Pesaro - Pesaro

Doge's Palace at night
Coat of arms
Pesaro - Coat of arms
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Pesaro is a city of Marche.

To know

Geographical notes

Pesaro overlooks the Adriatic Sea, has a sandy beach and a canal port located on the right bank of the mouth of the Foglia River. The town is between two hills, the Monte Ardizio to the east-south-east and Colle San Bartolo to the west-north-west, which gives its name to Monte San Bartolo Regional Natural Park.

Inland, along the Foglia river, there is a modest flat expanse that narrows near the Apennines forming the Foglia valley.

When to go

Boasting seven kilometers of equipped beach, and thanks also to its tourist structure, the ideal season to visit Pesaro is summer. The Blue Flag has been waving on the beaches of Pesaro since 2005.


Photo by Gioachino Rossini

The city boasts ancient origins. Probably founded by the Sicilians, Umbrians, Piceni, Etruscans and Gauls Senoni passed through it. In the period Rome became the Giulia Felice colony. and after various vicissitudes the city passes under the Montefeltro, then under the Della Rovere, who will give it to the Church, under whose dominion it will remain until the Unification of Italy.

Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868) with his music has given the city an international reputation, thanks also to the Rossini Opera Festival, an event of global importance, which attracts amateurs of all nationalities.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

It is 30 km from Rimini Miramare airport, 60 km from Ancona-Falconara airport and 150 km from Bologna Marconi airport.

By car

It is connected to the A14 motorway (Pesaro Urbino exit) and to the Adriatica State Road 16.

On the train

The Pesaro railway station, very close to the Civil Hospital and the historic center, is served by sixty to one hundred and twenty trains a day on the Milan-Bari and Rome-Pesaro lines.

By bus

The bus terminal is adjacent to the train station. Regular connections to the main centers of the province. The shuttle that connects Pesaro to Fano leaves every 30 minutes. There is a fast connection every 30 minutes to Urbino.

How to get around

By public transport

City buses offer fast but not overly frequent connections. Especially recommended for reaching the suburbs.

By taxi

  • CO.TA.P. (Cooperative Taxi Drivers of Pesaro), Via Lombardia, 7, 39 0721 454425. Radio Taxi service on telephone call. There are always taxis at the train station and in the central Piazza del Popolo.

By car

The private vehicle can be useful to reach the peripheral and hilly areas such as the villages of the hamlets of Novilara and Candelara. The historic center is mainly limited traffic, but there are two major "exchanger" car parks in strategic areas near the center.

By bike

The most comfortable and fastest way to get around the center is by bicycle. Pesaro has a dense network of cycle paths (77 km) renamed Bicipolitan that connect safely all the city districts. A coastal cycle path starts from the seafront, completely separated from the roadway, 12 km long, which connects Pesaro to Fano in contact with the sandy coast. Bicycles can be rented for free in the hotels and in the center, at the "Il Curvone" car park. (viale dei Partisiani).

On foot

The historic center is not very extensive and is mainly with limited traffic. Walking along its small streets and squares is very pleasant. Many people from Pesaro spend a few hours in the afternoon lingering in the shop windows, libraries and meeting and dining points in the center.

What see

The Sphere of Tomato
  • 1 Ducal Palace (Seat of the Prefecture of Pesaro and Urbino), Piazza del Popolo, 39 338 2629372, @. Simple icon time.svgfrom June to October every Sunday. This huge building or rather complex of buildings, now the seat of the Prefecture, is the work of the architect Alessandro Sforza. Inside you can admire the houses of the Malatesta and Sforza families renovated by the Della Rovere, the famous dukes of Urbino and Pesaro. In ancient times the palace was decorated with paintings by Raphael, Bronzino, Titian, Bassanoe and Barocci, which were then moved to the establishment of the prefecture offices. In reality, the current building bears little resemblance to its ancient appearance due to the radical changes it underwent in the twentieth century. The best known room is known as the "Metaurense hall" and dates back to the fifteenth century. Floors and ceilings are instead of 1620 and are the work of Giovanni Cortese who worked here on commission for Maria II Della Rovere.
  • 2 Big Sphere (Tomato Ball), Piazzale della Libertà. It is a bronze casting made in 1998 by the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro, the original of which is today in Rome in front of the main entrance of the Farnesina. The people of Pesaro have grown fond of this 'presence' in Piazzale della Libertà, starting to familiarly call it 'the Pomodoro ball'. Since then, the Sphere Grande has become a traditional meeting place for those who must see themselves at the sea or a road reference for visitors passing through the city.
  • 3 Villino Ruggeri, Piazzale della Libertà. Simple icon time.svgnot visible. It is a magnificent example of Italian Art Nouveau architecture, built between 1902 and 1907. In this period, in fact, the palace became the home of the Ruggeri family who decorated and furnished the entire Art Nouveau building.
  • 4 Rocca Costanza, Piazzale Matteotti. Simple icon time.svgopen only for events. Fortification with a square plan built for Costanzo Sforza between 1474 and 1483, it stands close to the city walls, but still remaining outside. Rocca Costanza is the largest fortification in the city and is surrounded by an imposing moat that in 1500 Cesare Borgia, having occupied the city, had it filled with sea water. Later the fortress will pass again to the Sforza, to the Della Rovere, to the Papal State. In 1864 it became a prison; it will remain so until 1989 when the subsequent restorations return it to citizenship becoming the summer venue for cultural events such as the Rossini Opera Festival, the Palio dei Bracieri and the Pesaro Comix and Games.

Events and parties

  • 1 Rossini Opera Festival (ROF), via Rossini 24, 39 0721 3800294, @. Simple icon time.svgmonth of august. Since 1980 it has been the most important event in the world concerning the production, both opera and chamber, of Gioachino Rossini.
  • 2 International exhibition of the New Cinema of Pesaro (Pesaro Film Festival), Piazzale Albani, 12, 390721387511, fax: 390721387685, @. Simple icon time.svgEnd of June - beginning of July. is one of the most important Italian film festivals. Designed by Lino Miccichè and Bruno Torri at the end of 1964, it has been held in Pesaro since the first edition (29 May - 6 June 1965). Over time, alongside the main editions, the Festival has carried out numerous collateral initiatives: at the same time as the Festival, the special event, dedicated to Italian cinema; in autumn, initially in Ancona, then again in Pesaro, the International Retrospective Review; again in autumn the International Conference on Cinema Studies, initially in Urbino, then in Pesaro, and various film events in the Marche cities but also in Rome, New York, Berlin and Paris.
  • 3 Pesaro Comics & Games, Piazzale Matteotti, 1 (Rocca Costanza). Simple icon time.svgLast weekend of August. three-day event for fans of role-playing, board games, comics, cosplay, trading cards. Seminars, concerts, demonstrations and competitions in the setting of the medieval Rocca Costanza. 2016 is the fourth edition.
  • 4 Fair of San Nicola, Waterfront area. Simple icon time.svg10, 11, 12 September. This fair marks the end of summer. Walking through the stalls and stands of the fair you can buy clothes, household items as well as food and wine specialties. For the occasion, a free shuttle service is also activated that shuttles between the Fair and the San Decenzio car park. Other nearby car parks are that of Viale dei Partigiani and that of Via Marsala for a total of almost 700 parking spaces. In these last car parks you can easily rent a bicycle.
  • 5 PesaroWineFestival (International craft wine fair), Pescheria Visual Arts Center, Via Cavour, 39 338 9929670 (Organization), @. Ecb copyright.svg€17.20. Simple icon time.svgApril. Spring festival dedicated to wine. The event is organized by the Pesaro Wine Culture Cultural Association with the patronage of the Municipality of Pesaro. It is housed by the Pescheria Visual Arts Center in via Cavour, a precious and elegant nineteenth-century building that features elements of the pagan temple, used as a wholesale fish market until the 1980s. Present national and international wineries selected according to quality criteria, production processes, choice of raw materials grown in the production areas. The event offers concerts, educational seminars, and is also a fair where you can buy wines for tasting.
  • 6 Candles in Candelara, Strada Borgo Santa Lucia, 40, 61122, Candelara di Pesaro (Free shuttle bus from the train station every 30 '), 390721286693, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 2.50. Simple icon time.svgEnd-November / mid-December weekend 10: 00-21: 00. Suggestive pre-Christmas event dedicated to candles and the history of the characteristic medieval village. On the hill where the ancient castle stands one of the most particular pre-Christmas events in the Marche takes place. During the evenings, the public lighting will be turned off to enjoy the illumination of the flickering light of hundreds of candles.
  • 1 Villa'N'Roll (#VNR), Str. In Sala, 254, 61122 Pesaro PU. Villa'n'Roll defines itself as a festival of conurban human trafficking, but it is above all a festival that promotes quality music.

Now in its seventh edition, it can proudly say that it has kept its first duty: to discover and spread beauty. With eyes and ears turned to the contemporary and a sober soul, he will try again this year to interpret the effectiveness of the changes with the punctuality of the musical proposals included in the program.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


  • 7 San Bartolo Park, Warsaw avenue s.n., 39 0721 268426 - 348 3572204, fax: 39 0721 408520, @. It is a park of about 1600 hectares between Pesaro and Gabicce Mare that boasts a magnificent landscape in which hills and sea alternate. Inside live medium-large mammals, such as roe deer and foxes, various species of reptiles and various species of birds.


Pesaro, Imperial Villa
  • 8 Villa Caprile, Caprile road 1, 39 0721 21440, @. Simple icon time.svgJune-September 15-19 visits to historic gardens and water games; for groups and by appointment possibility of visits also in the morning. This villa was designed in 1640, the year in which the Marquis Giovanni Mosca had a summer residence built on the hills outside the city. The garden hosts still functioning water features, designed to surprise the visitor with sudden jets. Today it houses the 'Antonio Cecchi' Agricultural Technical Institute.
  • 9 Imperial Villa, Cypress road, 39 0721 69341, @. Ecb copyright.svg12€. Simple icon time.svgJune-September every Wednesday guided tours departing by bus from Piazzale della Libertà at 4 pm; reservation required. The construction of this villa took about two centuries and the result is an excellent Mannerist style building. In 1468 the Emperor Frederick III of Habsburg laid the first stone. After the victory over the Medici of Florence, Francesco Maria I Della Rovere commissioned the architect Girolamo Genga to expand the existing building and transform it into a villa. Genga did even more, as he designed the rich interior decorations with Battista Dossi, Raffaellino del Colle, Bronzino and Francesco Menzocchi. In 1777 Pius VI leased it to the Albani family who still own the building today.
  • Via Carolingia - European itinerary that crosses the places traveled by the court of Charlemagne between the 8th and 9th centuries to travel from Aachen to Rome, where Pope Leo III crowned the Carolingian sovereign emperor of the Holy Roman Empire on Christmas night in the 19th century.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pesaro
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pesaro
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Pesaro
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Pesaro
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