Bieszczady National Park - Bieszczadzki Park Narodowy

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Bieszczady National Park - Polish national park, located in Carpathians, more precisely in Western Bieszczady. It was established in 1973, and in 1992 it became part of the "Eastern Carpathians" International Biosphere Reserve. It is the third largest national park in the area Polish and the largest national park in the Polish mountains.


View from Połonina Wetlińska

The Bieszczady National Park covers the south-eastern part Podkarpackie Province. It also includes the southernmost point of Poland, located near the border with Ukraine, Opołonek peak (1028 m above sea level). The seat of the Park Directorate is located in Ustrzyki Górne. The lynx is the 'coat of arms' of the Bieszczady National Park.

The area of ​​the Bieszczady National Park is currently 292.02 km².

Beech forest near Mała Rawka


Orthodox cemetery in Wołosate

The shaping of weather and climate is largely determined by circulation factors. Moving air masses are separated from each other by relatively narrow zones of atmospheric fronts, which usually bring rapid changes in weather conditions. Over the Bieszczady Mountains there are 120 to 150 atmospheric fronts per year.

Buildings in the village of Muczne

BdNN lies on the border of two climatic levels:

The Wołosatka River in Ustrzyki

- moderately cool floors (650-1075 m above sea level)

- cool floor (above 1075 m a.s.l.

Depending on the height above sea level, the average annual temperature varies, generally assuming values ​​from 2 ° C to 4 ° C, and in the regions near the peaks below 2 ° C. The hottest month is July and the coolest is February. The amount of precipitation varies between 1100-1200 mm.

The highest rainfall is recorded in July (150-170 mm), the lowest in January (approx. 70 mm). The average number of days with snow cover in the park is 120.


The first plans to create a national park date back to the mid-1950s. They were implemented in 1973 when the Bieszczady National Park was established. Originally, it covered an area of ​​only 59.55 km². The area of ​​the park was enlarged four times in the years 1989, 1991, 1996 and 1999. Currently, its area is 29,202 ha. The establishment of the UNESCO International Biosphere Reserve has become equally important for the history of the park. In addition, the park was awarded the European Diploma and was also included in the European network of Natura 2000 protected areas.


The main species of animals: lynx, bear, bison, Carpathian deer, wildcat, honey buzzard, gadget, golden eagle, eagle owl, pygmy owl, tufted eagle, gray eagle, deer, Aesculapian snake, zigzag adder. Hucul horses are also grazed in the park.

The main plant species: East Carpathian aconite, Carthusian carnation, Carpathian viscera, white rot, Bukovyna aconite, Dacian sedge, Dacian violet, East Carpathian thistle, mountain fescue, European beech, green alder.


By plane

There are no airports in the vicinity of the park. The nearest one is located in Rzeszow (Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport, ul. Jasionka 942), about 160 km from the village of Pszczeliny, located in the north of the park. Another airport is just as close, but it is located beyond the eastern border, in the suburbs of Lviv. Lviv Airport, located in Ukraine, has many connections with important Polish cities such as Gdańsk, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wrocław, Poznań, Katowice and Kraków.

By car

Due to the terrain, the road infrastructure is very limited. Two voivodeship roads lead directly to the park: 896 and 897, which connects DW 894. Access from the main town in the Sanok region to the border with the park Pszczeliny takes about 1 hour. 10 minutes and is 56 km in a straight line (on 74 km roads).

Worth seeing

  • Połoniny Bieszczady (Caryńska, Wetlińska, Bukowska)
  • Viewing tower on Jeleniowaty
  • St. Hubert in Muczne
  • The Countess' tomb in Sianki
  • Remains of the village of Beniowa
  • Tarnawa peat bog


In Ustrzyki Dolne there is a Science and Didactic Center and the Nature Museum of the Bieszczady National Park. The museum has one of the largest collections of nature specimens in Poland. The collections, located on three levels, are grouped thematically: general systematics of animals, geology, flora and fauna of the Bieszczady Mountains, and issues related to nature protection and the history of the region. Tourists going to BNP from Ustrzyki Dolne can visit the Tourist Information and Education Center in Lutowiska, which is open all year round. There is a tourist information point, an exhibition hall, you can buy publications, watch a movie or take advantage of accommodation and eat a meal.


  • PTTK hostel "Chatka Puchatka" in Połonina Wetlińska
  • The PTTK shelter under Mała Rawka in Ustrzyki Górne
  • Hotel "Nad Roztokami" in Tarnawa Niżna
  • Pension Magura in Pszczeliny - tel. 660 726 856
  • A camping site in Tarnawa Niżna - tel. 537 770 887
  • Campsite in Bereżki - phone no. 13 461 06 50

tourist information

The main tourist information of the park is located in Ustrzyki Górne, at the BNP Directorate. If you want more information on site, we can ask for the necessary information at tourist hostels, national park facilities or at the Tourist Information Point in Wetlina.

The Natural History Museum and the BdPN Ecological Education Center in Ustrzyki Dolne - tel. 13 461 10 91, ul. Bełska 7, Ustrzyki Górne

Local Ecological Education Station in Wołosate - the facility organizes classes with lectures in the field or in the building, provides accommodation and serves as a stopping place for tourists - tel. 724 750 038, Wołosate 7