Stromboli - Stromboli

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Stromboli is the northeasternmost of the north of Sicily lying Aeolian Islands. Western neighboring island is Panarea, to the east comes that at some distance Italian Mainland.


The island of Stromboli consists entirely of the almost 3,000 m high volcano, of which 900 m protrude from the sea. It is one of the four active volcanoes in Italy and has shown almost uninterrupted eruption activity in historical times with usually several eruptions per hour. In ancient times it was used by seafarers for orientation; the continuous eruption activity has become a model in science strombolian Activity done.

The island has a very small size of 12.6 km². The most spectacular attraction is the volcano itself. In addition, due to the seclusion and little tourist development, one experiences a very original destination and, due to the volcanic nature, large parts of the wild, uncultivated landscape.

Stromboli is a destination that is hardly suitable for very long vacation stays. Those who have already visited the volcano will find only a few other recreational opportunities. But travelers who prefer the tranquil will find a very attractive destination here. The island's beaches in particular, made of fine black lava sand, are ideal for relaxing swimming and diving, and some of the seldom visited corners of the island are beautiful. Due to its peripheral location in the archipelago, Stromboli is hardly suitable for excursions to the other islands. The neighboring island of Panarea is already an hour and a half ferry ride away, according to Lipari it is approximately three hours for one way.

Since it is extremely hot on the island in high season, shade is scarce and it is literally overrun by thousands of day-trippers, it is advisable to visit the island in spring or autumn. Stromboli is a very small, sensitive ecotope that is already polluted by excursion tourism, so the traveler should behave particularly environmentally conscious.

the small, secluded Ginostra


The place Stromboli

There are only two villages on the island: The larger capital Stromboli has around 500 permanent residents (the number of residents increases during the season). It is located in the northeast of the island and is from the contiguous districts Piscità , Ficogrande, San Bartolo, San Vicenzo and Scari (from west to east). This is the starting point for the ferries and there is a basic range of shopping, dining and accommodation options during the season.

The small, remote Ginostra (approx. 20 inhabitants) is a fishing village in the southwest, which is hardly visited by tourists due to the poor accessibility, ferries rarely stop.

Other goals

Sciara del Fuoco
  • The volcano. The active craters are located about 700 m to the northwest of the summit. The summit is about 200 m higher and 500 meters away. During normal activity, the volcano emits two to three hundred meter high lava reservoirs, so that from the summit you can have a comparatively safe view of the eruption activity. Access is limited (see sights).
  • The Sciara del Fuoco. The slope below the eruption points, on which the lava rocks slide down and hiss hissing into the sea. For obvious reasons not accessible and can only be viewed from the sea.
  • Two kilometers northeast of Stromboli is the tiny, uninhabited sister island Strombolicchio. Only accessible by boat charter.

getting there

Stromboli can only be reached by ship. It is not possible to take your own vehicle with you. Passengers in their cars must leave them at the embarkation port or on Lipari. There are ferries from Milazzo or. Messina (usually with a change in Lipari) as well as from Naples, Reggio di Calabria or Tropea out. The crossing from Naples is overnight (departure at around 9 p.m., arrival at 6 a.m.). Some faster ships, which are also more expensive, also operate during the day. The shortest waterway to Stromboli starts from Tropea (here night train connection) and takes 1.5 hours by hydrofoil. The 1  Ferry dock is located in Scari, the easternmost part of the main town.

Some boats also call at Ginostra, which otherwise would not be accessible.

Provider of Ferries are:

Provider of Hydrofoils (aliscafo) are:

  • Siremar (so.)
  • SNAV


Map of Stromboli

Due to the lack of transport infrastructure, there are no cars, buses or trains on Stromboli. Bringing a car is not possible. There are some Vespa tricycles on the island for the transport of goods and public services, including taxis; in addition, mopeds and boats. The only other way to get around the island is on foot or by bike, but this is sufficient due to the clear distances. Stromboli is only suitable to a very limited extent for travelers with restricted mobility.

It should be noted that from Stromboli you are only allowed to climb the mountain up to about 400 meters in altitude; Continuing towards the summit is only permitted on guided tours.

To visit Ginostra you have to go by boat from Stromboli. The only overland route leads over the summit and is therefore not generally approved.

Tourist Attractions

Ash cloud seen from the place

The villages, hardly spoiled by tourism, are worth a closer look, and the remote Ginostra with the smallest port in Europe (only a boat!) Is a worthwhile destination. Due to the volcanic and seismic activity, hardly any older buildings have survived. The atmosphere ultimately comes from the seclusion and how the residents there, living on the volcano, have set up.

The volcano can be viewed from the top of the mountain. The ascent takes around three hours, depending on your fitness level. Since the eruptions are most impressive in the blue hour and in the dark, the ascent usually takes place in the afternoon. At this time of day, this part of the island is fully in the sun; there is hardly any shade. Sturdy shoes are advisable, especially for the higher part.

Crater region

The path from the town of Stromboli first leads along the north coast of the island before it zigzags up the mountain. Initially through cultivated terraces laid out on the slope, upwards more and more overgrown and later maquis. The path is freely accessible up to a vantage point about halfway up. The further ascent is only allowed with a licensed mountain guide; in the event of a violation it imposes hefty fines. The upper part of the ascent is almost without vegetation. Because of the sometimes sharp-edged lava rock, good footwear with sturdy soles is recommended here. The path curves around the crater region and later on the summit ridge with a great view of the sea and, if the view is good, of the other islands and the mainland.

From the summit you have a good view of the crater region from usually a safe distance (even if fairly fresh lava lumps and lumps also show there: there is no guarantee). It should go without saying that one should not approach the crater region and that the mountain guides would also prevent it.

The descent is via the east side, initially over an ash field (Rina Grande), in which one quickly loses height by sliding rather than walking. One should watch out for the timely exit from the ash field in a northerly direction to the path; otherwise a somewhat annoying march through impassable maquis awaits you (since you are accompanied by mountain guides, that shouldn't be a problem). The descent takes about an hour and a half. The guided tours arrive at the place around midnight.


Eruption. In the foreground the Sciara del Fuoco, to the left of the ash cloud the summit

The biggest attraction of the island is the volcano itself. Depending on the current activity, you can climb the mountain up to the craters (only on guided tours).

Mountain tours offer:

  • Aquillone Antonino, Via Natoli. Tel.: 39 090 986211. Volcanological tours.
  • Famularo Antonio, Via Vittorio Emanuele 33. Tel.: 39 090 986139. Volcanological tours.

Another spectacular attraction is the "Sciara del Fuoco", a slope on which ejections from the craters slide or roll into the sea. At night, the glow of the glowing lava can be seen from the sea, and nocturnal excursion boats bring visitors up to this point.

In addition, the nature of the island invites you to go hiking and Strombolicchio is a real paradise for divers.

Canoeing and Stand Up Paddling (SUP) to worthwhile excursion destinations such as Strombolicchio, the "Sciara del Fuoco"and a natural swimming pool (piscina) are also possible, and offer the opportunity to be on the sea without the noise of an engine and to hear the volcano.


The visitor will find various hotels on the island, some with three-star standard, as well as holiday apartments, and many of the island's residents rent rooms to guests. They often offer this as soon as a ferry arrives at the landing stage. Prior reservation is advisable during the high season in summer, and higher prices are to be expected in the hotels than elsewhere. Note: Camping is not allowed.

to eat and drink

There are some restaurants as well as some beach and hotel bars, but there is no nightlife on Stromboli.



As mentioned, Stromboli is a volcano that is constantly active and - in a usually harmless way - constantly emitting gas, ash and lava. Nevertheless, in the event of a major eruption such as B. most recently in December 2002 (when the subsequent tidal wave destroyed parts of Stromboli and the island was evacuated for two months) and April 2003 (with damage in Ginostra) a dangerous place.

Although the "normal" outbreaks are not dangerous, one should be aware of the potential dangers. The authorities monitor the mountain very closely and know its condition, their instructions should be followed. If the paths to the summit are closed (most recently Aug. – Oct. 2014), they should not be used. The volcano may only be climbed above 400 m with a local guide. This restriction is checked from time to time and the penalties are severe (EUR 500 in 2015).

Hikes on the Stromboli require a certain level of fitness (ascent approx. 900 meters in altitude in 3 hours, descent - mostly on knee-friendly sandy slopes - in 2 hours). They should not be undertaken without proper equipment (mountain boots, at least 1.5 liters of water, flashlight with sufficient battery supply) and only if you are in good health. Mountain boots can be hired from tour operators in Stromboli.

When hiking in the villages of Stromboli at night, a flashlight is also essential, as there are no street lights.


  • Alfred and Verena Bollinger: Stromboli - Lighthouse of the Mediterranean, photo and text volume. AS-Verlag Zurich, 2012. ISBN 978-3-909111-93-0

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