Castiglione delle Stiviere - Castiglione delle Stiviere

Castiglione delle Stiviere
Castiglione delle Stiviere (panorama) .jpg
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Castiglione delle Stiviere
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Castiglione delle Stiviere is a city of Lombardy, located inAlto Mantovano.

To know

Important industrial center of the Alto Mantovano area. It is home to St. Luigi Gonzaga, world patron of youth, and of Red Cross, born here after the bloody Battle of Solferino of June 24, 1859.

Geographical notes

The territory of Castiglione delle Stiviere belongs to the sub-hilly area located at the foot of the hills that delimit the Lake Garda towards the Po Valley. The official altitude of Castiglione delle Stiviere, corresponding to the point on which the Palazzo Comunale stands, is 116 meters above sea level. The municipality borders to the north with Lonato del Garda, to the east with Solferino is Medole and to the south with Castel Goffredo, west with Montichiari, Calcined is Carpenedolo. The town is 39.4 km from Mantua (with straight path to the southeast), 35.7 km from Brescia and 129 km from Milan.

When to go

Maximum (° C)481317222629282418105
Minimum (° C)-3-137111518171493-2
Precipitation (mm)605464699275738562847454

Source: Eurometeo

Castiglione delle Stiviere enjoys a typical temperate continental climate of the high Po Valley and mid-latitudes. As in the rest of the surrounding plain, winters are moderately rigid, with little rain and foggy days; summers are hot and sultry in the months of July and August, with temperatures that can rise above 35º and with stormy rainfall; springs and autumns are generally rainy. In spring and autumn, the climate is milder and more humid.


St. Luigi Gonzaga

By Castiglione delle Stiviere (Castilione them Stivere or Castilio de Stiveriis in Latin) the origins are unknown. Due to its geographical position it was a highly disputed area in the period of the Lordships, between Gonzaga, Visconti and Scaligeri, until in 1559 it began with the Marquis Ferrante Gonzaga its autonomous history as a fiefdom. The birth of Luigi Gonzaga (1568) the same one who will be proclaimed a saint in 1726, and today venerated in the world as "the saint of youth". The city itself was the site of two episodes of the War of the Spanish Succession, respectively in 1702 and 1706, during the battle of Castiglione in which the vast fortified castle was destroyed by the French troops of generals Louis Joseph of Bourbon-Vendôme and Médan under the command of the King of France Louis XIV, lined up against the Austrian Imperials. Due to the pro-French policy of its lords, accused of felony against the empire, the principality was occupied by the imperial troops in 1691 and in fact subjected to the authority of the emperor of Austria following kidnapping in 1708 (the citizens of Indeed, in that year Castiglione swore absolute loyalty to the Emperor Joseph I of Habsburg). In 1773 the Duke Luigi III Gonzaga, pretender of the state, renounced any sovereign right in favor of Austria definitively also over the Duchy of Solferino and the lordship of Medole: Castiglione therefore acquired the title of "principality" in the Habsburg and Austrian Empire of Maria Theresa and Joseph II. On August 5, 1796, the battle of Castiglione took place during Napoleon's first campaign in Italy against the Austrians. From the Restoration (1815), Austrian rule lasted until the famous battle of Solferino and San Martino (1859) was fought nearby during the Second Italian War of Independence, which marked a fundamental stage in the history of the Risorgimento, and inspired the young man Henry Dunant to the creation of one of the most important humanitarian associations: the International Red Cross, an idea that took shape in 1864 in Geneva. At the end of the Second Italian War of Independence, Castiglione became part of the province of Brescia, becoming the capital of the district of Castiglione delle Stiviere. In 1866, with the Third Italian War of Independence, what remained of the Lombard-Veneto Kingdom was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy, including the province of Mantua in the territory reduced in 1859. In 1868 the district of Castiglione delle Stiviere was dismembered, assigning most of the territory to the province of Mantua, which thus returned to its historical borders.

Panorama from the castle

How to orient yourself

The beating heart of the city and the starting point for visiting its monuments can be Piazza San Luigi, overlooked by the basilica of San Luigi. The points of interest in the city center can all be easily reached on foot.

How to get

Alley in the historic center

By car

On the train

  • 4 Desenzano del Garda railway station, Einaudi square. Served by Frecciabianca for Milano Centrale, Torino Porta Susa, Trieste Centrale and Venezia Santa Lucia; from Frecciarossa to Brescia and Roma Termini and from regional to Milano Centrale and Verona Porta Nuova.

By bus

Service performed by APAM.

How to get around

By public transport

Service performed by APAM.

By taxi

What see

In the city

Castiglione delle Stiviere - Basilica of S. Luigi.jpg
  • Main attraction1 Sanctuary Basilica of San Luigi, Piazza San Luigi, 39 0376 638139, @. Built in 1608 at the behest of the Marquis Francesco Gonzaga, third Marquis of Castiglione and brother of the future saint. The interior has a single nave according to the spirit of the decrees of the Council of Trent, so that the attention of the faithful was concentrated on the altar and the celebrant. Among the works of art kept in the basilica, it is worth mentioning the fresco representing the glory of St. Louis by the Veronese painter Giorgio Anselmi, from 1740 and, in a chapel on the left, is an altarpiece from 1650, The pity, the work of Guercino. The bodies of the venerable Cinzia, Olimpia and Gridonia Gonzaga, nephews of St. Louis and founders of the order of the Virgins of Jesus, are exhibited in a side chapel on the right. skull of the saint. above which there is the eighteenth-century altarpiece by the Veronese painter Antonio Balestra. which depicts St. Louis praying before the Virgin. In 1991 Pope John Paul II prayed in the basilica on the occasion of his pastoral visit.

Castiglione delle Stiviere-Duomo.jpg
  • 2 Duomo, Piazzale Duomo, 39 0376 638037, @. The current building was built in 1761 in neoclassical style on a hill and on the ruins of a 16th century church; Luigi Gonzaga, the future saint, was baptized in the pre-existing church on 20 April 1568 and in 1580 he received his first communion from the hands of Cardinal Carlo Borromeo. For the eighteenth-century reconstruction, material from the demolition of the castle of Castiglione was also used. During the battle of Solferino and San Martino on June 24, 1859, the church was used as a hospital for the care of the numerous wounded. There was one of the first to provide relief Henry Dunant, which led to the idea of ​​founding the International Red Cross. In front of the main altar is the tombstone of Marta Tana, mother of St. Louis. Next to the cathedral stands the small Church of the Disciplini, founded by Aloisio Gonzaga, grandfather of the Saint, in the first half of the sixteenth century and dear to the history of the Gonzagas of Castiglione.

Castiglione delle Stiviere-Virgin of Jesus College.jpg
  • 3 College of the Noble Virgins of Jesus and Aloisian Historical Museum, Via Perati, 8, 39 0376 638062, fax: 39 0376 671226, @. Ecb copyright.svg5,00 €. Simple icon time.svgJune-October: Saturday and Sunday only with guided tours 10.00 - 12.00, 15.00 - 18.00, November-May: Saturday and Sunday only with guided tours 10.00 - 12.00, 14.00 - 17.00, from Tuesday to Friday by reservation only. It is located in the sixteenth-century palace of the Aliprandi, which since 1608 has housed the female congregation of the Virgins of Jesus. The museum houses a lot of religious material concerning the life of St. Luigi Gonzaga and a collection of paintings on the main members of his family, the Gonzaga of Castiglione.

Castiglione delle Stiviere castello.jpg
  • 4 Gonzaga castle and walls, Via San Carlo Borromeo, 39 0376 636288. It is a military structure probably built in the 9th century on a pre-existing one Roman castrum on the top of a hill overlooking the town. It was the residence of the Gonzaga Lords of Castiglione. With Ferrante Gonzaga, 1st Marquis of Castiglione, the castle became the seat of his court. Within these walls, on March 9, 1568, St. Louis was born. Francesco Gonzaga, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, provided for a modernization of his apartments. The building suffered irreparable damage in 1706 during the battle of Castiglione when the French armies, retreating, partially demolished the structure. The demolition was completed in 1763 with the use of the material for the construction of the Cathedral. Today the access tower of the castle has remained intact and inside the courtyard the basilica of San Sebastiano, built by Ferrante Gonzaga as a token of thanks for having escaped the plague. The structure is managed by the Parish of Castiglione delle Stiviere, which has made it the headquarters of the San Luigi al Castello Parish Center.

Castiglione delle Stiviere-International Red Cross Museum.jpg
  • 5 International Red Cross Museum, Via Garibaldi, 50, 39 0376 638505, @. Ecb copyright.svg5,00 €. Simple icon time.svg1st April-31st October: 9-12 / 15-18, 1st November-31st March: 9-12 / 14 -17, Closed: all non-holiday Mondays. It was the extraordinary relief work provided by the women of Castiglione to the wounded in the battles of Solferino and Medole that inspired Henry Dunant from Geneva to design the Red Cross. The defeat of the Austrians by the Franco-Sardinian army and the start of the process that would lead to the unification of Italy were paid with 40,000 wounded, many of whom were transported to Castiglione from the evening of 24 June 1859. Here the priest Don Lorenzo Barziza coordinated the relief works, transforming churches, monuments and private homes into temporary hospitals. Twelve were set up in the city, of which the main one in the Cathedral. Henry Dunant, a guest in the building of the Bondoni Pastorio family, concretized the principle of equality of war wounded and neutrality of rescuers, conceiving the Red Cross, whose convention was signed in Geneva on 22 August 1864 by representatives of 12 governments.

Inside the museum are preserved objects and documents that commemorate the birth and development of the International Red Cross. The collection consists of means of transport used by the Red Cross, such as litters, stretchers and ambulances, as well as various objects used in first aid, such as surgical instruments and material for dressings. The collections are completed by an important archive of films and photographs. Among the valuable pieces preserved in the museum is the original text written by Henry Dunant in 1862 for the book A memory of Solferino.

Out of town

Castiglione delle Stiviere-Convent of Santa Maria.jpg
  • 6 Convent of Santa Maria, Via Santa Maria della Costa, Location Santa Maria - Castiglione delle Stiviere, 39 0376 638062, fax: 39 0376 671226, @. Located in the heart of the hills around Castiglione delle Stiviere, in an area already inhabited in Roman times, it was founded by the hermit Father Girolamo Redini of Castel Goffredo, tutor of the Congregation of the Hermits of Santa Maria in Gonzaga and erected near the ruins of the Roman villa, of which significant finds remain. It was remodeled in the early sixteenth century by the Marquis Luigi Gonzaga, grandfather of San Luigi, who donated it to the Friars Minor of San Francesco, called "Zoccolanti", after the abandonment of the convent by the Hermits of Santa Maria. It became the favorite holiday resort of the Marquis Ferrante Gonzaga and his wife Marta Tana, who was initially buried here and in 1804 moved to the cathedral of Castiglione delle Stiviere. Within its walls in 1584 St. Luigi Gonzaga retired there in prayer, after repeated clashes with his father Ferrante for his intention to embrace the religious life. His cell was converted into a chapel in his honor. Deconsecrated in 1798, it suffered very heavy damage in the following years which led to the demolition of a part of the building and of the church. The only wing that survives today, and which is still visible, was used solely for the Gonzaga family. The property since 1846 belongs to the College of the Noble Virgins of Jesus. Convent of Santa Maria (Castiglione delle Stiviere) on Wikipedia convent of Santa Maria (Q3689612) on Wikidata
Castiglione delle Stiviere-Church of Santa Maria della Rosa.jpg
  • 7 Church of Santa Maria della Rosa (Ghisiola Church), Ghisiola locality. The church, set in a landscape that inspires meditation, stands in an isolated position in the hills of the city and is located in Ghisiola, a Mantuan dialect word corresponding to a small church. presbytery, dates back to around 1450. The completion took place in 1600, thanks to the lengthening of the nave which took place in 1520, the construction of the dome, the bell tower and two lateral bodies. There are many frescoes inside, found during the restoration that took place in the 1970s and 1980s, including a Madonna with child and a Crucifixion. Church of Santa Maria della Rosa (Castiglione delle Stiviere) on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria della Rosa (Q3673911) on Wikidata

Events and parties

  • Feast of San Luigi Gonzaga (in mid-June of each year), @. Celebrations in honor of the saint, a native of Castiglione, to remember his memory. Among the events, the Corsa del Palio, a challenge between the districts of the city.

What to do


  • 1 Weekly market (Saturday morning).

How to have fun

Social Theater


  • 1 Social Theater, Via Teatro, 1 (Theater season 2017-2018), 39 0376 679276. Ecb copyright.svgtickets can be purchased from 17.00 to 19.00 at the box office in the three days before the show and the same day from 17.00 to 19.00 and from 20.30 to 21.00. It was inaugurated in 1843.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

Average prices

High prices

Where stay

Average prices


  • 5 Carabinieri, Via Torquato Tasso, 1, 39 0376 861900.
  • 6 Fire fighters, Via Solferino 18, Castiglione delle Stiviere, 39 0376 672464.
  • 7 Municipal police, Via Battisti, 29G, 39 0376 679228.
  • 8 San Pellegrino Hospital, Via Garibaldi, Castiglione delle Stiviere, 39 0376 6351.

How to keep in touch

Post office

Keep informed

Newspapers and magazines


  • 15 Tele Mantova, Via Pietro Verri, 27 - Mantua (Channels 19-619-690), 39 0376 254311. Television of Mantua and its province.


Neighboring municipalities
MontichiariDesenzano del GardaSolferino
CarpenedoloRoseVents.svgGuide it
CasalmoroCastel GoffredoMedole
  • Monte Medolano is Monte Medolano Park - Small relief formed in the Pleistocene, due to its position it was the scene of numerous military events, including three important battles, in different eras, in which French and Austrian alignments were invariably measured, always with a French victory.
  • Lake Garda - It is one of the great Lombard lakes; the eastern shore is Venetian, the tip to the north it is thirty. A destination for climatic tourism since the nineteenth century, every coastal town lives and develops with tourism. Main destinations are Sirmione (Grottoes of Catullus), Desenzano del Garda, Salò, Riva del Garda, Garda, Peschiera del Garda.
  • Solferino - The famous battle of the Risorgimento on June 24, 1859, which saw the Austrians defeated, handed down the name of the town to history, like the nearby center of Saint martin. The Risorgimento Museum recalls the epic of those years, together with the Ossuary which houses the bones of 7,000 fallen from that carnage. The town also preserves a fortress and a Gonzaga castle.
  • San Martino della Battaglia- Contemporary to that of Solferino, the Risorgimento battle linked in the town's toponym saw the defeat of the Austrians during the second war of Independence. On the hill of the confrontation there is a commemorative tower; an ossuary holds thousands of remains of fallen soldiers from the opposing armies.
  • Castellaro Lagusello - Ancient fortified village from the 12th century, it stands on a hill overlooking a heart-shaped lake. It was long disputed by the lords of the time: Bonacolsi, Scaligeri, Visconti, Gonzaga and the Republic of Venice. Since 2011 the resort Tacoli Fund of its territory has become part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites within the supranational site named Ancient settlements in the Alps.
  • Castel Goffredo - The industrialized "city of the sock" of modern times has a past as a Gonzaga capital which has endowed it with an important historic center; the squares, the arcades, the churches, the palaces permeate it with the unmistakable atmosphere that characterizes the urban planning of the Gonzagas.


Morainic hills of Lake Garda

Useful information

Tourist information

Other projects

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