Piazza Armerina - Piazza Armerina

Piazza Armerina
Panorama Piazza Armerina.JPG
Coat of arms
Piazza Armerina - Coat of arms
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Piazza Armerina
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Piazza Armerina is a city of Sicily.

To know

The city is famous more than anything else for the presence of Roman villa of the Casale.

Geographical notes

Located in the mountainous hinterland in the south of the province of Enna. The city is located on the slopes of Monte Mira, almost 729 meters above sea level.


In addition to the traces of a necropolis from the eighth century BC. there is a conjecture that the ancient settlement of Hybla Geleatis was located in this area. Later it was an Arab settlement until 1076 when it was conquered by the Normans below Roger I of Sicily, and later by the Lombards. It then became the main settlement of the Lombard colony in Sicily with the title of nobilissimum Lombardorum oppidum.

The name of the city probably derives from the Stalls Latinized in Platia, was destroyed due to involvement in the revolts of the Norman sovereign William I of Sicily (de Hauteville). Two years later, ie in 1163, William II began the reconstruction of the city of Platia on the Mira hill. The domain passed to the Lords of Anjou and in the fourteenth century to the house of Aragon, a baron settled in the city in 1421, obtaining its jurisdiction. In 1492, as in other Sicilian cities, the Jews, who until then had lived in one of the neighborhoods, were expelled.

Under the Bourbons, Piazza was elevated to the rank of bishopric in 1817. After the arrival of Garibaldi in Sicily and the constitution of Kingdom of Italy Piazza no longer had only this name, in 1863 as a sign of gratitude for the armed support to Garibaldi it received the suffix of Armerina. In 1926, the reorganization under Fascist rule, the provincial capital was transferred to Enna.

How to orient yourself

The road axis that cuts the city from north to south is via Generale Muscarà which then becomes Viale della Libertà. In a westerly direction it intersects the 1 Garibaldi Street which leads to the old city and then becomes via Vittorio Emanuele II which also runs alongside the Castle.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are those of Palermo is Catania , both connected to Piazza Armerina via Enna by train or bus.

By car

From Enna coming from the north SS561 then the SS117bis.

From Palermo and from Catania from the highway A19 Enna exit then follow as above.

From the south via the SS117bisSicilian power plant towards Gela then you can take the SS115 for Agrigento or Syracuse

On the train

The Ferrovia Dittaino - Piazza Armerina - Caltagirone railway station was closed after the decline of the mining mines in the late 1960s.

The reference station is that of Enna reachable by bus.

By bus

  • 2 Bus terminus, Piazza Senatore Marescalchi. Sais is Etnatrasporti they make connections with Palermo, Enna, Gela, Vittoria, Mazzarino, Barrafranca, Pietraperzia, Caltagirone, Aidone, Valguarnera, Catania.

How to get around

By car

You can also drive around the city, but parking can be a problem. In the streets of the center there are blue stripes in operation on weekdays. However, it is always easy to park the car and walk.

  • 3 Free parking, Piazza Falcone and Borsellino. Ample parking not far from the historic center. In the morning the area can be occupied by the market.

What see

Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: Roman villa of the Casale.
Mosaic of women in bikini
  • unesco1 Roman villa of the Casale, Provincial road 15 (5 km from the city. There are about 5 buses a day from Piazza Senatore Mareschali, or you can walk, or take a taxi from nearby Piazza Generale Cascino.), 39 0935 680036, @. Ecb copyright.svg10€. Simple icon time.svgIn summer 9: 00-18: 00, in winter 9: 00-16: 00. One of the most important sites in Sicily. It is a Roman villa with the remains of rooms covered by a protective structure for the numerous and elaborate mosaics certainly more beautiful than those of Pompeii. Several representations among which hunting scenes and the very famous ones stand out girls in bikini which portrays women. Roman Villa del Casale on Wikipedia Villa del Casale (Q505617) on Wikidata


The dome
  • main attraction2 Cathedral of Maria Santissima Delle Vittorie (Cathedral of Piazza Armerina), Cathedral Square. It took almost three centuries to complete this imposing work, with its majestic portal with twisted columns, strongly desired by Baron Marco Trigona, who, on his death in 1598, established a legacy for the construction of a more sumptuous religious building than the pre-existing one. 15th-century Mother Church, of which today remains the Gothic-Catalan bell tower in the lower part, with sixteenth-century alterations in the upper part. Between 1604 and 1719, the architect Orazio Torriani incorporated the existing bell tower (40 meters high) in the Catalan-Gothic style and a marble arch by Gagini (1594) at the entrance to the baptistery in the new building. The portal, from the 18th century, has elements of Sicilian Baroque style. The dome of 76.5 m has a diameter of 13.88 meters, the highest in Sicily, visible from all over the city, was begun in 1604 and continued by Torriani and completed in 1719. The interior, in the form of a Latin cross, has a large nave with communicating side chapels and houses numerous works of art, among which we point out the seventeenth-century canvas of theAssumption of the Virgin of Filippo Paladini, placed above the altar of the left transept, the Martyrdom of Sant'Agata by Jacopo Ligozzi and the wooden cross of the Antonellian school of unknown, conventionally called Master of the Cross of Piazza Armerina, painted on both sides (Christ Crucified, in the front , Risen Christ, in the back). There is also a terracotta figure Ecce Homo of the Gagini school. Cathedral of Piazza Armerina on Wikipedia Piazza Armerina cathedral (Q750495) on Wikidata
Church of San Rocco
  • 3 church of San Rocco, Giuseppe Garibaldi square. Baroque church from 1613 with an adjacent Benedictine monastery. Inside there is a marble statue of Madonna with child from the Gagini school. Church of San Rocco in Piazza Armerina on Wikipedia church of San Rocco (Q21187659) on Wikidata
Church of S. Stefano
  • 4 Church of S. Stefano, Piazza Umberto I. Late 16th century church with a notable Baroque door, a small marble statue in a niche above the portal, attributed to A. Gagini, is in the Diocesan Museum.
  • 5 Seminary Church. Church undergoing restoration.
  • 6 Church of S. Ignazio di Loyola.
  • 7 Jesuit College. From 1603 today it houses the Municipal library.
Church of San Giovanni Evangelista
  • 8 Church of San Giovanni Evangelista, Via Umberto I, 98, 39 333 474 4351. In the area of ​​the same former monastery which dates back to the 14th century. While the church is from the 16th century with frescoes by William Borremans.
  • 9 Church of Sant'Anna. 17th century church. Currently closed for restoration.
Church of S. Lorenzo dei Teatini
  • 10 Church of S. Lorenzo dei Teatini (church of San Lorenzo al Patrisanto), Largo S. Giovanni, 7. Church of the sixteenth century. In a contiguous position with respect to Largo San Giovanni, overlooking the fourteenth-century church of San Giovanni, exquisitely frescoed in the eighteenth century by the Flemish painter William Borremans.
  • 11 Church and Convent of the Capuchins. Built in the 16th century, the monastery is now used as a retirement home.
  • 12 Church and Convent of the Carmine.
  • 13 Church of S. Pietro. This church was built in the 16th century. It became the burial place of many dignitaries of the city, unfortunately some of the sarcophagi were stolen before the restoration. Next to it there is the small Garibaldi Garden.
  • 14 Church of Sant'Andrea (Accessible from via Torquato Tasso to the north-west.). It was built at the beginning of the 12th century and is probably the oldest surviving church in Piazza Armerina, with frescoes inside.

Civil buildings

Garibaldi Theater
  • 15 Garibaldi Theater. The theater is from the 18th century. It is a typical Sicilian public theater construction that has undergone multiple restorations. Garibaldi Theater (Piazza Armerina) on Wikipedia Garibaldi Theater (Q3981997) on Wikidata
Trigona Palace
  • 16 Palazzo Trigona della Floresta and San Cono, Cathedral Square (next to the Cathedral). Recently restored 18th century building. Palazzo Trigona della Floresta and San Cono on Wikipedia Palazzo Trigona della Floresta and San Cono (Q55303508) on Wikidata
Walls of the Castle
  • 17 Aragonese castle. It was built around 1300 by Martin I of Aragon who ordered the transformation into an equipped stronghold of an ancient "cenobium" of the Franciscan conventuals to whom a pre-existing Norman castle was given in exchange, no longer considered suitable for defense and of which nothing more survives. Within the walls of the new building, the church of the Franciscan fathers remained in operation, where mass for prisoners is still celebrated today. In 1396 King Martino assigned the castle to Giovanni Suriano, prior of S. Andrea. Later under King Alfonso, (about 1416), Alfonso de Cardines was castellan, whose heirs considering themselves "invested in fief of the property of the castle" garrisoned it with their militias and part of it used as a prison. Finally, in 1812, with the abolition of the "castellanie", the old manor passed to the state property was completely transformed into a prison. The fort has a square plan with four corner towers and a portal at the south entrance, now privately owned, is not accessible. Piazza Armerina Castle (Q63341412) on Wikidata
City Palace
  • 18 City Palace, Garibaldi Square. The baroque building from 1773 preserves frescoes by Gioacchino Martorana. Today it is the seat of the Municipality. Town Hall (Piazza Armerina) on Wikipedia Town Hall (Q3891567) on Wikidata
  • 19 Tower of the Holy Father, Martyrs of Hungary square. Tower of the twelfth century. In the ancient Padre Santo floor, later renamed Largo Mercato Settimanale, belonging to the medieval walls of the city.
  • 20 Commandery of the Knights of Malta. 12th century church.
Trigona Palace
  • 21 Castellina Gate. 17th century gate with remains of the walls.
  • 22 Trigona Palace (Palace of the Marquises of Canicarao and Demani), Via Cavour. Beautiful 18th century yellow stone building with an eagle coat of arms above a balcony.


Museum of mining civilization
  • 24 Museum of mining civilization, Via Garibaldi 21, 39 388 346 6180. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 16: 00-20: 00. A museum dedicated to the ancient craft of the sulfur miners who extracted sulfur from the nearby mines including that of Floristella. The museum reconstructs the life and the extraction processes that sustained the Sicilian economy for years. Models of the Floristella mines and various rocks are exhibited. The assistant, very helpful, has also worked there and can tell a lot about the subject. Museum of Mining Civilization (Q63382117) on Wikidata
  • 25 Municipal Art Gallery. It mainly exhibits the works found in the churches of the city.
  • 26 Farmer's Museum, Via Garibaldi, 55, 39 333 913 8634. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 9: 00-18: 00. Museum that exhibits the tools and Sicilian peasant life.

Events and parties

Joust of the Saracen
  • Holy Mary of Victories. Simple icon time.svgMay 3. Feast of the patron saint of Piazza Armerina.
  • Palio of the Normans. Simple icon time.svgRepeats every year on 12, 13 and 14 August,. Medieval reenactment with costumes. Palio dei Normanni on Wikipedia Palio dei Normanni (Q3891805) on Wikidata

What to do

  • Guided tours (Streets of Sicily), 39 3770872496. Guided group and private tours to the Villa Romana del Casale, Enna and throughout Sicily.


How to have fun


Night clubs

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Diana pastry shop, Piazza Gen. Cascino, 34, 39 0935 682224.
  • 2 Ancient Flavors Pizzeria, Via Machiavelli 49 (SP 16), 39 0935 89540.
  • 3 Friends Restaurant Pizzeria, Largo Capodarso 5, 39 0935 683541. Simple icon time.svg12: 00-15: 00 and 19: 00-00: 00.

Average prices

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices

High prices


How to keep in touch


March mountain
  • 6 March mountain (A few kilometers northwest of the city). Archaeological site with remains from various eras, from prehistoric tombs to the remains of the Greek and then Roman city. The site is not open to the public nor is it easily accessible except for an excursion climbing the mountain and overcoming the severing. March Mountain (Q63381499) on Wikidata
  • Rossomanno-Grottascura-Bellia nature reserve inside the reserve you can visit the so-called 7 Enchanted stones or puppet dancers (in Sicilian), natural rocks with a vaguely anthropomorphic shape.
  • Floristella-Grottacalda mining park - Industrial archeology park where there were the ancient sulfur mines.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Piazza Armerina
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Piazza Armerina
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or on Piazza Armerina
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).