Cycling in Sicily - Cicloturismo in Sicilia

The cycle tourism in Sicily it is an underdeveloped sector but with great potential. On the island there are some cycle paths and specific routes for cycle tourism but there is not yet the possibility to travel many kilometers safely. This article points out the existing routes and roads which, due to the low traffic intensity, are suitable for this purpose.


As already mentioned, cycling tourism in Sicily it is underdeveloped but it is still possible if well planned in time. Although the cycle paths are very few, many country roads have a low traffic intensity, such that they can be used for this purpose. Sensitivity on the subject is restricted only to two-wheel enthusiasts, for this reason there are no official indications, there are no adequate facilities for assistance to cyclists and the little information can be found on the internet through the descriptions of amateurs.

Even the accommodation facilities are not prepared for this purpose. Therefore it will always be useful to specify the presence of the bikes and find cycle workshops in case of emergency. The latter are widely present, although in smaller locations and far from the coast, they are much less frequent.

Some tour operators offer bicycle trips along these routes, taking care of the rental and all assistance.

When to go

Paradoxically, cycle tourism for Sicily must be done excluding summer as temperatures from mid-May to mid-September can be particularly high. The only way not to suffer too much from the heat is to choose routes at high altitude (for example the Altomontana on theEtna).

Strictly winter periods are excellent for coastal tours, when temperatures never drop below zero, except in special circumstances.


The Sicilian territory is mostly mountainous. The mountains can exceed 1000 meters and this obviously has an impact on the physical abilities necessary to tackle the routes. This variety can on the one hand be an impediment while on the other a possibility to discover totally different and almost completely isolated environments. Especially the inner part of the island is little known by mass tourism, but it has many attractions that allow you to combine the dimension of the journey with that of a cultural and gastronomic visit.

When you decide to travel by public transport, you can only opt for the train. Regional trains (including the Circumetnea around theEtna) are generally equipped with a space for transporting bikes. However, the railway network is not very widespread and for some routes the frequency of trains is scarce. Trenitalia offers a convention to facilitate the use of the bike by train or by train and a discount on rent in the city. The cities involved are: Palermo, Catania, Syracuse is Trapani. The buses are not equipped for the transport of bicycles, except as baggage.

Sicilian cities are essentially devoid of cycle paths, although there are some exceptions but for short stretches that act more as a path for a walk than for an integrated connection between neighborhoods. The smaller cities have a low frequency of traffic and interesting historical centers to visit.

The site Sicily Divide suggests a step-by-step route from Trapani to Catania to be covered in about a week passing from the hinterland which often has little vehicular traffic.


This section mentions the cycle paths and suggested routes based on rare traffic that allows you to fully enjoy the landscape.

From Agrigento

  • 1 SP118 - Road with limited traffic due to landslide that connects the SS188 close Giuliana with San Carlo.


  • 2 Road to the oxena waterfalls - Internal road between two entrances along the SP 28ii (on which it is recommended to continue).
  • 3 SP28iii - panoramic road near the wind turbines.


  • 4 Bike path along the seafront of Catania - This cycle path runs along the entire Catania seafront up to the Ognina area. It is perfectly spaced from traffic.
  • 5 Altomontana track - extends for 42 km along the western side of Etna with a difference in height of 300 meters. The route corresponds to part of the European trail E1.
  • 6 Path of the Brooms - It winds along the eastern side of Etna along the side of the volcano at medium height, to be covered by mountain bike.
  • 7 Piano delle Ginestre and Centorbi wood
  • 8 Riposto cycle path - cycle path along the coastal road from Riposto to the Archirafi Tower of 27 km.
  • 9 Linguaglossa-Castiglione di Sicilia-Rovittello cycle path - This cycle path follows the former circumetnea route that passed through the aforementioned municipalities. The stretch from Linguaglossa to Castiglione of Sicily it was created through European funding but was immediately abandoned. The tunnels are in the dark and there is even a landslide that caused a bridge to collapse, which can however be overcome by an uncomfortable detour. From Castiglione the former line continues, passes under a road bridge and reconnects to a second stretch of asphalt cycle path to connect to the state road.


Former Dittaino-Leonforte Railway
  • 10 Floristella-Grottacalda mining park - Inside the park there are several routes suitable for mountain bikes.
  • 11 Former Dittaino-Leonforte railway - Breathtaking views between tunnels and viaducts that can be traveled by bicycle or on foot.
  • 12 SP75 - This provincial road is closed to traffic due to the numerous landslides and the rather dangerous road for cars. By bike, on the other hand, it is a very beautiful and panoramic route in the middle of the countryside. The difference in height of about 300 meters should be considered.


  • 13 SP115 - this road that leads to Tripi it has little traffic.
  • 14 road between the SP110 is Roccella Valdemone - uphill path with several curves and trees, little traffic.

Palermo hinterland


  • 18 Marina di Ragusa cycle path


  • 19 Rossana Maiorca cycle path - a coastal path of 7 km along the former railway of Syracuse with exceptional views and various historical and naturalistic attractions.
  • 20 Wood of Giarranauti - Forest full of mountain bike trails within the reserve of Pantalica.
  • 21 Pantalica cycle path - This track runs for 12 km along the former railway that connected Syracuse to Vizzini and falls within Pantalica.
  • 22 SR 15 - Scenic road with low traffic intensity.
  • 23 SR 5, SP29 is SP10SR 5 panoramic road near wind turbines closed to traffic. SP29 with which it intersects connects Sortino to Buccheri becoming SP10. The same has little vehicular traffic and beautiful views.


  • 24 Menfi-Portopalo cycle path - Former railway track of 6 km converted into an asphalted cycle path.
  • 25 Menfi-Sciacca cycle path - 13 km of asphalted cycle path along the former route of the Castelvetrano-Agrigento railway.
  • 26 Saline cycle path - stretch of just 2 km next to the salt pans of Trapani, with separate lane.
  • 27 Stagnone cycle path - This track was inaugurated in 2020, it has a red mantle distinct from the rest of the road and from Marsala leads to Birgi.

Between multiple territories

  • 28 Santa Rosalia itinerary - challenging path that gives Santo Stefano Quisquina leads to Palermo passing by Monti Sicani Park.
  • 29 SIBIT cycle route from Trapani to Syracuse. This is not a real cycle path but a signposted route that often passes along state roads and then turns onto secondary roads.
  • 30 Former Palermo-Corleone-San Carlo railway - While waiting for it to be converted into a cycle path, the route can be covered for various parts by mountain bike. About 112 km long it can be traced from Burgio to Villafrati. The Corleone-Ficuzza section is aided (see above).
  • 31 Former Castelvetrano-San Carlo-Burgio railway - Unified Castelvetrano to Burgio with a distance of 73 km. Except for some closed tunnels, and some sections that are no longer recognizable, it can be traveled by mountain bike.
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but also contains enough information to allow the itinerary to be carried out.