Bosco Fontana Nature Reserve - Riserva naturale Bosco Fontana

Bosco Fontana Nature Reserve
Entrance to the forest-fountain Marmirolo Mn.jpg
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

Bosco Fontana Nature Reserve is located in the Lombardy and is inserted in the Mincio Regional Park.

To know

When to go

The Reserve is open to the public every day except Tuesdays and Fridays at the following times: from 1 March to 31 October, from 9.00 to 19.00; from 1 November to 28 February from 9.00 to 17.00. For information:


At the beginning of the 13th century the Gonzagas, future lords of Mantua, came into possession of a large estate between the Mincio, Goito and Marmirolo, which at the time was covered by a dense forest and very rich in game, and transformed it into a large hunting reserve.

How to get

By car

  • From Mantua: Goitese state road, before the outskirts of Marmirolo, signs on the left. Difficulty of parking.

By bike

  • From Mantua the bicycle is the ideal way to reach Bosco Fontana. From the back of the railway station, the Mantova-Peschiera cycle path starts; after a few kilometers you cross the "Diversivo Mincio" canal and follow the signs for the wood. In all there are 10 km. Scarce. At the entrance there are bike racks, but ATTENTION, in the past there have been thefts.

Permits / Rates

How to get around

Park plan

Inside the Reserve, it is mandatory to move only on foot. Bicycles prohibited.

What see

Gonzaga building in Bosco Fontana
  • Gonzaga building in Bosco Fontana (The building can be visited by appointment.). It was built at the end of the sixteenth century by the architect Giuseppe Dattaro on commission of Duke Vincenzo I Gonzaga and destined to be the hunting lodge of the Gonzagas of Mantua.

What to do

Walk only in the permitted avenues. Observe the botanical species typical of the "lowland forest".


There is nothing to buy or take except brochures at the park entrance.

Where to eat

There are no restaurants or bars. Bring a sandwich, being careful not to get dirty.

Where stay

Refer to the exercises in Mantua.


Inside there are no dangers. Given the labyrinth structure of the avenues, one could lose orientation, but not so much from getting lost altogether.

How to keep in touch



  • Rice road - The itinerary - to be carried out in particular from May to September - runs through the Mantua area dedicated to the cultivation of rice, between rivers and canals.

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