Cassis - Cassis

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Cassis is a small coastal town in the region Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur and is about 20 km east of Marseille in the department Bouches-du-Rhône.


The once sleepy fishing village has become a glamorous tourist destination. Famous guests included Raoul Dufy, Henri Matisse and Maurice de Vlaminck. Georges Braque visited the place in 1907, Othon Friesz was here from 1908 to 1910.

getting there

By plane

The nearest airport is in Marseille. Connections exist by bus or the SNCF (train).

By train

Cassis is on the railway line from Nice to Marseille. The 1 railway stationStation in the Wikipedia encyclopediaStation in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsStation (Q732611) in the Wikidata database is about 3 km from the village.

In the street

The road from Marseille to Toulon leads directly past the place. Alternatively, take the Cassis exit on the Nice-Marseille motorway.

By boat

2 portPort in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHafen (Q30020506) in the Wikidata database


Map of Cassis

The town center is not very driver-friendly and parking spaces are in short supply! Even on foot, the route from the campsite to the pier is no fun on the way back, because it is a steep uphill climb.

Tourist Attractions

The main attractions are certainly the spectacular calanques that stretch along the Mediterranean coast from Marseille to Cassis.

  • Villa Ariane. Villa Ariane is an elegant 19th century property with a Greek-style garden and a small amphitheater. From the late 1920s in the possession of the painter, actor and patron Jerome Hill, after his death property of the Camargo Foundation.
  • La Prud'homie. A fisheries court established in 1791. In a niche stands the statue of St. Peter, which is carried through the streets of Cassis in the annual procession of the fête des pêcheurs.
  • 1  Chateau. Château in the Wikipedia encyclopediaChâteau in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsChâteau (Q28473377) in the Wikidata database.From the 14th century, decayed in the 19th century, today converted into luxury holiday apartments, cannot be visited.
  • 1  Hotel de ville, place Baragnon. Hôtel de ville in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryHôtel de ville (Q22986219) in the Wikidata database.From the 16th century with a large staircase and salon d'honneur (hall of honor).
  • Maison de l'Europe. From the 17th century with a classical facade from 1808, with a monumental, listed staircase.
  • 2  Église Saint-Michel de Cassis. Église Saint-Michel de Cassis in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsÉglise Saint-Michel de Cassis (Q41746398) in the Wikidata database.Church building.
  • 3  Phare de Cassis. Phare de Cassis in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryPhare de Cassis (Q30044501) in the Wikidata database.Lighthouse.


  • The festival of fishermen and the sea Fête de la Saint-Pierre et de la Mer takes place on the last weekend in June. It lasts two days and is dedicated to fishing and the sea. The main event of the festival is the blessing of the statue of St. Peter (Saint-Pierre) in St. Michel on Sunday morning. At the fair there is a parade of the Prud'homme and the blessing of the boats. There will be numerous other events throughout the weekend.



  • It is open twice a week the Place Baragnon Weekly market.




The campsite is on the outskirts, right on the road from Marseille to Nice. It is recommended to be there at lunchtime, otherwise you will have to move to other places.

  • Les Cigales, Route de Marseille. Tel.: 33 (0)4 42 01 07 34, Fax: 33 (0)4 42 01 34 18.



Practical advice

The post office is down in town, near the pier.


  • Calanques. The best way to get there is by boat. Attention: If there is a great danger of forest fire, the footpaths can be closed from 11.00 a.m., ask early!
  • Route des Crêtes. This route of the peaks leads from Cassis to La Ciotat and has a fantastic view of the sea and the cliffs. The most famous point is Cap Canaille.
  • Cassis peninsula. Stony access to the sea.
360 degree panorama of the coastline
  • 4 Cap CanailleCap Canaille in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCap Canaille in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCap Canaille (Q1034137) in the Wikidata database Cliff with a height of 362 meters

Web links

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