Bockenheim on the Wine Route - Bockenheim an der Weinstraße

Bockenheim on the Wine Route
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Bockenheim on the Wine Route is a wine-growing village in the Front Palatinate.

Map of Bockenheim an der Weinstrasse


Bockenheim an der Weinstrasse marks the northern end point of the German Wine Route, which runs from here through large parts of the Palatinate wine-growing region and connects many interesting wine-growing villages. It was not until the 1990s that the House of the German Wine Route something like an official starting point was established.

The place in its current form did not come into being until 1956, when the villages Kleinbockenheim and Großbockenheim were merged. The border between the two villages can hardly be made out on site today.

getting there

By plane

By train

The 1 Bockenheim-Kindenheim station is on the Grünstadt-Monsheim route. Trains run here every hour, you always have to change trains in Grünstadt or Monsheim. The next long-distance train station is several changes away; Arriving by train is therefore like a trip around the world and is very cumbersome.

By bus

In the street

Bockenheim an der Weinstrasse is located on the B271. Coming from the north you leave it A61 at the departure Symbol: AS 58 Worms, coming from the south you follow the A6 until the exit Symbol: AS 19 Grünstadt. In both cases you drive another 10 km via bypasses to Bockenheim.

By boat


Tourist Attractions

  • 1  Martinskirche, Schlossweg 10. The Martinskirche sits enthroned on a hill above the former Kleinbockenheim and originally belonged to a castle, but nothing has survived today, only the name of a winery still reminds of the castle that once stood here. The church is first documented for the 12th century, but gradually fell into disrepair and was not restored until the Renaissance. The church tower from the Middle Ages is still completely preserved, and some valuable relics inside also go back to the Middle Ages. The tower of the former St. Mary's Church, which was demolished in the 19th century, still stands next to St.
  • 2  Lambert's Church, Weinstrasse 39. The Lambert Church is located in the former Großbockenheim as the Protestant parish church of the village. The current church dates from the 18th century, after the previous building from the Romanesque period, which went back to a monastery church, was destroyed in the wars of the early modern period. Only the sacristy of the original Romanesque church has been preserved to this day.
  • 3  Holy Church. The Holy Church is a former Catholic pilgrimage church in the vineyards west of Bockenheim. The church was destroyed as early as the 15th century and since then only ruins remind of the former pilgrimage church. Instead, an attempt was made to build a smaller chapel in place of the pilgrimage church; the construction work on this began around 1740, but ended abruptly with the death of the client and could only be completed 200 years later in 1936.



Definitely wine. There are wineries in Bockenheim as far as the eye can see. Tasting it yourself is the order of the day in order to find your own taste.


  • 1  Bockenheimer Weinstube, Weinstrasse 91. Tel.: (0)6359 4090050. Home-style Palatinate cuisine.Open: Wed-Sat from 5:00 p.m., Sun from 11:30 a.m.
  • 2  Sonnenhof winery, Weinstrasse 79. Tel.: (0)6359 4571. Winery with an attached restaurant, serving Palatinate cuisine.Open: Tue-Sat from 5:00 p.m., Sun and public holidays from 11:30 a.m.
  • 3  Landgasthaus Neuhäusel, Weinstrasse 93. Tel.: (0)6359 4217. Varied menu with seasonal variations, also vegetarian / vegan.Open: Mon, Thu, Fri 11: 30-14: 00 and 17: 00-21: 00, Sat and Sun 11: 30-21: 00.



  • 1  Pension Petry, Kellereistraße 7. Tel.: (0)6359 94310. Nice, quietly located pension. Prices include breakfast, there are also volume discounts if you stay longer.Price: single / double 44 € / 70 €.


Practical advice



Web links

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