Mantuan cuisine - Cucina mantovana

There Mantuan cuisine is the set of dishes of the culinary tradition of province of Mantua, some of which date back to the times of the Gonzagas. It is a strong gastronomy of dishes appreciated outside the territory even in past centuries. It is a cuisine linked to the land by peasant traditions, but it is very rich and varied. There may be several local variants of the same dish.


Given the geographical position occupied by the province of Mantua, the Mantuan culinary tradition is related to the kitchen Emilian of salami and pasta and the Lombard cuisine of rice. Another reciprocal influence is that of the kitchen Austrian, due to the long stay of the Austrians in the Mantua area and to the employment of Mantuan cooks at the Austrian court. Finally, links can also be found with the Tyrolean or Swiss tradition (e.g. i understood or the Helvetia cake).


First dishes

Second courses



  • Colli Morenici Mantovani del Garda white
  • Garda Colli Mantovani Cabernet
  • Garda Colli Mantovani Merlot
  • Garda Colli Mantovani Pinot Grigio
  • Garda Colli Mantovani Tocai Italico
  • Garda Colli Mantovani white
  • Lambrusco Mantovano

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Recommended reading

  • Gino Brunetti (edited by), Mantuan cuisine of princes and people. Ancient texts and traditional recipes, Mantova, 1981. ISBN does not exist.

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