Travel without barriers - Barrierefrei Reisen

Accessible travel

Barrier-free travel plays a role in many people's everyday lives, be it through a disability, as a companion of a disabled person or at a chance encounter. Wikivoyage would like to contribute to making it easier for people with a handicap to travel by showing barriers and helping to overcome them so that the social inclusion of all people becomes a little more reality. We are not specialists on this point; in principle, these are only those affected who know best how they can be helped.

This topic article is therefore to be understood as a collection for the time being, the structure and content of which is only just emerging. We have discussions about this on the talk page of this article. People with disabilities, relatives and self-help and interest groups are invited to support us in setting up this article.

Out and about with restricted mobility

Barrier-free travel means traveling without any kind of restriction of mobility.

Holiday accommodation for people with disabilities
  • Requirements for barrier-free accommodations
  • For barrier-free travel destinations, see sample article
    • Examples in our wiki
  • Vacation on a cruise ship: see here
  • camping
  • Disabled-accessible toilets and Euro toilet keys: see here
Memorials and museums for people with disabilities
  • Requirements for barrier-free access
  • as an example a memorial in Berlin:
  • 1  Memorial and information point for the victims of the National Socialist "euthanasia" murders, Berlin Tiergartenstrasse 4th. Memorial and information center for the victims of the National Socialist “euthanasia” murders in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMemorial and information point for the victims of the National Socialist “euthanasia” murders in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMemorial and information point for the victims of the National Socialist .Catalog in easy language.
Barrier-free travel in individual regions

A restriction of the accessibility can have various causes and does not have to be a walking disability. For reasons of awareness, we use the following symbols for this:

  • barrier-freebarrier-free barrier-free
  • limited barrier-freelimited barrier-free limited barrier-free
  • Not barrier-freeNot barrier-free Not barrier-free
  • Wheelchair-grey3.png General reference to accessibility
  • - Map on which many shops, restaurants, facilities, ... are rated according to the traffic light principle for accessibility for wheelchairs and prams.
Criticism in the form of a photo
maybe improved in the meantime?