Catanese - Catanese

Catania mit Aetna.JPG
Catanese - Location
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Catanese is a tourist area of ​​the Sicily.

To know

Geographical notes

The Catanese includes a geographically very different area, from the valley of the two rivers Simeto and Dittaino to the south, which begin in the mountainous hinterland and flow into the delta of the capital. The massif ofEtna dominates most of the territory. While to the north is the Alcantara river to the north which divides the territory from the mountains Peloritani is Nebrodi. Finally, to the east, the area is bordered by the Ionian coast.

The Etna volcano influences human activity and creates with its action a landscape that, in addition to the typical skiing, has mountainous reliefs of eruptive-pyroclastic origin called Etna hills. These are present in particular in the municipal area of Nicolosi, Trecastagni, Pedara is Zafferana Etnea. The hills can be cultivated with terraces or not like the slopes of the whole mountain, or covered with vegetation and spontaneous woods, or even as in the case of the Monti Rossi also by specially created pine forests.

When to go

The climatic conditions vary enormously depending on the geographical area, there are enormous differences between the arid Mediterranean climate and the mountain climate (on Etna at more than 3000 m high).

Spoken languages

Locally, Sicilian is spoken with typically Catanese inflections that produce an ascending tone especially when asking questions.

TO Randazzo, Maletto is Bronte the Gallo-Italian dialect is spoken due to the migrations of Lombard populations in eastern Sicily between the 11th and 13th centuries.

Culture and traditions

Myths and legends

Aci and Galatea by Luca Giordano (1685)

To the volcano Etna several myths related to its volcanic nature are associated. The giants Enceladus is Typhoon they were confined inside the volcano, and for this reason they are the cause of frequent eruptions. The other associates the fire of the lava with the work of Hephaestus skilled in the art of metalworking with which he forged the weapons of gods and heroes.

The coast north of Catania between Acireale is Aci Trezza is interested in several legends and myths. The legend from which the name of many cities would then be born (Aci) comes from the love between Aci is Galatea and is introduced by Ovid in Metamorphosis and other ancient authors. The beautiful nymph Galatea was in love with the shepherd boy Aci. Their love was opposed by Polyphemus, the terrible Cyclops who, enraged by jealousy, threw a stone at the shepherd, causing his death. The nymph, desperate for the loss of Aci, begged the gods to restore him to life and they, accepting the prayers, transformed the shepherd into an eternal river, called Aci (Akis).

Another reference cited in theOdyssey is that of Ulysses and the Polyphemus identified in the stretch of coast between Capo Mulini and Aci Trezza. According to the myth, the stacks of Acitrezza are the boulders thrown at Ulysses by a blinded Polyphemus. Lachea Island was identified with the island where the fleet of twelve Achaean ships of which Homer mentions stopped.

In Gigantomachy of Claudian it refers to the clash that ravaged the world of myths, between the Titans of Olympus and the Giants. The latter were punished by falling into Lucus Jovis identified with Bosco d'Aci (now disappeared due to urban expansion), in which the forest could have seen both the skins and the severed heads of these unfortunates.

According to tradition, the eruption of Etna in 396 BC. - which historically invested and upset the Acese territory - would also have put to flight the Carthaginian fleet commanded by Imilcone which was preparing for a landing during the second Punic war.

Territories and tourist destinations

37 ° 39′58 ″ N 15 ° 2′38 ″ E
Catania map

The municipalities belonging to this area are characterized by a historic center with churches, cathedrals and ancient stone buildings. The most recent buildings are in reinforced concrete. Some centers have narrow streets and alleys in the oldest part; others have a checkerboard road layout due to reconstructions after destruction following volcanic eruptions and related lava flows: the most obvious case is that of Belper.

Catania, the main center, has an orthogonal road structure, with the streets that cross it from east to west and from north to south regularly interspersed with squares. All the municipalities present in a more or less evident and widespread manner Sicilian Baroque-style palaces which developed following the 1693 earthquake. The streets and squares, but also churches and palaces, such as the black churches of Mascalucia is Pedara), have paving stones and sidewalks in local lava stone extracted and worked from special open-air quarries.

Urban centers

The list below relates to the localities that do not fall within the territories ofEtna.

The villages of Etna

Riviera of the Cyclops

Other destinations

How to get

By plane

  • Catania-Fontanarossa Airport - with domestic flights to all Italian cities, and flights to the main European destinations and various international locations.

By car

Catania is easily reachable from the highway A18Messina - Catania - Syracuse (toll in the direction of Messina) and from Palermo via the highway A19.

The Sicilian Oriental SS114 runs parallel to the highway from Messina north to Catania and from there continues south to Syracuse. There SS284 from Paternal leads to Randazzo.

There SS417 in a southwest direction leads to Caltagirone, while the SS194 passes by Lentini - Francofonte and south up to Ragusa.

On boat

  • 1 Port of Catania, Port of Catania, 39 095 531 667 (port authorities). Ecb copyright.svgrates per length. Simple icon time.svgcontinuous access. The port can be reached with direct connections from Naples and semi-direct from Valetta on the island of Malta; Port of Catania on Wikipedia port of Catania (Q3909225) on Wikidata

On the train

Catania and Lentini have RFI stations, with Trenitalia trains that allow both the regional connection (with Messina and Syracuse as well as with the smaller centers on the Messina - Catania and Catania - Syracuse lines) and national, through InterCity and InterCity Notte.

How to get around

On the train

The route of the circumetnea and its stations
  • 2 Circumetnea railway, Via Caronda, 352 / A - 95128 Catania, 39 095541111, fax: 39 095431022, @. Having time and wanting to visit the Etna area in stages with less hectic times, a valid alternative is the Circumetnea railway. The railway leaves, like the underground, from the stop port of the Catania underground and out of the city, it goes all around Etna from the south, west and north, except for the coastal stretch (to the east): a Giarre-Riposto it is exchanged with the FS line Messina-Catania. This solution allows a low cost but must be evaluated with conscience. In fact, if on the one hand the tortuosity of the route allows it to merge with the landscape, gradually less and less urbanized moving away from Catania, in a slow symbiosis, on the other hand the dilation of time and the lack of one's own means require a very precise organization of the itinerary and its times. The trains are those of a local line, with all that derives from this in terms of crowding at peak times of working days in the Catania area, while the more you go west and north, the lower the frequencies. Often the route is interrupted due to modernization works and some sections could be replaced by replacement bus services. It's possible also carry bicycles. Circumetnea Railway on Wikipedia Circumetnea railway (Q1408003) on Wikidata

What see

  • 1 Cuba on Santa Domenica, Castiglione of Sicily. Cuba of Santa Domenica on Wikipedia cuba of Santa Domenica (Q3699035) on Wikidata
Bridge of the Saracens
  • 2 Bridge of the Saracens (or Carcaci) (close Adrano along the Simeto). In the further course of the river, the Simeto bed is again cut into the basalt with basaltic prisms originating from the first basaltic effusions of Etna (between 200,000 and 100,000 years ago). This 12th century bridge was originally part of an important link between the cities of Troina, first capital of the reign of Roger I of Altavilla, and of Catania. Ponte dei Saraceni on Wikipedia Ponte dei Saraceni (Q1839807) on Wikidata
  • 3 Gurne of Alcantara. Gurne dell'Alcantara on Wikipedia Gurne dell'Alcantara (Q3779865) on Wikidata
Gorges of Alcantara
  • 4 Gorges of Alcantara, Via Nazionale, 5 - Motta Camastra (From Catania on the A18 towards Messina, exit at Giardini Naxos and take the SS185 for Motta Camasta, follow it for about 14.5 km.), 39 0942985010, fax: 39 0942985264, @. Ecb copyright.svgAdults € 10, children € 7 (August 2015). Simple icon time.svgHigh season: 08: 00-19: 00. Canyon dug by the Alcantara river, part wide and gradually narrows up to a few meters in width and tens of meters in height. Different itineraries for visiting both the gorges, the banks of the river, the park and the paths that lead to the nearby volcanic locations. Given the temperature of the water, rubber boots and dungarees can be rented on site. However, it is advisable not to dive if you have just eaten. Different routes for all abilities. Exceptional views, in spring the best time for photographers. Be careful to visit the gorges after heavy rains, they may be closed to visits, ask before traveling to the park authority. Gole dell'Alcantara on Wikipedia Gole dell'Alcantara (Q1536232) on Wikidata
  • 5 Archaeological area of ​​Santa Venera al Pozzo. Closed for adaptation works. Archaeological area of ​​Santa Venera al Pozzo on Wikipedia Archaeological area of ​​Santa Venera al Pozzo (Q3621980) on Wikidata
Chestnut of the Hundred Horses
  • 6 Chestnut of the Hundred Horses (From Sant’Alfio take the uphill road SP 5i and then turn to the SP84. However, there are adequate road signs). Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svgFree use. It is a multi-thousand-year-old chestnut tree, in 1982 it became an Italian heritage of green monuments with its 22 m height and trunk perimeter which also made it enter the Guinness Book of Records in terms of size. According to biologists, the tree is between 2,000 and 4,000 years old. The name derives from a legend according to which a queen with her knights was surprised by a storm, and all one hundred knights who were part of the escort put themselves under the tree to shelter.
The chestnut area is a pleasant place to bring children, due to the presence of merry-go-rounds and public games. But there is ample space for a picnic or lunch at one of the restaurants in the area. Chestnut of the Hundred Horses on Wikipedia Chestnut of the Hundred Horses (Q1520397) on Wikidata
  • 7 Fiumefreddo River Nature Reserve, 39 095 4013625. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 30-13: 30 and 14: 30-17: 30, Sat 8: 30-13: 00. The reserve is located in the immediate vicinity of the Fiumefreddo river and the papyrus plant is present as it is present in Syracuse, the only examples of spontaneous growth in Europe, but it is in fact inaccessible due to disputes over access to land. Therefore, only the reception room with the explanatory panels can be visited. Fiumefreddo River Nature Reserve on Wikipedia Fiumefreddo River Nature Reserve (Q3936570) on Wikidata
  • 8 Nelson Castle (Abbey of Santa Maria di Maniace), Corso Giorgio Maniace, 1, Maniace (From Bronte (about 13 km) take the SP 17III which then becomes the SP87 and then turning right on SS120, then turn left following the signs), 39 095 690018. Simple icon time.svgClosed for restoration work. A monastic complex with a dam was built on the ruins of old buildings on the south bank of the Torrente Saraceno in 1163 under Queen Margherita. The monastery and the Watchtower were badly damaged by the earthquake of 1693. As thanks for the support provided by the admiral Horatio Nelson against the rebels of Naples in 1796, the estate was assigned to him by the Bourbon king Ferdinand III and the dignity of the duke granted. The building complex remained the property of the family until 1981 and was then sold to the municipality of Bronte. The English Cemetery with the graves of the English Dukes of Bronte remained the property of the family. Abbey of Santa Maria di Maniace on Wikipedia abbey of Santa Maria di Maniace (Q3662761) on Wikidata
  • 9 Megalithic spiral, Contrada Balze Soprane, Bronte (near the Waterfall of the Balze Sottane). Megalithic structure consisting of ten rough-hewn lava stone slabs arranged in a spiral. Around the structure whose internal diameter ranges from 2.60 to 3 m, there is a sort of corridor 1.10 m wide delimited by low blocks leaning to the west on a small hill overlooking the building. Next to it there are also other slabs, about ten, of which only two in the original position, which could be part of a second structure. There is no clue as to the dating, it is believed to belong to the prehistoric age, both for the construction technique and for the architectural typology.

What to do

Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: Cycling_in_Sicily # Catanese.

In addition to the presence of beaches along the coast, in winter it is possible to practice winter and ski activities on Etna.

The territory is rich in naturalistic and archaeological sites to discover. In the area there are many associations that organize visits and excursions to various locations every weekend. Among the many it should be noted Ethnactive.

  • 1 Etnaland (on the A18 exit Misterbianco take the SS121 towards Etnapolis, exit Valcorrente, follow signs on the SP15.), 39 0957913333. Ecb copyright.svg(2015) Theme park € 25 adults and € 20 children over 140cm, water park ditto beds between € 3.5 and € 4.5 (depending on the location). On the site there are various combinations of admissions and promotions. (2015). Simple icon time.svgopening 09.30, closing between 18.30 and 00.30, depending on the season. Ticket office closes 3 hours before the attractions. An amusement park located in Belpasso, in the Catania hinterland, much appreciated by the citizens of Catania and tourists. It includes a water park with slides, pools and water features and a theme park. Restaurants, refreshment areas and shops.
  • 2 Etna Sicily Touring, Via Giuseppe Verdi, 155, 95129 Catania, 39 3925090298, @. Leading hiking association for the organization of guided excursions at high altitude on the volcano and around Etna.
  • 3 Linguaglossa-Castiglione di Sicilia-Rovittello cycle path - This cycle path follows the former circumetnea route that passed through the aforementioned municipalities. The stretch from Linguaglossa to Castiglione of Sicily it was created through European funding but was immediately abandoned. The tunnels are in the dark and there is even a landslide that caused a bridge to collapse, which can however be overcome by an uncomfortable detour. From Castiglione the former line continues, passes under a road bridge and reconnects to a second stretch of asphalt cycle path to connect to the state road.
  • 3 Cinestar (I Portali shopping park (S.G. La Punta)), 39 0957515163. Cinema.

Events and parties

In addition to the feast of Sant'Agata celebrated in Catania on February 5 and the feast of San Sebastiano in Acireale celebrated on January 20, the cult of Saints Alfio Cirino and Filadelfo at Trecastagni followed.

3-5 February Feast of Sant'AgataFeast of the patron saint of Catania with procession of thousands of faithful, with the "candelore". Wearing the traditional white dress, the faithful carry the effigy of the patron in procession through the streets of the historic center.
First weekJune Catania FilmfestInternational Film and Musical Festival of Catania

At the table

The cuisine is characterized by fish and seafood generally close to the sea and various local cheeses, bacon and sausages in the hinterland and in the mountainous areas. Do not forget the desserts offered throughout the island, from marzipan to cannoli, almond biscuits of Arab origin, ice cream and granitas.

Do not forget the local products such as strawberries from Maletto, honey of Zafferana, the pistachios of Bronte and prickly pears a Belper.


Much more famous even outside the Etna countries are the Etna wines produced with alternating events at least from the Middle Ages in the form with terracing as we know it today. The most famous grape is the Nerello mascalese. But there is also liqueur fire of Etna.


Particular caution should be considered when visiting Catania are not rare episodes of crime such as pickpocketing and car theft. In outlying cities but especially in the countryside, crime is below the level of any city.

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