Integral nature reserve of Lachea Island and Faraglioni dei Ciclopi - Riserva naturale integrale Isola di Lachea e Faraglioni dei Ciclopi

Integral nature reserve of Lachea Island and Faraglioni dei Ciclopi
Isola Lachea, identified with the Homeric Isola delle Capre and which currently houses the headquarters of a station of biology studies of the University of Catania.
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

Island of Lachea and Faraglioni dei Ciclopi integral nature reserve is located in Sicily.

To know

The placement of the oldest Etna products, which today make up the Lachea Island and the Faraglioni dei Ciclopi, mythically interpreted as the boulders thrown by Polyphemus against the ship of Ulysses-Nobody, and the Rupe di Aci Castello, dates back to about 500,000 years ago, when the eastern edge of the wide gulf, sloping down towards the Ionian Sea basin, which then occupied the southern part of the area where Etna now extends, was affected by intense eruptive activity in an underwater environment. verified a lifting, still in progress, of the whole area that determined the emergence of the Pleistocene clays, today raised up to 300 m above sea level in the area upstream of Aci Castello - Aci Trezza, and there was the displacement of the feeding centers of the eruptive events that became sub-aerial and covered with their products most of the previous submarine flows, giving rise to the gradual construction of the Etna volcanic massif, which Today we see it.Lave a pillowsRemains of the volcanites due to submarine eruptions, near the edge of the wide pre-Etnean gulf, are found today only in the area of ​​Aci Castello, Aci Trezza and Ficarazzi where they are represented by outcrops of pillows lava (pillows) , ialoclastitic breccias (broken glass) and magmatic masses intruded under a thin cover of sediments.

These ancient eruptive manifestations are contemporary with the sedimentation of the more recent levels of marly clays of the middle Pleistocene, now extensively emerging south of the Etna building and along the Ionian coast, which constitute the sedimentary substrate of the volcano. Cyclops are exhibited magnificent examples of these eruptive manifestations whose products are interspersed with the clayey succession. These eruptive masses have been interpreted as intrusions under a thin sediment cover and are accompanied to a lesser extent by materials effused in an underwater environment. The former consist of massive and / or columnar lavas, outcropping on the Lachea Island and in the Faraglioni and in the immediate hinterland, while the latter are represented by pillows and ialoclastiti lavas, emerging from the cliff of Aci Castello, along the north coast. of Aci Trezza and on the hill above the latter.

Flora and fauna


The fauna of the Lachea island, even if somewhat limited in relation to the very small surface, is quite varied and includes representatives of several animal groups, especially invertebrates; these are mostly elements of wide ecological value that well tolerate the adverse environmental conditions to which they are subject, in particular the high degree of salinity and the strong daily temperature variations. Among the invertebrates, components of various groups have been found, including Isopods, Diplopods, Collemboli, Orthoptera, Beetles, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera. In particular, among the Gnaphosid Arachnids it is worth mentioning Zelotes messinai, endemic species of Sicily, e the urzelotes mysticus at present known only for the Lachea Island. Vertebrates, apart from the Birds, are represented by some Rodent Mammals and by a few Saurian Reptiles; the latter certainly include the most characteristic element of the entire fauna of the islet, the endemic lizard Podarcis sicula cyclopeanThe number of bird species that can be found on the island of Lachea is higher. Given the great mobility of these animals, it is practically possible to find most of the avifauna that live in the opposite coast. Few species use these places as a nesting site, such as the Sardinian flounder and the elegant yellow wagtail. More numerous are the species that occasionally visit this islet and the nearby Faraglioni only to search for food or as a resting place; in addition to serin, linnet, sterpazzolina, tottavilla, occhiocotto and small sandpiper, it is not uncommon to meet birds of prey such as marsh harrier, peregrine falcon and even waders and waders. The Lachea also offers shelter during the wintering period to sea birds, such as the Mediterranean herring gull, the common gull and the cormorant.


The flora of the Lachea island is essentially made up of plants selected by the past presence of man or linked to a substrate rich in salts due to the proximity of the sea.

sonchus oleraceus Among the synanthropic species (species linked to anthropized environments) the following are found with some frequency: Oryzopsis miliacea, Senecio vulgaris, Sonchus oleraceus, Thapsia garganica, Ferula communis, Urospermum picroides, Chrysanthemum coronarium. There are also several species introduced for ornamental or cultural purposes such as Casuarina equisetifolia, Opuntia ficus-barbarica, Thuja orientalis, Pittosporum tobira and Ailanthus altissima.

plantago coronopus The stations directly affected by the marine aerosol are characterized by the presence of rock plants linked to salty soils such as Reichardia picroides var. maritima, Lotus cytisoides, Crithmum maritimum, Allium commutatum, Inula crithmoides, as well as Suaeda vera and Atriplex halimus. In the small depressions occasionally subject to the spray of the waves, a particular flora of small annual species settles that prefer salty soils including Plantago coronopus, Parapholis incurva, Catapodium marinum, Frankenia pulverulenta, etc. Sicilian-southern endemic plants

The presence of some endemic species distributed in Sicily and southern Italy, such as Senecio squalidus, Heliotropium bocconei, Carlina hispanica ssp, is particularly significant from a phytogeographical point of view. Despite the anthropic disturbance to which these environments have been subjected, the Islands of the Cyclops still possess a considerable naturalistic and landscape interest regardless of the considerable importance concerning above all the underwater environment still intact.


A lithic ax and an artificial cave tomb were found on the Lachea island, attesting to the human presence since prehistoric times. Along the staircase that starts from the north entrance of the island, there are two small cisterns dug into the rock in one of which ceramic material was found which testifies to the frequentation of the island in the late Roman age. On the Lachea island there are also the remains of an ancient Phoenician fortification and a Byzantine place of worship. On the other hand, the frequentation of the Lachea island in the Byzantine age is also attested by the coins found there. In 1803, the Lachea island and the Faraglioni were given in emphyteusis, as a stone for fishing, and to exploit what little land there was with agriculture. In 1828 the island, together with the territory of Trezza, became part of the municipality of Aci Castello, but the archipelago remained the property of the heirs of the owners of the Acese Segrezia and, later, to the Gravina family. The senator of the Kingdom Luigi Gravina in 1896, free of charge, gave the right of use over the island and the seven adjacent rocks for scientific and experimental studies to the Rector of the University of Catania, Andrea Capparelli. A small, but precious, fish museum was born and for decades nature was given the opportunity to proliferate luxuriantly among those millenary rocks that became more and more the object of admiration of visitors from all over the world. In 1993 the entire archipelago and the strip of sea surrounding the islands became an Integral Nature Reserve, whose management is entrusted to CUTGANA, Center of the University of Catania.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airport is Catania Fontanarossa. In the airport apron it is possible to take a TAXI or use the AMT buses (cost of the hourly ticket 1 euro):

  • Line 457 from the airport to Catania (Piazza Borsellino) - Timetables and routes
  • Line 534 from Catania (Piazza Borsellino) to Acitrezza (Piazza delle Scuole)

By car


  • the MESSINA-CATANIA A18 motorway, take the Acireale exit and follow the signs for the Riviera dei Ciclopi.
  • the State Road 114 from Catania towards Messina.

By bus

From Catania central station you can take the AST bus lines (AST Timetable info Toll-free number 840.000.323 Catania-Acireale line) requesting the stop in Acitrezza From Piazza Borsellino through the AMT line 534 (Catania- Acitrezza (Piazza delle Scuole)

Permits / Rates

For information contact:

How to get around

What see

What to do

Guided tour of the Lachea Island which can be reached with characteristic boats from the dock of the port. Lachea Island is the largest of the archipelago of the Cyclops Islands, the naturalistic aspects will be described with particular reference to the volcanic origins of the islands, to the flora characterized by endemic plants of Sicily and southern Italy, to the fauna that includes an endemic form of country lizard (Podarcis sicula ciclopica) as well as the historical-cultural aspects of the archipelago. A visit is made to the small Naturalistic Museum and the Grotta del Monaco, both located on the top of the island. The Naturalistic Museum houses a rich collection, which illustrates the fauna and flora of the island, and exhibits the archaeological and geological finds found on the site.


Walking along the main street of the town, it is still possible today to meet small shops characteristic of the place that make exclusive local handicraft products

Where to eat

In Acitrezza there are excellent restaurants at fairly low prices. We eat excellent fish-based cuisine. Do not miss the opportunity to try the real Sicilian granita.

Where stay

  • Kristal Hotel. Ecb copyright.svgstays from € 20 per day, depending on the chosen accommodation.. The hotel has 7 rooms, all with air conditioning and bathroom, for a total of 19 beds. The hotel is located in an excellent position, on the main street of the town, 50 meters from the sea and 200 from the center of the village of Acitrezza., In addition, a conference room with 60 seats, HD video projection, skype connection for video conferencing and audio system with mixers and microphones; a computer room (8 computers in double workstations and video projection) and a 20-seat teaching room also with video projection.
Professional training courses are organized at the facility (accreditation of the orientation and training center of the Regional Department of Labor), diving courses, nature photography, underwater photography, video-diving, marine biology


How to keep in touch


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