Historic center of Catania - Centro storico di Catania

Historic center of Catania
Piazza Duomo
Centro storico di Catania - Localizzazione

Historic center of Catania is a district of the city of Catania.

To know

Heliodorus and U liotru
The elephant of Piazza Duomo

Heliodorus is a semi-legendary character from Catania considered a joker magician. A legend binds him or liotru, the lava stone elephant of Piazza Duomo. This tells that Eliodoro himself had sculpted the statue by forging it from the lava of theEtna, to then ride it while it performed its magic. The name itself Liotru it would be a popular corruption of the name Eliodoro. Tradition also has it that Heliodorus, after animating his elephant, raged through the city riding the magical animal, making the life of its inhabitants impossible. In reality, nothing is known about the historical origin of the elephant, it is thought that it may be a Roman monument.

How to orient yourself


  • 1 Guardian Angels
  • 2 Ancient Course
  • 3 Civita - is a district in the south-eastern part of the city not far from the so-called arches of the railway line.
  • 4 Fortino
  • 5 Giudecca - the former Jewish quarter of the city located east of Via Etnea between the fish market and the Benedictine monastery.
  • 6 San Berillo
  • 7 San Cristoforo

How to get

On the train

  • 1 Catania Acquicella, Piazza Acquicella Station, 10. Simple icon time.svgTimetable. Station of the category silver, managed by RFI (FS). Station without assistance service for People with Reduced Mobility. Stazione di Catania Acquicella su Wikipedia stazione di Catania Acquicella (Q3969336) su Wikidata

On boat

  • 2 Port of Catania, Port of Catania, 39 095 531 667 (port authorities). Ecb copyright.svgrates per length. Simple icon time.svgcontinuous access. The Port consisting of an artificial basin protected to the east by the eastern pier and to the south by the south pier is divided into three areas: Porto Vecchio - Porto Nuovo - Porto Peschereccio. Seabed: muddy on the quay from 3 to 8 m. Radio: VHF channel 16 - 11 Catania Harbor Master's Office Radio, continuous service. Prohibition of anchoring / mooring at commercial docks. Porto di Catania su Wikipedia porto di Catania (Q3909225) su Wikidata

How to get around

The center of Catania should be visited mainly on foot as there are many pedestrianized areas with traffic restrictions.

There are several city buses with which it is possible to move around it.

The preferential bus lanes can be traveled by bicycle.

By subway

  • 3 Port. The station is suspended from the indeterminate service. Porto (metropolitana di Catania) su Wikipedia stazione di Porto (Q3909129) su Wikidata
  • 4 Stesicoro. Final metro station, awaiting the completion of the works that will add other stations. Stesicoro (metropolitana di Catania) su Wikipedia stazione di Stesicoro (Q3973299) su Wikidata

By car

  • 5 Catania Center Parking, Via Cosentino, 40, 30 095 313939. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 00-24. Multi-storey pay parking.
  • 6 parking area, Via Maddem, 8.
  • 7 parking area, Via Luigi Rizzo, 12.

What see

The missing attractions are included in the individual districts. (see above)

Piazza Duomo area

Porta Uzeda in Catania
  • 1 Uzeda Gate, Via Etnea, Duomo. Ecb copyright.svgfree access. Opened in 1696 in the sixteenth-century walls, it concludes the long straight line of Via Etnea to the south, connecting the central area with the port area, which lies beyond the railway viaduct. Porta Uzeda su Wikipedia Porta Uzeda (Q3908862) su Wikidata
Fountain of the Amenano
  • 2 Fountain of the Amenano (the water or 'linzolu), Piazza del Duomo (Bus stop Via Garibaldi 10: lines № 503, 830, 902 and 932). Scenic fountain built in 1867 by the Neapolitan master Tito Angelini in Carrara marble, which uses the waters of the underground river of the same name. The water or 'linzolu, as the people of Catania call this beloved fountain (due to the sheet-shaped water jet) which is located right at the entrance of the renowned fish market. Fontana dell'Amenano su Wikipedia Fontana dell'Amenano (Q3747372) su Wikidata
Fountain of the Elephant in the Piazza del Duomo
  • 3 Elephant Fountain (u Liotru), Piazza del Duomo (Bus stop Via Garibaldi 10: lines № 503, 830, 902 and 932). Ecb copyright.svgFree access. The Fountain erected in 1736 (by the architect Giovan Battista Vaccarini) according to the Roman Baroque models offered by Gianlorenzo Bernini, using archaeological finds, represents three civilizations: the Punic, the Egyptian and the Christian. In the center there is a black basalt statue depicting an elephant, symbol of the defeat of the Carthaginians who came to conquer the city astride the enormous pachyderms and commonly called u Liotru, represents the Punic civilization, and is considered the emblem of the Sicilian city. This is surmounted by an obelisk, probably brought to Catania from Egypt at the time of the Crusades, it belonged to the Roman Circus Maximus and represents the Egyptian civilization. Crowning the monument at the top are agatine stylistic elements (the globe, the cross and the palms), which represent Christian civilization. Fontana dell'Elefante su Wikipedia Fontana dell'Elefante (Q1082066) su Wikidata
Palace of the Elephants
  • unesco4 Palace of the Elephants (formerly Palazzo del Senato), Piazza del Duomo, St. Agata (on the north side of the Piazza del Duomo.). Building built after the 1693 earthquake in Baroque style, it is the seat of today's Town Hall. Palazzo degli Elefanti su Wikipedia Palazzo degli Elefanti (Q1458838) su Wikidata
Cathedral of Sant'Agata
Facade on the Piazza del Duomo
  • unesco5 Church of Sant'Agata (Catania Cathedral), Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 163, Duomo (Piazza del Duomo), 39 095320044, fax: 39 095320044. Built (in the 11th century) on the remains of the Achilliane baths, it was rebuilt in 1169 and after the earthquake of 1693. The apses, visible from the courtyard of the Archbishopric, and part of the upper transept remain of the original Norman fortified architecture.
Outside, the main facade with two rows of columns (erected from 1733 to 1761, architect G. B. Vaccarini). On the left side there is a valuable marble portal (erected in 1577, architect Giandomenico Mazzolo). The marble balustrade with statues of saints is of the century. XIX, like the eclectic bell tower. The grates on the ground near the entrance are used for the ventilation of the Terme Achillee (parts not open to the public), which extend under the church, the seminary and the square opposite.
Inside, three naves divided by pillars and side altars (from the 17th century). Interesting in addition to all the monsters and sacred relics in the cathedral is certainly also the fresco depicting Catania hit by the eruption of theEtna from 1669 (painting from 1679, painter Giacinto Platania). The restorations have brought to light structural elements of the previous Norman construction in the transept. In the right transept another marble portal (from 1545), with scenes from the life of the Virgin, gives access to the chapel of the Madonna. In the chapel, on the right wall, the tomb of Constance of Aragon (from 1363) and on the left wall a Roman sarcophagus (III century) with the remains of the Aragonese who resided in Catania. On the second pillar the tomb of Vincenzo Bellini (from 1876). Cattedrale di Sant'Agata su Wikipedia cattedrale di Sant'Agata (Q1499188) su Wikidata
Achillian Baths
Church of the Abbey of Sant'Agata
  • 6 Achilliane Baths, Piazza del Duomo, 39 095281635 (Diocesan Museum). Ecb copyright.svgFull admission € 5, reduced € 3. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 09: 00-14: 00 and ticket office at the Diocesan Museum, Sat 09: 00-13: 00 and ticket office at the Diocesan Museum, Sun 10: 00-13: 00 and ticket office on site. Thermal complex, built between the 4th and 5th centuries AD. Terme Achilliane su Wikipedia Terme Achilliane (Q3984379) su Wikidata
  • unesco7 Church of the Abbey of Sant'Agata, Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 182, historic center - S. Agata (north-east side of the Piazza del Duomo), 39 3487967711. Raised from 1735 to 1767 (architect G. B. Vaccarini) for the homonymous abbey.
Outside, it has a large dome on an octagonal prism drum and an elegant side elevation (on Via Raddusa).
Inside, the plan of the building is centric, defined by a regular octagon. Chiesa della Badia di Sant'Agata su Wikipedia chiesa della Badia di Sant'Agata (Q1067599) su Wikidata
Pacini Garden
  • 8 Pacini Garden (at Villa Pacini), Via Beato Cardinal Dusmet (Located in the adjacent area of ​​the Archi della Marina railway viaduct, in front of Porta Uzeda.). Ecb copyright.svgfree entry. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 00: 00-24: 00. Inaugurated in 1879, with the name of the Catania musician and composer Giovanni Pacini, after works started in 1866. Bordered on the southern side by the Way of the washerwomen and on the northern side from the Via Beato Cardinal Dusmet, inside it houses pines, wooden bridges, a pond, a fountain and a playground. The bust of the musician, chiseled in white marble (by Giovanni Duprè), was placed on a pedestal at the entrance to the garden. In the past the garden was also called Villa Varagghi (Giardino Degli Sbadigli), because it is frequented mainly by the elderly, who usually spend their days there. Giardino Pacini su Wikipedia Giardino Pacini (Q3763864) su Wikidata
Palace of the Seminary of the Clerics
  • unesco9 Palace of the Seminary of the Clerics (Palazzo Chierici), Piazza Duomo (south side of Piazza Duomo in Catania, next to the cathedral and in front of the Palazzo degli Elefanti.), @. Its construction designed by Alonzo di Benedetto began in 1672 and ended only in 1757. The façade is made with ashlar inserts, in white Ispica stone, on a dark plaster made with volcanic sand. Noteworthy are the large windows on the façade with omega tympanum and the stupendous shelves on the balconies on the first floor. Outside the Uzeda door, on the left, above the remains of the ancient ramparts, you can see the sea facades of the Seminary. Palazzo del Seminario dei Chierici su Wikipedia Palazzo del Seminario dei Chierici (Q3361181) su Wikidata
  • 10 Archbishop's Palace, Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 0957159062, fax: 39 0952504358, @. Simple icon time.svgnot open to the public. Eighteenth-century palace, seat of the Archdiocese of Catania. Outside the Uzeda door, on the left, above the remains of the ancient ramparts along Via Cardinale Dusmet, after the sea facades of the Seminary are those of the Archbishop's Palace.

Via Etnea, University square and Stesicoro square

Palazzo del Toscano
  • 11 Palazzo del Toscano, Piazza Stesicoro, 38. It was built around 1870 as the town residence of the Paternò Marquises del Toscano on a project by the Milanese architect Errico Alvino. Palazzo del Toscano su Wikipedia Palazzo del Toscano (Q3891368) su Wikidata
Roman amphitheater
  • 12 Roman amphitheater, Stesicoro square (Entrance from via Vittorio Emanuele II, 266), 39 0957150508, @. Ecb copyright.svgfree entry. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sat 09: 00-13: 30 and 14: 30-18: 30. Leaning against the hill of the ancient acropolis, it had the cavea in limestone blocks, divided into nine wedges and surrounded by three ambulatory in lava stone, placed at different heights. Unfortunately many of its stones were used by the Ostrogoths in the time of Theodoric to repair the city walls, leaving little of its former glory. Anfiteatro romano di Catania su Wikipedia Anfiteatro romano di Catania (Q2844406) su Wikidata
Church of San Biagio.jpg
  • 13 San Biagio, Piazza Stesicoro, 17 (in front of the Roman amphitheater), 39 0957159360. Church. Chiesa di San Biagio (Catania) su Wikipedia chiesa di San Biagio (Q3584886) su Wikidata
  • unesco14 Collegiate Church (Basilica Maria Santissima dell'Elemosina), Via Collegiata 6 (Located in the first section of via Etnea). Basilica built in the first twenty years of the eighteenth century on a project by Angelo Italia, it has an elegant curvilinear facade of Stephen Ittar (1758). Basilica Maria Santissima dell'Elemosina su Wikipedia basilica Maria Santissima dell'Elemosina (Q1109136) su Wikidata
  • 15 Bellini Garden (Villa Bellini), Via Domenico Cimarosa (various Income; The southern entrance is from Via Domenico Cimarosa. The south-east entrance, built in monumental style and opened in 1932, is from via Etnea). Ecb copyright.svgfree entry. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 00: 00-24: 00. Inaugurated in 1883 as a public garden, it is an important green lung of the city as well as a meeting place for many people from Catania. Every day a gardener takes care of changing the position of the trees to indicate the date of the day. Giardino Bellini su Wikipedia giardino Bellini (Q3763848) su Wikidata
  • 16 San Michele ai Minoriti, Via Minoriti, 47 (Entrance from via Etnea). Church. Chiesa dei Minoriti (Catania) su Wikipedia chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo ai Minoriti (Q3585918) su Wikidata
  • 17 University building, University Square. Palazzo dell'Università (Catania) su Wikipedia Palazzo dell'Università (Q3891414) su Wikidata
  • 18 San Giuliano Palace, University square. Palazzo San Giuliano su Wikipedia Palazzo San Giuliano (Q3890824) su Wikidata
  • 19 San Demetrio Palace, via Etnea (northwest corner of the Quattro Canti). Palazzo San Demetrio su Wikipedia Palazzo San Demetrio (Q3890813) su Wikidata
  • 20 Four Canti, via Etnea, corner via San Giuliano. It is a crossroads with four buildings built in the same architectural style, with rounded corners thus creating an octagonal-shaped clearing. Quattro Canti (Catania) su Wikipedia Quattro Canti (Q610983) su Wikidata
  • 21 Post Office Building, Via Etnea. Palazzo delle Poste (Catania) su Wikipedia Palazzo delle Poste (Q3891516) su Wikidata
  • 22 Gioeni Palace, via Etnea (at the corner with the University Square). Palazzo Gioeni su Wikipedia Palazzo Gioeni (Q3890213) su Wikidata
  • 23 Tezzano Palace, piazza Stesicoro. Palazzo Tezzano su Wikipedia Palazzo Tezzano (Q633353) su Wikidata
  • 24 Monument to Vincenzo Bellini, piazza Stesicoro. Monumento a Vincenzo Bellini su Wikipedia Monumento a Vincenzo Bellini (Q3862630) su Wikidata

Via Crociferi

Facade of the Jesuit College
  • unesco25 former Jesuit College (former Jesuit College), Via dei Gesuiti (Bus stop Via San Benedetto 1 / Piazza Asmundo: line № 503). The church is an example of the Catania Baroque with a convex facade and dome surrounded by a loggia. Inside, above the sumptuous high altar, a fourteenth-century Crucifix on a table. Construction with four courtyards, of which the first is an elegant cloister (1742, partially attributed to the architect G.B. Vaccarini). The choice of the site, the typological layout of the church and the college, are the result of a complex fusion between parts of buildings spared from the earthquake, using the site of the church of SS. Ascension and parts of the primitive college spared from the earthquake, spatial models of the seventeenth-century tradition and rules of Jesuit community life. Until 2009 it was the seat of the Art Institute of Catania. Collegio dei Gesuiti (Catania) su Wikipedia Collegio dei gesuiti (Q3682975) su Wikidata
Church of San Francesco Borgia
  • 26 San Francesco Borgia, Via Crociferi, 17 (Bus stop Via San Benedetto 1 / Piazza Asmundo: line № 503). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 09: 00-19: 00. Church with a severe facade with coupled columns designed by the Jesuit Angelo Italia. Equipped with a double flight of steps, it has a very linear facade in the Roman academic style. It takes place on two orders of paired marble columns. The interior has three very large and bright naves. The side altars are in marble and have altarpieces by Catania painters from the 18th century. The dome is frescoed with themes recalling the Jesuit order, by the painter Olivio Sozzi. The ex Jesuit college of the Jesuit fathers, and separated from via San Benedetto, the church of St. Benedict. Chiesa di San Francesco Borgia su Wikipedia chiesa di San Francesco Borgia (Q3670105) su Wikidata
Church of S Benedetto
  • unesco27 Church and Monastery of San Benedetto, via Greek Theater 2 (Bus stop Via San Benedetto 1 / Piazza Asmundo: line № 503), 39 0957150499 (church), 39 3495023822 (monastery), @. Ecb copyright.svgFull ticket: € 6.00; Reduced ticket: € 4.00. Simple icon time.svgon reservation. Church built from 1704 to 1713 in the Benedictine monastery. With majestic staircase and carved wooden portal, interior full of stucco and marble with an elegant vestibule decorated with statues. Next to it, separated from via San Benedetto, is the church of San Francesco Borgia. Tour of the Historic Site of the San Benedetto Monastery including the remains of a domus found in the monastic underground, the eighteenth-century parlor of the Monastery, the Church of San Benedetto - which can be accessed through the monumental Scalinata degli Angeli. Chiesa di San Benedetto (Catania) su Wikipedia chiesa di San Benedetto (Q1516573) su Wikidata
  • 28 St. Francis of Assisi to the Immaculate Conception, Via Crociferi, 2 / Piazza San Francesco d'Assisi, 39 095312103. The monumental complex includes the church and its convent of San Francesco d'Assisi all'Immacolata dei Frati Minori Conventuali. Chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi all'Immacolata (Catania) su Wikipedia chiesa di San Francesco d'Assisi all'Immacolata (Q3584868) su Wikidata
  • unesco29 Church of San Giuliano (church of the former convent of San Giuliano), Via dei Crociferi, 42 (Bus stop Via San Benedetto 1 / Piazza Asmundo: line № 503). The church is located in front of the Jesuit college and is surrounded by a precious wrought iron gate. Its convex facade and its simple lines give it an aspect of rare elegance. The interior has an octagonal plan and is illuminated through the windows of the large dome, completely frescoed by the Catania painter Giuseppe Rapisardi. The main altar is a sumptuous construction in polychrome marble and gilded bronzes. At the top it has a 14th century crucifix and a small temple for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The consecrated host is visible through the transparent window of a monstrance. At the other altars there are works by Olivio Sozzi, Pietro Abbadessa and an anonymous San Giuliano from the 18th century. Chiesa di San Giuliano (Catania) su Wikipedia chiesa di San Giuliano (Q3582178) su Wikidata
  • 30 San Camillo ai Crociferi, Via Crociferi, 69. Church.
  • 31 Villa Cerami (seat of the Department of Law of the University of Catania), via dei Crociferi. Villa Cerami su Wikipedia Villa Cerami (Q786597) su Wikidata

Religious building

Church of Sant'Agata al Carcere
Sant'Agata la Vetere
  • 32 Church of Sant'Agata al Carcere, Piazza Santo Carcere, 5, 39 3381441760. So called because it stands on the site of the prison where Agata was imprisoned before her martyrdom. Chiesa di Sant'Agata al Carcere su Wikipedia chiesa di Sant'Agata al Carcere (Q3672253) su Wikidata
  • 33 Church of Sant'Agata la Vetere, Piazza Sant'Agata la Vetere, 5, 39 095321902. First cathedral of Catania from 380 to 1904, it was called "la Vetere" that is the ancient one since 1094 when the remains of Sant'Agata were moved to the new Norman-style cathedral built by Ruggero I of Sicily. This church has undergone numerous alterations in the course of its very long history, rebuilt or restored several times, today it has a baroque facade. Chiesa di Sant'Agata la Vetere su Wikipedia chiesa di Sant'Agata la Vetere (Q3584887) su Wikidata
  • 34 Saint Crucifix of the good death, Piazza Giovanni Falcone (Formerly Alfredo Cappellini Square). Parish church.
  • 35 Church of San Domenico, Piazza San Domenico, 39 0952962357. Church of the convent, of the Capuchin friars, of San Domenico Chiesa di San Domenico (Catania) su Wikipedia chiesa di San Domenico (Q3669864) su Wikidata
Church of Santa Maria di Gesù
Purity Church
  • 36 San Giuseppe al Transito, Maravigna square. Church.
  • 37 Sanctuary of the Madonna del Carmine (Santuario del Carmine and Santa Maria al carmine), Piazza Carlo Alberto, 47, 39 0958364013. Basilica. Santuario della Madonna del Carmine (Catania) su Wikipedia basilica santuario di Maria Santissima Annunziata al Carmine (Q3949703) su Wikidata
  • 38 Church of Santa Maria di Gesù, Piazza Santa Maria di Gesù, 18, 39 095438446. Erected in the 15th-16th century, it was modernized in 1706 and 1831 while retaining the original construction. Interesting in this parish church are the Paternò chapel, to the left of the facade, which is accessed through a marble portal with a Pietà (by Antonio Gagini, 1519) sculpted in relief in a lunette; the chapel has Gothic forms and a sixteenth-century altar table. On the main altar, in neoclassical style, there is the Crucifix by Fra 'Umile da Petralia in a wooden frame of the' 700; at the second altar on the left you can admire another work by Gagini, a Madonna and child. Chiesa di Santa Maria di Gesù (Catania) su Wikipedia chiesa di Santa Maria di Gesù (Q3674043) su Wikidata
  • 39 Church of Sant'Orsola, Piazza Oliveto Scammacca, 14. Church.
  • 40 Church of Purity, Via Santa Maddalena, 39. Church.
  • 41 Church of San Vito, Largo San Vito. Church.
  • 42 Sanctuary of Santa Maria dell'Aiuto, Via Consolato della Seta, 59, 39 095 345344. Santuario di Santa Maria dell'Aiuto su Wikipedia santuario di Santa Maria dell'Aiuto (Q17652142) su Wikidata
  • 43 Church of San Gaetano alle Grotte, Piazza Carlo Alberto, 74. Chiesa di San Gaetano alle Grotte su Wikipedia chiesa di San Gaetano alle Grotte (Q3670193) su Wikidata
  • 44 Church of San Giovanni de 'Fleres, via Cestai. It was a church, now disappeared, with entrance in via Mancini, dating back to the sixth century and demolished in 1896. An elaborate arch in the Chiaramonte Gothic style remains. Chiesa di San Giovanni de' Fleres su Wikipedia chiesa di San Giovanni de' Fleres (Q3670541) su Wikidata


  • 45 Sicilian Contemporary Art Museum (MacS), Via San Francesco, 30, 39 0957152207, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull € 5.00 / reduced € 3.50. Simple icon time.svgFri-Wed 09: 00-18: 00. Based in the small abbey of Benedictine Monastery, the MacS hosts exhibitions of Italian and foreign artists emerging on the contemporary art scene. Museo arte contemporanea Sicilia su Wikipedia Museo arte contemporanea Sicilia (Q55831847) su Wikidata
  • 46 Zoology Museum, Via Androne, 81. The Museum of Zoology of Catania is a conservation and research center. Born in 1853, he is the oldest Sicilian scientific museum. The museum is now managed by the Department of Animal Biology "Marcello La Greca" of the University of Catania. Initially born from the collections of the professors and members of the Gioenia Academy of Natural Sciences, including the rich malacological collection of the same founder, Aradas, it has been considerably enriched over the years with the addition of important collections of considerable historical and scientific value, especially for those that contain numerous holotypes; rich ornithological collections of about 1500 specimens include specimens of Hummingbirds, Parrots, Paradisee and many species from Sicily. It is a butterfly house. Museo di zoologia di Catania su Wikipedia Museo di Zoologia di Catania (Q3868187) su Wikidata


Ursino Castle
Porta Garibaldi
  • main attraction47 Ursino Castle (Casteddu Svevo), piazza Federico II di Svevia, 3, 39 095345830. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 09: 00-19: 00, Sat 09: 00-23: 00, Sun 09: 00-22: 00. The castle (casteddu in Sicilian) Ursino di Catania was founded by Frederick II of Swabia in the thirteenth century. The manor had a certain visibility during the Sicilian Vespers, as the seat of the parliament and, later, the residence of the Aragonese kings including Frederick III. Today it houses the Civic Museum of the Etnean city, formed mainly by the Biscari and Benedictine collections. Castello Ursino su Wikipedia castello Ursino (Q1048850) su Wikidata
  • 48 Porta Garibaldi (Porta Ferdinandea), Palestro Square / Crucifix Square, Futtinu (It is located between piazza Palestro and piazza Crocifisso, at the end of via Giuseppe Garibaldi, in the Fortino district, in the Catania dialect Futtinu). Ecb copyright.svgfree access. The door is a triumphal arch built in 1768, designed by Stefano Ittar and Francesco Battaglia, to commemorate the wedding of Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies and Maria Carolina of Habsburg-Lorraine. On the door there is the Latin inscription "Melior de cinere surgo" which in Italian means "I am reborn from (my) ashes even more beautiful". Porta Garibaldi (Catania) su Wikipedia Porta Garibaldi (Q2624890) su Wikidata
  • 49 Clementi Clinic, Piazza Santa Maria di Gesù. Art nouveau building. Clinica Clementi su Wikipedia Clinica Clementi (Q17462191) su Wikidata
  • 50 Frigeri shop, Via Alessandro Manzoni, 95. It is a small Art Nouveau building, once used as a commercial establishment. Negozio Frigeri su Wikipedia Negozio Frigeri (Q17433214) su Wikidata
  • 51 Villino Citelli, via Tomaselli, 31. Eclectic style cottage. Villino Citelli su Wikipedia Villino Citelli (Q17639603) su Wikidata
  • 52 Pink Palace, via VI Aprile. Residential building from the early twentieth century. Palazzo Rosa su Wikipedia Palazzo Rosa (Q17438453) su Wikidata
  • 53 Villa Majorana, via Androne 36. Villa of the early twentieth century. Villa Majorana su Wikipedia Villa Majorana (Q30880470) su Wikidata

What to do



  • 2 Market of the Fera 'or Luni (that is the Lune fair or the Monday fair), Piazza Carlo Alberto. Historic market.
  • 3 Local market in piazza Montessori, Montessori square, historical center (Area Osp. Garibaldi Vecchio). Simple icon time.svgMon. Weekly market on Mondays.

How to have fun


Interior of the Massimo Bellini Theater
  • 4 Massimo Bellini Theater (Vincenzo Bellini Theater), Via Perrotta, 12, 39 0957306111 (box office), 39 0957150921, fax: 39 0952502963, @. Inaugurated in May 1890 with a horseshoe-shaped hall with four tiers of boxes and a gallery and a capacity of 1200 seats. The neo-baroque style facade of the theater is inspired by the Sansovinian classic of the Venice Library. The rest of the building, however, is detached from it in the lateral development, assuming the form of a theater. The hall with four tiers of boxes beyond the gallery is of great decorative richness and is one of the most beautiful of those built in the nineteenth century in Italy. Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini su Wikipedia Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini (Q1429352) su Wikidata
  • 5 Metropolitan, Via Sant'Euplio, 21, 39 095322323. Inaugurated in 1954 in a hall with a capacity of 1780 seats (1200 seats in the hall and 580 in the stands). Teatro Metropolitan (Catania) su Wikipedia Teatro Metropolitan (Q3982060) su Wikidata
  • 6 Sangiorgi, Via Antonino di San Giuliano, 233, 39 0952502963 (box office), 39 095316860, @. Inaugurated in 1900 it was born as an open-air theater with a pit and a capacity of almost 700 seats and seven years later it was covered and then became one of the most important theaters in Catania. For an abundant fifty years from its stages will pass the myths of the light show - Totò, Josephine Baker, Renato Rascel, Fanfulla, the De Rege brothers, Nicola Maldacea, Wanda Osiris, Nino Taranto -, the greats of the theater - Angelo Musco, Giovanni Grasso, Raffaele Viviani, Ettore Petrolini, Maria Melato, Renzo Ricci, Ruggero Ruggeri, Salvo Randone, Emma Gramatica -, the stars of the song - Armando Gill, Anna Fougez, Elvira Donnarumma, Gilda Mignonette, Alberto Rabagliati, Natalino Otto, and each one will leave a trace , a photo or an autograph dedication. Then with the variety crisis, at the end of the 1950s, the Sangiorgi suffered a fate common to many theaters and was transformed into a neighborhood cinema, therefore, in the Seventies, with red lights, while its other structures underwent a progressive deterioration, even of a physical nature. Since 2002 the theater was only the second room of the Massimo Bellini Theater. Used for years as a simple rehearsal room for the orchestra and rented out for sporadic external events, finally in November 2007 it returns to shine with its own light; in fact, an ad hoc artistic direction for the Sangiorgi Theater was established for the first time by the Superintendent of the Teatro Massimo Bellini, in order to give back to this historic theater, with an elliptical hall and a capacity of 477 seats, its true identity. We cannot fail to mention the great success of the reopening after 30 years c.a. of the historic Terrazza del Sangiorgi former cinema arena. Teatro Sangiorgi su Wikipedia Teatro Sangiorgi (Q3982134) su Wikidata
  • 7 Public scenario, Via Teatro Massimo, 16, 39 0952503147, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 09: 00-12: 00. Inaugurated in 2002, it is a theater that focuses mainly on contemporary dance, within it activities of production, programming, hospitality, training and dissemination are developed, so as to make it a real international choreographic center.
  • 8 Blue curtain (ex New Teatro Santa Orsola), Via Macallè 3 / a, 39 0952500264, 39 3489050336 (mobile phone). Theater.
  • 9 Tezzano, Via Tezzano, 40, 39 0957273686. Theater in an ancient building, well managed by the company 'Il Sipario sul Mare'.
  • 10 Magma room, Via Adua, 3, 39 095444312. Theater.

Night clubs

The nightlife develops between Piazza Teatro Massimo and the neighboring streets where there are several night clubs. Via Etnea and piazza duomo are very popular with strolling families.

  • 11 X Unknown, Piazza Vincenzo Bellini, 23, 39 095 316793. Bars, aperitifs, pubs.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Hollywood kiosk, via San Gaetano alla Grotta. Simple icon time.svg06: 00-late at night. The kiosk run by the Falco family offers drinks to quench your thirst, various types of syrups, almond milk, mixed fruit, smoothies, coffee, juices, slushes and beers. During the summer, the kiosk places tables next to it where you can sit and relax.
  • 2 Costa kiosk, Piazza Spirito Santo, 39 095310628. The kiosk run by the Costa family offers drinks to quench your thirst, various types of syrups, smoothies, coffee, juices, slushes and beers.
  • 3 Ali Baba kebab & Indian food, via Montesano 25, 39 3334449251. Simple icon time.svg11:00-02:30. In addition to the wide selection of kebab dressing sauces, you can also choose the size of your kebab between small, medium and large. Ideal for families with children.
  • 4 One Thousand and One Nights, piazza Spirito Santo. You can find the historic kebab of Catania here, since it was the first to open in the city. The place is kept in a workmanlike manner, also confirmed by checks carried out, with fresh meat and excellent food.
  • 5 Le Tropic, bar and restaurant, Via Marchese di Casalotto 83 (near the Consulate of Romania), 39 095 0930635, @. Cuisine with African, South American and Indian culinary specialties.

Average prices

  • 6 Al Vicolo Pizza & Vino, via del Colosseo, 5 (Near the central Piazza Stesicoro, near the Roman Amphitheater.), 39 0958360730. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 19: 00-01: 00. Large diameter pizza, good and soft for its light dough: "Al Vicolo Pizza & Vino" you will eat one of the best pizzas in the whole city. Also steakhouse, cutlery, desserts, wine list and craft beers.
  • 7 Cafe del Duomo, Piazza Duomo, 11-13, 39 0957150556, @. Ecb copyright.svgreasonable prices and not increased (many bars in the center take advantage of the tourist spot to offer reckless prices). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 05: 00-24: 00. Excellent Catania coffee, its granita was elected by the Federico II school of Italian language and culture among the best 5 in the city.
  • 8 Prestipino, Piazza del Duomo, 9, 39 095310429. A modern cafe with a sales counter with an ice cream parlor.

Where stay

Moderate prices

  • 2 Eco Hostel Catania (Eco Hostel), Via Fornai 44, Catania, 39 095 7233077. Ecb copyright.svgFrom € 24. Hostel located a few steps from the center, it offers the right mix of tradition and modernity, providing comfortable beds in an informal and relaxing environment.

Average prices

  • 3 Al Duomo inn *** (former Savona hotel), Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 210 (Bus stop Via Garibaldi 10: lines № 830, 902 and 932), 39 095321028, 39 3470697006 (mobile phone), @. Ecb copyright.svglow season: double single use 40 €, double 60 €, triple 80 €. High season: double single use € 60, double € 80, triple € 100. Check in: 12:00-21:30, check-out: 08:00-10:30. Bed and breakfast with B&B formula, in the former Savona hotel. Very central within walking distance to the west of Piazza del Duomo. From the balconies side view (left) on part of the Piazza del Duomo and the Duomo.
  • 4 Valentino (Valentino Catania), Piazza Turi Ferro, 39, San Leone (formerly Piazza Santo Spirito. Bus stop Corso Sicilia 15, 64 and 77: lines № 1-4, 2-5, 4-7, 429, 432, 448, 449, 534, 536, 556, 902, 927 and 935), 39 0952503072, fax: 39 0952503072. 3-star hotel in the center with friendly staff and a pleasant and peaceful environment.
  • 5 Villa Romeo, Via Platamone, 8, Crucifix of a happy death (Bus stop Central station: lines № Alibus, L-Ex, 4-7, 429 on the right, 443, 447, 448 on the left, 431N on the right, 431R on the left, 449 on the right, 530, 536, 556, 628R, 925 , 927 and 932 on the left. Or bus stop Piazza Giovanni XXIII f / co pharmacy: lines № Alibus, 2-5, 429, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 925, 927 and 932), 39 095534714, fax: 39 095530257. Elegant, refined and comfortable hotel, close to the railway station.
  • 6 Ivana, Via Monsignor Ventimiglia, 10, Civita (In the Bonajuto Palace. Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 38 and 46: lines № Alibus, L-Ex, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2), 39 0950936683, 39 3313501751 (mobile phone), @. Ecb copyright.svgdouble single use: € 35.00-45.00, double € 55.00-65.00, triple € 70.00-85.00, quadruple € 85.00-95.00. Bed and breakfast with B&B formula furnished in old style, in the building Marletta Bonajuto palace managed by Ivana (Sicilian) and Laye (Senegalese). We also speak French and English.
  • 7 Opera, Via Antonio di San Giuliano, 129, Civita (no nearby public transport stops), 39 337492714 (mobile), @. Ecb copyright.svgdouble bed private room from 60 €. Check in: 11:00-22:00, check-out: 10:30. Bed and breakfast with B&B formula, located in the north of the Civita district on Via Antonio di San Giuliano which marks the border with the district of San Birillo (both part of the district of the historic center). It offers spacious rooms with balcony, private bathroom, hairdryer, TV, air conditioning, minibar. The wi-fi is free in the rooms and common areas, such as the large sunny terrace, ideal for relaxing and having breakfast.

High prices

  • 8 Agathae, via Etnea, 229, 39 0952500436, fax: 39 0957152668. 3 star hotel.
  • 9 Prince, via Alessi, 20/26, 39 0952500345, fax: 39 095325799. Boutique hotel located in a newly renovated noble palace in the baroque heart of the historic center.
  • 10 Gresi, via Pacini, 28 (Near Via Etnea near the post office), 39 095322709, @. Ecb copyright.svgfrom 75 € (without breakfast). Clean and brilliant hotel. High rooms (some with vaulted ceilings with paintings), air conditioning, bathroom, balcony.

How to keep in touch

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