Tunisian central coast - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Côte centrale tunisienne — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Tunisian central coast
34 ° 12 ′ 0 ″ N 9 ° 54 ′ 0 ″ E

The Tunisian central coast is a region in the Center-East of Tunisia. It stretches from the middle of the east coast to the border with the Libya.



  • 1 Gabes  – Large city on the east coast, it is a railway and road junction, especially for buses.
  • 2 Sfax  – Historic town with an ancient kasbah and access point to Kerkennah Islands.

Other destinations

  • 1 Matmata  – Desert village with troglodyte dwellings, which served as the backdrop for the film Star wars by George Lucas for the scenes taking place on the planet Tatooine.


The Tunisian Central Coast has several seaside resorts, among which:

Scuba diving

You can go scuba diving between Zarzis and the island of Djerba.


  • 1 Midoun


The Tunisian Central Coast is especially popular for its beaches on the island of Djerba, but the hinterland, especially in the vicinity of Matamata and Medenine, is much more typical and interesting.


French is understood and spoken everywhere on the coast. On the other hand, in the hinterland, its mastery is much less frequent and Arabic is the language of communication.

To go

By car, access, from Tunis, is carried out by the A1 motorway which is in good condition, although it is heavily used.


For the traveler who will be content to visit the coastal tourist towns, public transport (train for long distances, taxi for short journeys) is quite suitable. Those who wish to discover the hinterland will have every interest in having a personal vehicle.



Have a drink / Go out



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