Medenine - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Médenine — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

The market.
The market.
Postal code
33 ° 20 ′ 48 ″ N 10 ° 29 ′ 41 ″ E

Medenine is a city of Tunisian central coast, in Tunisia.


To go

Of Gabes, by the avenue Aboulkacem Ecchebbi, join the road RN 1, which one takes, towards the south (on the left), until Médenine.


To see

  • The desert mountains, between Toujane and Medenine, are crisscrossed with tracks leading to oases. A few rare palm trees add a touch of green to a uniformly ocher landscape. In places, small farms, with buildings painted white, cultivate some olive groves.
  • The beginning of the desert Sahara, in the direction of Ghomrassen. From the reddish and stony ground emerge a few mesas. The few water points are marked by bushes and a handful of palm trees.


To buy


During Ramadan, it is impossible to find a restaurant open during the day.

Have a drink / Go out




  • Ejjfara  – Oasis in the mountains of Matmata.
  • Ghomrassen  – Cave dwellings.
  • Matmata  – Cave dwellings.
  • Gabes  – Beaches and communication node.
  • Tataouine  – South road node.
  • Toujane  – Ksar and picturesque village.
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Complete list of other articles in the region: Tunisian central coast