Pozzallo - Pozzallo

The Cabrera Tower, symbol of the Sicilian town
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Pozzallo (Puzzau or Puzzadu in Sicilian) is an Italian town in the Province of Ragusa, in Sicily.

To know

Geographical notes

Pozzallo is 32 kilometers from the city of Ragusa. Its territory, the smallest of the province, is squeezed between the Mediterranean Sea that bathes it to the south, while inside it borders the municipalities of Modica to the north-west and Ispica to the east. the interior soft slopes. Much of the territory is occupied by the urban settlement, only in the direction of Ispica and Santa Maria del Focallo there are numerous lands cultivated with vineyards and olive groves.

When to go

The best time to go to the town is around June or September: the temperature is mild and the area is not crowded.


Its historical importance begins towards the end of the fourteenth century, with the construction by the Chiaramonte, Counts of Modica, of a "Caricatore", a complex of warehouses right on the coast, and of piers and slides for the loading of goods on sailing ships. With the Caricatore Pozzallo becomes one of the most active ports of call on the island, due to its importance it was considered the second Charger in Sicily.

In his defense at the beginning of the fifteenth century Alfonso V of Aragon authorized the request of Count Giovanni Bernardo Cabrera, to build a tower: "Torre di Cabrera" very impressive and of great military importance for the preventive sighting of the pirate sailing ships time they often aimed at the Magazatore warehouses, always full of grain from the Modica County, which from Pozzallo reached the most distant ports of the Mediterranean. Soldiers and artillerymen served in the tower and cannons of different caliber were placed on its terraces while cavalrymen guarded the coast. The first urban agglomeration thus began to be born in the vicinity of the Tower, initially consisting of a few hundred people including soldiers and fishermen, but soon with the increase in maritime-commercial activities it came to triple and pass from a village dependent on Modica , an autonomous municipality on 12 June 1829, by decree of Francis I of Bourbon, King of the Two Sicilies.

How to orient yourself

Pozzallo is made up of five main arteries: Via Mario Rapisardi, which starts from Torre Cabrera and reaches the SP46, Via Torino, the busiest road, which connects Via dell'Arno to Viale Australia, and Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, which connects viale Europa with via dell'Arno, and the two promenades Pietrenere and Raganzino. from these arteries numerous lanes branch off parallel to each other, forming a dense network of streets.

How to get

By plane

  • 1 Comiso airport (Pio La Torre Airport, IATA: CIY), 39 0932 961467, @. Airport converted for civilian use, it began flight operations in 2013 and is served by some low-cost carriers. Comiso Airport on Wikipedia Comiso Airport (Q1431127) on Wikidata
  • 2 Catania airport (Catania Fontanarossa Airport "Vincenzo Bellini". IATA: CTA), Via Fontanarossa, 20, Fontanarossa (Arriving from the airport of Catania, take the Catania-Syracuse motorway and then the Syracuse-Gela motorway, and continue to the tollbooth of Rosolini. Take the SS115 and, upon reaching Ispica, take the SP46.), 39 0957239111. Simple icon time.svg00:00-24:00. Airport for national and international flights. Catania-Fontanarossa Airport on Wikipedia Catania-Fontanarossa Airport (Q540273) on Wikidata

By car

Coming from Catania, take the Catania-Syracuse motorway and then the Syracuse-Gela, and continue to the tollbooth of Rosolini. Take the SS115 and, upon reaching Ispica, take the SP46.

Coming from Palermo, take the A19 Palermo-Catania and continue to Catania. take the Catania-Siracusa motorway and then the Siracusa-Gela motorway and exit at Rosolini. Take the SS115 and, once in Ispica, take the SP46.

On boat

  • 3 Port of Pozzallo. The Port of Pozzallo is used mostly for commercial purposes, but also makes daily connections with Malta by ferry of the Virtu Ferries Limited. Rates are subject to seasonal variations and car transport is also provided.

On the train

  • 4 Pozzallo station. The Pozzallo station, located in via Mazzini, is part of the Caltanissetta Xirbi-Gela-Syracuse railway line.

By bus

Daily connections are made with Catania, Modica and surroundings. The main stop is located in Piazza Rimembranza, but there are numerous other stops (Lungomare Pietrenere, Viale Europa).

How to get around

By public transport

The town is small and the municipal area is restricted, so tram or city bus services are absent.

By taxi

  • 5 Taxi service, @. Taxis leave mostly from the port, but some, rarely, also leave from Piazza Rimembranza. Other means are also available for excursions on theEtna is in the from Messina.
Ragusa45/50€ *
  • On Sundays the fare for the Ragusa-Pozzallo (Porto) ride is € 50

What see

  • 1 Cabrera Tower. The Tower is the symbol of Pozzallo, also present in the municipal coat of arms. It was built at the beginning of the 15th century to defend a complex of granaries and warehouses called Charger. The Tower collapsed in 1693 following an earthquake, but was rebuilt.
  • 2 Villa Tedeschi, Via Mario Rapisardi. The Villa, built in the 19th century, was owned by the noble German family. It includes, in addition to the main building, a garden and a private chapel. The structure is now used as a municipal library
  • 3 Castello Di Martino, Via Vespri Siciliani. The Martino Castle was built in the 1930s, but was never completed. Today it is in ruins and stands on a hill facing the port. Until 2013 there was the living Via Crucis, organized on the Friday before Palm Sunday.
  • 4 Church of Santa Maria di Portosalvo, Via Mario Rapisardi. The Church, the first built in Pozzallo, stands on a rock spur adjacent to the sea. Inside we can admire various paintings by Valente Assenza and the venerated statue of the Addolorata, the work of the sculptor Angioini.
  • 5 Church of the Madonna del Rosario, Piazzetta San Pietro. The Church of the Madonna del Rosario, better known as the church of San Pietro because it depended on the cathedral of the same name Modica, is the Mother Church of the town and was built in 1876. Inside, the numerous paintings and frescoes and the statue of the Madonna by Valente Assenza are of particular interest.

Events and parties

  • Good Friday. Expression of the lively popular religious sentiment, they see a great participation of the faithful. On the morning of Good Friday at the church of Portosalvo takes place to scinnuta ra Maronna, namely the removal of the nineteenth-century statue of the Addolorata from the aedicule of the main altar. Then follows the exposure of the children, who are taken in their arms so that they can wipe the tears from the face of the Virgin. In the afternoon the statue is carried in procession together with that of the dead Christ through the streets of the city, illuminated by torches. Arriving at the Mother Church, the town's Via Crucis begins. Late in the day the plea to entrust the Pozzallo people to the protection of the Madonna resounds.
  • St. John Baptist. Simple icon time.svgJune 24. On the Sunday preceding the day of the Solemnity, the statue of the saint is placed on a boat that takes off followed by dozens and dozens of other small boats during the procession the traditional wreath of flowers is thrown on the sea in memory of all those who have lost his life at sea.

What to do

Pozzallo is a well-known seaside resort, therefore it is very popular in the period of July-August. The two main beaches are Pietrenere and Raganzino.


How to have fun

  • 1 Soda Thanks, Santa Maria del Focallo, @. Ecb copyright.svg10€ - 30€. Simple icon time.svg08:00-00:00. Soda Thanks offers its visitors an excellent view of the Mediterranean, also offers service for bathers, umbrellas and WiFi on the beach. Among other things, you can also treat yourself to a lunch, a breakfast or a rich aperitif

Where to eat

Where stay

Moderate prices


For almost the whole year Pozzallo is a quiet and not lively town. The only "hot" months are the three summer months:

In case of emergencies, Pozzallo is home to a Carabinieri station and the Port Authority.

How to keep in touch


The municipality has a free wi-fi network in the area of ​​Corso Vittorio Veneto and Piazza Municipio.
Almost all the bars have wi-fi connection and there are numerous internet points.

Keep informed


The municipal area is very small, but in the nearby municipality of Ispica excursions are possible in the Cava d'Ispica, a complex of canyons and gorges inhabited until a few decades ago.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pozzallo
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pozzallo
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