Ferla - Ferla

Panorama of Ferla
Coat of arms
Ferla - Coat of arms
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Ferla is a city of Sicily and it is also one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

To know

Geographical notes

Ferla, is located in the western part of the province of Syracuse, on the Iblei Mountains, inside the Anapo valley near Pantalica.


The village was formed around the castle and was characterized by a complex of cave houses and an intricate system of alleys and streets. The neighboring districts were probably inhabited in Greek and Roman times; during late antiquity and throughout the Byzantine age the territory of Ferla was intensely inhabited by communities dedicated to agriculture and above all to livestock. Among the most interesting settlements of this historical period we remember the town of Giarranauti and the rock complexes of San Sisto and San Martino in Pantalica. Some cemetery complexes known to the scientific community for having returned some sepulchral epigraphs, including that of the deacon "Dionisio", date back to the early Christian era.

The presence of a Christian community between the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, the discovery of sepulchral inscriptions in Greek within the cemetery complexes confirm the repopulation of the whole territory at the end of the ancient world. The Gothic war, the vandal invasions and probably the spread of the plague caused the abandonment of the villages.

The name "Ferla" appears for the first time in the Ecclesiastical Tithes of 1275. But the first real document is the will of Baron Iohannes de Ferula, dated 1292. From this family, which would later be called La Ferla, the name derived . The Ferla fiefdom passed to the Moncada di Paternò family, who held it for several centuries. In 1625 he became a marquisate and passed to Giuseppe Rau and Grimaldi da Noto. The baronial rights died out with Francesco Tarallo Borgia.

How to orient yourself

The Four Cantos

The main roads are via Vittorio Emanuele and via Umberto. The intersection between these two streets constitutes the center of the city and is called Quattro canti, in imitation of those of Palermo.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are:

  • 1 Catania airport (Catania Fontanarossa Airport "Vincenzo Bellini". IATA: CTA), Via Fontanarossa, 20, Fontanarossa, 39 0957239111. Simple icon time.svg00:00-24:00. Airport for national and international flights. Catania-Fontanarossa Airport on Wikipedia Catania-Fontanarossa Airport (Q540273) on Wikidata
  • 2 Comiso Airport (Pio La Torre Airport), 39 0932 961467, @. Airport opened in 2007. Mainly operates seasonal and charter flights. Comiso Airport on Wikipedia Comiso Airport (Q1431127) on Wikidata

By car

The entrance from the SP56 has the bridge over the Anapo river closed to transit, therefore the only access is from SP10 from Buccheri. The road forks with the SP29 from Sortino.

How to get around

The city is very small, you can park wherever you want and continue on foot.

What see

Church of San Sebastiano
  • 1 Church of San Sebastiano, S. Sebastiano square. The church of San Sebastiano is the largest in the town; it was built in 1481 but was completely rebuilt after the earthquake of 1693. The interior has three naves and preserves the relics of San Giovanni Battista, San Sebastiano, Santa Lucia and Santo Stefano. The external façade is embellished by the plastic apparatus of the master Michelangelo Di Giacomo, depicting the Saint flanked by two soldiers and two Moors holding the spirals of the architrave. The canvas above the altar is by Giuseppe Crestadoro. Church of San Sebastiano (Ferla) on Wikipedia church of San Sebastiano (Q98418789) on Wikidata
Church of Sant'Antonio
  • 2 Church of Sant'Antonio Abate, Via Vittorio Emanuele, 79. Originally (in the 16th century) it was located in the lower part of the town, the earthquake destroyed it entirely; the reconstruction took place on the current site, in the center of the new town, in the south-west sector of the four canti. The Greek cross layout was designed immediately after the earthquake of 1693, but construction continued for over fifty years. The exterior, particularly interesting, is composed of a sinuous Baroque facade built from three concave bodies of which the two sides are crowned by bell cells. The interior is a dynamic space, typically new and rarely used. The vault of the octagonal dome is an exceptional embroidery of friezes, frescoes, stuccos. The central fresco depicting the triumph of San Antonio is by Crestadoro as well as the other panels and the lunette of San Matteo. The dome of the left bell tower fell down following the 1908 earthquake. Church of Sant'Antonio Abate (Ferla) on Wikipedia church of Sant'Antonio Abate (Q98419011) on Wikidata
  • 3 Parish of San Giacomo Maggiore (mother church), S. Sebastiano square.
  • 4 Carmel Church, Via Vittorio Emanuele.
  • 5 Obelisk, Via Vittorio Emanuele.
  • 6 Church of Santa Maria di Gesù, Garibaldi Street.
  • 7 Church of Santa Sofia, Piazza Guglielmo Marconi.
  • 8 Convent of the Capuchin Friars Minor, via del Calvario.
  • 9 Church of the Madonna delle Grazie, Via Vittorio Emanuele, 127, 390931870136.

Events and parties

Easter holiday
  • Holy Easter. The celebrations of Easter in Ferla are particularly heartfelt. The Holy Saturday event is particularly interesting (Sciaccariata) when after midnight the lights of the town are turned off and the Sciaccare lights, torches that follow the fercolo of the Risen Christ.
  • Feast of San Sebastiano. Simple icon time.svgJuly 20. On the evening of the eve after the traditional "Curruta" (the statue is taken out of the niche where it is kept during the year and placed on the altar, amidst the cries and invocations of the faithful), the relic and the silver arm are carried in procession through the main streets of the town. At dawn on the 20th, the firing of twenty cannon shots draws people to the crowded dawn mass. It is traditional to go to this mass on a pilgrimage, offering a votive candle. The bearers of the fercolo "the nudes" are dressed in white trousers and on their bare chest they wear a red ribbon bearing the image of St. Sebastian. At twelve o'clock between "Nzareddi" and fireworks the Saint makes his spectacular "Nisciuta". Taken in procession he returns to go out again in the evening on the artistic cart pulled by the children.
  • Christmas holidays. The Christmas atmosphere can be experienced transported by the melodies of the singing of the novenas. The singers, equipped with flute, bagpipe, accordion, go around the streets of the town starting from December 16, singing three stanzas a day, for nine days, the whole story of the birth of the Child Jesus. Each church open to worship carries out the celebration of the Christmas novena which will culminate with the Christmas vigil on the night of December 24, with a suggestive representation of the birth of the Child Jesus at the stroke of midnight. Furthermore, in Ferla the tradition of handcrafted nativity scenes is now consolidated, which takes place along the entire route of the ancient town, creating an atmosphere rich in colors and sounds. The handmade nativity scenes are set up by small and large local workers who, without competition, show people the art of making the nativity scene.

What to do

  • Typically you go to Ferla to access Pantalica through the SR11 starting from the country.
  • Bike tours. The roads around Ferla are great for cycling, many of which have low vehicular traffic and good views. SR 5 panoramic road near wind turbines closed to traffic. SP29 with which it intersects connects Sortino to Buccheri becoming SP10. Even the road that leads to Pantalica and which becomes SR11 it's great.
Pedagaggi-Ferla-Cassaro path
  • 1 Hike along the SR-1 trail. The trail connects Tolls to Cassaro passing through Ferla. From Pedagaggi take the SP32 towards Buccheri, then continue to the SR 5 Ferla-Pedagaggi on asphalt, then turn right onto the path marked by a sign. He continues west of Monte S. Venera until he reaches the SP29 which will be crossed, you go on a dirt road on the municipal road Piano Santa Croce. From here you get to the SP10 and continue up to the inhabited area of ​​Ferla. You cross the country to the south, always following the SP10 towards Cassaro. Then you reach a natural staircase on the right that left the SP10 it will then resume it along the crossroads between Cassaro and Ferla. From the crossroads, follow the signs and continue until you reach the provincial road that leads to the town of Cassaro. You exit south in the direction of the Anapo Valley continuing in the last stretch that intersects several times the SP45 and reaches the bridge over the Anapo near the entrance to Pantalica.
To view the route check "hiking routes" in the dynamic map.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

Average prices

  • 2 Trattoria Dell'Arco, Via Arco Lanteri, 5, 390931870035. Trattoria and pizzeria with good quality products.

Where stay

There are no hotels in the city but several accommodations in private homes.


  • 3 Carabinieri Command Station Ferla, Garibaldi Street, 39 0931 870144.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 4 Post Office, Via Vittorio Emanuele, 55, 39 0931 870090.


The most interesting countries are Palazzolo Acreide is Sortino. More distant Known is Syracuse.

For excursions it is possible to go to Pantalica is Thapsos.

  • 5 Bosco Demanio Santa Venere (entrance along the SP29). Wooded area great for shady walks and picnics.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Ferla
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Ferla
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).