Cartalia - Cartalia

Gori cathedral (view from the Gori Fortress) .jpg
Cartalia - Location

Cartalia (formerly also Cartalinia or Kartiles) is a region of the Georgia.

To know

The toponym "Kartli" appears for the first time in the accounts written in the fifth century, the martyrdom of the holy queen Shushanik, the oldest surviving fragment of Georgian literature to this day.

Geographical notes

Located in central-eastern Georgia, crossed by the Mtkvari (Kura) River, where the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. The historic territories of Cartalia are currently divided between several administrative regions of Georgia.


The formation of Kartli and his people, the kartveli are poorly documented.

In the third century BC, Kartli and its original capital Mtskheta (which was succeeded by Tbilisi in the 5th century) formed the nucleus around which the ancient Georgian Kingdom developed, known to the Greco-Roman world as Iberia.

Kartli played a crucial role in the political and ethnic consolidation of the Georgians in the Middle Ages. It had no strictly defined boundaries, fluctuating considerably throughout history. After the division of the Kingdom of Georgia in the 15th century, Kartli became a separate kingdom with its capital in Tbilisi.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions

Urban centers

Other destinations

  • Dmanisi - Town and archaeological site in the valley of the Mashavera river.
  • Mount Kazbek - Mountain of the Caucasus Range of 5,047 m, on the border between the Russia and Georgia.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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