Azerbaijan - Azerbaycan

location of Azerbaijan on the map

you should know

Azerbaijan is an old Soviet is a republic. Asia and Europeis part of. The country is on the coast of the Caspian Sea. in the north of the country Russia, south Iranian and west Georgia and Armenia is adjacent to.

some cities



Visa Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhistan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan Not required for stays of 90 days or less for nationals.

Bahrain, Chinese, Israel (60 days), Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Train, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea and United Arab Emirates citizens can obtain a 30-day visa upon arrival by air.

Turkey citizens can enter the country directly with their identity cards without the need for a passport.

new YorkArriving with direct flight from Azerbaijan Airlines United States of America Its citizens can obtain a visa on arrival.

Iranian citizens only Nakhchivan They can obtain a 15-day visa on arrival for

With car

There are roads to all cities of Azerbaijan. The roads are not wide and most have only two lanes.

By plane

Heydar Aliyev International Airport is the primary international airport in Baku. In addition, there are international airports in Nakhchivan, Ganja and Lankaran.

By bus

There are daily bus services to Azerbaijan from Georgia, Turkey, Iran and Russia.

Talk to

Azerbaijani is the official language. Most people speak Russian (now declining and gradually being replaced by English), especially in the capital city of Baku.


area codes

Area codes in Azerbaijan

Dashkesen 216, Devechi 115, Gandja 22, Gedebey 232, Goranboy 234, Goichay 167, Hajigabul 140, Horadiz 141, Imishli 154, Ismayilli 178, Jebrayil 118, Jelilabad 114, Julfa 36, ​​Kurdemir 145, Lankaran 171, Lerik 157, Masalli 151 , Mereze 150, Mingechevir 147, Nabran 156, Naftalan 255, Nakhchivan 136, Neftchala 153, Oguz 111, Ordubad 136, Qakh 144, Qazakh 279, Qazi Mammed 140, Qebele 160, Qobustan 150, Quba 169, Qubadli 133, Qusar 138, Saatli 168, Sabirabad 143, Salyan 163, Samukh 265, Sederek 136, Shahbuz 136, Shemaki 176, Sheki 177, Shemkir 241, Sherur 136, Shirvan 197, Siyezen 190, Sumgait 18-64, Terter 246, Tovuz 231, Ujar 170, Khachmaz 172, Khanlar 230, Khizi 199, Khudat 172, Yardimli 175, Yevlakh 166, Zagatela 174, Zardab 135.