Mantovano (Lombardy) - Mantovano (Lombardia)

Mantovano (Lombardy)
Sabbioneta-Piazza ducale

The Mantuan it is an interprovincial district of the Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

The Mantovano is an area that embraces the territory bordering the provinces of Brescia, Cremona, Reggio Emilia is Verona. The main centers are Mantua, Viadana is Suzzara. Mantua and Sabbioneta I'm from 2008 World Heritage. A peculiar geographical feature is the richness of water, various rivers cross it: the Po, the final stretch of the Oglio and its tributary Chiese, the final stretch of the Mincio, the final stretch of the Secchia, the north-east part of the province in the basin of the river Tione, a right tributary of the Tartaro that collects the resurgence waters (called fountains) of that area. The Mincio around Mantua creates lakes (Mantua lakes), the only major lakes extending entirely in the Po Valley. There are many channels, dedicated to irrigation or reclamation.


The current administrative borders of the province have deep historical roots, largely corresponding to the Duchy of Mantua which was a sovereign state under international law. The Province of Mantua took over from the Napoleonic Department of the Mincio with the birth of the Lombardo-Veneto in 1815. Following the Battle of Solferino and San Martino on June 24, 1859, the Franco-Piedmontese troops conquered Lombardy up to the right bank of the Mincio, and the consequent Armistice of Villafranca of 11 June 1859 between France and Austria defined the new provisional borders, splitting in two the Mantovano that was crossed by the new international border, considering a strip of land extended from Lazise to Borgoforte several kilometers wide as neutral. The Peace of Vienna (1866) between Italy and Austria, the latter consented to the reunion of the Lombard-Veneto Kingdom to the Kingdom of Italy, within the limits of the Kingdom's borders at the time of Peace. The province was reconstituted on February 22, 1868, re-establishing the borders of the previous Austrian territorial district originating in 1868. The law in question entailed an exceptionality of the Mantuan province, which was explicitly restored in its Habsburg form without solution of continuity, and this on the basis facts, since the Austrian Provincial Congregation had also been maintained until then. As of 1 July, the eleven Austrian districts were reactivated in their 1858 borders, excluding the division into districts.

Suggested readings

"Gonzaga itineraries" by Leandro Zoppè - Itinera Edizioni 1988 - A well-written and documented book with admirable photographs, it deals with 43 smaller towns of the Duchy of Mantua, presenting their historical and urban path under the Gonzaga dynasty.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

Tourist destinations cannot ignore the territory and the contributions that the Gonzagas have given to the villages they govern:

  • MantuaUNESCO Heritage UNESCO, is universally known as the city of the Gonzagas, who ruled it for four centuries and made it one of the most beautiful cities of the Renaissance.
  • Bagnolo San Vito
  • Borgo Virgilio
  • Borgoforte - Fraction of the municipality of Borgo Virgilio.
  • Cocoon - A Gonzaga city, it was the capital of a duchy belonging to a collateral branch of the Gonzagas. Vespasiano worked there urban planning before putting his hand to his masterpiece: Sabbioneta; with Giulio Cesare and Scipione he defines his own elegant urban appearance that responds to sixteenth-century ideals. Of the ancient walls, however, only a short section remains, severely damaged by collapses and neglect.
  • Castel D'Ario
  • Commessage - It was part of the principality of Sabbioneta; its tower housed Vespasiano Gonzaga during his stays in the town. Characteristic is its ancient pontoon bridge over the canal that runs along the town.
  • Dosolo - The town and its hamlets have impressive churches, which one would not expect in such small towns.
  • Gazzuolo - The sixteenth-century Gonzaga arcades with their 120 meters in length can be considered the most extensive work among the numerous similar buildings commissioned by the Gonzagas, which constitute the main feature of their urban style. The town was the capital of a cadet lordship of the Mantuan family.
  • Marcaria - In the hamlet of Casatico Baldassarre Castiglione was born on 6 December 1478. Interesting Corte Castiglioni, built in the fifteenth century and remodeled in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries.
  • Marmirolo
  • Pomponesco - City of foundation, it owes its sixteenth-century urban structure to Giulio Cesare Gonzaga in which the scenographic porticoed square stands out, which connects with a staircase to the Po embankment, on which the archpriest church and the civic palace overlook on two sides; unfortunately only a few traces of the castle remain on the fourth side.
  • Rivarolo Mantovano - The arcaded Gonzaga square is the fulcrum of Rivarolo Mantovano which owes its physiognomy to Vespasiano Gonzaga, who here experienced the construction of the Ideal City then completed with the nearby Sabbioneta. Its urban layout, checkerboard, its city gates, the surrounding walls for the remaining part, the buildings, the views make it a timeless center.
  • SabbionetaUNESCO Fortress city also known as the little Athens, together with Mantua in 2008 it was declared by UNESCO World Heritage. It is included among the most beautiful villages in Italy.
  • San Martino dall'Argine - The Gonzaga Porticoes magnificently frame the Piazza Castello and part of the main street of the town, giving the center the characteristic physiognomy of the Gonzaga courts. It was the capital of a cadet branch of the Gonzagas who left their indelible urban imprint.
  • Viadana - Capital of the Viadanese, its vast historical center, of good interest, thrives on Po Valley and Gonzaga atmospheres. The ring road avenues mark the route of the ancient disappeared walls; the arcaded streets of the center distinguish the city with the Gonzaga urban style.
  • Villimpenta - The remains of the ancient Scaligero castle remind us of its belonging to the Lords of VeronaPurchased by the Gonzagas, it then linked its destiny to the Mantuan family and dukedom.

Other destinations

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svgThey are Lombard airports:

  • 3 Brescia Airport (D'Annunzio), Via Aeroporto 34, Montichiari (Connections with Brescia airport are guaranteed by public transport via the bus. The stop a Brescia city ​​is located at the bus station (number 23), while the airport is at the terminal front. There are also connections to the city of Verona via bus / shuttle line 1), 39 045 8095666, @.

The area is also affected by the airports of:

By car

The closest motorway exits are:

  • Parma toll booth and Terre di Canossa toll booth on the Autostrada del Sole
  • Mantova Nord and Mantova Sud toll booths of the A22 Autostrada del Brennero

On the train

By bus

Most of the centers are connected with bus lines APAM to the respective provincial capitals, the major centers also have connections with the cities of Parma is Brescia.

How to get around

By bike

Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: Cycle tourism in Lombardy.

What see

Mantua profile

Universally known as the city of the Gonzagas, who made it one of the most beautiful cities of the Renaissance. Together with Sabbioneta is from 2008 World Heritage.

Olympic Theater

It is a walled city, with well-preserved walls, with an irregular starry plan commissioned by Vespasiano Gonzaga, who wanted to create the "ideal city" in this strip of Po land. The city is World Heritage Site since 2008, together with Mantua.

Commessaggio (Mn) - Torrione Gonzaghesco 02.JPG

The Torrazzo Gonzaghesco characterizes the panorama of Commessaggio, with its 28 meters of height.

The Municipal Palace. It is the ancient palace built by Vespasiano Gonzaga starting from 1583.


Gonzagheschi arcades with their 120 meters in length they can be considered the most extensive work among the numerous buildings commissioned by the Gonzagas.

L'Oratory of San Rocco it is in the Baroque style.

L'Oratory of San Pietro in Belforte.

Santa Felicita

Giulio Cesare Gonzaga made it the seat of his court in the sixteenth century for about twenty years.

Entrance door

Finzi Square, called a time Piazza Grande

Palazzo Pretorio

Clock tower

Penci Palace


Church of the Friars

The Gonzaga arcades

The Church of Santi Fabiano and Sebastiano (or of the Friars)



Sanctuary of Grace

Vigoreto (Sabbioneta) - Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie 01.JPG


Archaeological areas


What to do

At the table

Sbrisolona cake
  • Mantuan cuisine
  • Pumpkin tortelli
  • Tortelli with herb
  • Donkey stew with polenta
  • Frogs in omelette
  • Fried catfish
  • Fried river fish
  • Boiled
  • Roasts
  • Sausages
  • Grana Padano
  • Sbrisolona cake


  • Lambrusco


  • Command of the Carabinieri Company in Viadana, Via Circonvallazione Fosse 17 - tel. 39 0375 820400

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