Tbilisi - Tbilisi

Panorama of Tbilisi from the Kura River
Coat of arms and flag
Tbilisi - Coat of arms
Tbilisi - Flag
Prefix tel
Time zone
Georgia map
Institutional website

Tbilisi is the capital of the Georgia.

To know

Geographical notes

Tbilisi is located in the valley of the Mt'k'vari (or Kura) river, squeezed between the foothills of the Lesser and Greater Caucasus. The terrain on which Tbilisi stands is quite rugged and the reliefs descend steeply on the banks of the river. North of the city is a large lake, commonly known as the Tbilisi Sea, fed by irrigation canals. The city is located in an earthquake zone.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

  • 1 Tbilisi-Novoalexeyvka Airport. Buses of line 37 depart every 15-30 minutes and run from 08:00 to 23:00. They terminate near the railway station (Vagzal). It takes them less than an hour to make the journey to the city center. You travel via Liberty Square, Rustaveli, Republic Square and Tamar Bridge, to the main train station (Vagzal). The journey can take up to 50 minutes. The rate is 0.50 GEL.
There is also a faster train connection than buses but much less frequent and more expensive. Tbilisi Airport on Wikipedia Tbilisi Airport (Q778213) on Wikidata

On the train

  • 2 Railway station. Tbilisi is related to Yerevan it's at Baku by two railway lines both crossed by international trains. Before buying tickets (cash only at the ticket offices of the respective stations) consider that the air conditioning does not work when the train is stopped and that the meticulous checks carried out by customs officials in search of personal items on which to impose various taxes last more than an hour. Tbilisi railway station (Q1341835) on Wikidata

By bus

Luks Karadeniz bus lines [1] they run once a day from Istanbul and from various cities in Turkey, They terminate at the main station at the "Didube" metro stop.

Minibuses from domestic destinations often stop at the Samgori metro station.

How to get around

By subway

By underground you can easily reach any point of the city at any time. There are 2 lines that are not too crowded even during peak hours, which are generally 9: 00/10: 00 in the morning and 19: 00/20: 00 in the evening. Here it seems that the hours have moved forward: the shops generally open at 9:30.

By taxi

It is very convenient to travel by taxi: by calling the company and indicating departure and destination, the price ranges from 3 to 5 Lari and the taxi arrives in 15 minutes; vice versa, by stopping one of the numerous taxis in circulation, the price increases on average by 2 Lari.

It must be said that, depending on the taxi driver, this ride can become a truly "adrenaline" experience: the rule is that there are no rules here! All the rules of the highway code and common sense are violated; however, it seems that this happens without the slightest nervous tension and, above all, it seems that accidents are not so frequent.

There are all kinds of cars: from brand new SUVs to scrap wheels and taxis generally belong to this second category!

What see

Narikala fortress
  • 1 Narikala fortress. Symbol of the city, the fortress of Narikala dominates the course of the river Kura from the top of a steep hill. It dates back to the 6th century AD. C, but over the centuries it underwent various extensions and alterations. In 1827, parts of the fortress were damaged by an earthquake and later demolished. Narikala on Wikipedia Narikala (Q155453) on Wikidata
  • 2 Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Dedicated to the Dormition of the Mother of God, the cathedral was built in the time of the king David IV of Georgia on the site of another older one sacked by the Arabs. The church has two very different bell towers in style. In fact, one is from the 15th century, the other is from 1812 and is inspired by Russian neoclassicism. The interior is decorated with frescoes by the Russian painter / general Grigori Gagarine (1810-1893). The cross of Santa Nino who introduced Christianity to Georgia. Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tbilisi) on Wikipedia Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Q12864969) on Wikidata
  • 3 St. George's Cathedral, 5 Samghebro St (Vakhtang Gorgasali Meidani). Seat of the Armenian bishop, the temple dates back to the 13th century. As can be seen from an inscription, the temple was commissioned by Umek of Karinun, a merchant of Erzerum married to the daughter of Hasan Jalal Vahtangia, Grand Prince of Khachen who reigned from 1214-1261. The building was completely restored in the 17th century and then again in 1832 and 1881. Saint George's Church (Q3653178) on Wikidata
  • 4 Basilica of Santa Maria Anchiskhati, 11 Ioane Shavteli. The Georgian Orthodox church is the oldest in Tbilisi. It was built in the sixth century AD. C, at the time of King Dachi of Iberia and dedicated to the Virgin. The name Anchiskhati dates back to the 17th century and means Icon of Ancha. At that time, in fact, a venerated icon from the monastery of Ancha (today in Turkey) was transferred there to protect it from the insults of the Ottomans. Today the icon is exhibited at the Museum of Art. The temple was rebuilt several times over the centuries. The original design was completely altered in the reconstruction works of 1870. Subsequent interventions in 1960 tried to restore the temple to its previous appearance. The church remained deconsecrated for a long time and used for different uses. It was only in 1991 that it was reopened for worship. Inside, only the altarpiece dates back to the 17th century, all the other paintings are from 1870 Anchiskhati Basilica (Q609419) on Wikidata

Avlabari neighborhood

  • 5 Holy Trinity Cathedral (Tbilisis cminda samebis sakatedro tadzari). Holy Trinity Cathedral (Tbilisi) on Wikipedia Holy Trinity Cathedral (Q36996) on Wikidata
  • Metekhi Church.
  • 6 Armenian Church of the Red Gospel. It is an 18th century church now in ruins. According to Armenian sources, on April 13, 1989, the church was "blown up" or "destroyed". Georgian state officials denied the allegations and attributed its destruction to the intensity of an earthquake that hit Tbilisi the day before.
It was the tallest Armenian church in Tbilisi (40 m.) Church of the Red Gospel, Tbilisi (Q4504775) on Wikidata
  • 7 Ejmiatsin Church, 18 Armazskaya street. According to tradition, the church was founded at the end of the 13th century or at the beginning of the following century by families from the city of Echmiadzin, from which it took its name. Ejmiatsin Church (Q2613137) on Wikidata


  • 8 Simon Janashia Museum, Rustaveli avenue 3. Ecb copyright.svgAdmission fee with reductions for students. Guided tours: 10 GEL. There are exhibited archaeological finds from excavations carried out in various sites of the Georgia. Among the finds there is also a fossil of Homo ergaster found in the locality Dmanisi. Georgia Simon Janashia Museum on Wikipedia Georgia Simon Janashia Museum (Q2899707) on Wikidata
  • 9 Shalva Amiranashvili Museum of Fine Arts, Via Lado Gudiashvili 1 (Close to Tavisuplebis Moedani / Piazza della Libertà), 995 32 99 99 09. Ecb copyright.svgEntrance fee. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 11: 00-16: 00 pm. Many collections are dedicated to the minor arts, miniature, weaving but above all gold and silverware with works that date back to the eighth century.
There are also exposed elaborate icons, precious chalices, triptychs and crosses from various monasteries and churches.
An art gallery with works by Georgian painters is attached to the museum (Niko Pirosmanishvili, Lado Gudiashvili, Elene Akvlediani, David Kakabadze and others). Shalva Amiranashvili Museum of Fine Arts on Wikipedia Shalva Amiranashvili Museum of Fine Arts (Q2028327) on Wikidata
  • G. Chitaia Ethnographic Museum, Tortoise’s pond lane.
  • Numismatic Museum, G. Leonidze str. N3 / 5 (Set up in the headquarters of the national bank).
  • Puppet Museum, Shavteli st. N 17a, 995 32 99 53 37.
  • Galaktion Tabidze Museum, Marjanishvili N 4. Museum dedicated to Galaktion Tabidze, the most famous of the Georgian poets.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Moderate prices


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Tbilisi
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Tbilisi
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Tbilisi
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