Augusta Raurica - Augusta Raurica

Augusta Raurica
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The ruins of the Roman city Augusta Raurica belong to the largest open-air museum in Europe north of the Alps. They lie on the territories of the parishes Kaiseraugst and Augst, east of Basel.



Augusta Raurica was founded in 44 BC by a general Caesar. The name came about in 15 BC after the conquest of the Central Alps by Emperor Augustus. The city's heyday was in the 1st century to the 3rd century AD, there was an amphitheater, a theater, various temples, etc.

When the Alemannic peoples finally invaded Central Europe, the Roman troops had to give up the Limes and there was also earthquake damage, Augusta Raurica disintegrated. Since the site of the settlement was no longer built on in later centuries, a large part of the Roman ruins was preserved.


The museum in the form of a reconstructed Roman villa

Today the municipalities of Kaiseraugst and Augst have numerous ruins of this Roman city, the majority of which are located in the Augst area. For this reason, the canton archeology Basel-Landschaft is responsible for the excavations. In addition, there is now a museum in Augst that exhibits found objects and illustrates the life of a wealthy Roman family.

getting there

Public transport

Augusta Raurica can be reached via the Kaiseraugst train station or the Pratteln-Längi S-Bahn (2007/08) with the Basel Regional S-Bahn. It is also possible to change to bus line 83 via the Pratteln train station (also accessible by S-Bahn) and take it directly to Augst.

In the street

The Augusta Raurica motorway exit on the A3 Basel-Zurich ideally opens up the ruins.

Tourist Attractions

  • 1  Augusta Raurica, Giebenacherstrasse 17, CH-4302 Augst. Tel.: 41 61 552 22 22, Fax: 41 61 552 22 61. Open: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.Price: 8.00 / 6.00 Fr.
The roman theater
The Roman amphitheater
Roman catacombs
The town hall of the Romans
  • The Roman Museum is designed in the form of a reconstructed Roman country house barrier-freebarrier-free
  • theatre, in which Roman plays were staged limited barrier-freelimited barrier-free
  • Roman amphitheaterin which chariot races and fighting games were played
  • Roman pet parkwhere typical pets from Roman times are shown.
  • Sewer, an underground sewer that can be walked on.
  • bakery
  • A Bathing facility with the underground fountain house
  • The Temple of Apollo
  • aqueduct
  • Women's thermal baths
  • Commercial and industrial building
  • hostel
  • City blocks
  • Fort
  • and much more...


There are several restaurants and cafes in Augst and Kaiseraugst.


There are several options for staying overnight. Mention should be made of the Hotel Bahnhof in Kaiseraugst and the Restaurant Römerhof in Augst.


As long as you follow the rule of not stepping on the ruins, not much is to be expected that will endanger the safety of visitors.

Web links

Official website of Augusta Raurica

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