Monte Medolano - Monte Medolano

Monte Medolano
Napoleon on Monte Medolano
Mountain range

Monte Medolano is located in the Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

It is a small relief, in thepark with the same name, formed in the Pleistocene, during the 4th glaciation.


Commemorative plaque
Commemorative plaque

Due to its position it was the scene of numerous military events, including three important battles, in different eras, in which French and Austrian alignments were invariably measured, always with a French victory.

At the end of the first phase of the War of the Spanish Succession, on 8 September 1706, the battle of Medole, which saw the French troops led by Baron Médavy prevail over the Austrian troops of the Landgrave Frederick of Hesse-Kassel. In August 1796, it was the place where the young general Napoleon Bonaparte launched the attack on the Austrian positions of Field Marshal von Wurmser, reversing the fate of the Battle of Castiglione in his favor.

In the course of the great Battle of Solferino and San Martino, on June 24, 1859, the general staff of General Mac-Mahon was placed on Monte Medolano who on the hill agreed with Napoleon III and directed the attack from the south to the Austrian positions of Solferino. On the top of the mountain the French soldiers set up an improvised cenotaph, in honor of their fallen comrades, made up of a circle of tuie, also known as "trees of life", which still exists today. Some of these historical episodes are remembered by stone memorials placed at the foot of the hill and in the vicinity.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Castiglione delle Stiviere - City of the Red Cross and of San Luigi Gonzaga, protagonist in the wars of the Risorgimento, it was a Gonzaga center; retains a beautiful historic core that expands on the morainic hills south of Lake Garda. After the war it experienced a strong economic expansion that favored an important demographic growth, making it the reference center of theAlto Mantovano.
  • Medole - It was for a short time, from 1610, the capital of the homonymous marquisate. It still preserves the tower of the castle, one of the oldest in the province.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are:

On the train

The nearest stations are:

By car

  • State road 236 Mantua-Brescia
  • Provincial road Castiglione delle Stiviere-Medole

How to get around

What see

What to do


  • In the numerous hosiery factories equipped with a factory shop, it is possible to buy women's socks and tights, men's socks, women's underwear and swimwear at factory prices.

Where to eat

Refer to the facilities of Medole is Castiglione delle Stiviere.

Where stay

Refer to the facilities of Medole is Castiglione delle Stiviere.


How to keep in touch


  • Castel Goffredo - The industrialized "city of the sock" of modern times has a past as a Gonzaga capital which has endowed it with an important historical center; the squares, the arcades, the churches, the palaces permeate it with the unmistakable atmosphere that characterizes the urban planning of the Gonzagas.
  • Solferino - The famous battle of the Risorgimento of 24 June 1859, which saw the Austrians defeated, handed down the name of the town to history, like the nearby center of Saint martin. The Risorgimento Museum recalls the epic of those years, together with the Ossuary which houses the bones of 7,000 fallen from that carnage. The town also preserves a fortress and a Gonzaga castle.
  • Lake Garda - It is one of the great Lombard lakes; the eastern shore is Venetian, the tip to the north it is thirty. A destination for climatic tourism since the nineteenth century, every coastal town lives and develops with tourism. Main destinations are Sirmione (Grottoes of Catullus), Desenzano del Garda, Salò, Riva del Garda, Garda, Peschiera del Garda.


Morainic hills of Lake Garda
  • Places of the battle of Solferino and San Martino - The itinerary runs through the places where the historic battle of Solferino is Saint martin.
  • Morainic hills of Lake Garda - On the first corrugations of the Po plain that becomes a hill, where the great lake basin of the Lake Garda, the route touches towns and cities that were the domain of Gonzaga, Venice, Scaligero, and then became the scene of the bloody battles of the Risorgimento that were the prelude to the unification of Italy. To the tourist, historical and naturalistic importance the area combines an oenological interest as an area of ​​production of wines from the hills, tokai, merlot and claret.
  • In the lands of the Gonzaga - An itinerary through the centers, large and small, which were the capitals of the Gonzaga cadet branches: principalities, marquisates, duchies which, within the Mantuan state structure, enjoyed real independence, often minted coins and held refined courts that rivaled that of Mantua, embellished their urban centers by equipping them with elegant architecture - churches, squares, palaces, walls, towers - and characteristic urban views such as the typical Gonzaga arcades.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Monte Medolano
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