Province of Mantua - Provincia di Mantova

Province of Mantua
The morainic hills of Lake Garda
Province of Mantua - Location
Tourism site
Institutional website

Mantuan is the territory of the city of Mantua in Lombardy.

To know

The Mantuan territory borders to the north-east with the Province of Verona, to the east with Rovigo south with Ferrara, Modena, Reggio Emilia is Parma, west with Cremona and to the northwest with Brescia.

Spoken languages

Territories and tourist destinations

Alto Mantovano

Map of the territory

Middle Mantuan

Basso Mantovano

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are Verona-Villafranca, Montichiari, Bologna and Bergamo-Orio al Serio.

By car

  • A22 motorway: Mantova Nord, Mantova Sud and Pegognaga toll booths.
  • A4 motorway: Desenzano del Garda and Peschiera del Garda toll booths.

On the train

The railway stations serving the Mantua area are:

  • Mantua (Piazza don Leoni 14), on the Verona-Modena line
  • Desenzano del Garda-Sirmione and Peschiera del Garda, on the Turin-Trieste route
  • Asola, on the Parma-Brescia line

By bus

The connections with the province are made by the company APAM of Mantua and the BE of Brescia.

How to get around

What see


What to do

At the table

Capunsei Mantua

Mantua is the gastronomic cradle of Mantuan cuisine, whose typical dishes are: Mantuan salami, pumpkin tortelli, capunsei, risotto alla pilot, risotto with saltaréi, stew, pike in sauce, sbrisolona cake, Elvezia cake and Mantuan wines.


The main local wines are:

  • Colli Morenici Mantovani del Garda white
  • Garda Colli Mantovani Cabernet
  • Garda Colli Mantovani Merlot
  • Garda Colli Mantovani Pinot Grigio
  • Garda Colli Mantovani Tocai Italico
  • Garda Colli Mantovani white
  • Lambrusco Mantovano


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