Alto Mantovano - Alto Mantovano

Alto Mantovano
Castel Goffredo - Piazza Mazzini

Alto Mantovano is a sub-region belonging to the Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

Alto Mantovano is an area of Lombard Po Valley, located northwest of the city of Mantua. It borders the provinces of Brescia to the west and of Verona East.


The history of the Alto Mantovano starts from the Neolithic period, with the oldest sure evidence of human presence in the area. In fact, if during the Paleolithic and Mesolithic periods these lands were sporadically frequented by some nomadic hunter, it is during the VI-V millennium BC. that a permanent presence is consolidated with some stable settlements of farmers and breeders. On these substrates then, during the III and II millennium BC, the metallurgical cultures of the Copper Age and the Bronze Age developed. In Roman times, the area of ​​Altomantovana was probably divided between the agri di Brixia, Mantua is Verona.

Francisco Goya, San Luigi Gonzaga, Zaragoza Provincial Museum (1781)

In 568-569 the Lombards, after the invasion of the Goths - who perhaps left their mark in the name of the town of Goito - entered Italy and quickly subdued most of the northern regions (Langobardia Maior); the duchies of Brescia and Verona, within which the Alto Mantovano was probably divided, were among the first Longobard duchies to be established, following the conquest. From the Late Middle Ages the Upper Mantua assumed even greater strategic importance, becoming the object of the struggles between the Scaligeri families of Verona - who had the castles of Monzambano, Castellaro Lagusello is Bridges over the Mincio -, of the Gonzaga of Mantua and of the Visconti of Milan is Brescia: between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries a strong instability in the area is attested, with various concessions aimed at obtaining loyalty and spontaneous or non-spontaneous dedications by individual communities to this or that power. The two superpowers Venice and Milan, with the Visconti who extended their control over the course of the fourteenth century above all to the western portion of the area, fought for a long time, during the fourteenth-fifteenth centuries, the Brescia area and therefore the Alto Mantovano. It is therefore easy to understand how above all from the Middle Ages onwards the Alto Mantovano has always been a "border place", where many battles and skirmishes took place between the Papacy and the Empire during the struggle for investitures. In the seventeenth century, in the years 1628 - 1630, the Alto Mantovano was repeatedly crossed and upset by movements of troops during the war of succession for the Duchy of Mantua, with Venice intervening, trying to control the situation in the Upper Mantuan, siding with the French in defense of the rights of the Gonzaga-Nevers, against the imperials. The countries of the area suffered further devastation during the War of the Spanish Succession, in the years 1701-1708, with the French and imperial armies alternating several times in the passage and control over the area. The 19th century is a very complex period. First of all, from a military point of view, even after the fall of the Gonzaga and Venice states, other important and even more famous battles took place in the lands of Alto Mantovano, including the Battle of Castiglione (1796), in which Napoleon Bonaparte was the protagonist, and those, decisive for the fate of Risorgimento Italy, of Goito of 1848, and above all of Solferino is Saint martin of 1859. The idea of ​​the Red Cross, the largest international humanitarian organization, was born in the lands of the Alto Mantovano as a result of this battle.

Spoken languages

In addition to the Italian language, the upper Mantuan dialect is widespread, which belongs to the group of Eastern Lombard dialects and differs from the Mantuan dialect of Mantua.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

From the official classification of the Province of Mantua, Alto Mantovano groups the following municipalities:

  • Acquanegra sul Chiese - The church of San Tommaso Apostolo, a Romanesque monastic building, has undergone important renovations over time, which however have not completely hidden the ancient structure. The majestic basilica interior retains many traces of important fresco cycles. The external walls retain interventions by opus spicatum.
  • Buttonhole - The imposing cathedral of Sant'Andrea, the Town Hall and the Venetian Loggia distinguish its historic center with a Venetian flavor, a legacy of the 350 years of belonging to the Serenissima, to which the city gave itself in 1440.
  • Canneto sull'Oglio - Known for the production of dolls as well as for the activity of large-leaved plant nurseries, the town retains a good urban layout with a Gonzaga style; a high passing tower leads into the historic center.
  • Casalmoro - The sanctuary of the Madonna del Dosso and the Torre Mangeri are its reasons of interest.
  • Casaloldo - It was a fief of the Casalodi, whose castle it still retains. It then belonged for a long time to the Serenissima together with Buttonhole.
  • Casalromano - The sanctuary of Malongola, in its Fontanella Grazioli hamlet, dates back to the 13th century and preserves important frescoes.
  • Castel Goffredo - The industrialized “city of the sock” of modern times has a past as a Gonzaga capital, which has endowed it with an important historical center; the squares, the arcades, the churches, the palaces permeate it with the unmistakable atmosphere that characterizes the urban planning of the Gonzagas.
  • Castiglione delle Stiviere - City of the Red Cross and of San Luigi Gonzaga, protagonist in the wars of the Risorgimento, it was a Gonzaga center; retains a beautiful historic core that expands on the morainic hills south of Lake Garda. After the war it experienced a strong economic expansion, which favored an important demographic growth, making it the reference center of the Alto Mantovano area.
  • Cavriana - His Pieve stands isolated on a hill and is one of the most important and best preserved Romanesque churches of the ancient Duchy of Mantua. With a single nave, entirely in terracotta and with a wooden truss roof, the temple was built in the 11th century.
  • Ceresara - Its name recalls cherries; its civic tower recalls the ancient castle, of which it was the entrance door, destroyed by the Bonacolsi.
  • Gazoldo degli Ippoliti - It was the capital of the imperial fiefdom granted to the Hippolytes and therefore was not part of the Gonsagheschi domains; the Ippoliti palace passes on the memory of the family.
  • Goito - Its name is remembered for the battle that took place there during the first war of independence, remembered by Bridge of Glory. Preserves Gonzaga villas.
  • Guide it - The Oratory of San Lorenzo martire stands in an isolated and suggestive place, surrounded by a grove. Presumably founded at the end of the fifteenth century, it preserves a cycle of frescoes by unknown authors and from different eras dedicated to the saints and the Madonna.
  • Mariana Mantovana - The quadrangular bell tower and the gate tower are the remains of the Gonzaga castle, which welcome us upon arrival in Mariana providing a nice glance. In the nearby countryside, the Oratory of Campi Bonelli, in an isolated rural position, is one of the best preserved churches of the Mantuan Middle Ages.
  • Medole - Important center known for the Convent of the Annunciata with medieval and Renaissance remains.
  • Monzambano - Located on the morainic hills of Garda, was Veronese and then Venetian. Its 11th century castle and that of its hamlet Castellaro Lagusello of the XIII century recall the strategic importance of these border lands between Verona, Venice, Mantua.
  • Bridges over the Mincio - At the foot of the Scaligero castle, the town remembers its belonging to the Veronese first and then to Venice. It was Napoleon who made it Lombard, in consideration of its strategic position.
  • Redundant - The beautiful entrance tower of the fifteenth-century castle remains. In the nearby countryside, suggestive and in an isolated position on the banks of the Tartaro river, the hermitage of San Pietro has come from its distant origins located around the year 1000.
  • Solferino - The famous battle of the Risorgimento of 24 June 1859, which saw the Austrians defeated, handed down the name of the town to history, like the nearby center of Saint martin. The Risorgimento Museum recalls the epic of those years, together with the Ossuary, which houses the bones of 7,000 fallen from that carnage. The town also preserves a fortress and a Gonzaga castle.
  • Volta Mantovana - The castle, an ancient stronghold dating back to the 11th century, preserves the original urban plan, as well as some buildings and defensive works, including the two towers. Built around the 11th century, perhaps at the behest of Matilda di Canossa, it included an external wall and one placed inside, to defend the keep. The Gonzaga-Guerrieri palace recalls its long belonging to the Mantuan dukedom.

Other destinations

Calvatone, Le Bine Nature Reserve

How to get

By plane

By car

Asola station

On the train

By bus

How to get around

By car

  • state road 236 Goitese, which starts from Mantua and passes through Goito and Castiglione delle Stiviere to Brescia;
  • state road 343 Asolana that connects Parma to Castiglione delle Stiviere;
  • state road 567 del Benaco which connects Desenzano del Garda to Castiglione delle Stiviere and the A4 motorway.

A certain importance for the economy of the area is also covered by some provincial roads:

  • provincial road 8, which connects Casaloldo to Pozzolengo, and is also called Strada della Calza as it crosses the textile industrial district which has Castel Goffredo at its center;
  • provincial road 1 Mantova-Asola, which in addition to connecting with the provincial capital also allows you to quickly reach the road to Cremona from Asola and Casalromano.

Above all historical importance is the so-called Via Postumia, so called because it follows the route of an important and strategic Roman communication route, which connected Genoa to Aquileia; it passed to the southern limits of the upper Mantua area, in an almost straight stretch, still existing, which crosses or skims the localities of Goito, Gazoldo, Redondesco and Mosio, and which connected Verona with Cremona.

Castel Goffredo cycle path

By bike

What see

Asola Cathedral of S. Andrea.jpg
Cathedral of S. Andrea, Piazza XX Settembre.
Castel Goffredo
Castel Goffredo-Piazza Mazzini5.jpg
Gonzaga-Acerbi Palace and civic tower, Mazzini square.
Castiglione delle Stiviere
Castiglione delle Stiviere - Basilica of S. Luigi.jpg
Basilica of S. Luigi, Piazza San Luigi.
Cavriana-Sanctuary Madonna della Pieve.jpg
Sanctuary of the Madonna della Pieve, Via della Pieve.
Medole - Convent of the Annunciata.jpg
Convent of the Annunciata, Via Annunciata.
Redondesco il castello.jpg
Castle, Piazza Castello.

Events and parties

TO Castel Goffredo

What to do


  • In the numerous hosiery factories in the area with a factory shop, it is possible to buy women's socks and tights, men's socks, women's underwear and swimwear at factory prices.
  • Butter and cheese in dairies.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Capunsei Mantua

There Alto Mantovano cuisine is the result of the union between theMantuan culinary art and the traditions of the moraine hilly area, where cured meats, stuffed pasta, meats and desserts find the perfect complicity of the fragrant and crystalline wines of the moraine hills, so much so that agri-food is undoubtedly a strong point of the economy high-valance. Pumpkin tortelli, agnolini, always hand made with beef filling, tagliatelle with various ragùs, represent a series of first courses with a great impact on the taste due to their flavor, sometimes delicate, sometimes decisive. Pillar of the table, however, is the pig, of which nothing is thrown away; it supplies the meat for the production of highly characterized sausage products: high quality Mantuan salami, with or without garlic, salami, pancetta, cotechino and Mantuan raw ham are the spearheads of local pork processing.

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Keep informed


  • Mantua - Capital of the Gonzagas, it still exudes its subtle charm of a great city of art for which it appoints it a UNESCO World Heritage Site it was not so much an acknowledgment as a necessary acknowledgment. Its ancient atmospheres are incomparable, the profiles of the palaces and domes that stand out in the Po Valley mist enveloped by the mirror of its lakes, its endless Gonzaga palace that incorporates numerous buildings in the city center.
  • Lake Garda - It is one of the great Lombard lakes; the eastern shore is Venetian, the tip to the north it is thirty. A destination for climatic tourism since the nineteenth century, every coastal town lives and develops with tourism. Main destinations are Sirmione, Desenzano del Garda, Salò, Riva del Garda, Garda, Peschiera del Garda.
  • Desenzano del Garda - The most populous city of the whole lake (Lombardy, Veneto and Trentino) has received a great boost from tourism, focusing above all on young people who find numerous pubs, discos and sports centers there. Well developed is its tourist port, which receives the embrace of the historic center strongly characterized by the imprint given to it by the long dominion of the Republic of Venice.
  • Sirmione - The Grottoes of Catullus - remains of an immense Roman villa in a panoramic position on the tip of its promontory -, the majestic and elegant Scaliger Castle which fortifies the town's marina and the thermal baths make it one of the most popular destinations around the lake.
  • Le Bine Nature Reserve
  • Castellaro Lagusello Nature Reserve


Morainic hills of Lake Garda

Related items

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Alto Mantovano
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Alto Mantovano
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