Chukchi Autonomous Okrug - Autonomer Kreis der Tschuktschen

Location of Chukchia

The Chukchi Autonomous Okrug (Чукотский автономный округ) is in the Russian federal district far East. It is located in the extreme northeast and is only through the Bering Strait of Alaska Cut. In the west it borders on the republic Sakha (Yakutia), in the south to the oblast Magadan and to the region Kamchatka.


Map of the Chukchi Autonomous Okrug


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  • 2 BilibinoWebsite of this institutionBilibino in the travel guide Wikivoyage in another languageBilibino in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBilibino in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBilibino (Q105116) in the Wikidata database
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The Chukchi Autonomous Okrug is the easternmost area of ​​the Russian state, but according to some it is also the westernmost area of ​​the Russian state, as the land area exceeds 180 degrees of latitude. The Bering Strait separates the Eurasian continent from Alaska, which politically belongs to the United States. Some daring adventurers have already managed to swim across the Bering Strait from Alaska to Russia, although this should not be copied if at all possible (not least because of the risk of hypothermia).

The area is extremely sparsely populated and almost all of the territory consists of tundra and permafrost. Smaller bushes / trees can only be seen in protected corners. The temperatures are mostly in the slightly to deep minus range, only in the (comparatively short) summer one can experience plus degrees.

It is named after the indigenous people of the Chukchi, who have long been in the minority due to the influx of Russians from other regions. However, this relationship could be reversed due to the persistently poor economic situation and the emigration of Russians from the area.


Russian. About 10,000 of the locals still talk to each other with the language of the real people, i.e. on Chukchi. However, the indigenous languages ​​of the peoples will usually not be in contact with, and even if they do, it is difficult to find materials for learning these languages ​​that are not in Russian. You don't even need to start with other languages.

getting there

A special permit from the local government is required to enter the Chukchi Autonomous Okrug. This is relatively difficult to obtain, especially for foreigners, knowledge of Russian and good negotiating skills are almost essential for this.

The journey can only take place by plane. There are weekly flights from Moscow to Anadyr (currently UTair from Moscow-Vnukovo). Other flight connections are even rarer, sometimes only on a monthly basis. There is still the possibility to book a charter flight from neighboring Alaska.


There are no paved roads outside the cities. For this reason, mobility is limited to the plane and there is a relatively dense network of domestic flight connections that connect all important and less important places in the area.

Tourist Attractions





You should prepare for extreme climates, especially in winter you need suitable clothing to protect yourself against the cold. It is helpful, whenever possible, to use local sources of information to be warned of floods, forest fires, etc. There are forbidden areas that you should avoid as much as possible.

The nature is very pristine and represents a danger for the inexperienced. If you stay in the forest, you should watch out for snakes, which usually warm up in the sun on the stones. There aren't many of them around, but some could be venomous vipers. The other problem these (and other regions of the Northern Hemisphere) have is ticks. Your bites may be infectious, vaccinations are recommended.

You should never stray further from human settlements without the appropriate equipment and leave the path, destination and intended period of the hike or rafting tour behind with every tour.


Arctic cold with up to -40 degrees in winter and 10 degrees in summer.


Web links

http: //чукотка.рф - Official website of the Chukchi Autonomous Okrug

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