Northern coast of Peru - Costa settentrionale del Perù

Northern coast of Peru
Plaza de Armas in Piura

Northern coast of Peru is a tourist region belonging to the territory Peruvian.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

The Northern Maritime Region comprises the following regions (north to south):

  • Tumbes region
  • Piura region
  • Lambayeque region
  • La Libertad region
  • Ancash region

Urban centers

  • 1 Casma
  • 2 Chicama
  • 3 Chiclayo - Capital of the Lambayeque region.
  • 4 Chimbote - A large commercial port in the Ancash region.
  • 5 Huanchaco - Seaside resort and meeting place for surfers 10 km from Trujillo.
  • 6 Huaraz
  • 7 Lambayeque - City notable for a couple of museums where the finds from the archaeological excavations of the surroundings are exhibited.
  • 8 Los Organos
  • 9 Piura - Capital of the homonymous region.
  • 10 Trujillo - Capital of the La Libertad administrative region. In its vicinity is the archaeological site of Chan Chan.
  • 11 Tumbes - Capital of the homonymous region.
  • 12 Zorritos

Other destinations

  • 1 Máncora - Equipped beach near the border withEcuador.

Archaeological sites

How to get

Aguas Verdes is the small town (about 2,500 inhabitants) at the border crossing with theEcuador, consisting of the international bridge over the Zarumilla River. Across the bridge is the Ecuadorian town of Huaquillas. Both centers are chaotic places where a multitude of street vendors are concentrated, attacking tourists in transit.

The city Peruvian of Tumbes is 27 km from the bridge.

From Aguas Verdes begins the state road officially called Ruta nacional PE-1 which is the Peruvian stretch of the Pan-American. It is totally asphalted and runs along the entire coast passing through File and ends later Tacna at the border crossing with Chile said of Santa Rosa.

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table
