Cabimas - Cabimas

Cabimas it's a city Venezuelan located in the state Zulia.


Cabimas is an oil city.


In the ancient settlement of Cabimas, a group of Capuchin monks founded on December 22, 1758, a short-lived town called Mission of San Ambrosio de Punta de Piedra.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the oil discovery, originating an authentic refounding of Cabimas in 1931, when the creation of oil fields for the oil extraction concessions ceded to American and Dutch companies by the dictator Juan Vicente Gómez began.

Other destinations

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary of Cabimas.
  • Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary

To get

By car

Trocal 17 (Highway Lara - Zulia). Intercomunal Avenue and Pedro Lucas Urribarrí Avenue. (Trunk 3)

By bus

  • Rodovias de Venezuela C.A. [1]

By plane

Oro Negro Airport.

  • Conviasa has flights to Cabimas.


  • Ali First Square


  • Workers Monument

To buy

  • DC Borjas
  • DC The fountain
  • DC Cabimas Center


  • Cabimas International Hotel, Av. Andrés Bello.
  • Hotel Costa Sol, Highway H (Delicias Viejas Sector).

To eat

  • Smooth Salad & Juice, Highway H. Among its specialties are salads.

Ice cream shop

  • Rigoletto, Av. H.

To drink

Coffee shop

  • From Everything & Coffee. They sell breakfast and salads.


  • Living Bar, Chile Street.




Among the health problems of Cabimas, is the outbreaks of the mosquito that carries the dengue virus, among the recommendations is the use of mosquito repellent creams and do not circulate near stagnant water.

I respect

See also