By-pass - Beigang

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Addition (北港) is a city in Taiwan in Yunlin County.


The small town of Beigang is north of the city Chiayi. It is an old, former port city with a very well-preserved historic city center and many old buildings. The city is well developed for tourism and is often mentioned in travel programs or cooking shows on Taiwanese TV. Nevertheless, it has so far been spared from large tourist crowds and is an insider tip. Only on two days a year, the birthday of the goddess Matsu and the Lantern Festival, the city becomes a place of pilgrimage and people from all over Taiwan gather.

getting there

By train

By train to Doulin, then continue by taxi.

ChaoTian Temple

By bus

Of Taichung, Chiayi, Taipei Bei Post Office and Kaohsiung Main Station, intercity buses go directly to Beigang.

In the street

Highway No. 1 exit Chiayi Interchange, then the expressway 78 and finally on the highway 145 to Beigang.


The place can easily be explored on foot. Alternatively, you should switch to bicycles. There are a few taxis on the streets.

Tourist Attractions

The place itself is the sight. The center has buildings some of which are 100 years old and, compared to other cities, have not yet been destroyed by high-rise buildings.

  • ChaoTian Temple. The main attraction is certainly Taiwan's most famous Matsu Temple in the center. The history of the temple goes back to the 14th century when there was a shrine here, but not much remains of it. The statue of Matsu was brought to Taiwan in 1694. Beigang was an important traffic junction at the time and the residents asked if they could keep the statue. The temple was built around the statue of Matsu. He defied floods and earthquakes. Every year for Matsu's birthday (around March 19), thousands of pilgrims come and transform the place into a folk festival. On the roof of the house of the nuns and priests there is a huge statue of Matsu, which can be seen from afar.
  • Yi Min Temple. The temple is hidden in a small alley. The temple is tomb and temple in one. It was built in 1786 after the Shuang Wen Lin uprising against the Qing dynasty and first served as a tomb for the heroes who stood against the Qing. In 1862 the victims of the Chau Chien Dai conflict from Beigang were buried here.
  • Beigang water tower. The water tower dates from the time of the Japanese occupation. The reinforced concrete tower is the only building from this period preserved in Beigang.
  • Old downtownIn the old city center around the ChaoTian Temple you will find many houses from the 19th century, an urn wall, many small old factories for sesame oil and you get an overview of what life was like in Taiwan in the past, without this being played for tourists. Almost every house has its own protective god behind the front door.}}
  • Beigang tourist bridge. The bridge connects the ChaoTian Temple in Beigang with the Shuixian Temple in Singang. The two guards of the city can be seen from afar, one of whom sees everything and the other hears everything.
Old house in Beigang
Yi Min Temple
Street in Beigang


The tourist information office offers guided tours. The Cheng Shin Theater and the Poonkang Matsu Culture and Education Center provide information on local art and painting.



Beigang is known for a certain type of biscuit that you can buy everywhere on the streets and which are mainly offered at weddings. The cookies are bone dry and not necessarily for Europeans. The local cuisine itself mainly offers relatively hearty rice soups with guts, blood, duck and lamb. If you don't like this, you can of course find other dishes. There is fast food in the form of an MC Donalds or at all 7Eleven.


The street in front of the ChaoTian Temple turns into a night market in the evening.


Except for the two big pilgrimage festivals, hotels are mainly in the middle class or below.


Like all cities in Taiwan, Beigang is very safe.


Practical advice

Languages: Taiwanese or Chinese. Sometimes English too.


Web links

  • An official website is not known. Please open Wikidata add.
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