Enna - Enna

Enna Innenstadt.jpg
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Enna is a city of Sicily.

To know

Today the city is the top of a highly developed "hit and run" tourism, even if the medium or long stay tourism is concentrated mainly in summer or during the famous Holy Week of Enna.

The name Enna was introduced in 1927 with the Fascist naming process, which took up classical names where possible. Until that date, in fact, the town of Enna was called Castrugiuvanni and Italianized in Castrogiovanni. The etymological origin of the name would come from a term of the Sican language, Ennaan, Hellenized in Ἔννα (Henna) for the Greeks and remained almost unchanged for the Romans.

Geographical notes

Enna, is the highest provincial capital of Italy (inhabited center 931 m; Castello di Lombardia 992 m), is located in the center of Sicily, in the highest part of a wide mountainous ridge, which rises above the Dittaino valley and it is part of the mountain range of the Erei mountains. 10 km south of the historic center is Lake Pergusa, at 677 m around which the homonymous autodrome is built. The rivers are mainly torrential, if we exclude the Dittaino, a tributary of the Simeto, and the Salso or southern Imera.

When to go

Although historically more extreme temperatures have been recorded (from -6 to 41 ° C), on average the annual temperature range varies from 3 to 26 ° C. August is the hottest month with temperatures ranging from 18 to 26 ° C, while January is the coldest month with temperatures around 3-6.5 ° C.

Suggested readings

  • Carmelo G. Severino. Enna. The city in the center. Gangemi, 1996. ISBN 88-7448-681-2
  • Anna Maria Corradini. Enna: history and mythology through classical sources. Papyrus.

How to orient yourself

How to get

Enna exit on the A19

By plane

The nearest air ports are those of Catania (Fontanarossa) e Palermo (Punta Raisi, renamed Falcone and Borsellino)

By car

The city has a motorway junction of the A19> Palermo-Catania

On the train

  • 1 Enna station (Outside the built-up area.). This station is located along the Palermo-Catania line.

By bus

Enna is connected to the neighboring municipalities and to the large centers of Sicily through various bus lines

How to get around

By public transport

SAIS autolinee manages the urban service in Enna and connects it to various municipalities in the province and the region, companies that go to or depart from Enna are Interbus, Isea Viaggi, Romano, Astra autolinee, Etnatrasporti, Sais Trasporti and others.

What see

Thanks to its long history, Enna can boast a monumental heritage among the largest and most varied in the region, and some artistic and architectural treasures of a certain value. Most of the places of interest are located along the road axis of Via Roma, which runs through the entire historic center of the city. It starts from Piazza Neglia, where the church of San Tommaso stands, and, passing through the five largest squares of Enna Alta, ends at the castle of Lombardia, the most important monument.

Lombardy Castle
  • 1 Lombardy Castle, Via Lombardia, 39 0935 502362. The castle of Lombardy, a symbolic building of the city of Enna, is an imposing fortress that stands on the highest point of the city. With its 26,000 m² of surface, it is one of the largest medieval castles in Italy. The Lombardy castle owes its name to a garrison of Lombard soldiers placed in defense of the ancient fortress during the Norman domination of Sicily. From one of the towers you can enjoy a beautiful view of the city and its surroundings from above. Lombardy Castle on Wikipedia Lombardia castle (Q841683) on Wikidata
Rocca of Cerere
  • 2 Rocca of Cerere. Ecb copyright.svgfree entry. The fortress is a suggestive and peaceful place where you can enjoy a beautiful open view of the surrounding areas. In front you can see Calascibetta but with a little orientation, several neighboring villages and even Mount Etna are visible.
Tower of Federico II
  • 3 Tower of Federico II. The tower, part of the ancient defensive system called "Castello Vecchio" is one of the symbols of the city of Enna.
  • 4 Belvedere. The belvedere is a historic panoramic square in Enna. Surrounded by clubs and bars where you can take a well-deserved break, the square hosts the beautiful fountain with the representation of the rape of Proserpina, an ancient Greek-Roman myth linked to the cycle of the seasons. Next to the square begins the panoramic avenue, the real Belvedere, which offers a magnificent view of the countryside and the surrounding villages.
Enna Cathedral
  • 5 Holy Mary of the Visitation (Duomo), between piazza Duomo and via Roma (500 meters from the castle), 39 0935 503165. Ecb copyright.svg0€. Simple icon time.svg9: 00-13: 00 - 16: 00-19: 00 (except Monday). The beautiful cathedral of Enna, a few steps from the Castle, is one of the most important architectural works of the city. Its wealth of styles, frescoes by Borremans, Gothic interiors with Catalan influences and its history dating back to the Middle Ages are definitely worth a visit.
  • Church of San Marco.
Enna - Church of San Francesco d'Assisi
  • 6 Church of San Francesco d'Assisi. Church of San Francesco d'Assisi (Enna) on Wikipedia church of San Francesco d'Assisi (Q16977366) on Wikidata

  • Alessi Museum of Enna. Located in rooms in the Gothic-Catalan style, traces of the original fourteenth-century layout of the Duomo, the Alessi Museum - whose installation project was drawn up by the architect Andrea Nonis - exhibits some collections of a certain wealth, among which the section numismatics, with 4,000 Greco-Roman coins, some collections belonging to noble families and the Treasury of the Mother Church, which houses a vast range of Sicilian goldsmith pieces, such as the famous Madonna's crown in gold studded with diamonds. The museum is currently closed. Alessi Museum on Wikipedia Alessi Museum (Q3867571) on Wikidata
  • 7 Regional Archaeological Museum of Enna. Founded in the 1980s, it preserves numerous artifacts found in various archaeological sites in internal Sicily, including some known internationally, such as the Hellenized indigenous city of Morgantina or the famous Villa del Casale in Piazza Armerina. Enna Regional Archaeological Museum on Wikipedia Regional Archaeological Museum (Enna) (Q3867733) on Wikidata
  • Musical Art Museum 3 M. It collects "musical works" by virtually exhibiting the paintings of Sicilian artists or artists who worked in Sicily from the fifteenth to the twentieth century. There are also temporary photographic exhibitions and it is home to cultural initiatives concerning local and non-local art and traditions. 3M Musical Art Museum on Wikipedia 3M Musical Art Museum (Q3867624) on Wikidata

Events and parties

  • Holy Week. Simple icon time.svgAt Easter. A very important appointment is the celebrations of the Holy Week in Enna which culminate in the solemn procession of Good Friday, unique in Italy, during which thousands of hooded brothers walk the streets of the city creating an evocative and unreal atmosphere.
  • Book and reading party. Simple icon time.svgMarch.
  • Celebrations of the Signuruzzu du Lacu (Lord of the Lake), Pergusa lake. Simple icon time.svgfirst week of May. The festival reaches its climax on Sunday, with the blessing of the waters of the lake. Fireworks and a show of light or theatrical music follow.
  • Feast of Maria SS. of the Visitation (Ennese Patronal Feast). Simple icon time.svg2nd of July. The patroness of Enna is Maria SS. of the Visitation which is celebrated on 2 July: on this occasion the barefoot members of the homonymous brotherhood carry, on their shoulders, the golden ship with the statue of the Madonna through the streets of the city up to the Franciscan Church of Montesalvo where it will stop for two weeks. The statue of the Madonna is adorned with gold jewelry offered by devout people over the centuries. Another appointment is the last Sunday of August with the feast of the Madonna di Valverde.
  • Feast of Our Lady of Valverde. Simple icon time.svglast Sunday of August. The feast of the Madonna di Valverde has very ancient origins. The Virgin of Valverde was the first patroness of the Ennese people, until 1412 (the year of the arrival of the statue of the Madonna of the visitation in the city and current patroness). Between processions, lights, fireworks and concerts. Note the clear similarity with the patronal feast.
  • Feast of the Madonna dei Carusi, piazza Sant'Agostino. Simple icon time.svgfirst Sunday of September. That of the Madonna dei Carusi is one of the festivals most felt by the Enna people. The festival was established to honor the young mine workers and place them under the protection of Mary. The party culminates with the procession, fireworks and the children's song festival.
  • Feast of the SS. Crucifix of Papardura. Simple icon time.svg13 and 14 September. One of the oldest festivals in the city takes place in the splendid perched sanctuary of Papardura, with the tasting of the "Cudduredde", the blessing with a relic of the Holy Cross, the traditional September fair in Piazza Europa.
  • Feast of Blessed Girolamo De Angelis. Simple icon time.svg4 and 5 December. A famous Enna priest and co-patron of the city is celebrated. The celebrations begin on the penultimate Sunday of November and culminate on 4 and 5 December, with a procession and fireworks.
  • Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Simple icon time.svgDecember 8. Procession of the Simulacrum of the Virgin to the prison, greeting of the inmates, return and fireworks at the Belvedere Marconi.
  • Fairs and more
    • Fair in May and September
    • Cattle Fair
    • Tuesday market
    • Street market in Via Mercato S. Antonio
    • International Music Tournament (TIM), semifinals and finals since 2007
    • Motor season of the Pergusa racetrack
    • Concert and conference season of the Kore University of Enna
    • Theater season of the Garibaldi Theater
    • Christmas and summer program

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Enna is rich in typical gastronomic products, which due to their refined peculiarity have received and continue to have a commendable success as an elite specialty in the national food scene. Among the most famous are:

  • Pan del Dittaino, which boasts the prestigious Community DOP mark, handcrafted.
  • Piacenza Ennese, a very particular quality of cheese enhanced by the addition of saffron, which gives it an unmistakable and nationally known taste and color.
  • Cassatella di Agira, a delicious crescent-shaped shortcrust pastry filled with a mixture of cocoa, chopped almonds, lemon zest and other ingredients.
  • I vucciddati, a shortcrust pastry similar to the cassatella of Agira. The filling can be fig, almond or jam.

Moderate prices

  • 1 Corner bar, Via Roma, 366. Popular bar and patisserie in town.

Average prices

  • 2 Great Russian coffee. Possibility to eat rustic, pizza or full meals.

Where stay

The accommodation facilities, despite offering half of the hotel beds in the province, are still not sufficient.


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Enna
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Enna
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Enna
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Enna
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