Santa Rosalia itinerary - Itinerario di Santa Rosalia

Santa Rosalia itinerary
Santa Rosalia itinerary map 03.jpg
Santa Rosalia Itinerary - Location
Itinerary type

Santa Rosalia itinerary (also called Itinerarium Rosalie) is an itinerary that develops through the western part of the Sicily.


It is a journey in stages that develops between the Hermitage of Santo Stefano Quisquina and the Sanctuary of Monte Pellegrino a Palermo.

Where to arrive

Hermitage of Santa Rosalia alla Quisquina

The itinerary starts from1 Hermitage of Santo Stefano Quisquina, but the route can also be done in reverse, although it was designed following this direction of travel. To reach Santo Stefano Quisquina there are several possibilities, although the use of public transport can be difficult. But even using a car to reach Santo Stefano Quisquina you must then go back to retrieve it, relying on public transport.

By plane

  • 2 Palermo-Punta Raisi Airport (Falcone e Borsellino Airport, IATA: PMO) (130 km from Santo Stefano Quisquina), 39 0917020273. Punta Raisi airport operates national and international flights, and various connections low cost. Numerous periodic tourist flights in summer e charter. Palermo-Punta Raisi Airport on Wikipedia Palermo-Punta Raisi Airport (Q630645) on Wikidata

By car

  • From Agrigento along the SS118
  • From Palermo along the A19 and exiting at the junction for Villabate then following the SS121 finally turning to the SS118.
  • From Sciacca go out and overcome Ribera and follow for Bivona; after passing this last town too, after 7 km, you reach S. Stefano.

If you arrive by car you can consider the possibility of leaving it at the parking of the hermitage of Santa Rosalia or in the city.

On the train

  • 3 Cammarata-San Giovanni Gemini station (28 kilometers from the city.). This is the closest station to the city on the Palermo-Agrigento route. Cammarata-San Giovanni Gemini station on Wikipedia Cammarata-San Giovanni Gemini station (Q3969169) on Wikidata

By bus

There Prestia and Comandé company connect with Palermo passing by Bivona, Cianciana, Alessandria della Rocca. Or with Sciacca passing through Bivona, Cianciana, Alessandria della Rocca is Ribera.

The Puleo Riccardo bus lines connect with Prizzi is Lercara Friddi.


The route is designed to be done mainly on foot, but it can also be tackled by bicycle. The distances are limited depending on a movement on foot, therefore for those who tackle it by bicycle, the option of skipping some stages or detours can also be considered, increasing the kilometers considerably.


From Santo Stefano Quisquina to Prizzi

This first leg features a series of ups and downs along the way and passes close to the 4 Fanaco Lake. The distance is about 30 km where it can be reached 5 Prizzi located at an altitude of 940 m. This stage has no rest or refreshment points except three refuges near the 6 Mount Carcaci:

  • 1 Refuge of the Eriche
  • 2 Small haystack
  • 3 Great haystack

From Prizzi to Burgio (detour)

The official path would lead us to 7 Closed Sclafani but the length of the route and the climbs suggest a detour towards 8 Burgio with a route of about 24 km. Along the way you pass close to the 9 Stone of the Saracens and the 10 Gorges of Sosio a canyon on which the Sosio river flows.

From Burgio to Bisacquino

After the stop a Burgio we resume the main route crossing the river Sosio and moving away from the Monti Sicani Park, here we come to Closed Sclafani where we will pass you to reach 11 Bisacquino. This stage, much lighter, totals about 20 km from Burgio.

From Bisacquino to Corleone

This stretch measures just under 30 km but there is also the possibility of taking a shortcut by cutting several kilometers and a stretch within a wooded area within the Monti Sicani Park thus facilitating the arrival towards 12 Lionheart. Along the way an alternative with an off-route stop is to stop at 13 Flowery field.

From Corleone to Ficuzza

Real Casina di Caccia

14 Ficuzza is a fraction of Corleone reachable with a path of about 20 km through the path of the former railway track that leads to Palermo. Along the way we can see the 15 Gorges of the Dragon a small gorge produced by the erosion of the Frattina river, a tributary of the Belice Sinistro. Real Casina di Caccia of King Ferdinand III of Sicily.

From Ficuzza to Piana degli Albanesi

This stage is quite long and complex, counting about 30 km. For this reason, you can also consider the possibility of an intermediate stop at one of the farmhouses to break the path just before arriving at the 16 Lake of Piana degli Albanesi, or you can achieve the same 17 Plain of the Albanians where there are more accommodation options.

From Piana degli Albanesi to Monreale

This is perhaps the simplest stage because it is almost all downhill and has about 20 km of path where it can be reached easily Monreale.


From Monreale it can be reached Palermo along city streets. The route ends at the top of Monte Pellegrino where the Sanctuary of Santa Rosalia is located. This last stretch will be difficult given the exhausting slopes and the ascent from 0 to about 350 m.


From Palermo there are various ways of returning to other parts of the island and to Italy via the airport, ship or train. For those who return to Santo Stefano Quisquina where they may have left the car, it is advisable to go to the bus station next to the central station of Palermo.



Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Santa Rosalia itinerary
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Santa Rosalia itinerary
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