Castile-La Mancha - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Castille-La Manche — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Castile-La Mancha
Castilla-La Mancha NASA.jpg
Regional capital
39 ° 47 ′ 0 ″ N 3 ° 5 ′ 20 ″ W
Official site

Castile-La Mancha is a region ofSpain.


Having suffered seriously from a very strong emigration to Madrid, but also to Valence and Barcelona, the current territory of New Castile is characterized by very low population densities. Agriculture (the vineyards of La Mancha, Valdepeñas, Méntrida or Mondejar are beginning to be more and more known beyond the Spanish borders) and breeding occupy a good part of the economic activity. Industrial and commercial centers are also the basis of the economic development of New Castile (Puertollano, Illescas, Guadalajara, Albacete ...)


Castile-La Mancha is an autonomous community grouping together three of the hundred and one provinces of New Castile, including Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara and Toledo. The second province, Madrid, being the capital of the country, was organized under its own Autonomous Community.


The most populated cities are:

  • 1 Albacete
  • 3 Guadalajara
  • 4 Toledo
  • 5 Cuenca
  • 6 Ciudad Real

Other destinations

To go


By car

The entire region is well served by a now complete network of expressways known as "Autovías"And only two"Autopistas»Fees are in service in the region of Toledo as well as between Madrid and Albacete but remain almost deserted, in particular because of their high tariffs and their close proximity to other free-use routes.

Speed ​​limits:

  • city ​​: 50 km / h
  • route: 90 km / h sometimes raised to 100 km / h
  • toll or free highway: 120 km / h


The cultural heritage is very rich. We count the cities of Toledo and Cuenca belonging to the World Heritage. You can also visit the large towns of La Mancha, including Almagro and Ciudad Real. The medieval town of Sigüenza (Guadalajara) is also noteworthy.

The natural heritage is also very rich. The high Tagus natural parks ("Alto Tajo" in Guadalajara) and "Las lagunas de Ruidera" (Albacete), as well as the national parks of "Las tablas de Daimiel" and "Cabañeros" (in Ciudad Real) are not to be found. not miss.



Migas Manchegas

The traditional gastronomy is also remarkable. Lamb meat, "morteruelo", "gazpacho" and "pisto manchego" are among the most typical dishes. You can't forget the famous La Mancha cheese ("queso manchego") either. As for the desserts, we recommend tasting the "Miguelitos" from La Roda (Albacete), the "Patas de Vaca" from Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara) and the "bizcochos borrachos" from Guadalajara.

Have a drink / Go out



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Destinations located in the region