Casamanza - Casamanza

The Casamanza (in FrenchCasamance and in PortugueseCasamança) is the region of Senegal south of Gambia. It is separated from this country by the Casamanza River, from which it gets its name.


It is a region culturally and geographically distinct from the rest of Senegal. In this area, wetlands and tropical flora predominate, unlike in the rest of the country, where the savannah extends. The ethnic group that governs this region is the gives the, who are also Christians, also contrary to what happens in the rest of the country. All of which makes this a quite different region from the whole of the country in which it is located.

In fact, from 1990 to the mid-2000s there were armed confrontations between the independence guerrillas and the Senegalese army, causing the kidnapping of tourists on occasion; a fact that caused this region to be inadvisable for international tourism during all that time, abandoning some tourist complexes in the area. For some years now, this activity has been resumed, given the attractions of the region, among which is the unexploited Atlantic coast that it has, which, with the exception of Cape SkirringIt is practically virgin touristically speaking.

Formerly the Baja Casamanza belonged to Portuguese Guinea, from which some legacy and some Portuguese names and surnames have been left in the region.



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To get

Aline Sitoe Diatta.

You can get there by plane from Dakar to Ziguinchor or Cape Skirring, from where there are two daily, for a price of about € 100 (65000 XOF) in 45 minutes. There is also a boat that leaves from Dakar and sometimes in Carabán, 3 or 4 times a week for between € 20 and € 70 (depending on the cabin we choose, or if it is in an armchair), which takes about 18 hours.

It can also be reached in seven places (sept-place) from Kolda, or Dakar, if we go through the Gambia, which will increase the travel time a bit.


As in the rest of Senegal, there are seven seats and buses. The former are faster and more comfortable, but more expensive, and the latter will take their time, for all the stops they make.


In French We can communicate with everyone around here, since it is the official language. The local language is gives thebut they will not speak to foreigners in it. Sometimes we can find someone to communicate with in English or Spanish, but it will not be usual.



Ziguinchor has an interesting historical center with some colonial buildings, among which its cathedral stands out. From the port area, you can talk to the locals so that they can bring us someone with a boat who can take us to see dolphins in the river.

In the area of ​​the Punta San Jorge there is a reserve of manatees. To be able to see them we will have to make a good path from Melompe and there must be low tide when we get there, otherwise we won't see anything.

On the Island of Carabán there are ruins of an old colonial settlement, now abandoned.


We can go to the beach at Cape Skirring or Diemberín, as well as trying to spot marine animals like those mentioned before.

In Carabán and some other place with an influx of tourists they usually have parties with djembe (typical timpani here) at night.

To buy

As in the rest of the country, we can buy local crafts and African clothes in many places.

To eat

Drink and go out


In Ziguinchor there are some good quality / price ratio hotels (see article).

Camp Emanaye (In Usui). In a house with traditional architecture, Max will offer us a great service, with good food and in a charming natural environment, at a good price.Price: 7000-10000 XOF.


It is necessary to bring mosquito repellent, since here, with the wetlands, the number of mosquitoes is significantly higher.


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