Milazzo - Milazzo

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Milazzo is a port city in the Messina Province on the north coast Sicily.


Capo Milazzo
Castello di Milazzo

Milazzo is around 45 km west of Messina on the north coast of Sicily. From the port of Milazzo the lines go to the Aeolian Islands (Aeolian Islands). The city extends on both sides of the Capo Milazzo, which is why the city is named Città dei due Golfi wearing.


The city in the area of ​​prehistoric settlements was founded in 716 BC. Founded by settlers from Zankle (Messina) and gained around 550 BC. The independence. Around 270 BC The city suffered from the Mamertines, a mercenary troop, which Messina had taken; in 260 BC Chr. Pretended Mylae the first naval battle between the Romans and the Carthaginians, Rome remained victorious in this 1st Punic War and the Roman colonization of Sicily began. Again was Mylae The scene of another naval battle when (Sextus) Pompey was defeated by the troops of Emperor Augustus. Under the Byzantines, Milazzo became a bishopric.

After the conquest by the Arabs it was Milazzo Capital of an administrative district and remained so after the conquest by the Normans under Roger I after 1101, in the turmoil of the Sicilian Vespers the city was besieged by the Angiovinians and the Aragonese and finally came under Spanish rule like the rest of Sicily.

In 1860 the battle took place between the Burbons and the Red shirts of Garibaldi and Sicily was incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy, the milazzo important fortress of Milazzo was rededicated as a prison. During the Second World War there were plans for an Allied invasion on the north coast in the area of ​​Milazzo, but the invasion then took place on the south coast, Milazzo suffered from bombing.

getting there

By plane

The airports of Palermo and Catania can both be reached just as quickly.

By train

Milazzo is on the railway line Messina - Palermo the Trenitalia, the 1 Railway station is in the south of the city.

By bus

With Giuntabus is Milazzo almost every hour Messina (Journey time 50 min.) And from there with the connecting bus of the SAIS Autoline to Catania - Connected to Catania-Aeroporto. Giuntabus also drives to other places in the area.

In the street

Milazzo is on the toll motorway A19Messina - Milazzo - PalermoAt the same time, the free but much slower and more strenuous to drive due to the through-town traffic SS113Settentrionale Sicula to be used.

By boat

The Navigatione Generale Italiana operated the lines to the Aeolian Islands, Siremar also runs the daily Aeolian Islands and carries over twice a week Stromboli to Naples. The Ustica Lines also go to the Aeolian Islands and also serve a line to Stromboli.


Map of Milazzo

The municipal bus service is on five lines from the AST (Messina) ensured.

Tourist Attractions

Churches in Milazzo
Duomo di S. Stefano

Streets and squares

The leads from the port Lungomare Garibaldi the east coast of the Along Capo Milazzowho have favourited colorful fishing boats and fishermen at work belong in the picture of a Sicilian port town. The coastal road leads as Via Francessco Crispi along the harbor to the north, at the Chiesa di San Giacomo leads the free traffic Via Giacomo Medici along worth seeing Palazzi to the center of the lower town.


  • the 1 Duomo antico (old cathedral) lies in the fortress area of ​​the "Città murata", the former is also nearby 2 Monastero delle Benedittine, Benedictine monastery.
  • A path on the mountain flank leads past the remains of the Fortino Castriciani the 3 Chiesa dell 'Immacolata from the 17th century, from the terrace there is a nice overview of the lower town.
  • it is one flight below 4 Chiesa di San Rocco.
  • The 5 Chiesa San Francesco di Paola with its imposing outside staircase is built in the baroque style, it is located on the paved Salita San Francesco.
  • The baroque church 6 Chiesa del SS. Salvatore from the early 19th century is located on the Via Impallomeni.
  • right across the street is the 7 Chiesa di San Gaetano or Madonna della Catena with their much older origin.
  • the 8 Chiesa della Madonna del Rosario with the Convento di San Domenico is on the eastern slope below the Castello
  • the simple church 9 Chiesa di San Giuseppe from the 16th century is located near the Salita Porticella, which over the mountain flank with the fort on the west side of the Capo Milazzo leads.
  • the 10 Chiesa dei Cappuccini with the associated convent seems to have fallen into disrepair, and efforts are evidently being made to restore it.
  • the 11 Chiesa Santa Maria Maggiora is on Lungomare Garibaldi, the interior is decorated with rococo-style frescoes, the classicist facade dates from the 19th century, the campanile fell victim to the earthquake of 1908. It is reported that Garibaldi rested on its steps after the battle of Milazzo in 1860 ...
  • behind the 12 Chiesa di San Giacomo begins the free traffic leading to the center of the lower town Via Giacomo Medici.
  • the baroque church 13 Chiesa Madonna del Carmine with the subsequent former Carmelite convent is located on the Piazza Duilio Caio, which was built after the victor in the sea battle of 262 BC. is named.
  • the construction of the new 14 Duomo di San Stefano was built around 1930/50, the exterior of the simple church is adorned with paintings from the old cathedral: two paintings of St Peter and Paul are from Antonello De Saliba from the 16th century school of Antonello di Messina, the statue of City Patron Saint Stefano from the 19th century is carried through the town in a procession every year at the beginning of September.
  • in the 15 Chiesetta di S. Caterina di Alessandria a statue is kept, probably dating from 1560 Giuseppe Bottone was created from Messina.
  • on the way west one arrives at 16 Chiesa di San Papino, the church from the early 17th century with the adjoining Franciscan convent was badly damaged in the siege of 1718 and restored in 1934.

Castles, chateaux and palaces

  • in the area of ​​the fort, the so-called "walled city" (Città murata), had already existed fortifications in antiquity. Even if that 17 Castello as Torre Saracena it is probably from the time of the Normans; Under Friedrich II von Hohenstaufen the fortress got its present appearance. The 18 Cinta Aragonese, upper wall ring, dates from the time of the Aragonese, the lower one 19 Cinta Spagnola with the bastions from the Burbon period. The one can be found at a corner of the wall 20 Scarabeo, the insect-like figure on a corner of the wall probably dates back to the Norman era.
  • runs along the west coast under the fort Via Grotta Polifemoknown from mythology 21 Polyphemus grotto is supposed to be here on the west coast of Capo Milazzo have found. It was last used as a shelter for troops during World War II and is no longer open to the public.
  • the 22 Palazzo dei Marchesi D’Amico at the Lungomare Garibaldi is decorated with frescoes and stucco ceilings, today the library is housed there.
  • further north on the Lungomare are the decaying former orphanage 23 Orfanotrofio, with the imposing entrance portico.
  • the 24 Palazzo del Governatore is in urgent need of renovation; Various personalities stayed in the building, which dates from the 16th century, and after the earthquake damage in 1831, the building is no longer habitable.
  • the 25 Villa Vaccarino from 1930 is now the seat of the court, the Art Nouveau park is open to the public during opening hours.
  • on the Via Borgia Cumbotowards the Duomo one arrives at 1 Trifiletti Theaterfounded by an entrepreneur and wine merchant in the early 20th century.
  • on the 26 Piazza Roma stands the fallen war memorial by Nino Geraci from Palermo in 1926.
  • the 27 Palazzo Catanzaro in the Via Umberto I with beautiful grimaces on the baroque balconies is in need of renovation.
  • the 28 Palazzo Municipale from the 19th century is located on the Lungomare Via Francesco Crispi at the rear of the Carmelite Church complex.


  • at the Via G. Impallomeni lies that 29 Antiquarium with an exhibition of archaeological finds from excavations in the urban area.


  • opposite the facade of the Duomo are under a glass cover parts of the 30 Excavations a Roman-Byzantine necropolis with amphorae, some of which were used as children's grave urns, the finds are in the Antiquarium shown.


  • Excursion to Capo Milazzo, which is on the eastern coastal road Via Panoramica / SP72bisSP72bis is attainable.
At the end of Via Sant'Antonio a staircase leads to the cave chapel of the 31 Sant'Antonio di Padova, The terrace offers a beautiful view of the cape and the city of Milazzo.
From the parking lot is the northwest tip of the cape with an octagonal tower from the 19th century and also the lighthouse Reachable on foot, westward direction Punta Messina lies the Spiaggetta di Renella.
  • from Via Trinità is the 32 Monte Trino accessible with a chapel (and cell phone antennas).
  • of the 2 Via Panoramica a path leads down to a small beach
  • Beaches are in the west on the 3 Spiaggia del Tono, Baia del Tono and at the 1 Spiaggia del Ponente.

The coastal sections in the east of the city go from the port region directly into the industrial area, the water quality is unlikely to be the best here.







  • the 1 Ospedale Giuseppe Fogliano is in the south of the city.

Practical advice

  • the office of Servizio Turistico Regionale is located on the Piazza Caio Duilio
  • 2 Poste Italiane, Post office at the end of the Via Giacomo Medici.



Web links

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