Castelluccio (Norcia) - Castelluccio (Norcia)

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Castelluccio of Norcia is a city in the region Umbria.

Travel Notice!ATTENTION: THE earthquakes that on 24 August, 26 and 30 October 2016 they hit the area of ​​Central Italy and caused damage or collapses to many buildings. The descriptions given here may not correspond to current reality.

To know

Castelluccio di Norcia, part of the municipality of Norcia, is a small village located within the Monti Sibillini National ParkThe town is located on the Umbrian-Marchigiano Apennines, about 26 km from Norcia, located on top of a hill that rises on the Piani di Castelluccio plateau, one of the largest in central Italy. Its altitude is 1452m a.s.l., making it one of the highest inhabited centers in the Apennines.


The first settlements date back to Roman times: fragments in terracotta and a bronze coin depicting the emperor Claudius II the Gothic (268-270 AD) have been found. The history of the town and its development are closely linked to sheep farming. Castelluccio was an ancient castle in the orbit of Norcia, built to defend the eastern border of the pastures. In 1276 the town is part of Norcia and the first settlements date back to that period. housing; due to a war between Norcia and Camerino, starting from 1423, there is news of a massive restoration and expansion of the city walls. After centuries of alliance with Norcia, this one, starting from the sixteenth century. began to prevail more and more on Castelluccio leading to a deterioration of relations. The history of Castelluccio has been characterized by many battles for the conquest of its territory by the neighboring towns; one of the most famous battles is the "Battle of Pian Perduto" of 20 July 1522 which saw Norcia succumb to Visso. Peace was reached in 1846 when the Vissani and Norcini definitively threw down their weapons.The recent history of Castelluccio is characterized by intense seismic activity: the most violent occurred on 26 September 1997 of magnitude 5.5 and 30 October 2016 6.5.

Plans of Castelluccio

How to orient yourself

The main streets inside the town are: Via behind the Tower, Via degli Sciatori, Via Monte Valletta, Via Libia and Via della Bufera.

How to get

By plane

  • Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg The nearest airports are:

the international airport of Umbria (118 km) the Marche airport (168 km)

By car

  • from Florence or Rome: exit the A1 at the Orte toll booth and take the freeway towards Terni, after about 35 km, as soon as you pass Spoleto, turn towards Norcia-Cascia. Then always follow the directions for Norcia. In Norcia follow the signs for Castelluccio.
  • from Perugia: Perugia / Orte E45 junction, Terni exit and then as above.

On boat

  • Italian traffic signs - marina icon.svg : Castelluccio is 173 km from the port of Ancona

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon : The closest station is that of Spoleto

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg : Visit the site [1]

The only bus serves Castelluccio di Norcia once a week, on Thursdays, departing from Norcia.

The "UmbriaGo" initiative started in January 2018, a single pass for trains, urban and extra-urban buses.

How to get around

Castelluccio being a small village, it can be easily visited on foot or by bicycle.

By taxi: you can contact the Norcia taxi service at 340/000 51 68 or 338/7471411

What see

  • Church of Santa Maria Assunta (16th century). It was built in the first half of 1500. The interior has a central plan with an octagonal dome. The main altar in carved wood contains the sculpture of the Crucifix with the figures of the Mourners painted on the back panel (16th century). In the two lateral arms there are frescoes with the Mysteries of the Rosary by Camillo and Fabio Angelucci (1582) and Stories of Sant'Antonio Abate (late 14th century). On the respective renaissance altars Madonna in adoration of the Child and S. Antonio Abate (polychrome terracotta from the end of the 16th century). The dome of the church was frescoed at the end of the 19th century. The church, due to the 2016 Central Italy earthquake, suffered major damage but the subsequent earthquake of 30 October 2016 caused its complete collapse.
  • Monti Sibillini National Park. In the reign of the mythical Sibyl, in 1993 the Sibillini National Park was born (approx. 70,000 hectares) with the aim of safeguarding the environment, promoting sustainable socio-economic development and favoring the use of each person so as to create a "Park for all". Wolf, golden eagle, peregrine falcon and numerous endemic species are the most evident signs of a diversity and a biological richness that has contributed to determining an ancient and suggestive world where time seems to have stopped.
  • Monte Carrier (2478 m a.s.l.). Seen from above, Monte Vettore has the shape of a horseshoe, which begins in the western part from Forca Viola (1936 m. Asl) continues to the top of the Redentore (2448 masl), the highest point of the western side, winding followed eastwards and then northwards, forming a semicircle of 1.6 km in diameter, up to its maximum peak Vettore (2476 m. asl), in the province of Ascoli Piceno, from here the ridge heading north reaches Monte Torrone (2117 masl). The horseshoe sinks inside up to an altitude of 1940 m. above sea level in the basin of Lake Pilato. A peculiarity of Monte Carrier is certainly its so different aspect between the Umbrian side and the Marche side. To the west the mountain rises from Pian Grande di Castelluccio for almost 1000 meters, completely bare of vegetation, and even if imposing, the wall has its own sweetness, interrupted only at an altitude of 2000 m. - 2100 m. from a horizontal fracture (a 4 km fault), the "Strada delle Fate", and the great rock of the Eagle. To the east in the Marche, Monte Carrier appears completely different to us, a huge rock mass that looms over the villages below, creating an undoubtedly Dolomite landscape.
  • Cima del Redentore (2,448 m a.s.l.). It is the: highest peak in Umbria.
  • Grotta della Sibilla (2 150 m a.s.l.). According to legend, inhabited by a sorceress capable of predicting the future.
  • Piani di Castelluccio (1350m a.s.l.). About 15 km² are represented by Pian Grande and Pian Perduto. They are famous for the Fiorita.
  • Writings on the walls. They are satires written in white paint on the walls of some buildings dating back to the early sixties, used to expose the problems and peculiarities of the country.

Events and parties

  • The Flowering. Simple icon time.svgend of May-mid-July. Between the end of May and mid-July, the Castelluccio plateau witnesses the flowering. For several weeks the plain is colored by the flowering of various floral species (poppies, cornflowers, daisies, gentianella, narcissus, violets, buttercups, asphodels, purple Eugeniae, clovers, sorrel). The flowering festival usually falls on the third and last Sunday of June but there is no specific day to admire it. Every year everything is entrusted to the climatic trend of the season.
  • Feast of the Cona. It is a popular religious event that every year commemorates the Battle of Pian Perduto between Norcia and Visso which took place on 20 July 1522.
  • Festa de The Paw. Popular festival that is celebrated on the afternoon of the Epiphany, the men go from house to house singing folk songs and the hostess offers them a drink and gives a pig's leg. At the end of the tour, the bags are given to the host who prepares dinner for St. Anthony's Day (January 17).
  • San Vincenzo. It is the feast dedicated to San Vincenzo Ferreri, patron saint of Castelluccio. The statue of the saint is carried on the shoulder from the church of Santa Maria Assunta through the streets of the town.
  • Favone of the Madonna of Loreto. On the night between 12 and 13 December, fireplaces are lit along the road to commemorate the journey that the angels took to bring the Holy House of the Madonna from Palestine to the Loreto hill.

How to have fun

  • Trekking with mules. In Castelluccio it is possible to participate in an unusual trekking, men and mules walking along the ancient mule tracks, the pack animals will carry the field material and the heaviest luggage of travelers, who only have to walk and fully breathe the atmosphere of the landscapes of the Sibillini Mountains National Park. And for the little ones it is possible to go for walks in the company of donkeys, in the surroundings of Castelluccio and in Pian Grande.
  • Mountain Bike Castelluccio. Routes that unfold throughout the territory are an infinite source for cycling excursions and trekking, mountain biking in Castelluccio is certainly the most suitable way to visit the area. The different types of trails, simple in the Castelluccio plains, steep and technical in the valleys and mountains, allow everyone to practice this sport. For those who just want to pedal without obligation, or without bringing their bicycle.
  • Free fly, via delle Fate 3, 39 339 5635456, 39 0743-821156. Simple icon time.svg9:00-13:00 - 15:00-19:00. The Castelluccio basin is the home of hang gliding and paragliding for its unique winds. Free flight is for everyone, in the company of expert instructors, it is also possible for those who do not have the slightest knowledge of hang gliding or paragliding. In Castelluccio there is a school that has been working in the area for many years.

Where to eat

Due to the earthquake in Castelluccio there are no restaurants that are able to welcome customers. We recommend restaurants in Norcia:

Average prices

Where stay



Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Castelluccio (Norcia)
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