Bathroom in Ripoli - Bagno a Ripoli

Bathroom in Ripoli
Paesaggio nel territorio rurale di Bagno a Ripoli
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Bathroom in Ripoli is a municipality in the province of Florence.

To know

Geographical notes

Bagno a Ripoli extends east of Florence on flat land for about one third of its surface and the remainder on hilly terrain. It occupies on one side the area of ​​the Upper Valdarno while on the other a side of the Chianti. If we exclude the Arno and the Valdarno Superiore-Florentine basin watershed, its borders do not coincide with physical elements such as waterways, roads, passes.

A part of the landscape, which has been most affected by the progressive abandonment of peasant work, has been reconquered by nature, acquiring the appearance of meadows used for grazing and scrubland. Where nature has not run its course it is easy to come across olive groves, vineyards, fruit trees and vegetable crops.

In the municipal area there are woods extending for about 15 km², the most important being that of Fonte Santa which, with its oaks and chestnuts, is a fine example of typical flora.

The rivers present in the area are the Ema stream, with its tributary streams (Grassina, Isone which passes through Antella, Rimezzano, Ritortoli) and the Arno, fed by some minor tributaries such as the Rimaggio and the Fosso di Borgo.


Probably built as an Etruscan village with the name of Marm, it was transformed around the third century into a place of trade. In Bagno a Ripoli the vestiges of Roman villas and spas have recently been found. Later called Fourth (the distance in miles from Florence) the place then took its present name, which recalls other famous Roman spas such as Aix-les-Bains in France or Baden-Baden in Germany.

The toponym Ripulae instead it recalls the hydraulic defense works erected to defend themselves from the flooding of the Arno, that is, the small banks for shelter. In the thirteenth century it was the seat of the Lega di Ripoli, one of the 72 federations of communities into which the Florentine countryside was divided.

The Lega di Ripoli was made up of several plebates, in particular in addition to the entire plebate of Santa Maria dell 'Antella than that of San Donnino a Villamagna, it included almost all of those of San Pietro a Ripoli and a part of San Giovanni di Remole; it extended beyond the Arno and up to San Donato in Collina.

In 1774 it was the turn of a first reduction of the territorial surface, then followed, the following century, the separation of the part opposite the Arno, to end with the formation of Florence and the twentieth century changes that gave the town its current borders.

How to orient yourself

As the capital grows in size, the town of Bagno a Ripoli is today on the border of the city of Florence, with the two inhabited centers that come together without an obvious border.


The hamlets of in the municipal area are: Antella, Balatro, Capannuccia, Case San Romolo, Grassina, Ponte a Ema, Ponte a Niccheri, Rimaggio, Osteria Nuova, San Donato in Collina, Vallina, Villamagna.

How to get

By car

Bagno a Ripoli is near the exit Florence South of the Autostrada del Sole (A1).

By bus

The municipality is connected to Florence through some ATAF bus lines.

The Busitalia bus lines also connect the municipality of Bagno a Ripoli with the Tuscan capital, in particular it is possible to reach both Grassina and the S.M. Annunziata (Ponte a Niccheri). The latter is also connected by the CAP bus lines. The connection for both companies is from the S.M. Novella

How to get around

What see

Religious architectures

Church of Pentecost
Church of Saints Quirico and Giulitta in Ruballa
  • 1 Church of Pentecost. Built in the heart of the town, built between 1998 and 2001 and modern in design, it is the new headquarters of the parish. It takes over from the church of Santa Maria a Quarto as its headquarters. Chiesa della Pentecoste su Wikipedia chiesa della Pentecoste (Q3669114) su Wikidata
  • 2 Church of Saints Quirico and Giulitta in Ruballa. The first written testimony regarding the church of San Quirico in Ruballa dates back to 1260. In the eighteenth century the patronage was of the Peruzzi family who financed radical restorations to the building begun in 1758. After the works, the church was rededicated in 1763 with the new invocation that it was also spread out in Santa Giulitta. At the beginning of the twentieth century the church still showed the aspect given to it by the eighteenth-century interventions which were canceled by a restoration that brought the building back to a style closer to the Romanesque one. It shows neo-medieval characters on the outside, due to nineteenth-century restorations, and on the inside the characters of the late Baroque phase. Inside it preserves various works of art. Chiesa dei Santi Quirico e Giulitta a Ruballa su Wikipedia chiesa dei Santi Quirico e Giulitta a Ruballa (Q3668417) su Wikidata
Church of Santa Maria a Quarto
  • 3 Church of Santa Maria a Quarto (In Quarto di Rimaggio, in the center of Bagno a Ripoli). It takes its name from the fourth Roman mile from the decumanus of Florence located along the Via Cassia adrianea and inaugurated in 123 A.D. The church is located on the hill (100 m a.s.l.) in front of the plain of Bagno a Ripoli and from the churchyard, in Florentine terracotta, it is possible to observe the panorama of the entire Florentine plain towards the west. The period of construction of the building cannot be dated with precision but there are well-founded hypotheses that the place of worship was already present in the 12th century. To get to its current appearance, the church has undergone numerous interventions. In 1828 the new bell tower was built and the raising of the roof in the current version dates back to the usual period. Between 1930 and 1940 the church was completely redesigned and restored and the interior took on its current neo-Gothic appearance. The current building was built on the perimeter walls, in Alberese stone, of the previous construction. Chiesa di Santa Maria a Quarto su Wikipedia chiesa di Santa Maria a Quarto (Q3673596) su Wikidata
Church of Santo Stefano
  • 4 Church of Santo Stefano (To Paterno). It is a modern building from the second half of the 19th century and then rebuilt in 1934 in a neo-Romanesque style. Built in the same place where there was a church mentioned as early as 1286. An important work from the oratory of the Cross in Varliano is preserved inside: on the high altar there is a Crucifix painting by Gaddo Gaddi with Christus patiens (1280-1290), which was placed in relation to the Compagnia del Bigallo, as a probable client, due to the curious anagram indicated by the letter "B."surmounted by a rooster (Bi-gallo), painted in the suppedaneo. The church also preserves a detached fresco with the image of the Virgin with the angel, from the Florentine school of the fifteenth century, adorned with jewels that attest to its devotional importance, and one Madonna and Saint Joseph adoring the Child, copy by Fra Bartolomeo attributed to Fra Paolino da Pistoia. Chiesa di Santo Stefano (Paterno) su Wikipedia chiesa di Santo Stefano (Q3674300) su Wikidata
Church of San Tommaso
  • 5 Church of San Tommaso (To Baroncelli). The church is built on the Baroncelli estate on the hill of the same name. The first testimony regarding the existence of the church of S. Thomae in Baroncellos dates back to 1260. Thanks to the good income deriving from the sale of oil, in the 15th century the church was enriched with a bell gable and a fresco depicting theAnnunciation. New works were made in the following century and on November 22, 1539 it was elevated to a priory. On November 20, 1649, the original bell tower collapsed and was rebuilt only several years later and inaugurated on May 22, 1657. The church of San Tommaso consists of a rectangular hall covered with a roof and ended by a semicircular apse. From the church square it is possible to admire a beautiful panorama of Florence. The building retains inside a Crucifix in carved wood of the seventeenth century. Chiesa di San Tommaso (Baroncelli) su Wikipedia chiesa di San Tommaso a Baroncelli (Q3672111) su Wikidata
Church of San Lorenzo
  • 6 Church of San Lorenzo (In Vicchio di Rimaggio). Documented since the twelfth century, a twentieth-century restoration has given it its current neo-Gothic character. The facade is preceded by a portico with octagonal pillars; on the portal, a frescoed lunette with San Lorenzo and two angels (15th century) in the manner of Cosimo Rosselli. Among the works, one Madonna and Child previously attributed to a "Master of Vicchio di Rimaggio" but later identified with Andrea Orcagna (about 1300), a fresco by Cenni di Francesco with Franciscan stories and, of the same, at the first altar Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine (About 1300). On the right side of the presbytery, a stone tabernacle with a copper plate depicting Saint Helena (About 1460). Chiesa di San Lorenzo a Vicchio di Rimaggio su Wikipedia chiesa di San Lorenzo a Vicchio di Rimaggio (Q3670930) su Wikidata
Church of Sant'Andrea
  • 7 Church of Sant'Andrea (In Candeli). Originally it was born as a Benedictine monastery. The first testimony on the Benedictine abbey of Candeli dates back to 1044. In 1203, the monastery de Candegghie it was in full decline. The Candeli abbey was suppressed in 1652 and the church officially transformed into a parish. The monastery was definitively suppressed and converted to civilian uses which saw it in 1894 become a barracks and today used for housing. Inside the church, with a single nave with side chapels, shows a decorative splendor typical of the late Baroque style, the work of the restorations carried out in 1735-36. They keep one there Madonna of the milk (14th-15th centuries) attributed to Bicci di Lorenzo, and a painting by Lorenzo Lippi or Cristofano Allori with Saints Michael and Gabriel archangels, Anthony of Padua, Niccolò, Cristofano and Girolamo (17th century). Chiesa di Sant'Andrea a Candeli su Wikipedia chiesa di Sant'Andrea a Candeli (Q3672457) su Wikidata
Church of San Martino a Strada
Church of San Francesco
  • 8 Church of San Martino a Strada (Church of San Martino ai Cipressi) (In the locality of San Martino). It consists of a single nave with a trestle canopy. Enlarged in the fourteenth century and frescoed in the following century, it was transformed in the Baroque period. The church was seriously damaged during the earthquake in Florence in 1895. Restored by Castellucci around 1920, it was restored to its medieval form and a neo-Gothic portico was added. Inside were found interesting pieces of fresco, including a Announcing Angel and a San Martino in fresco. A panel attributed to the Verrocchio school with the Virgin and saints. Note also a marble ciborium (16th century) and, in the sacristy, a painting by Lorenzo Lippi (1658) with the Madonna of the Rosary. At the right altar Jesus comforts the weak, work by Alfonso Hollaender dated 1919. Outside, on the corner with via Chiantigiana, there is a tabernacle frescoed by Pietro Annigoni (1954) with the Our Lady of the Good Trip. Church of San Martino a Strada on Wikipedia church of San Martino a Strada (Q3671111) on Wikidata
  • 9 Church of San Francesco (In the locality L'Incontro, a Villamagna). On the top of the Incontro hill stood a fort and an oratory dedicated to San Macario. In 1717, San Leonardo da Porto Maurizio built a hospice for religious. The convent of the Minori Osservanti Questuanti was suppressed by the French and in 1811 assigned to private individuals. In 1853 the Minister General of the Friars Minor, Father Venanzio da Celano, approved the foundation of a convent-retreat for the Franciscan missionary fathers: since then the building has been the seat of the Preachers of the Minorite Province of the Stigmata. The current building, owned by the Tuscan Province of the Order of Friars Minor, has the appearance due to the post-war reconstruction. Chiesa di San Francesco all'Incontro su Wikipedia chiesa di San Francesco all'Incontro (Q3670125) su Wikidata
Church of San Giorgio a Ruballa
  • 10 Church of San Giorgio a Ruballa (In the hamlet Osteria). The church is mentioned for the first time in 1273. It was patronage of the Pillars since the 14th century and then of the Bardi di Vernio, to whom we owe the current Baroque appearance of the hall interior, with stuccoes by Giovan Martino Portogalli (1707). The exterior, on the other hand, was redone in 1863 based on a project by Niccolò Matas. It preserves important works of art, including two testimonies of the post-Giotto figurative culture: behind the main altar, the splendid Crucifix painted with the Christus patiens, work by Taddeo Gaddi (1355-60 circa); on the right altar, an important altarpiece, originally cuspidata, traditionally attributed to the Master of San Giorgio a Ruballa, but later assigned to Andrea Orcagna, depicting the Enthroned Madonna and Child with Saints Mattia, Giorgio and a donor (1336). Three paintings are preserved in the sacristy: The Virgin with Sister Domenica del Paradiso, the work of Giovanni Domenico Ferretti; Immaculate Conception, the work of Matteo Rosselli; Martyrdom of St. George, the work of Giovanni Camillo Sagrestani. Chiesa di San Giorgio a Ruballa su Wikipedia chiesa di San Giorgio a Ruballa (Q3670340) su Wikidata
Church of San Piero a Ema
Church of San Giusto a Ema
  • 11 Church of San Piero a Ema (In Ponte a Ema). Formerly belonging to the Cluniacs and then to the Olivetans, it retains no traces of its original structure, dating back to the 10th century, with the exception of the exposed masonry above the arches that separate the right aisle from the main one. Inside it preserves several works, including a copper processional cross (14th century) of Tuscan manufacture, with quadrilobe panels engraved with a burin, a Crucifix wood attributed to Marco del Tasso (16th century), and a table with Madonna and Child (1511) of the Tuscan school. Chiesa di San Piero a Ema su Wikipedia chiesa di San Piero a Ema (Q3671602) su Wikidata
  • 12 Church of San Giusto a Ema (In the Mezzana area). In the 12th century it was a suffragan church of the parish church of Santa Maria all'Impruneta. The building has undergone radical transformations over the centuries that have deprived it of its architectural characteristics. Inside it has a single nave ending in a semicircular apse, built in 1930. There is an interesting altarpiece with the Madonna enthroned between Saints Anthony the Abbot and Barbara, the work of the so-called Master of Serumido (16th century), which the Marquises Niccolini, patrons of the church in the 17th century, brought from the church of San Procolo to Florence; following the restorations made in 1995 the work has been attributed to Bastiano da Sangallo. In the rectory there is a beautiful processional cross of Tuscan manufacture, in cast copper, engraved on the front and on the reverse, with mixtilinear panels, from the 14th century. Chiesa di San Giusto a Ema su Wikipedia chiesa di San Giusto a Ema (Q3670691) su Wikidata
Parish church of San Donnino
  • 13 Parish church of San Donnino (TO Villamagna). It was founded in the 8th century and rebuilt in the Romanesque period. In the fourteenth century the church was renovated and in the fifteenth century the interior of the church was enriched with the construction of an altar dedicated to San Michele. In 1930 the church was restored to its Romanesque form thanks to a restoration. The church stands in the center of the vast pleban complex of Villamagna and consists of a small basilica with three naves ending with a circular apse and equipped with a bell tower. The structure of the church dates back to the 11th century. The grandstand, very beautiful, is characterized by the volume of the apse in the surface of which a window opens. On the right is the bell tower. It has a square plan and is divided into six floors, the last of which was built after the Second World War. The interior, with three naves divided by six round arches resting on quadrilateral pillars, is quite bare but measured in the relationships. In the presbytery, under the high altar is the ark containing the body of the blessed Gherardo da Villamagna while above the high altar there is a Crucifix processionary. Pieve di San Donnino (Villamagna) su Wikipedia pieve di San Donnino (Q3904549) su Wikidata
Parish church of Santa Maria
  • 14 Parish church of Santa Maria (Antella). The parish church of Santa Maria stands in the center of the town of Antella and with its annexes acts as a backdrop to the main square of the town. It consists of a church with a single large rectangular hall with a trussed roof and a quadrangular apse. The first evidence of this parish dates back to 1040 and in the 12th century they confirm that the parish was at the head of a vast territory comprising the entire Ema valley. In the 15th century the church was the capital of the Lega dell'Antella. In that century the baptismal font in polychrome marble was built. In 1928 the whole complex was restored in neo-Romanesque style. The façade is gabled and has been modified in the cusp and in the openings during the restoration of the twenties. A frescoed tabernacle with the Madonna and Child, St. Francis and St. John the Baptist, attributed to Paolo Schiavo (15th century); a polychrome terracotta attributed to Benedetto Buglioni (about 1510) depicting the Madonna and Child; and at the high altar a canvas of theAssumption del Passignano, at the second altar on the left Madonna with the seven founding saints work of 1660 by Lorenzo Lippi (in the background painting the church of Santa Maria is visible as it appeared then) Pieve di Santa Maria (Antella) su Wikipedia pieve di Santa Maria (Q3904767) su Wikidata
Parish church of San Pietro
  • 15 Parish church of San Pietro. The church of San Pietro is located in the center of the pleban complex of Ripoli and consists of a basilica with three naves covered with a roof and ended with a semicircular apse. A beautiful cloister is also part of the pleban complex. There Plebs Sancti Petri Fourth site, located a quarter mile from Florence along the route of the ancient Via Cassia, it dates back to 790. In 1371 the chapel of the baptismal font was built, as evidenced by an inscription placed on the fifth pillar on the left. In 1932 an important series of restorations began which led to the restoration of the Romanesque aspect of the building: the interior was stonacato and the Baroque additions were removed; the rectangular windows were replaced by single lancet windows and the monochrome decoration of the porch was destroyed. Near the entrance are the statues of Saint Peter and of St. Paul dating back to the 14th century and two black marble stoups from the end of the 16th century. At the end of the right aisle there is a fresco depicting Christ in Pietà from about 1380 and attributed to Pietro Nelli; in the apse there is a Crucifix of the sixteenth century. Pieve di San Pietro (Bagno a Ripoli) su Wikipedia pieve di San Pietro (Q3904690) su Wikidata
Oratory of the Holy Cross
  • 16 Oratory of the Holy Cross (In the locality of Croce di Varlliano). The oratory of the Holy Cross consists of a rectangular hall covered by three spans with ribbed cross vaults and has no apse or scarsella; it is a small building but it is a beautiful Gothic building which still displays a Romanesque style decoration. It was founded in the last quarter of the 13th century by the Peruzzi family whose stone coat of arms was walled up on the façade. The injuries caused by the 1895 earthquake recommended that the wooden crucifix be transferred to Santo Stefano a Paterno. In the following years it was restored and additions were also made in the neo-Romanesque style. On the left wall there are traces of a depicting drawing Jesus on the cross and writings of the second half of the fourteenth century. Oratorio della Santa Croce a Varliano su Wikipedia oratorio della Santa Croce a Varliano (Q3884571) su Wikidata
Oratory of Beato Gherardo
  • 17 Oratory of Beato Gherardo (Villamagna). The oratory consists of a simple rectangular hall covered with a roof and without an apse. The building, while showing the typical features of Romanesque architecture, has a gothic structure. The building rises upstream of Villamagna, in the place where Gherardo di Villamagna would have retired to lead a hermit's life. According to the saint's hagiography, after becoming a Jerusalemite hermit, Gherardo himself built an oratory dedicated to St. John in Jerusalem where in March 1277 he was buried. In the 17th century it was restored and adapted to the Baroque style of the time. Given the abandonment of the building on 11 March 1836, the body of the saint was moved to the parish church of Villamagna. Between 1891 and 1893 the church was restored again to bring it back to a Romanesque style. Today the oratory serves only as a chapel for the contiguous cemetery. The interior shows a roof with wooden trusses and decorations with stucco from the Baroque period. Excerpts from the fresco cycle with Episodes from the life of the Blessed (late 14th century), and a stone tabernacle with an ogival frame in whose cusp the figure of the Blessed Gherardo (late 14th century). Oratorio del Beato Gherardo su Wikipedia oratorio del Beato Gherardo (Q3884448) su Wikidata
Oratory of the Crocifisso del Lume al Pratello
  • 18 Oratory of the Crocifisso del Lume al Pratello, Via della Nave A Rovezzano, 44. The Nasi family, owners of the nearby villa del Pratello, transformed a highly revered tabernacle into an oratory. Later, after the ownership was passed to the Capponi family, the chapel was further enlarged and enriched with architectural and decorative elements of Baroque style, including a particularly elegant dome. The records of the pastoral visits report that inside the frescoed image of Crucifix it was discovered by the faithful on the occasion of the procession of May 3, the feast of the Holy Cross, during which the sacred relics were transported from the parish church of San Pietro together with the famous first fruits of Pian di Ripoli. Oratorio del Crocifisso del Lume al Pratello su Wikipedia oratorio del Crocifisso del Lume al Pratello (Q3884453) su Wikidata
Oratory of the Santissima Annunziata
  • 19 Oratory of the Santissima Annunziata. The foundation by the Bardi family, owner until 1500 of the nearby villa I Cedri (formerly called del Buco), is attested by the stone coat of arms placed on the facade. The building is to be placed in the middle of the fifteenth century due to the architectural features that have led critics to consider it a possible work by Michelozzo. The building shows very balanced proportions and sober decorations both on the outside, with a band of terracotta indentations along the sloping roof, and on the inside - a classroom-like space with wooden truss roof supported by carved corbels - where, raised from a step, it is a square apse marked by pilasters and capitals in pietra serena. Oratorio della Santissima Annunziata (Bagno a Ripoli) su Wikipedia oratorio della Santissima Annunziata (Q3884574) su Wikidata
Oratory of San Donato
  • 20 Oratory of San Donato (In Campignalla). Founded in the 14th century. It is extremely simple, with a rectangular hall plan to which a sort of transept has been added. Along the walls there are single lancet windows; the rear part is illuminated by a small window and surmounted by a modern bell tower. The wooden trusses on the inside correspond to the gabled roof. On the façade, the alternation of stone ashlars, regular in the lower part, smaller and more irregular in the upper part, gives it movement, while the portal constitutes the richest and most elegant architectural element. In the lunette, a bas-relief with the Christ in mercy in pietra serena dated 1320 is ascribable to the same hand that carved the two marble elements placed on the sides of the portal, which illustrate Episodes from the life of the saint. Oratorio di San Donato su Wikipedia oratorio di San Donato (Q3884646) su Wikidata
Saint Catherine of the Wheels.jpg
  • 21 Oratory of Santa Caterina delle Ruote, Via del Carota (In Rimezzano, in Ponte a Ema), @. Built between 1348 and 1387 by the Alberti family, it has well preserved the Gothic structure. In the nineteenth century there was a first restoration of the frescoes, for example by remaking the starry sky in the vaults. The cycle of frescoes in the chapel illustrates the stories of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, known as delle Ruote in memory of the martyrdom suffered in the 4th century. The portal is surmounted by a protruding canopy, with a lunette that was decorated with a Madonna and Child and angels by Spinello Aretino, now detached with the sinopia and preserved in the deposits of the Superintendence. At one time the fresco decoration covered the entire facade. Oratorio di Santa Caterina delle Ruote su Wikipedia oratorio di Santa Caterina delle Ruote (Q3884825) su Wikidata
Church of Santa Maria
Rimaggino Tabernacle
Tabernacle of the Podestà
  • 22 Church of Santa Maria (In the locality of Rignalla). The church of Santa Maria a Rignalla consists of a rectangular hall originally ended by an apse. The wall face of the northern side is the only visible testimony of the ancient medieval building which dates back to 1260. In the church there is a fifteenth-century aedicule inside which there is a fresco representing the Redeemer among Saints Thomas, Jerome and Francis work of the Florentine school of the late fourteenth century. The façade is opened by an oculus and the noble coat of arms of the Spinelli is walled up between it and the spire. In 1705 two altars were restored and the church was completely restored in Baroque style even if this intervention involved the destruction of the original apse, replaced by the current termination. Chiesa di Santa Maria (Rignalla) su Wikipedia chiesa di Santa Maria (Q3673226) su Wikidata
  • 23 Rimaggino Tabernacle (In Rimaggino). Among the tabernacles that have had a strategic importance, due to its particular position near villas, monasteries and churches, that of Rimaggino is among the most important. In addition to the compartment containing the painting, it consists of an imposing canopy overhanging two columns in pietra serena. The elegance of these columns suggests that the canopy was built at a later time, to protect the already existing tabernacle. This, consisting of a niche with an ogival vault, is Gothic in its setting and contains the Madonna enthroned with the Child, flanked by Saints John the Baptist and Francis and between two angels holding the curtain. The fresco can be dated to the end of the fourteenth century and is attributed to Niccolò di Pietro Gerini. Tabernacolo di Rimaggino su Wikipedia Tabernacolo di Rimaggino (Q3979962) su Wikidata
  • 24 Tabernacle of the Podestà (Between via Roma and via della Nave in Rovezzano). The aedicule has a front opening with a round arch in carved stone and decorated on the pediment with the scene of theAnnunciation. The painting continued on the two external sides but nothing remained of it Crucifixion on the side of via della Nave while the imposing figure of Saint Anthony the Abbot on the side of via Roma. Inside the image of the Madonna Enthroned with the Son is largely lost, while the two angels supporting the curtain, the dove and the medallion are still visible Blessing Christ. The two saints portrayed laterally are, on the right in sinopia St. Nicholas of Bari and left San Biagio. Attributed to the Master of Signa the work dates back to the sixth decade of the fifteenth century. Tabernacolo del Podestà su Wikipedia Tabernacolo del Podestà (Q3979948) su Wikidata

Civil architectures

Castel Ruggero
  • 25 Castel Ruggero, Via Castel Ruggero, 33, 39 055 64 99 423, @. The fortified building, equipped with a tower, probably dates back to the 11th century, as a garrison along the road, of Roman origin, which entered the Chianti area. It was a convent for women, and from the seventeenth century, a private villa in the center of large farms. Since 1921 it has belonged to the D'Afflitto family. Next to the traditional Italian garden, a garden inspired by the French ones have been created in recent years Villandry, an organic garden, a greenhouse-nursery and some unique crops, such as a large collection of peonies, with varieties coming fromEurope that fromAsia. Castel Ruggero (Bagno a Ripoli) su Wikipedia Castel Ruggero (Q65130289) su Wikidata
Villa I Cedri
  • 26 Villa I Cedri, Via della Villa I Cedri, 4. The villa was built in the 1500s on a pre-existing fourteenth-century nucleus: it was called "The hole"and was of much smaller proportions than today. In 1765, following the suppression of the church's assets, it was purchased by Giovanni di Antonio Corsi. In this period the Marquises Corsi enlarged the villa giving it its current appearance: the facade and the large central hall decorated with fine stuccoes and two frescoes by Giuseppe del Moro. In 1834 it was bought by the captain Scottish Samuel Charters who later sold it to Mrs. Lennox, widow Light. It was in that period that the villa took the name of Villa I Cedri. The park was born with the stupendous cedars and English lawns, taking on an aspect no longer Tuscan but closer to taste English. In this period in England, following the fashion of the Grand Tour, the custom of traveling as a source of higher education was very widespread, so the villa became a meeting place for English nobles visiting Florence and the Florentine nobility. Villa I Cedri su Wikipedia Villa I Cedri (Q4012089) su Wikidata
Medici villa of Lappeggi
  • 27 Medici villa of Lappeggi (also Appeggio or La Worse), Via di Lappeggi, 42 (In the locality of Lappeggi). Simple icon time.svgNot open to the public. It takes its name from the ridge of the hill on which it stands. In ancient times, here there was a residence of the Bardi family, which after various changes of ownership, including the Bartolini Salimbeni and the Ricasoli, was sold by the latter to Prince Francesco de 'Medici in 1569. The position of the estate was particularly pleasant: close to the city , but surrounded by the countryside. With the arrival of the Lorraine in Florence, the suburban villas were neglected and partly alienated. This fate also fell to Lappeggi, which in 1816 was sold to the Capacci family. With the demolition of the top floor and the transformation of the garden into a farm, there were profound transformations that altered the grandeur of the estate forever. Today, of the period of its maximum splendor, only the staircase that opens in front of the villa and the underlying cave with shell decoration remain. Villa medicea di Lappeggi su Wikipedia Villa medicea di Lappeggi (Q1083021) su Wikidata
Medici villa of Lilliano
  • 28 Medici villa of Lilliano (Villa Malenchini), Via Lilliano and Meoli, 82 (Antella), 39 055 642 602, 39 344 1100736, fax: 39 055 646987, @. The history of the Medici Villa of Lilliano begins around the 11th century as a watchtower. In 1646 it was purchased by the Grand Duke Ferdinando II to enlarge the nearby Lappeggi estate. In 1667 it was assigned by the Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo III to his brother Cardinal Francesco Maria de 'Medici. In this period the villa underwent renovations and extensions and was given its present form, adorning it with fountains, basins, vases and lemon trees. The villa was raised, the towers lowered and regularized, the interior spaces enlarged and the garden embellished, with the same artists who were simultaneously working in Lappeggi. Abandoned at the time of the Lorraine, it was incorporated into the ecclesiastical heritage in 1816 and, after a few changes of ownership, in 1830 the Villa was acquired by the Malenchini family. Inside some rooms are frescoed, such as the suggestive central gallery and a small chapel with various stuccos and decorations. On the south side there is a garden with a nymphaeum. The fountain with caryatid was built by the architect Giovan Battista Foggini and is the twin of the more famous fountain of the Boboli Gardens in Florence. Villa medicea di Lilliano su Wikipedia Villa medicea di Lilliano (Q3558673) su Wikidata
Montauto Castle
  • 29 Montauto Castle (Villa of Montacuto), Via di Montauto 124 (In the locality of Montacuto), @. The castle, which stands at 168 m.s.l. on the top of a conical hillock overlooking the via Chiantigiana, it was built in 980 for defensive purposes by the powerful Gherardini family and between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries it was at the center of bitter disputes between the factions of the Guelphs and Ghibellines first and then between those even more violent between black and white Guelphs. The toponym derives from a contraction of "Monte Acuto". The oldest part of the castle is the high thirteenth-century tower, still existing in the center of the property, surrounded by a kind of rustic keep, with exposed stone facing. The property is surrounded by a romantic park of cypresses and holm oaks that hide it, with a small chapel outside the first circle of walls, with an austere and simple appearance on the outside and decorated on the inside by a fresco attributed to the school of Giorgio Vasari. The bezel is decorated with a terracotta with Saint Lucia, from the school of Luca della Robbia. Castello di Montauto su Wikipedia castello di Montauto (Q3662719) su Wikidata
  • 30 Villa of Mondeggi, Via di Mondeggi (In Mondeggi locality). The Villa di Mondeggi is surrounded by vineyards and olive groves in the hills south of Florence and is embellished by a park of 160ha that extends eastwards, south-east places at the intersection of the municipalities of Bagno a Ripoli, Impruneta is Greve in Chianti. Its construction can be dated to the fourteenth century. Many owners followed one another before the villa became the property of the provincial administration of Florence in 1964. The large park belonging to the villa was redeveloped in 2011 by the Province of Florence using funds made available by the Tuscany Region. In addition to the recovery of the vegetation, two thematic routes have been identified along which information points are arranged containing notions about the villa, the park and more generally about the forest and the animals that populate it, and there are equipped rest areas. Villa di Mondeggi su Wikipedia Villa di Mondeggi (Q4012748) su Wikidata
Villa Il Poggio
  • 31 Villa Il Poggio, Via di Belforte, 19 (TO Villamagna). The villa owes its name to the small hill, that is to the small hill on which it stands. In ancient sources it is mentioned as one of the most flourishing "palagio" villas in the Villamagna countryside, and was originally owned by the Cavalcanti. The main embellishments and enlargements of the building and the surrounding agricultural property date back to the end of the 17th century. The villa has a sixteenth-century appearance, with simple and elegant shapes, embellished on the facade by a portico with loggia. On the opposite side, in front of the garden, at the top of a staircase, there is a street bench, interrupted by the arched door on which the family coat of arms of the Nasi can be seen. The Italian garden is surrounded by high walls, with a nursery that collects the waters of the nearby springs. Villa Il Poggio di Villamagna su Wikipedia Villa Il Poggio di Villamagna (Q4012114) su Wikidata
Villa Il Riposo
  • 32 Villa Il Riposo, Via delle Fonti (On the Fattucchia hill, between the Ema and Grassina valleys). The villa was built in the second half of the sixteenth century, in the place where a "lord's house" already existed in 1427, by Bernardo Vecchietti, perhaps inspired by the parks of the Medici villas such as that of Pratolino, distributing artifacts dedicated to worship, hunting, or to leisure, among which the Fonte della Fata Morgana stands out. It is believed that Giambologna contributed to the design of the "Riposo" and the Fonte. The current appearance of the villa has not substantially changed compared to the time of its construction. È evidente che alla morte di Bernardo, avvenuta nel 1590, l'edificio e la sua decorazione esterna restarono parzialmente incompiuti. L'elemento caratterizzante della struttura è l'ampio loggiato, che probabilmente nelle intenzioni originarie avrebbe dovuto circondare tutto l'edificio. Le arcate a tutto sesto, oggi parzialmente tamponate, poggiano su massicci pilastri a base quadrangolare in cui si aprono nicchie. Villa Il Riposo su Wikipedia Villa Il Riposo (Q4012119) su Wikidata
Villa La Massa
  • 33 Villa La Massa, Via della Massa, 24 (In località Candeli), 39 055 626 11, fax: 39 055 633 102. L'edificio potrebbe risalire alla fine del XIII secolo. L'aspetto attuale della villa risale a fine '700, quando i Rinuccini la ingrandirono e le diedero le forme monumentali. Nel dopoguerra infine fu della famiglia Grillini, che restaurarono la villa e la trasformarono in struttura ricettiva a 5 stelle, alzandola di un piano e ricavando all'interno un salone. Il parco, restaurato, ha una fisionomia romantica all'inglese. Villa La Massa su Wikipedia Villa La Massa (Q4012168) su Wikidata
Villa La Tana
  • 34 Villa La Tana, Via di Villamagna (In località Candeli). Nel Quattrocento esisteva già una casa turrita in questo sito, posseduta dai Buccelli di Montepulciano. La villa, molto più spartana che oggi, era a due piani e con un salone al centro. Nel 1631 fu ceduta al barone Leon Francesco Pasquale Ricasoli, che promosse vari lavori, culminati con la completa ristrutturazione della villa. La "casa da signore" divenne una vera e propria villa, ma mantenne il nomignolo di "tana", essendo "rintanata nei boschi" alle pendici di Villamagna. Nell'Ottocento venne aggiunta la cappellina a destra della facciata. La villa si trova su un terrazzamento naturale al quale si accede da una doppia scalinata curva, ornata da statue. La facciata ha una forma scenografica, con volute al culmine e un attico con orologio al centro. L'interno contiene un salone decorato da affreschi di Antonio Cioci, con scene di località marine incorniciate da stucchi. Sul retro si sviluppano i giardini, con un parterre di aiuole geometriche, delimitato a lato da una parete verde. Villa La Tana su Wikipedia Villa La Tana (Q4012179) su Wikidata
Villa di Tizzano
  • 35 Villa di Tizzano, Via Castel Ruggero, 75. Almeno dal X secolo esisteva qui un borgo fortificato dotato di torre d'avvistamento e comprendente anche l'antica chiesa di Santo Stefano a Tizzano. Nel 1433 è ricordata come "casa da Signore". A metà del Cinquecento, quando fu ristrutturata nelle forme attuali, fu dei Medici che nel 1585 la donarono allo scultore Giambologna, per passare poi, alla sua morte, al suo allievo e seguace Pietro Tacca. La villa è oggi organizzata attorno a una piccola corte quadrata su cui si affaccia la torre. Gli ambienti principali si svolgono al piano nobile, dove è presente, tra l'altro, un grande salone dotato di camino rinascimentale. Nei sotterranei si trovano le cantine sorrette da poderose volte; affacciate sul lato occidentale, in maggior declivio, vi si nota su questa sponda l'originale scarpatura facente parte dell'antica fortificazione. Villa di Tizzano su Wikipedia Villa di Tizzano (Q17154479) su Wikidata
Villa La Torre
  • 36 Villa La Torre (o villa Peruzzi), Via Ubaldino Peruzzi (In località Antella). L'antica torre fortificata appartenne alla famiglia Del Figna, per poi passare ai Passerini e, dal 1299, ai Peruzzi. Fu acquistata quindi da Robert Barrett Browning (1849-1912), figlio dei poeti inglesi Robert Browning ed Elizabeth Barrett Browning, che fece restaurare in stile la torre, alzandola e facendola coronare di merli. Nel 1917 fu poi acquistata dal commendator Pio Figna, che fece altre modifiche e restaurò l'oratorio seicentesco dedicato a San Filippo Neri, nella cui cripta erano state tumulate numerose personalità della famiglia Peruzzi. Oggi villa, oratorio e cripta sono divisi e adibiti a funzioni residenziali. Villa La Torre (Bagno a Ripoli) su Wikipedia Villa La Torre (Q17639551) su Wikidata
Villa L'Ugolino
  • 37 Villa L'Ugolino, Via Chiantigiana, 387 (In località Ugolino). Costruzione del XV secolo. Furono gli Ugolini nel XVII secolo a dare alla proprietà l'aspetto monumentale attuale. Numerosi sono gli stemmi della famiglia Ugolini, sulle facciate, nelle sale e nel cortile. All'interno il salone principale è decorato da affreschi seicenteschi del fiorentino Atanasio Bimbacci. La cappellina del 1744 è dedicata ai santi Francesco d'Assisi e Francesca Romana. La facciata sud è prospiciente a un giardino murato all'italiana, con siepi di bosso e di cipresso dalle forme geometriche che bordano aiuole fiorite punteggiate da orci con agrumi. Sul lato est invece si trova una grande esedra verde di cipressi, residuo di una sistemazione a parco romantico della vasta tenuta circostante. Villa L'Ugolino su Wikipedia Villa L'Ugolino (Q4012146) su Wikidata


  • Museo del Ciclismo "Gino Bartali". Dedicato al campione del ciclismo, è aperto al pubblico dal 2006.

Events and parties

  • Palio delle Contrade. Simple icon time.svgSeconda domenica di settembre. Il Palio è stato istituito nel 1980 e vuole rievocare sia la cavalcata dei giovani in occasione della Pentecoste sia l'impegno della popolazione per la libertà del comune da Firenze prima nel Medioevo e più tardi nel Rinascimento. Questo periodo si rivive all'interno della festa attraverso la sfilata di centinaia di figuranti in costume d'epoca sapientemente realizzati dagli stessi abitanti.
In questa manifestazione le quattro contrade, (Alfiere, Cavallo, Mulino, Torre) in cui è diviso il comune si sfidano nel corso della giornata in vari giochi (tiro alla fune, corsa con l'uovo, corsa con i sacchi, corsa con i cerchi, corsa con i carretti) che culminano, la sera, con la sfilata d'epoca, in cui ci sono gli sbandieratori, e la 'Giostra della Stella', dove un cavaliere deve riuscire a infilare con la propria spada una stella tenuta tra le mani di una sagoma rappresentante un leone. I fuochi artificiali concludono la festa. Sia la Federazione Europea Giochi Storici che la Federazione Italiana Giochi Storici riconoscono il Palio delle Contrade di Bagno a Ripoli.
  • Antica Fiera dell'Antella. Simple icon time.svgIn un fine settimana e seguente primo lunedì di ottobre. Risale al 1851 la richiesta di alcuni commercianti della zona di istituire da parte del comune questa manifestazione; tuttavia solo nel 1872, per merito dell'avv. Ubaldino Peruzzi, si è tenuto il primo mercato limitato al solo bestiame. Fin dagli albori a tale manifestazione furono legate manifestazioni sportive, feste religiose e fuochi d'artificio. Negli ultimi anni alla festa è stata abbinata una mostra di buratto e ricamo a telaio.
  • Historical re-enactment of the Passion of Christ. La Rievocazione storica della Passione di Cristo si tiene a Grassina il giorno del venerdì Santo. La manifestazione risale al 1600, quando era poco più di una fiaccolata. Occorre attendere il secolo successivo perché la manifestazione diventi una vera e propria Via Crucis. Nel 1881 la manifestazione ormai composta, oltre che da priori e signorotti, anche da soldati a cavallo, vide il debutto della Filarmonica locale. Gli anni trenta segnarono un ulteriore ampliamento della manifestazione, allargata a figuranti in costume e inserita nella Primavera fiorentina. La manifestazione, dopo la sosta dovuta alla Seconda guerra mondiale, riprese solo nel 1950, per poi essere sospesa dopo l'alluvione di Florence del 1966 per la distruzione di gran parte del materiale di supporto. Riattivata nel 1983, oggi coinvolge circa 500 figuranti e 100 attori che, nei pressi della collina del Calvario, rievocano i vari momenti della Passione di Cristo attraverso dialoghi tratti dai Vangeli di Matteo, Luca e Giovanni. Alla manifestazione, aderente all'"Europassion", sono affiancate altre manifestazioni, come mostre, restauri e presentazioni di libri.
  • Festa della befana (A Quarate). Simple icon time.svgJanuary 5th.
  • Sagra delle fragole (A Quarate). Simple icon time.svgA maggio.
  • Sagra della schiacciata con l'uva (A Quarate). Simple icon time.svgA settembre.
  • Sagra delle frittelle (A San Donato in Collina). Simple icon time.svgDa gennaio ad aprile.
  • Sagra delle frittelle (A Pieve di Ripoli). Simple icon time.svgA marzo.
  • Sagra del chiocciolone (A Capannuccia). Simple icon time.svgAd aprile-maggio.
  • Festa del primio Maggio nel bosco (A Montepilli). Simple icon time.svg1 maggio.

What to do


How to have fun


  • 1 Nuovo Teatro Comunale, Via Montisoni, 10 (Ad Antella), 39 055 621894, fax: 39 055 621894, @. Nuovo Teatro Comunale su Wikipedia Nuovo Teatro Comunale (Q3879869) su Wikidata
  • SMS Theater, Piazza Umberto I, 14 (TO Grassina). Among the significant and important initiatives of this lively center it will be enough to remember the "Primavera Danza" festival which every year brings together numerous Italian dance schools and is now an event of national and international scope. SMS Theater on Wikipedia SMS Theater (Q3982123) on Wikidata
  • Teatro SMS Gustavo Modena La Fonte.

Night clubs

  • Casa del popolo di Balatro.
  • House of the people of Grassina, Piazza Umberto I, 13, 39 055 642639, fax: 39 055 642639.
  • Casa del popolo SMS di Bagno a Ripoli.
  • Circolo Ricreativo Culturale Antella.
  • Casa del popolo di Osteria Nuova.
  • Casa del popolo SMS Gustavo Modena La Fonte.

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Bathroom in Ripoli
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Bathroom in Ripoli
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