Prizzi - Prizzi

Houses of Prizzi
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Tourism site
Institutional website

Prizzi is a city of Sicily.

To know

Geographical notes

The city is located just north of the Monti Sicani Park of which part of its administrative boundaries fall within. To the west is the lake of Prizzi, an artificial reservoir. To the south lies the Mount of Horses characterized by the archaeological site of Hippana.

How to orient yourself


The city owns the hamlet of 1 Filaga a few kilometers from the town.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are those of Palermo is Trapani.

By car

Prizzi is crossed by the SS118 which connects Palermo with Agrigento and from SS188 that connects Marsala with Lercara Friddi. There SP82 connects her to Campofelice di Fitalia and the SP31 with Vicars.

On the train

  • 1 Roccapalumba-Alia station (30 km from the city.). Along the Palermo-Agrigento. Roccapalumba-Alia station on Wikipedia Roccapalumba-Alia station (Q3970688) on Wikidata

By bus

The company AST makes connections with Palermo in almost 2 hours. There are also rides for Burgio, Adriano Palace, Closed Sclafani, Lionheart, Castronovo, Lercara Friddi, Vicars.

The Puleo Riccardo bus lines connects the city with Santo Stefano Quisquina is Lercara Friddi.

How to get around

The streets of Prizzi are narrow and steeply sloping. To avoid running into bottlenecks and getting stuck with the car it is always better to leave it and continue on foot.

What see

mother church
  • 1 Prizzi Castle, Via Castello, 25-27, 39 3201460439, 39 3406240177, 39 3270335143. Simple icon time.svgFirst Sunday of each month 10: 00-13: 00, on other days call. This castle was built in 745, in the Byzantine era by Emperor Constantine V Capraino for its strategic position. It had a main function of lookout along the Sosio valley. Subsequently the Saracens built two towers there and then it was restored by the Chiaramonte. Today the structure is crushed by the presence of the houses which makes it difficult even to visualize it except to identify some towers.
Madonna of the Gagini
Archaeological Museum
  • 3 Church of Sant'Antonio Martire, via Sant'Antonio Martire. Built around 1150 inside the marble group of the Madonna with the Child Jesus on the main altar is preserved, attributed to Antonello Gagini.
  • 4 Archaeological Museum of Prizzi (Hippana Archaeological Museum) (Corso Umberto I, 42), 39 091 834 4379. Simple icon time.svgTue-Thu 9: 00-13: 00 and 15: 00-19: 00, Fri 9: 00-13: 00, Sat 16: 00-20: 00, Sun 9: 00-13: 00. This museum focuses mainly on the nearby site of Hippana and the Mountain of Horses and is divided into three sections: one archaeological, one paleontological and one mineralogical. Hippana Archaeological Museum (Q27992763) on Wikidata
  • 5 Church of S.S. Crucifix, Comizi Square, 8.
  • 6 Church of San Francesco, Corso del Popolo, 4.
  • 7 Church of Maria SS del Soccorso, Via Soccorso, 25.
  • 8 Church of S. Rosalia, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, 39 091 834 5134. This church is relatively modern because it was built in the 1960s.

Events and parties

The devils and death
  • Devils dance (the abballu of li Diavuli). Simple icon time.svgat Easter. Since the morning of Easter day two masked devils (dressed in red) and death, dressed in the typical yellow ocher, wander the streets of the town making jokes and detaining passersby who are released only in exchange for a mite (money or desserts). In the afternoon the devils try to prevent the meeting between the statues of Christ and the Madonna. The angels oppose them: this contrast, carried out according to rhythmic movements, which is called the dance of the devils. Once the devils have been defeated, the risen Christ and Our Lady can finally meet and Good triumphs over Evil.
  • Feast of St. George. Simple icon time.svgApril 23. There is a procession, fireworks and a livestock fair.
  • The Prizzi Fair. Simple icon time.svg13 - 14 September. Rural fair

What to do


  • 1 Conad, 39 091 834 5089. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 8: 30-13: 00 and 16: 30-20: 00.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 Hotel Residence 11 Bridges, Contrada Canalotto, 39 091 834 6922.


How to keep in touch


Hippana's theater
  • 3 Margana Castle (from Prizzi take the SP31 and after about 10 km, at the crossroads of Portella della Croce, turn left). Castle of 1150 built by the Teutonic knights, today it is largely visible.
Lake of Prizzi
  • 4 Hippana archaeological site (Mountain of Horses). The site is related to a city identified as Happana, although not all archaeologists agree on this. From the excavations carried out, the acropolis and the theater were found. Hippana on Wikipedia Hippana (Q1989713) on Wikidata
  • 5 Lake of Prizzi (Near Adriano Palace is Prizzi). This is an artificial lake built through a dam. Its waters feed the Sosio river. Prizzi Lake on Wikipedia Prizzi lake (Q1478072) on Wikidata
  • Agrigento - At 93 Km
  • Caltanissetta - At 73 Km
  • Catania - 215 Km
  • Enna - At 123 Km
  • Palermo - At 79 Km
  • Trapani - At 157 Km


The path, which is part of the Vie Sacre di Sicilia project, is made up of royal tracks, mule tracks, paths and disused railways. Funded by the Regional Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Mediterranean Fishing, it was officially inaugurated on 4 September 2016.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Prizzi
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Prizzi
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