Civita (Catania) - Civita (Catania)

Church of San Placido

Civita is a district of the city of Catania.

To know

The name of the neighborhood derives from the Latin civitas, or citadel.

Geographical notes

The neighborhood is located in the southwestern part of the municipal area of ​​Catania, in the historic center.

Among the most important streets of the district, the lower section of Via Vittorio Emanuele II, which begins its journey in Piazza dei Martiri, is worth mentioning. In the southernmost part of the district, we find Via Cardinale Dusmet and Piazza San Francesco di Paola, overlooked by the homonymous church. Another important square is that of the Duke of Genoa, which unfortunately is however among those most left to its own decay.


One of the four self-sufficient nuclei of the pagan Katane was called "Civitas", was populated by nobles and rich people and was right in correspondence with the future port. Later, during the period of the Arab domination of Sicily, or in the tenth century, it was a favorite area of ​​the emirs, as it was here that they built the "Friday Mosque", that is, that of the whole city, which is why it is also indicated with the appellation of Islamic quarter.

But the complete development of its inhabited area occurred with the construction of the sixteenth-century walls of Charles V who transformed it into a fortress. The lava flow of 1669 and the earthquake of 1693 that destroyed Catania, together with the subsequent reconstruction, changed the urban layout of the city and the neighborhood. In fact, starting from the end of the 17th century, the area was regularly rebuilt with the construction of noble, bourgeois and commoner residences, and wider streets.

After the unification of Italy, the construction of the railway network in Sicily was started, and the district was affected by it since the Archi della Marina, the viaduct of the Messina-Syracuse railway were built.

Destroyed for a large part of its inhabited area by the air raids of the Second World War, the numerous patrician residences were abandoned by the owners, and the Civita was affected by urban decay. Some of them were recovered and redeveloped towards the end of the nineties of the twentieth century for the interest of the municipal administration.

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see


Biscari Palace
  • main attraction1 Biscari Palace, Via Museo Biscari, 10 (Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 146: lines № L-Ex, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2 (steering wheel). Or bus stop Via Dusmet: lines № Alibus and L-Ex), 39 0957152508, 39 095321818, 39 3294145955 (mobile phone), 39 3202114802 (mobile phone), @. Palace built in 1707, on the preserved remains of the walls 'built' by Charles V. The facade with caryatid pilasters and richly decorated windows. The Palace hosted the famous author Johan Wolfgang Goethe during his visit, as part of his trip to Sicily. Palazzo Biscari on Wikipedia Palazzo Biscari (Q1459750) on Wikidata
  • 2 Boccadifuoco Palace, Piazza Duca di Genova, 18 (Bus stop Via Dusmet f / te 69: lines № 2-5, 429, 431R, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628R, 925, 927 and 932). Historical seat of the State Archives of Catania from 1800 to 1868.
  • 3 Bonajuto Palace, Via San Gaetano 10 (Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 112: lines № Alibus, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2), 39 095311277 (school secretariat), fax: 39 095311277. Palazzo, one of the few buildings that survived the violent earthquake of 1693, is today the seat of the San Francesco di Paola school.
  • 4 Hernandez Palace,, Via San Lorenzo, 4 (Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 112: lines № Alibus, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2), 39 0957307995, @. Palace built at the beginning of the 18th century (architect Gian Battista Vaccarini) with adjoining porticoed staircase. In 1890 the palace was sold and divided into two parts. The rear part was bought by the Marquise of Sant'Alfano, of the Francica-Nava family, whose current tenant is the "Scholarship Office of the University of Catania". The front part (overlooking Piazza Duca di Genova) was acquired by Giuseppina Iacona, ancestor of today's Torrisi family, heiress of the front.
  • 5 Marletta Bonajuto Palace, Via Monsignor Ventimiglia, 10 (Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 46: lines № Alibus, L-Ex, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2). Palace built in '800, not to be confused (due to the similarity of the name) with Marletta Palace located near Piazza del Duomo. Building in use since b & b Ivana.
  • 6 Mazza Palace of Villallegra, Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 140 (Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 146: lines № L-Ex, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2 (steering wheel)). Palace built in the XVIII-XIX century. Above the door an interesting balcony supported by shelves with masks. The poet Domenico Tempio lived in the palace.
  • 7 Pedagaggi Palace, Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 49 (Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 46: lines № Alibus, L-Ex, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2), 39 095532866 (Faculty of Political Science). Palace built starting from 1803 by the Baron di Pedagaggi on a project by the engineer Salvatore Zahra Buda, while the engineer Mario Musumeci took care of following the works until their final completion in 1809. Today's owner and tenant of the upper floors is the Faculty of Sciences policies of the University of Catania. On the ground floor at the corner with Piazza Cutelli (in Via Calì, 21) it is home to one of the oldest branches of the Banco di Sicilia. Don Vincenzo Guttadauro, baron of Pedagaggi, had inherited from his father, Don Enrico, 1st Prince of Emmanuel, a wing of his choice of the nearby Palazzo Reburdone but came into conflict with his brother Luigi, the Prince of Emmanuel, he chose to build his own indipendent house. Died childless in 1819, the baron left all his possessions to his great-granddaughter Eleonora Guttadauro including the palace which, for Eleonora's marriage, passed to the Paternò Castello di Carcaci until it was sold in 1859 to Baron Calì, whose family kept it until 1889 when it was sold to the Banco di Sicilia and then passed in part to the University of Catania which installed the Faculty of Political Sciences there. Pedagaggi Palace on Wikipedia Pedagaggi Palace (Q3890631) on Wikidata
Platamone Palace
  • 8 Platamone Palace (Palace of Culture), Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 121 (Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 146: lines № L-Ex, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2 (steering wheel)), 39 0957428038, 39 0957428034. Ecb copyright.svgFree entry. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 09: 00-19: 00, Sun 09: 00-13: 00. Permanent installation by F. Giordano dedicated to Mariella Lo Giudice and temporary exhibitions. Guided tours by appointment.
  • 9 Polino Sant'Alfano Palace (Anzalone Palace), Via Anzalone, 7 (Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 112: lines № Alibus, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2), 39 3467226518 (mobile phone), @. Palace formerly known as the residence of Prince Bonanno.
  • 10 Reburdone Gravina Palace (Prince's Palace of Reburdone), Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 8 (at the corner with the Piazza dei Martiri. Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 46: lines № Alibus, L-Ex, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2). Palace designed by Francesco Battaglia for the Guttadauro family, was built between 1776 and 1785, the year in which the "shield of the arms" of the Guttadauro was mounted on the facade but the completion works of the building continued for many more years. Today it houses some offices of the University of Catania ', some private apartments, the B&B Favola Mediterranea and shops and an ice cream restaurant on the ground floor.
Palazzo Reburdone wanted by a family that was trying to become part of the highest aristocracy of the island and at the same time of the patrician elite of Catania, Palazzo Reburdone was to be the most evident symbol of the wealth and prestige of the Guttadauro family, originally from Mineo , therefore provincial and that in that period was rapidly climbing the steps of the Sicilian nobility (ascent crowned in 1787 with the acquisition of the princely title of Emmanuel). The result was one of the most impressive and noble palaces in the city. Impressiveness also due to dynastic reasons as well as prestige; in fact, according to the will of the client, Prince Henry, it had to welcome the families of the two sons, the eldest son, heir to the principality, and the second son, Baron di Pedagaggi. Due to conflicts that arose between the two brothers on the death of his father, Pedagaggi never went to live in the fourth that was intended for him but had another building built, the neighboring one. Pedagaggi Palace precisely. When the male line of the Guttadauro family died out in 1820, the palace passed through Eleonora, the last princess of Emmanuel of the Guttadauro family, to the Paternò Castello family and is now the seat, in part, of the Department of Analysis of Political, Social and Institutional Processes - DAPPSI (on the first floors , second and third), of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Catania; as well as the prestigious Gioenia Academy. Reburdone Palace on Wikipedia Palazzo Reburdone (Q2047602) on Wikidata
  • 11 Serravalle Palace, Vittorio Emanuele II, 37 (Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 46: lines № Alibus, L-Ex, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2), 39 0952965731, @. Palace built in the early years of the reconstruction following the 1693 earthquake (architect Gian Battista Vaccarini). Headquarters of Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception.
  • 12 Valle Palace, Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 122 (Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele 146: lines № L-Ex, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2 (steering wheel)), 39 0957152118. Puglisi Cosentino Foundation. Palazzo Valle on Wikipedia Palazzo Valle (Q2047614) on Wikidata

Religious building

Bonajuto Chapel
  • main attraction13 Most Holy Savior (popularly called the Salvatorello Chapel or the Bonajuto Chapel), Via Bonajuto 9/13, 39 0958361194. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 09: 00-13: 00. The Byzantine Chapel is one of the most historical and longest-lived monuments of Catania, not having succumbed to the strongest earthquakes. The level of the building has dropped by over two meters, compared to the ancient position, due to the strong earthquakes and lava flows. Bonajuto Chapel on Wikipedia Bonajuto chapel (Q3657327) on Wikidata
  • 14 Islamic Center (Islamic Center Catania), Via Serravalle, 36. Mosque.
  • 15 St. Francis of Paola, Via Serravalle, 33. Church of the former convent of the same name.
  • 16 San Gaetano alla Marina, Via San Gaetano, 13, 39 095320509, fax: 39 095320509. Church.
  • 17 Of Mercy (Masjid Ar-Rahmah), Piazza Cutelli Mario, 6. Sunni mosque. Mosque of Mercy on Wikipedia Mercy mosque (Q45362253) on Wikidata
  • 18 San Placido, San Placido square. Church of 1769 with a lively curvilinear façade. Church of San Placido on Wikipedia church of San Placido (Q3584206) on Wikidata
  • 19 Santa Maria di Portosalvo, Via Cardinale Dusmet, 101. Beautiful little church, little known, on the south side of the district, overlooking the railway arches and the port.

What to do


How to have fun

  • 1 Coppola Theater (Coppola Theater Theater of the Citizens), via del Vecchio Bastione, 9, Civita, 39 3470112200 (mobile phone), @. Inaugurated in 1821 as the first municipal theater of Catania, with a horseshoe-type hall and a capacity of about 700 seats. Destroyed by a bombing on 8 July 1943 and then transformed into the scenographic laboratory of the Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini, it was later abandoned. It was then reopened, following the occupation by volunteer citizens, on December 16, 2011, giving it its current name. Coppola Theater on Wikipedia Coppola Theater (Q3981950) on Wikidata
  • 2 Harpago (The Blue Cat), Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 67, 39 095312918, @. Theater.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Pilgrim, Via Rabbordone, 18-19 (Square of the Martyrs), 39 3493675879 (mobile). Simple icon time.svgOctober-March: Mon-Tue 07: 00-19: 30, Wed-Sun 07: 00-00: 00. April-September: Sun-Fri 07: 00-02: 00, Sat 07: 00-03: 00. Excellent Catania ice cream parlor, elected by the Federico II school of Italian language and culture among the best 5 in the city.

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 BMoDe (former Suite Inn), Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 108 (Bus stop Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 112: lines № Alibus, 2-5, 429, 431N, 439, 449, 530, 534, 536, 556, 628N, 925, 927, 932 and S2), 39 0957159383, @. Ecb copyright.svgPrivate rooms from € 45. Check in: 12:00, check-out: 11:00. Bed and breakfast with B&B formula furnished in a modern style, in the heart of the historic center of the city, a stone's throw from points of great interest such as the cathedral, the dontana dell'Elefante and the Bellini theater. It boasts a unique design environment, and features comfortable spacious rooms with air conditioning and private bathroom, television, Wi-Fi internet connection, minibar, safe.

How to keep in touch

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Civita (Catania)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Civita (Catania)
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