Asia - Asya

Asia, Europeeast of Pacific Oceanwest of Oceaniain the north and Arctic Oceancontinent south of


This Greek term was used for the first time by the historian Herodotus to describe the present Salihli Plain and later the Gediz Basin. SardisHe described this city as the capital of Asia while describing the riches of . In time Asia term before Anatolia peninsula later Chineseto and MongoliaIt was used for all the lands up to ` (with the discoveries of Marco Polo).


Asia, which is a part of the Old World land mass, is the largest continent in the world with a surface area of ​​44 391 163 km². It is also the highest continent in the world with an average elevation of 1010 m. Asia this elevation; the world's highest peaks Himalayan Mountainsowes to him.

Asia is 8 490 km wide in a north-south direction. In the northernmost part of the continent, Russia'in Cape Chelyuskin (77° 42' 55" N parallel), at its southernmost point, in Malacca PeninsulaNose of Buru (1° 14' 17" N parallel). Based on the islands, Severneya Zemlya island (81° 16' 23" N parallel) Indonesiaconnected to Rudi Islands (11° 00' 19" S parallel) is 10 245 km.

The continent is in the east-west direction; Turkeythe westernmost tip of the mainland Canakkaleof Ayvacik with its district (26° 24' 17" E meridian) on the Chukchi PeninsulaCape Dezhnev It is 8 200 km between (169° 40' 17" D meridian).

The special location of the continent is; Asia, from the north Arctic Ocean limited to. In the northeast, a shallow sea 100 km wide from America Bering Strait separated by.

Continent in the east Pacific Ocean limited to. However, there are island and archipelago garlands that form the parts of the north-south oriented mountains rising from the ocean floor off the coast. Here; The region to the west of a line called the "Andesite Line" passing through the Aleut, Japanese, Bonin and Marian deep-sea trenches, and the islands and archipelago garlands located there belong to the Asian mainland.

The southeastern border of the continent is somewhat confused. Sunda Islands with Arafura Sea The line passing through can be accepted as the border. Continent from the south Indian Ocean limits.

The western border, where Asia is intertwined with the east of Europe, is a highly controversial issue. For example, although Anatolia is considered Asia, it is more similar to the southeast of Europe and Eastern European Plain similar to that of northeastern Asia. Although many researchers put forward different opinions on this subject, the most correct limit is; Ural Mountains, Ural River, Manic Groove, Black Sea, The straits, Aegean Sea, Mediterrenian, Suez Canal and Red Sea It is a line to be drawn over. east of this line Anatolia and Caucasus Counting from Asia Thrace It is included in Europe.

Several of the largest found in the world were collected in Asia. Asia; It is the widest of the continents (44 391 163 km²) and the one with the highest average elevation (1 010 m). Also the highest peak in the world (Mount Everest, 8 848 m), the largest lake (lake Hazar or Sea), the deepest lake (Lake Baikal), the lowest place in the world above sea level (Dead Sea, lake surface -392 m), and the lowest basin in the world (Turfan Basin -154 m) is located in the Asian continent.

Asia; It is the most populated continent in the world with a population of over 3.5 billion. The world's most populous country, China (1 284 303 705 people, 2002 estimation), is located on this continent. It is the continent where Asian religions were born. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism originated in the Middle East. Again, appealing to large masses are religions of Asian origin. Asia is also the cradle of civilizations. Turkish, Persian, Arab, Chinese and Indian civilizations have been continuing their existence on this continent for thousands of years. More than 100 languages ​​are spoken on the continent. Yellow people live in the east of the continent, black people live on the islands in the south, and white people live in the rest of the continent.



The Taj Mahal Agra, India
  • Bangkok — Thailand's vibrant and cosmopolitan capital is known for its temples, nightlife and heat.
  • Beijing — The capital of the People's Republic of China has Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, and many other attractions. with Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, and many cultural sights.
  • Dubai — The most modern and rapidly developing emirate of the United Arab Emirates.
  • Hong Kong — A truly global metropolis, incorporating Chinese and British heritage.
  • Jerusalem — The cradle of three major religions, the old city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Mumbai — India's most eclectic, vibrant and cosmopolitan city. It is famous for its nightlife as well as its economy.
  • Seoul — Wonderful palaces, delicious food and nightlife, Seoul lets you see old and new Asia intermingle
  • Singapore — A modern and wealthy city-state with a mix of Chinese, Indian, Malaysian and British influences.
  • Tokyo — The world's largest city. A huge, rich and fascinating metropolis that combines images of ancient Japan with a high-tech vision.

Other places to visit

Just a few options from the numerous places to visit in Asia...

  • Angkor Archaeological Park — The majestic ruins of the capital of the Khmer Empire
  • Bali — Unique Hindu culture, beaches and mountains in Bali, the "island of the gods"
  • Dead Sea — the lowest place in the world at 390 meters below the sea level
  • the Great Wall of China — a unique artifact spanning thousands of kilometers
  • Lake Baikal — the world's largest and deepest lake, accounting for one-fifth of the world's freshwater resources
  • Mount Everest — The world's tallest mountain rising between China and Nepal
  • Petra — Ancient city carved into sandstone, one of the new 7 wonders of the world
  • Samarkand — An important city on the Silk Road, one of the oldest cities in the world with its impressive historical heritage
  • The Taj Mahal — The unique marble tomb in Agra