Syracusan - Siracusano

Palazzo Ducezio in Noto
Siracusano - Location
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Syracusan is the territory of the city of Syracuse in Sicily

To know

Geography of Syracuse

Geographical notes

The Syracusan occupies the southeastern part of the island of Sicily. To the north the territory borders with the Catanese, to the north-west with the Calatino and to the south-west with the Ragusa area.

Its stretch of coast that overlooks the Ionian Sea initially alternates rocky coasts and then has several sandy beaches up to the extreme southern tip of Capo Passero. The north-west hinterland is hilly.

When to go

The Syracusan has an arid Mediterranean climate with a heat that is often difficult to bear in the height of summer (swimming can be enjoyed to the fullest, while city tours and shopping should be postponed to the early hours of the morning or towards sunset. Spring and autumn temperatures are often pleasant, in winter zero degrees are rarely reached (Sicilian houses are usually not well heated in winter), however in mountain towns the temperatures can drop further and snow is not excluded.

Spoken languages

Italian is the official language, but the Sicilian dialect is also quite used with the Syracusan inflection which tends to double the d even when speaking Italian (eg. shower). In the southern area, from Avola onwards it is very common to say ciù instead of chiù. It is ciù bellu, or is chiù bellu (it is more beautiful).

Culture and traditions

Myths and legends

Alfeo and Arethusa by Paolo de Matteis (1710)
Sword of Damocles, painting by Richard Westall of 1812

The most famous myth of Syracuse is that of Arethusa is Alpheus. The nymph Arethusa was seen by the river god Alfeo who immediately fell in love with her trying to possess her. But the nymph fled and in fleeing she invoked the help of Artemis who turned her into a source, precisely the Arethusa source placed in Ortigia. Alfeo who resided in the river of Peloponnese, to join her he decided to travel the entire Ionian Sea and reach the outlet to the sea of ​​the source to join the two waters in an eternal embrace.

The Ciane River

According to the account of Guide, Damocles was a member of the court of Dionysius I, tyrant of Syracuse. He claimed that the latter was an extremely lucky person, being able to dispose of great power and great authority: Dionysius then proposed to him to take his place for a day, so that he could savor this fortune, and Damocles accepts. In the evening a banquet is held during which Damocles begins to feel the pleasures of being a powerful man with his hand; only at the end of the supper does he notice, above his head, the presence of a sword supported by a slender horsehair. Dionysius had made her hang on his head so that he understood that his position continually exposed him to great threats to his safety. Damocles immediately asked the tyrant to be allowed to end the exchange. From this story comes the expression "sword of Damocles", which indicates a serious danger of which it is not known when it can materialize.

The rivers Ciane is Anapo they are linked by a legend, which is linked to the myth of Persephone and of his kidnapping by Hades. The nymph Ciane reacted to the abduction of Persephone by clinging to the chariot of Hades. The angry God struck her with his scepter, transforming her into a double spring with blue waters (cyanos in Greek it means precisely blue). The young Anapo, in love with the nymph Ciane, having seen his fiancée liquefy, was also changed into the river which still today, at the end of its journey, joins the waters of the Ciane.

Another myth tells that Heracles passing through Syracuse he decided to honor Persephone and Ciane by sacrificing a bull right at the Ciane spring, ordering the citizens to perform the same gesture every year.

Territories and tourist destinations

36 ° 59′38 ″ N 15 ° 2′6 ″ E
map of the Territory of Syracuse

Urban centers


  • 1 Augusta - About fifty km south of Catania, Augusta is an oil port on an island that extends into the gulf of the same name and connected to the mainland by bridges. On the Gulf of Augusta is the archaeological site of Megara Hyblaea, a city founded by settlers from Megara in 728 BC
  • 2 Avola - This small town between Syracuse and Noto is an important seaside resort.
  • 3 Knownunesco Pearl city of Sicilian Baroque and UNESCO site, it arose from scratch following the 1693 earthquake that destroyed the Ancient city.
  • Pachino - At the southern end of Sicily Pachino is an agricultural village surrounded by extensive beaches on the Ionian and Mediterranean side. The most famous on the Ionian coast are those of Lido, Cavettone and Morghella while on the Mediterranean Sea we find that of Cuffara, Costa dell'Ambra, Scarpitta, Raneddi and Porto Ulisse.
  • 4 Portopalo of Capo Passero - In its territory there is the island of Capo Passero which takes its name from the southernmost territorial extremity of Sicily.
  • 5 SyracuseunescoCapital of the province. Greek city with a long history and UNESCO heritage.


  • 6 Buccheri - a village on the western edge of the province of Syracuse. Famous for its pine forests, hiking trails and tranquility.
  • Buscemi
  • 7 Ferla - Called "The door of Pantalica" this small mountain town is an almost obligatory destination for those who go to Pantalica, but it is also a pleasant place to spend a few hours away from the noise of the coast. It is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy
  • 8 Francofonte - City of the PGI orange, with a purely agricultural vocation but with some prestigious buildings.
  • Lentini
  • 9 Palazzolo Acreideunesco On a hill overlooking the course of the Anapo river, Palazzolo Acreide was built in the 13th century on the site of ancient Akrai, a colony of Syracuse destroyed by the Arabs in 827 AD. Two of its churches from the Baroque period, that of San Paolo and San Sebastiano have been declared World Heritage Sites of HumanityUNESCO. It is also one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
  • Rosolini

Other destinations

Archaeological sites

  • Castelluccio of Noto - Prehistoric archaeological site from which the namesake takes its name culture of Castelluccio.
  • Megara Hyblaea - Ancient Greek city destroyed by the Syracusans of Gelone in 483 BC
  • Ancient known - Archaeological site of the ancient city of Known with the ruins of the city and the possibility of excursions.
  • Pantalica (Rock Necropolis of Pantalica) - unesco Appearing in the list of the World Heritage Sites ofUNESCO, the necropolis of Pantalica dates back to the 13th century BC. and extends over a plateau between suggestive gorges carved by the Anapo river.
  • Archaeological Park of Neapolisunesco This archaeological park is one of the unmissable attractions of Syracuse. Inside there are the most important monuments of Greek and Roman times such as the Greek Theater, the Roman Amphitheater and the Ear of Dionysus.
  • Thapsos (Magnisi Peninsula) - Peninsula rich in important prehistoric remains and bunkers from the Second World War.

Natural areas

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are:

  • Catania-Fontanarossa Airport - with domestic flights to all Italian cities, and flights to the main European destinations and various international locations.
  • Comiso Airport - It mostly carries out seasonal, charter and low cost airlines flights to some Italian and European cities.

By car

Syracuse it is easily reachable from the highway Messina-Catania-Syracuse A18, whose unfinished section ends at Rosolini but that's expected up to Gela. The southern coast of Sicily can also be reached via the South Western Sicula road SS115, which starts in Syracuse and passes through Known and moves away from the coast reaching Modica, Ragusa, Comiso, Victory and finally Gela.

North of Augusta the branch SS194 passing by Lentini, Francofonte is Vizzini leads to Ragusa.

On boat

Ferry connections from the port of Syracuse are being activated.

  • 1 Port of Pozzallo. The Port of Pozzallo it is mostly used for commercial purposes, but it also makes daily connections with Malta by ferry of the Virtu Ferries Limited. Rates are subject to seasonal variations and car transport is also provided.

On the train

There are railway connections through the electrified line Catania-Syracuse or through the non-electrified line Syracuse-Ragusa-Gela-Canicattì, which connects the baroque cities of the Val di Noto.

By bus

All cities are affected by bus services through the AST and Interbus companies. For details see the individual cities. There are also connections via Flixbus and other companies to Italy and other parts of Sicily.

How to get around

By car

There SS124 connects Syracuse to Palazzolo Acreide passing through Canicattini Bagni and continuing beyond.

From Noto through the SP19 can be reached Pachino passing through the Vendicari Reserve.

On the train

See above

By bus

There are several bus connections although they can be quite slow. For those who have to visit the area, a car is preferable.

What see

  • 1 Xibini Tower (Scibini Tower). Ruined medieval tower.
  • 2 Priolo Castle (Within a private land. Just ask the farmers for access.). Ruined castle from which you can enjoy a splendid view of Syracuse and part of the province. Next to it there is an ancient Greek staircase with steps carved into the rock.
Tomb of Bears
  • 3 Tomb of Bears, Lazzaro quarry (From the SP 34 coming from Rosolini turn right towards the SP 32, then take the first right and continue for about a kilometer. To reach the tomb, it is necessary to cross private land, passing the fences guided by the GPS). In this quarry (canyon) north of Rosolini There is a famous Castelluccian tomb with false pillars called Tomba Orsi, as it was discovered by the archaeologist Paolo Orsi who also studied its characteristics. The tomb dates back to prehistoric times, probably datable between 1800 - 1600 BC. Its peculiarity is the presence of a decoration of fake pillars carved into the rock and graffiti decorations, a rare feature for this type of tombs. This suggests an important burial: a sovereign or a notable of the time. Cava Lazzaro on Wikipedia Cava Lazzaro (Q3663848) on Wikidata
  • Marcellino Valley. Marcellino Valley on Wikipedia Valle del Marcellino (Q28669902) on Wikidata
  • 4 Monte San Basilio. Monte San Basilio on Wikipedia Monte San Basilio (Q16543029) on Wikidata
  • 5 Roman Villa of Tellaro. Villa del Tellaro on Wikipedia Villa del Tellaro (Q499234) on Wikidata
  • 6 Pizzuta column. Pizzuta column on Wikipedia Pizzuta column (Q15639809) on Wikidata
  • 7 Spire of Marcellus. Spire of Marcellus on Wikipedia Spire of Marcellus (Q17632229) on Wikidata
  • 8 Painted (Favorite). Roman monument visited by Jean Houel. Pictured (Q31831627) on Wikidata
Necropolis of the Cassibile
  • 9 Necropolis of Cassibile (For information on how to get there see: Cavagrande del Cassibile nature reserve). This necropolis is part of the so-called Pantalica culture, being the construction typology and the time part of the Pantalica complex. The ancient builders chose to build a necropolis near the sea for reasons still to be clarified, since they had previously remained in the Pantalica area, which was rather inaccessible and protected. Necropolis of Cassibile on Wikipedia Cassibile necropolis (Q16581778) on Wikidata
  • 10 Dieri di Baulì.
  • 11 Saint Lucia of Mendola.
  • 12 Leontinoi. Leontinoi on Wikipedia Leontinoi (Q3830644) on Wikidata
  • 13 Hold Gorges. Geocarsal site near Buccheri known for the presence of a natural gorge produced by the erosive action of the San Leonardo river. Gole della Stretta on Wikipedia Gole della Stretta (Q43784899) on Wikidata
  • 14 Casmene. Casmene on Wikipedia Casmene (Q508186) on Wikidata
  • 15 Park of the river Tellesimo, SP79. This area stands beside the river Tellesimo, a tributary of the Tellaro, which over time has carved canyons rich in nature. The route is equipped for a safe excursion, in the hope that in the near future it will become a nature reserve being defined.
  • 16 Biviere of Lentini (Lentini Lake). Lentini Lake on Wikipedia Lentini lake (Q3825975) on Wikidata

What to do

Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: Cycling_in_Sicily # Siracusano is Hyblaean paths.

The Syracusan area is rich in naturalistic places to explore and get to know. Many of them need expert guides to find the trails and get to know the places. To do this you can rely on tourist agencies, or consider the associations that every weekend make excursions in the area such as Sicilian nature, the CAI of Syracuse, Acquanuvena. There is also the app Syracuse Living Nature for Apple and Android with general information also in English on the main sites of Syracuse. Some trails are described in the article Hyblaean paths.

Beach of the Marchesa di Cassibile
  • 1 Beach of the Marchesa di Cassibile (Pineta del Gelsomineto) (SS115 between the motorway exit of Avola and the Manghisi bridge of Cassibile). Ecb copyright.svgCar 10 € (weekdays), 20 € (weekends and holidays), Motorcycle 5 €. After 2pm the rates will be reduced by 50%. Simple icon time.svgIn summer: 08: 00-20: 00. This beautiful beach falling within the reserve is located near the mouth of the Cassibile / Manghisi river which crosses the Cavagrande canyon to throw itself into the Ionian Sea. The beach is among the most beautiful in the province, and there is also an organized space for campers and cars. There are also showers and you can have a picnic. There is the possibility of swimming in the sea or at the mouth of the river. In winter, access is barred by a gate but can be accessed on foot. Beach of the Marchesa di Cassibile (Q63075196) on Wikidata
  • 2 Noto radio telescope, Contrada Monte Renna. Radio telescope for radio observation of the sky. Noto radio telescope on Wikipedia Noto radio telescope (Q7063101) on Wikidata
  • STEP Siracusa Trekking Experience Project, Syracuse, 39 335 8086973, @. Trekking and naturalistic tours to discover the province of Syracuse.
  • 3 Panoramic road, SR 15. Panoramic road with low traffic intensity, to be traveled by car but above all by bicycle.
  • 4 Panoramic road, SR 5. Panoramic road with low traffic intensity and close to wind turbines, to be traveled by bicycle as it is closed to traffic.

Events and parties

First Sunday MaySaint Lucia of the quailsSyracuse
May JuneInternational Youth Classical Theater FestivalGreek Theater of Palazzolo Acreide
May-JulyClassical representationsGreek Theater of Syracuse
28-29JuneFeast of St. PaulTO Palazzolo Acreide
JulyOrtigia Film FestivalTO Syracuse
8-10 AugustFeast of San SebastianoTO Palazzolo Acreide
15 AugustFeast of the AssumptionTO Syracuse
half AugustPalio of the seaTO Syracuse
last Sunday ofOctoberAgrimontanaTO Palazzolo Acreide
13 and 20 December Feast of Saint LuciaCelebrated a Syracuse

At the table

The pizzolo

The most typical food of Syracuse, mostly a Sortino and the pizzolo. A sort of calzone, but it would be better to define it as a double layer of crispy dough pizza with various toppings inside.


One of the most famous wines is Nero d'Avola which takes only the denomination but whose vines can be present in every part of Sicily.


Except for Syracuse where more attention is paid to the risk of theft and muggings, the remaining locations are quite safe.

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