Cassibile (The site can be reached from Cassibile via the SP73, once you have taken the road, after a few kilometers you will find the Villa del Marchese di Cassibile. Once the car is parked, continue on foot along the dirt road to the left of the villa until almost the end of the same, then go up the mountainside from where the necropolis is easily visible. Be careful because the land crossed is private property, it is always good to be recognized as hikers.). After Pantalica, it is the largest tomb complex of the Sicilian civilization. There are in fact about two thousand artificial cave tombs, datable to a period ranging from 1000 to 800 BC, a historical period called "Second facies of Pantalica" or "Cassibile", as it takes its name from this necropolis. The numerous artifacts found today are kept at the Paolo Orsi Regional Archaeological Museum in Syracuse, such as elbow arch fibulae, and pottery. The tombs are embedded in the rock with a semi-circular internal environment.
The construction of this necropolis is probably linked to the transfer of the Sicilian population from Pantalica to the sea, followed by a return to the hinterland with the subsequent facies of Pantalica. The necropolis was also used in the Byzantine era due to the presence of arcosoli. Today the complex falls within the Cassibile reserve near the Cava Sant'Anna. Necropolis of Cassibile on Wikipedia Cassibile necropolis (Q16581778) on Wikidata
  • 7 Cassibile power station. Between 1908 and 1910 an important and futuristic project for the construction of a hydroelectric power station was carried out at the Cava grande del Cassibile. In the carrubbella district, the reinforced concrete dam was built which diverts the course of the river inside a pipeline almost entirely dug into the rock with a length of about 8 km. The pipeline is visible along the mid-slope path, interspersed with entrances and vents. The water ends its run in a large tank in the Tangi district where, by means of two long pipes, it is conveyed to the main building, located near the river, where it feeds turbines inside it and capable of generating more today about 2 Mw. The last restoration of the power plant dates back to 2016

What to do

The Kingfisher

In the summer, tourists come to swim in the lakes, in all other seasons it is very interesting to go hiking.

  • 1 Equipped area "The kingfisher" (SS287 next to the bridge over the Cassibile / Manghisi river), 39 345 1642135, @. Ecb copyright.svg6 € adults. Simple icon time.svgIn summer. This picnic area is located in the northernmost point of the reserve. Once you have paid for admission, you can do a variety of activities including canoeing, picnics, walks and educational visits. However the reviews about this place are mixed, many complain about mismanagement by the owners and rudeness.
Beach of the Marchesa di Cassibile
  • 2 Beach of the Marchesa di Cassibile (Pineta del Gelsomineto) (SS115 between the motorway exit of Avola and the Manghisi bridge of Cassibile). Ecb copyright.svgCar 10 € (weekdays), 20 € (weekends and holidays), Motorcycle 5 €. After 2pm the rates will be reduced by 50%. Simple icon time.svgIn summer: 08: 00-20: 00. This beautiful beach falling within the reserve is located near the mouth of the Cassibile / Manghisi river which crosses the Cavagrande canyon to throw itself into the Ionian Sea. The beach is among the most beautiful in the province, and there is also an organized space for campers and cars. There are also showers and you can have a picnic. There is the possibility of swimming in the sea or at the mouth of the river. In winter, access is barred by a gate but can be accessed on foot. Beach of the Marchesa di Cassibile (Q63075196) on Wikidata


Descent to the Carrubella path
  • Carrubella path. This is the only perfectly practicable circular path. From the entrance, the path divides into A and B. Compared to the main descent to the lakes, this path is higher but above all it is richer in vegetation. The path in fact extends along a wood and runs along the river. This path connects to the hillside path which is officially not passable.
  • Half-hill path. This path is located at half altitude, it begins in the north crossing the Carrubella and ends by crossing the main descent to the lakes. From this path you reach the dieri, however it is not officially usable.


Some associations and tourist agencies organize excursions to Cavagrande including:


For purchases it is convenient to go to Avola along the ring road where there are several shopping centers, or a Syracuse.

Where to eat

  • 1 Cavagrande bar pizzeria, Contrada Monzello Di Pietre, Contrada Avola Antica, 39 0931 811220. Simple icon time.svg8:00-20:00. Used by all those who make an excursion to Cavagrande, be it a bottle of water, an ice cream or something to eat.

Where stay

Apart from some farmhouses in the surrounding area, most of those who visit Cavagrande come from neighboring municipalities such as Syracuse, Noto, Palazzolo Acreide and Avola where the offer of accommodation is varied and within walking distance.

  • 1 Glamping Near Cavagrande. Not a campsite but the possibility of staying a short distance from Cavagrande but in a tent.


The dieri have some very dangerous overhanging sections

Those who wish to visit the reserve are reminded that the main entrance is officially closed due to static problems. However, since the closure has lasted for years (2014), both tourists and locals access it by climbing over the protective railing. The path that allows access to the lakes is not maintained and in many points has broken barriers and rough terrain. Be aware that access from this side is at your own risk.

Although the main attraction of the reserve are the lakes and the possibility of swimming, it should be noted that the difference in height from the plateau is about 350 m. In the summer, when there is the greatest influx, the ascent, especially in the hottest hours, can be a big problem for those who are less trained or those who suffer from the heat.

For those who make excursions, or who want to swim in the lakes, it is recommended to wear appropriate clothing: trekking shoes, hat and enough water reserves. There are not many shaded spots even at the bottom of the valley.

Inside the reserve there are spaces for the helicopter rescue as there are not many possibilities of ascent in the event of an accident.

How to keep in touch


The presence of the telephone network is not guaranteed within the valley, while in the upper parts it is quite present and of good quality. The absence of a network must also be considered in the context of any requests for help.


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2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but also contains information on how to get there, on the main attractions or activities to be carried out and on tickets and access times.