Kaiseraugst - Kaiseraugst

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Kaiseraugst is a Swiss Municipality in the canton Aargau at the Upper Rhine.

Map of Kaiseraugst


The community lies on the border with the canton of Basel-Landschaft. The river Ergolz, which flows into the Rhine here, forms the border between the two cantons. While the Basellandschaftliche Augst is on the western bank of the Egholz, Kaiseraugst is on the eastern bank. Both localities are from the Roman Augusta Raurica originated in 45 BC. Roman city founded in BC was located here on the Ergolz. Until 1442 the two localities were not yet separated and formed one place, but due to the demarcation along the Egholz, the two districts came under different rule.

getting there

By plane

The nearest airport is that of Basel-Mulhouse.

By train

At the 1 Kaiseraugst station stop the S-Bahn trains S1 of Basel above Stein-Säckingen to Frick or Laufenburg.

The village is served by two AAGL bus routes.

In the street

The main road leads through the village Basel to Zurich.
The Motorway exit Liestal the A2 is about 2 kilometers outside the village in the southwest, the highway A2 / A3 splits up at the motorway junction south of Kaiseraugst; the A2 leads in a southerly direction to A1 and from there towards Bern and Gotthard, the A3 east towards Swimming - Zurich.

By boat

The 2 Jetty The Basel passenger shipping service is located in Augst above the weir. It is started in the summer by the ship courses that run from Basel to Rheinfelden.

In summer there will be a Ferry connection Kaiseraugst - Herten operated on Sunday morning / afternoon, on the other days only in the afternoon (ferry times on the municipality's website).


On foot, if necessary by bus.

Tourist Attractions

Reformed Church and Gallus Church
Gallus Church
Heidenmauer, remainder of the Roman Rhine fort
  • The Roman fort wall des Castrum Rauracense, which is also called Pagan wall referred to as. This concerns the Roman wall around a Roman fort as the successor settlement of Augusta Raurica, which was destroyed in 250 AD by an earthquake and in 273/4 by the Alemanni, the wall was later partially demolished as a quarry.
  • 1 Parish Church of St. Gallus, it stands on the site of an early Christian apse church, on the oldest known Christian building site. The remains of the baptistery belonging to the apse church are located below the church on the banks of the Rhine and date from the 4th or 5th century. This baptistery is the oldest known church building in Switzerland.
The current church dates from the end of the Middle Ages. The church tower dates from the 14th century, inside paintings were discovered on the occasion of the renovation, which were made around 1460 and are attributed to the school of Konrad Winz. The interior was redesigned between 1736 and 1750 and has appeared in baroque form since then. The high altar and the two side altars were created around 1776 and were decorated by the painter Döbelin from Rheinfelden.
  • 2 St. Gallus and Otmar Roman Catholic Church from 1900/01
  • The Roman archaeological site 3 Augusta Raurica is mostly located in the municipality of Augst
  • The 4 Roman Museum in Augst, in which, among other things, parts of Augst's silver treasure are on display.







Practical advice



Web links

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