Chechnya 123456 789 - Czeczenia

Новый Беной (5) .jpg
Flag of the Chechen Republic.svg
Main information
Capital cityDangerous
Political systemfederal republic (part of Russia)
CurrencyRussian ruble
Surface15 680,4
Population1 191 203
TongueRussian, Chechen
religionSunni Islam, Orthodoxy
Time zone2 Russian time zone, Moscow time, UTC 3:00
Time zone2 Russian time zone, Moscow time, UTC 3:00

Chechnya - an autonomous republic, with its capital within a city Dangerous, included in the Of the Russian Federation.



It is situated in the north Caucasus, borders on Russian Dagestan on the east, Ingushetia in the west and Stavropol country in the north and with Georgia on the south.

The time in Chechnya is Moscow, UTC 3:00. Previously, before March 27, 2011, UTC 3:00 standard (winter) time was in force in the republic, and UTC 4:00 was daylight saving time.


The climate is warm and temperate in the north, dry (annual rainfall 300–450 mm), similar to neighboring Dagestan and Ingushetia.


During the collapse of the USSR, a group of Chechen leaders declared the republic's independence, which lasted from 1991 to 1994, despite the lack of official recognition by other states. In 1992, Chechnya (along with Tatarstan) refused to sign an association agreement with the Russian Federation. Russia did not acknowledge this refusal and in 1994 started a war to conquer Chechnya - the conflict in 1996 ended with the victory of the independence supporters. The second attempt to subjugate the republic was made by Russia in 1999, and after the entire territory had been taken over by federal troops, in 2002 the official end of the war was announced.

Both wars led to great devastation and completely ruined Chechnya. As of 2007: the republic is being rebuilt from the devastation of the war - it has been completely rebuilt Gudermes and Argunwhile the reconstruction of Grozny is underway.




Gudermes Railway Station

By car

Preferably by Ukraine to Rostov-on-Don (in Russia), then take the E50 road towards Makhachkala.

By plane

It is best to fly from the Russian Vnukovo Airport in Moscow or the Turkish Sabihaen Aiport in Istanbul. Russian lines are the only ones to offer regular connections to Grozny. Grozny Avia also offers connections to Istanbul, but it is very difficult to use them for citizens of countries other than Russia.

By ship

Chechnya is not situated by any sea, but you can take a boat to Sochiand then get e.g. by train to Grozny.


Grozny - the capital and the largest city of the Chechen Republic


The Republic of Chechnya consists of 3 cities of republican importance and 15 districts.

An administrative division


The administration center is given in parentheses:

  • Naurian region (Naurskaya)
  • Szełkowski district (Szełkowska)
  • nadtierieczny district (Nadtieriecznoye)
  • Grozny region (Staraja Sunża)
  • Gudermesk district (Gudermes)
  • Sunżeńsk region (Siernowodskaya)
  • Akkhoy-Martanovsky district (Achkhoy-Martan)
  • Urus-Martanowski district (Urus-Martan)
  • Szaliński region (Szali)
  • Kurczałojewski district (Kurczałoj)
  • Itum-Kalinski Region (Itum-Kali)
  • Shatojsky district (Shatoy)
  • Vienna district (Wiedienoj)
  • Knife-Yurt district (Nożaj-Yurt)
  • Shari'a District (Sharoj)

Cities of republican importance

  • Dangerous
  • Argun
  • Gudermes

Interesting places

The "Erzi" reserve in the Caucasus
  • Shala Mosque (the largest in Europe)
  • Lake and amusement park in Kiezienoj-Am
  • Mountain road from Wedeno to Botlich
  • Defensive tower and the ruins of the Hoj settlement
  • National Nature Reserve "Bedeński" ("Беденский")
  • Mosque and reservoir in Cocin-Yurt
  • Phakoch Castle
  • Hulhulau River and Treasury-Am Lake
The gorge of the Argun River in Yarysh-Mardy
  • Kadyrov Mosque and Museum in Kurczałoj


The easiest way to travel in Chechnya is by minibuses ("marshrutkas"), which reach the most distant places. You can also hire long-distance taxis that run on gas and are cheaper than the normal ones circulating around the city - usually they have a special stop somewhere in the city.

Travel between larger cities is best done by train or car (own, rented or hitchhiking). The average train ticket is not expensive, e.g. from Grozny to Gudermes (approx. 38 km), a normal ticket costs 640 Russian rubles, which is less than 39 PLN.




Chechen cuisine is based mainly on flour and meat dishes, cheese is also popular. These dishes have their origins in the mountains, where, due to the climate, it was more difficult to find home-made vegetables and fruits. However, migrations and resettlement to the lowlands meant that the Chechens also included vegetables in their "mountain" menu. During the times of the USSR, salads such as shuba salad (salad with herring, beetroot and carrot) or Moscow salad (similar to our vegetable salad, but without carrots, often with ham) became popular throughout the empire. The most popular Chechen dishes include: siskał czurek (pancakes made of corn flour), żiżig-czorpa (meat with tomatoes and potatoes), czepałgasz (pancakes). One of the most important dishes of Chechen cuisine is żiżik galksh - dumplings cooked in a meat broth with meat and garlic glaze. This dish in various varieties is prepared both on a daily basis and on holidays.


Chechnya, as it is not a region focused on tourists, does not have a large accommodation infrastructure. Most hotels can be found in Grozny and its vicinity. In turn, there are only 2 of them with a high standard. They are:

  • Resort Siernowodsk Caucasian (Курорт "Серноводск - Кавказский"), - 4, 366701 Sernovodsk
  • Holiday Park Kiezienoj-Am (Отель Парк Кезеной-Ам) - Корпус 3 с. Хой 336334 Mazkoy


Currently, the situation in the region is fairly well regulated, despite the ongoing conflict with Russia. Although there are constant tensions between the inhabitants, as tourists we can feel safe, among others in connection with the Kremlin's partial withdrawal in some Chechnya cases.


Before leaving, you should check whether there is any plague in the region, and whether vaccinations will be compulsory.

There are several hospitals in Chechnya, most of them in large cities. Practically each of them also has clinics and pharmacies.


This website uses content from the website: Chechnya published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0